改编自经典国产游戏《轩辕剑叁外传:天之痕》。陈国最后一个皇子陈靖仇(蒋劲夫 饰)不务正业游手好闲,他在遇到了北方挞拔族二公主拓跋玉儿(刘诗诗 饰)之后命运发生改变,为解救师傅陈辅(高雄 饰)和众陈国遗
至尊盟主官御天(吕良伟 饰)为一统江湖,发誓找回应顺天(刘威 饰)大将军藏匿的生死棋宝藏。他积极扩充实力,大力铲除异已,以图谋日后大业。魔剑凌霜与赫连霸蓄谋已久,觊觎宝藏多时,遣义女拜玉儿(郭婷婷 饰

Luo Hong, a new generation actor, is playing the shop manager of the Reasoning Bookstore. He loves to study unsolved unsolved cases, but one day he is involved in various strange crimes. How can he gradually piece together the complex truth behind it? The show is connected to the network. Li Mu, a newcomer of Luo Jinzhong, shares the same stage with Huang He, Lin Yuxuan and other film stars of the Taipei Film Awards and Jinzhong Awards


The story tells that during the four years of college, Ning Youzhu and Wang Yan, who were originally in love at first sight, got along with each other day and night, but because of the sentence"Do you love me?" No answer. After a long wait of three days, the ignorant love in the youth will be separated for eight years. Eight years later, we met again,"Does love need thinking?" This problem troubled the two again and caused a dispute. The quarreling fragments were uploaded to the Internet, which changed their lives. In the impetuous Internet age, the two decided to use love to go through different opinions and see the essence of love. Through the emotional entanglement between Wang Yan and Ning Youzhu, who have been separated for eight years, the play expresses to the audience how to face their true feelings and find the essence of love bravely and truly in the impetuous internet age

  莫凡(任重 饰)和简单(高露 饰)是一对典型的八十后小夫妻,共同养育着可爱的小女儿莫绮,日子过得有滋有味。起初,刚刚步入三十岁大关的两人并没有感受到上有老下有小所带来的重负,可是,当简单的母亲刘云
< p > FuSheng man is a real good grades of students, both in the study, sports and hobbies, she is always the first place.Although she is always the first place, but it will always be a person in the class than she loved forever, that s her childhood friends - Li Xiuhao.By her harmless Li Xiuhao appearance and gentle appearance, coax whether friends or elders are love, and only FuSheng male know Li Xiuhao how bad taste.Li Xiuhao also always thought that as long as have been accompany at her side, FuSheng man sooner or later one day will see yourself.Until senior Liu Youwen FuSheng man appeared, he had a sense of crisis.So he started to actively.Li Xiuhao get up the courage to approach her FuSheng man showed his thoughts, has long been accepted his FuSheng male, two people finally together.And encourage each other on their respective areas, become better yourself < / p >
< p > in 2060, scientists invented a kind of multidimensional space shuttle phone, named"silly girl" (happy)."Silly girl" back to the tang dynasty, it helped the Monkey King (Ding Jian) uniform Huang Mei (Chen), king of judah, lien chan, a few days have run out of energy, through the time tunnel, fell on the small thousand of contemporary naturally upright (li bin).The emergence of"silly girl" for small thousand as a god, he invited other disciples, sun wukong defeated the greed of Huang Mei king.Swim for (a chivarous hero across) while small thousand intoxicated"silly girl", but at the same time also harvest the greedy.He let tungse black guest (song) high copy for its"silly girl", also greedy tungse and wang ba daughter-in-law sun swallow (Zhang Qianshi) learned that"silly girl" magic, quietly copy one to have.Knows the truth do not let others take away your love, his sons and put the east swallow sent to more than one thousand years of ancient battlefield, from now on, three incompatible, thus began the current and future, and the ancient, the space-time of good and evil war...

