



The third brother (Lin Zhengying), a villain in the police circle, swept up nearly 100 million yuan worth of jewelry and fled to Japan. Although two detectives, Jigucao (Jackie Chan) and Dujiao Jin (Yuan Biao), followed him, the third brother was still saved by Matsumoto, the leader of the Japanese underworld, and Jigucao was also in crisis
The Hong Kong police were reluctant to use local police force due to the public image restrictions. Constable Cao (Cao Dahua) finds the criminal partridge (Hong Jinbao) who is serving his sentence and hopes to extradite his third brother back to Hong Kong with his help. The partridge then assembled the friends of the orphanage, American Ginseng (decorated by Qin Xianglin), rhinoceros skin (decorated by Feng Cuifan), Dashidi (decorated by Wu Yaohan) and Luohanguo (decorated by Zeng Zhiwei). Under the coercion and inducement of Chief Constable Cao, five jokes and female police detective Bawanghua set off on the journey to Japan

  警界败类三哥(林正英 饰)席卷价值近一亿元的珠宝逃往日本,虽有鸡骨草(成龙 饰)和独角金(元彪 饰)两位干探跟踪追捕,但三哥仍为日本黑社会头目松本所救,鸡骨草二人也陷入危机  迫于公众形象限制,香

Partridge (Hong Jinbao), rhinoceros skin (Feng Cuifan), Dashandi (Wu Yaohan), Luohanguo (Zeng Zhiwei), American Ginseng (Qin Xianglin), Dali Pill (Cheng Long), Barbara (Hu Huizhong) and Weiqi (Yuan Biao) and other police brothers went on a fake tour together. Unexpectedly, they were told by their superiors to go back to Hong Kong immediately after they arrived at the destination, Mr. Feng, a wealthy businessman in Hong Kong, was killed by a killer. His daughter Miss Feng (Guan Zhilin) and Mr. Liu, a friend of Mr. Feng, are in danger at any time. So, in order to protect the two, Dali Maru and his assistant protect Mr. Liu closely; While the beautiful young Miss Feng lived in Barbara's house and was protected by rhinoceros skin and others. Everyone wanted to have a relationship with the beautiful and open Miss Feng; Vicki and Barbara live in the Feng family to seduce the killer. In summer, a series of funny and dangerous scenes were staged

  鹧鸪菜(洪金宝 饰)、犀牛皮(冯淬帆 饰)、大山地(吴耀汉 饰)、罗汉果(曾志伟)、花旗参(秦祥林 饰)、大力丸(成龙 饰)、巴巴拉(胡慧中 饰)和维奇(元彪 饰)等警察兄弟一起放大假出外旅游,岂

Lei Tian, the gambling king, was defeated in the gambling contest because his opponent, Shangguan Feihua (Gong Xuehua),"Gambling Flower", was outnumbered. Lei Tian committed suicide. Lei Tian's friend in the police force, Uncle Hua, both publicly and privately, has reasons to punish Shangguan Feihua, so he asks rhinoceros skin (Feng Cuifan) to summon several other lucky stars, Luo Hanguo (Zeng Zhiwei), Dashandi (Wu Yaohan) and Huaqi Ginseng (Miao Qiaowei), to participate in special training on gambling, hoping to defeat Shangguan Feihua. Lei Huilin (Feng Xiuyan), the daughter of Lei Tian, and her double are also trained together. Partridge (Hong Jinbao) cannot participate in the training to entrust Shaolin monk Qingbu Liang to replace her because of injury. All lucky stars have made rapid progress under the guidance of the gambling teacher (Zheng Peipei) and Qianwang (Chen Baixiang). Uncle Hua saw that the time had come. He sent Xianxianfixing and Lei Huilin to work together to steal Shangguan Feihua's property, and he wanted Shangguan Feihua to lose his reputation through the new gambling contest

  赌王雷天在赌术大赛中因对手“赌花”上官飞花(宫雪花 饰)出千而失利,心有不甘的雷天自杀身亡。雷天在警队中的好友华叔于公于私都有惩治上官飞花的理由,于是请犀牛皮(冯淬帆 饰)召集其他几位福星罗汉果(

Five strangers in the prison have become good brothers - Wufuxing. Teapot (Hong Jinbao), Death Throat (Wu Yaohan), Curly Mao Ji (Cen Jianxun), Vaseline (Qin Xianglin) and Lu Qi (Feng Cuifan) are all wronged because thieves touch or run away from the dragon. They are determined to be a new man after getting out of prison and earn money openly. The five people were released from prison on the same day. After they were released from prison, they formed a joint stock cleaning company to help clean the company or home. In a panic, they hid the electronic version in the cleaning box of the Wufuxing cleaning car. The five lucky stars who knew nothing were involved in the Jianghu for no reason: on the one hand, the police suspected that they were gangsters and wanted them everywhere; On the other hand, the gangsters are also chasing them, trying to kill people to get back the teleprint. How does Wufuxing use their ingenious plan to escape from the dilemma

