
My name is Qin Yue. I'm a miserable man. I played a game called 'Happy World' and finally got the game peripherals, hoping to make a difference. However, I never expected that NPC would be punished when I entered the game. In the online game world with magic sword, I was forced to become a hidden profession

我叫秦越,好惨一男的,自打玩了一个叫做‘逍遥世界’的游戏,好不容易拿到了游戏外设设备,想要有一番作为。 然而万万没想到,刚进游戏就让NPC给坑了,在魔法刀剑纵横的网游世界,被迫成为了隐藏职业?
盖世帝尊 第二季

A waste material boy nicknamed Sleeping God, he opened an anti heaven skill through misfortune and blessing. From then on, an incomparable wizard with unparalleled body pressed the heaven and earth, cut the stars with his sword, and thousands of wizards crept and trembled at his feet


Within the boundary of Yingzhou, there are hundreds of schools of thought, Tang poetry and Song poetry, all of which have the spirit of calligraphy. Shu Linggu, who woke up in"Three Hundred Tang Poems", rode the divine animal refutation of"The Book of Mountains and Seas" and embarked on a road to find and wake up other Shu Lingqi together with Le Wuyin, who worked hard to support himself and a group of girls

  瀛洲界内,诸子百家,唐诗宋词,皆有书灵。在《唐诗三百首》中醒来的书灵顾七绝,骑着《山海经》的神兽驳, 与为了养活自己和一群妹子而努力奋斗的乐五音一起踏上了一条寻找唤醒其他书灵的道路。
铁姬钢兵 第3季·动态漫画

On the eve of the 28th century, the earth's population increased dramatically, and living resources were extremely scarce. At the initial stage of human interstellar migration, in order to seize extraterrestrial resources, countries launched a new arms race. The strongest military and commercial alliance in the universe, the Great Xia Alliance, has three strongest fleets: the Red Scale Fleet, the Kunlun Fleet, and the Sanzuwu Fleet. In addition, there are thousands of small and medium-sized fleets, of which the main battle force is the Fairy Armed Applicants. These fleets can only support a society of 60 billion people by exploiting and collecting extraterrestrial resources. But at the same time, the fight for resources within human society has never stopped. The human society in the story is indistinguishable from the real world. Although there are high-end technologies, civilians cannot enjoy them. The male leader Mu Siyun leads the fairy Tieji to fight in the Star Field, and the grand story unfolds slowly

28世纪前夕,地球人口剧增,生存资源极度匮乏,在人类星际移民初步阶段,为抢夺地外资源,各国掀起新的军备竞赛。 宇宙最强军事商业联盟大夏联盟,属下三大最强舰队:红鳞、昆仑、三足乌舰队,此外还有几千个中小

Nine thousand years ago, Emperor Xianwu led a million gods to enter the ancient world, but no one came back, only a ray of real fire left in the world. Nine thousand years later, Ye Chen, the disciple of the sect, was expelled from the sect. He had no idea that he was a family member. By chance, he got really angry and set foot on the road of Xianwu again. This is a world where gods, demons, immortals and Buddhas coexist. This is an era of chaos in all heavens and all regions. Ye Chen's journey against the sky started from this


Yang Xiaopin, a pupil who will become a super detective scientist in the future, defeated the evil Meow Jack, opened the time machine to go back to the past and tried to kill the young Xiaopin! At the same time, Xiugou, the best partner of the sketch, also followed, breaking the daily science fiction war between cats and dogs

吃鸡大作战 第3季

Wang Xiaosheng hid under Jilao's flying saucer, destroyed the circuit board with a blade, and fell into the ice field with Jilao


She was forced to sacrifice, but therefore bound to the system; Through thousands of worlds, only for rebirth revenge. But I don't want someone willing to be her avatar system and accompany her to the world. The male god of childhood actually secretly loves himself? Wannian Iceberg was a proud and loyal dog? All kinds of beautiful men want to enter her harem. She doesn't look at them, but they are jealous all over the world. They want to be abused, and they also want to talk about love! Man, how many surprises do you have that I don't know? Since you are the system and I abuse scum, let's go to the end of the world

百变校巴 第十季

This season's study tour will go to the white ice and snow world, where there are unique snow fairies, various ice entertainment projects, as well as beautiful aurora and snow scenes, all waving to us. Led by the ever changing school bus, the Sunshine Study Tour goes to the polar regions to explore, feel the different ice and snow world, and grow happily together

灵感大冒险 第二季

This animated film is a follow-up work of Inspiration Adventure 1, which tells the story of Eddie Li, a pupil with fantastic ideas, who is skilled in using the"Lingguang Creativity Encyclopedia" from the future to constantly emerge inspiration, and uses the scientific knowledge of daily life to make small inventions, solve small problems in growth and help others


In the age of ancient gods, there were eight tribes in the world, such as the Heaven, the Dragon, and the Ashura, collectively known as the"Eight Dragons". It is said that the Sanzang Mage and his party have gone through countless hardships to obtain the"eternal fire" from the other side. Decades later, the world is not peaceful

西行纪 第4季

The Rebirth of the Journey to the West tells the story of the great mage Tang Sanzang and his disciples going to the other side to return the fire of creation and protect the world. In this season, Ao Xue returns to the team, and the westward team encounters new obstacles. The master and his disciples unite to fight against Gu Long and the abyss monster