< p > junior year winter vacation the students into the internship, snow Yu Hao 13 forsythia came to jiang television internship, los snow Yu Hao frequently changing departments during the internship experience, 13 forsythia focus on news practice, the tacit understanding partner, finally we each have a harvest;Zhong Bai and worked as an intern in the cast, ocean Zhong Bai turns into a party, as a temporary substitute of departments, ocean when writing for the first time, realized that the women psychology, people play all, two people help each other on the set, grow up together;Different words to do plane model face harassment and violence, out of the class to help different word, everyone has his own feeling and growth;13 snow bridge together chuan Marine operations, 13 sincere but low eq of los snow various, sichuan sea bridge witness thirteen is los snow misunderstanding against abuse;Amidst the sail in the internship company meet can see through his female supervisor, occupy the initiative by others he is not very adapt to, this time from the sails finally eliminated cheating philandering man attributes of the emotion; theAs a junior and final club, tea art club walking club bosom dissolution, FengCuiCui assigned bridge in sichuan and a difficult problem, tyche double-up, lead the class with the unforgettable memories, junior school life ended, everyone towards one s own dream again < / p >
< p > the sorcerer merv (Ma Wenzhong) want to disrupt the time roulette, destroy the earth, but by a mysterious guardian time during those critical minutes, although the plot of mari had not succeed, but the earth is still running under the shadow of the crisis.In order to defend the world peace, silly girl (happy) found the boy winter rain lu (Cao Jun), brought him to the modern, only he was able to prevent the conspiracy of mari, and coincidentally, winter rain lu has been looking for a mother is the name of the mysterious time guardians.Who know know the plan of the silly girl of mari, secretly followed, wanted to borrow the hand of the two of them find time guards to kill it, at the same time, the winter father Lu Xiaoqian lu (li bin) was also involved in this fight, he must be within the time limit system restore silly girl is destroyed, can truly prevent the conspiracy of mari < / p >

Xu Xiaoqi, a course seller who had not issued a bill for three months and was facing unemployment, accidentally found Chen Dawei's business card and directly sold the course to his home. Chen Dawei has long admired Han Xueyi, the movie star, but Han Xueyi refused. Chen Dawei was so obsessed that he was blocked by Han Xueyi's agent, Hu, who called him a ground beetle. Xu Xiaoqi rushes to retort and save Chen Dawei's face. Chen Dawei was very satisfied with Xu Xiaoqi's performance. He immediately hired her with a high salary and asked her to transform him into a gentleman within a month. Xu Xiaoqi promised. A month later, Chen Dawei was reborn, and a thrilling and amusing beauty pursuit plan began slowly


In one room, Wang Weiling, the sweet first love couple, thought that love would happen, but they did not. I thought they would never meet again in 16 years, but in fact, they really met in this room. These 16 years have involved too much. In this room, not only Lingling has changed, but also Lingling's friends have become resourceful. The pain of constant lovelorn was hanging over Lingling's heart. However, a man who should not have appeared unexpectedly changed Lingling's life. She thought she would be happy. However, when she saw Wang Wei 16 years later, she found how sad she was. She wanted to have the first thing with Wang Wei that didn't happen, but Wang Wei refused. She begged Wang Wei whether he could accept her, but Wang Wei refused


In the hot summer, Michelle (Jin Xiaoman) leaves Taipei to temporarily leave her boyfriend Tony (Huang Zhiwei) and goes to the sea club in the south to find her father Shunfeng (Long Shaohua), just to help her mother Xingyi (Ding Yetian) successfully sign a divorce agreement. However, in her father's windsurfing club, she meets a lifeguard, Ayu (Wu Zhongtian), and accidentally falls in love with the boy she hated when she first met him. She has changed from a reserved metropolis OL to a sunshine girl who loves the sea


The second son of Tianyu Group, Lian Jun (Ji Sen), was found to have fallen from a building and died. The police initially determined that this was a suicide. After that, Lian Jun's brother, Lian Yu (Li Tianye), and his wife, Li Ying (Lin Mochen), became the largest shareholders of the company. However, around the throne of the chairman of the board, the couple, who had different dreams and had different ideas, fought openly and secretly. In fact, before the death of Lian's brother's father, he lamented that Lian Yu and his wife were ambitious and had a bad relationship, so they gave their shares to Lian Jun, which also caused death for this kind man. In the night club where the wild devil dances, Lian Yu engages with Xiao Yi (played by Zhang Xiaoran), who is charming and beautiful. After a happy night, Lian Yu, who thinks highly of himself, hired Xiao Yi to help him catch his wife's cheating and seize Li Ying's shares.