  狱中5个素不相识的人成了好兄弟——五福星。茶壶(洪金宝 饰)、死气喉(吴耀汉 饰)、卷毛积(岑建勋 饰)、凡士林(秦祥林 饰)和鲁奇(冯淬帆 饰)五人皆因小偷小摸或跑龙套成了冤大头,他们决心出狱后

Police Constable Cao (Cao Dahua), in order to make the old gang leader Dai Geda (Lu Haipeng) a police taint witness and testify against the crime of the gang leader Wu Erqi (Wang Qing), designs four private detectives who are known as lucky stars to do undercover work, including forced rhinoceros cowhide (Feng Jianfan), Dashengdi (Wu Yaohan), Huata cake (Miao Qiaowei) and Luo Hanguo (Zeng Zhiwei), Cao also sends his daughter's senior assistant, Banan a (Carina Lau), to enlist as a maid to protect them secretly. Sifu Xing saved Dai Geda from prison and went to find his daughter Mina. It was just when Wu Er Qi was about to rape her. They saved her. Dai Geda thanked Sifu Xing and agreed to be a tainted witness to prove the evil of Wu Er Qi, but he did everything he could to get rid of it. Constable Cao arranges Banana to be killed by Wu, which inspires Sifu Xing to avenge her. At the end of the film, Sifuxing and the police arrested Wu Erqi and wiped out all the bandits he led

  曹警司(曹达华 饰)为了使过气黑帮头子戴哥大(卢海鹏 饰)做警方污点证人,指证黑帮头子巫二器(王青 饰)的罪行,设计逼犀牛皮(冯淬帆 饰)、大生地(吴耀汉 饰)、花塔饼(苗乔伟饰)、罗汉果(曾志伟

The five friends, Partridge (Hong Jinbao), American Ginseng (Qin Xianglin), Rhinoceros Skin (Feng Cuifan), Dashidi (Wu Yaohan) and Luohanguo (Zeng Zhiwei), are bored recently. They each boast about going out to the ditch and get nothing. When bored to the extreme, Wufuxing made an appointment to travel to outlying islands. There was trouble all the way, but several people enjoyed it. When several people were playing for fun at night, they heard strange sounds coming from the nobody's mansion next door. Dashidi and partridge ventured there, only to find a man and a woman with two ghosts. The next day, people call the police to Bawanghua (Hu Huizhong). Although Hu doesn't believe the statement of Wufuxing, he sends four beautiful policewomen, including Liang Laidi, to investigate. They originally planned to play tricks on four policewomen in the haunted house, but Liang was brutally killed by a male ghost (Chen Baixiang), who lost his beloved lover and was trapped by a greedy female ghost after his death. Five friends are determined to help him fulfill his wish

  鹧鸪菜(洪金宝 饰)、花旗参(秦祥林 饰)、犀牛皮(冯淬帆 饰)、大生地(吴耀汉 饰)和罗汉果(曾志伟 饰)这五个好友近来倍感无聊,他们各自吹牛外出沟女,结果一无所获。无聊至极之时,五福星相约前往

Archaeologists accidentally learned about the treasure buried with Empress Dowager Cixi. In order to prevent it from falling into the hands of thieves who sell cultural relics, the archaeologists decided to order their disciples and two other people with unique skills to form a five person treasure hunting team to secretly find the whereabouts of the treasure. The five men, with a mission, walked around the streets and alleys to investigate the secret of the treasure according to the information provided by the master. During the investigation, the five people were watched by the cultural relics trafficking gang. Facing the danger of being hunted down, they hid while looking for treasures. No one followed the clues from Hong Kong to Thailand. Thanks to Xiaomi's heroic dedication in Thailand, the five people got the crucial information in the hands of a sculptor, and then came to the entrance of Cixi Tomb. When he finally took down the treasure, eighteen bronze men suddenly appeared in the mausoleum. Can they escape the danger and leave the mausoleum

  考古学家意外得知慈禧太后陪葬的宝物信息,为防止落入贩卖文物的盗贼手中,考古学家决定命自己的徒弟及身怀绝技的其他两人组成五人寻宝小队,暗中寻找宝藏下落。 五人背负使命,根据师傅提供的信息游走穿梭于大

The four silly boys, Bruce Lee, Xiao Biao, Xiao Bao and Xiao Hua, are fighting against each other and playing tricks on each other in their lives because their master is not in harmony. Until I met my clever and lovely sister Xiaoxia and my kind and lovely sister Xiaoxia. Sister Confused got into trouble because of a series of misunderstandings. At this time, the four boys gave up their old grudges to save the sisters. They got rid of the evil and punished the evil. They kept laughing and laughing
