"Ace to Ace Season 7" is an original indoor sports reality show launched by Zhejiang Satellite TV, which is produced by Zhejiang Satellite TV Program Center. Each episode of the program revolves around a theme, and invites two trump card teams. The fixed captains of the two teams lead several popular IP guests to PK each other, and decide the trump card among the trumps through talent competition and game competition
"Young Greed" is a program of the legendary women's group with the charm of"exploration" to"explore" the colorful variety world in their girlhood. In the program, members of the girlhood will carry out reality shows, game shows, documentaries and other forms of content to prove their title of"All Round Player". The program is directed by Zheng Shengri PD of Camping Club and Single Wood Dining Table
Korean dancers get together to perform street performances in the United States, the birthplace of street dance
Half and Half, an interview variety show produced and broadcasted by Taiwan Dongsen Super Television, has been broadcasted since June 16, 2014. With the slogan of"Women's Palace", the program presents the dialogue between big women and small men; In each episode, male representatives from all over the world (called"United Nations style men") will be invited to share cultural differences, feelings and values with Taiwan artists (called"Taiwan delegation representatives") Life experience and so on
The name of this program comes from"The new generation of women are not inferior to men in ability, economy, education and work. These independent women have already held up half the sky. They have their own values and feelings, and we call them" one in two" p>