天宇集团二公子连俊(季森 饰)被人发现坠楼身亡,经警方初步判定这是一起自杀事件。在此之后,连俊的哥哥连宇(李天烨 饰)及其妻子李颖(林沫辰 饰)成为公司股份最大的持有人,不过围绕董事长的宝座,这对同床

This is an age of willful money worship. Every loser dreams of a life of local tyrants. This is an era of social networking, and everyone is good at selling. Some people say that there is no true love on the Internet. If you want to tell me, it's just that you haven't met anyone who loves you. At the intersection of reality and virtual reality, everyone can easily change themselves. But when it comes to reality, it is so easy to be exposed. The two young people who work hard seem to have a beautiful encounter. How can they think of the cruelty of reality, how can they walk hard, and how can they get together in the end? The story Lin Xiang and Xiaoyi have to tell, Maybe it happened right next to you


Hou Qiang was scolded by his boss because of the script problem. Amy accidentally saw his bad script and decided to help him create a positive script that exposes social problems, warns women and prevents aggression. In the script, Amy incarnates as an intern model who just graduated from a private training school. She and her roommate participated in the"New Beauty" model beauty contest. Hou Qiang was moved by Amy's fresh and refined temperament and decided to pursue Amy. When shooting a print advertisement, Amy met Lu Ming. Amy's father gambles all day to kill Amy's mother. When Amy was most helpless, Lu Ming took advantage of the situation to capture her heart, but met other girls. Zhang Dong, the owner of the beauty contest, took a fancy to Amy and gave Lu Ming 500000 yuan to get Amy. Hou Qiang accidentally heard that Lu Ming betrayed Amy, and led his roommate to the masquerade party to rescue Amy. Finally, under Hou's strong guidance, Amy regained confidence. Her father, under Hou's strong advice, turned from evil to good, and the father and daughter met again


The story takes place in Hong Kong during the Republic of China. At that time, warlords were divided and corpses were everywhere, attracting mysterious aliens to commit crimes. Lin Xi, the younger sister of the young commander, was also killed by vampires. Three years later, a man surnamed Tang, who was called Lin Xi's fiance, returned from overseas. His extraordinarily beautiful appearance, bloodshot eyes in the dark, soaring powers, and weird No. 2 residence all showed the mystery of his family. Tang Shao saved a little nurse from the ghost faced man. The girl unexpectedly awakened his life stone, which was his destiny bride. Later, the little nurse escaped into the mansion and disappeared like a human evaporation. In order to find the destined bride, Tang Shao helped Shaoshuai Lin Chao catch the Ghost Face Man hand in hand. The two of them felt good about each other from contempt until the Ghost Face Man was caught. However, the capture of the ghost faced man exposed the young commander's daughter, and Tang Shao's mysterious family also emerged. The person you love the most becomes the person you hate the most


The movie"The Spring Breeze All the Way" is a film directed by Wang Xiaolong. The film mainly tells about Su Nan's encounter with photographer Han Yan. After the hangover break, Han Yan mistakenly took Su Nan's USB flash drive and left. The data in the USB flash drive is related to the survival of Sunan Company. Sunan has no choice but to go on the journey to find Han Yan. On the way, I met Ma Dong, who came to collect debts, and Lisa, a troubled woman. The journey was a tortuous one, three people in a car. Finally, everyone grew up differently on the way


Water, the gold medal maid of Langya Pavilion, was invincible and was employed by the Jiangfu to assist the eldest young master Jiang Baiyu in learning literature and martial arts. She was an official. The impeccable water made with high spirit is not compatible with the dandy's Jiangbaiyu, and the two keep a secret from each other. Shuiwu is looking for her lost brother, while Mianjiang Baiyu is investigating the cause of her father's death. Fate brought the two teenagers together inevitably. As soon as Jiang Baiyu changed his dandy habits, Shuiwu began to see Qingjiang Baiyu's sincere and strong heart. At last, the truth came to light. It turned out that the person who imprisoned Shuiwuxian's brother was the same as the person who killed Jiang Baiyu's father


