Directed by John R. Leoniday, the story tells of a mysterious box in which a 17-year-old girl (Joy Gold) with a gloomy life can occasionally realize seven wishes. However, every time a girl makes a wish, it causes terrible consequences. The film is currently shooting in Toronto and is expected to be released next year
The haggard Qiang En wandered around penniless, carrying funny slogans all day, begging on the road for a living. It was not easy to meet a kind decorator with strange behavior and mysterious background, and finally got a place to live and a stable job. One day, Jon unexpectedly found several boxes of gold false teeth removed from the dead from the etiquette master's warehouse, and found that these precious metals were valuable treasures in the black market. How should Qiang En choose between the life saving kindness of your best friend and the huge interests of turning the fortunes upside down? The amazing wealth at your fingertips is the help of angels or the temptation of demons