The play takes the important historical mission of the party and the country in the new era of"fighting poverty and building a well-off society in an all-round way" as the background of the times, and uses the narrative technique of unit play to tell the story of Tang Tianshi, the new deputy secretary of the party committee of Qingshan Town in northern China, Xin Lan, the female news anchor of the municipal radio and television station, and Shi Quan, a college student returning home to start his own business. Three young Communists actively responded to the call of the CPC Central Committee and actively accepted the work of helping the poor


The rebellious Xijue Xiaowei Yanqing and the dual personality Princess of Southern Chu were exquisite. The two seemingly unrelated people met unexpectedly, but they gradually became emotionally involved in each other. The burning green love is deeply rooted. The wolf blood childe, who was originally cold faced and rarely talked about, turned into a"loyal dog" and began to pet in various ways. And two people destined to be fettered are quietly approaching a werewolf secret that has been hidden for many years


Gao Jian is a prosecutor of Jiangdong Municipal Procuratorate. He is an excellent public prosecutor with strict logic and integrity. Fu Xiaorou, a newly appointed assistant prosecutor, reported for duty. At the scene of the trial, Fu Xiaorou saw that, in the majestic court, the national prosecutor with a mission expounded strict legal principles, displayed sufficient evidence, and comprehensively accused the criminals, leaving no hiding place for the guilty. In the confrontation between prosecution and defense,"justice and evil" are"in close combat" in front of the law. The spark of justice and wisdom overflowed everywhere, with dazzling beauty, so he decided to become a prosecutor. In a case investigation, Gao Jian, the prosecutor, found that the behind the scenes envoy of the case was inextricably linked with his friend Tieli. Gao Jian constantly encounters obstacles in the investigation of the case and risks being framed by his opponent. In the whirlpool of love and law, Gao Jian insists on justice. Inside and outside the court, the prosecution, the defense, and the trial launched a thrilling contest and a fierce debate around a series of cases. Gao Jian gradually found that the forces behind them were intertwined and confusing in the follow-up investigation, even his ex-wife was coerced


On a mysterious and unknown continent called"Suchuan", there are many beautiful legends of the mythical era. A cataclysm caused the gods to fall, and Sukawa entered a chaotic era of division. Many years later, the young monarch Yuan Yi ascended the throne and vowed to end the troubled times. Yuanyi believed that the source of the chaos was the fall of the gods. He fled the imperial city in disguise and found Linglong, a girl with the power of the gods. Linglong and her father Huo Tuxin lived together in a remote village. Although they lost their mother when they were young, they were independent and excellent. At the request of Yuanyi, Huotuxin left the village with Linglong and Yuanyi and embarked on the adventure of saving Sukawa. Evil can never compete with justice. Linglong's father and daughter and their friends finally defeated the power of evil and led Sukawa to a better new era

绝世千金 完结篇

Lin Luojing, a girl majoring in science and engineering, mistakenly entered the XR system due to the science and technology competition and crossed to the Shengyuan Dynasty in the game. If you want to return to the real world, you must find the man who really loves you, and then leave the game. In the life of fighting with the domineering lord Zhong Wumei, Lin Luojing's bodyguard, Liu Xiuwen, turned into a Persian prince and returned to Shengjing, vowing to compete with Zhong Wumei. In the face of internal and external troubles and controversies, as well as repeated tests and dangers, how should the"peerless golden forest scenery" attack


The herbalist valley doctor Mu Lanqing accidentally cured a wounded white cat, but the other side quietly left the herbalist valley after recovering. In order to find the cat, Mu Lanqing accidentally met with the evil cult villain who came to the herbalist valley to find trouble. At the critical moment, the female Xia Lu Tong, the white cat incarnate, appeared, saved Mu Lanqing and lived in the herbalist valley. The two people also became close friends


When all efforts to solve the case will fail, the portrait artist is the last ace


Jin Yang two countries, the good and evil are opposed to each other. Yang Wang Chukui fought on a large scale. The loyal King of Jin failed to resist Chu Kui, retreated to the north, and raised his troops to prepare for the day of attacking the enemy. Picking Star, a wise and kind-hearted man, met a wild boy on Wolf Shou Mountain and named him Wolf Boy. The wolf cubs grew up in the mountains and forests. Although they were uneducated, they were simple in nature and pure hearted. They were childhood sweethearts. Unexpectedly, the wolf cub, who is not familiar with the world, was misunderstood as the murderer of the important minister in order to save the young wolf, and was hunted down. Although Zhaixing found out the real culprit and the Wolf Boy was innocent, he was killed by his brother Ma


The anti poaching drama"The Borzoi" tells the story of Wei Jiang, a forest ranger played by Qin Hao, who was moved by Qin Chuan, a new policeman played by Yin Fang, after his colleague died in the line of duty and his heart turned to ashes, and then mounted his horse again and took his gun to defend his mission


The Great Pediatrician tells the story of the growth and struggle of a new generation of young people in the special post of"pediatrician". Through the experience of Jiao Jiaren, a girl from Lijiang, growing from a professional doctor to a qualified paediatrician on the stage of pediatrics and under the strict and meticulous training of the teaching teacher Deng Ziang, the deputy chief doctor of general surgery, this play shows the audience the most real state of doctors, especially paediatricians

酷盖爸爸 第一季

Continue to tell the story of a 4-year-old boy Kai and his two dads Damian and Jerry. Season 2 starts with an unexpected guest Jimmy, the child of Damian and his ex-wife. Jimmy's appearance has brought turbulence to the lives of Damian and Jerry. Damian still keeps in touch with his predecessor and takes good care of Jimmy. This started to make Jerry jealous and worried that Damian might fall in love with a woman again. At the same time, he is facing the pressure from his mother, hoping that he will have his own children. On the other hand, Damian struggles to take care of Jimmy and Jerry. How do they solve all the difficulties and maintain their relationship and family


Continue to tell the story of a 4-year-old boy Kai and his two dads Damian and Jerry. Season 2 starts with an unexpected guest Jimmy, the child of Damian and his ex-wife. Jimmy's appearance has brought turbulence to the lives of Damian and Jerry. Damian still keeps in touch with his predecessor and takes good care of Jimmy. This started to make Jerry jealous and worried that Damian might fall in love with a woman again. At the same time, he is facing the pressure from his mother, hoping that he will have his own children. On the other hand, Damian struggles to take care of Jimmy and Jerry. How do they solve all the difficulties and maintain their relationship and family


  《 ×××, Let's fall in love As a love formation game, NPC, a male god with a rebellious appearance and different personalities, has attracted a large number of players. However, with frequent Bug in the"Love Bar" game, the male god NPC not only violated the settings, but also hurt the players. The company sent maintenance personnel to modify it several times, but failed. Fans abandoned the pit, and players complained. The company decided to completely delete all the data of the game. Yan Wei, as the founder of the game, could not bear to"fall in love" and just disappeared. He decided to go into the game to find bugs in person


Shen Ruoxin, 34, is a rational person, but life has given her the helpless. Whether in the workplace dilemma of a male dominated company, or the strong marriage urging of a single mother, or the marriage dilemma of a housewife, Jia Dingke, who has two identities as her best friend... In the face of multiple games in life, she still has a clear goal and is determined to open the road to growth. Qi Xiao's company also made her discover another possibility of intimacy... This is not only the story of Shen Ruoxin, but also the story of every 30+women

  34岁的沈若歆是一个理智派,生活却给了她鸡飞狗跳的无奈。无论是身处以男性为主导的公司职场困境,还是单亲妈妈的强势催婚,以及家庭主妇加丁克两重身份闺蜜的婚姻困境..... 面对生活的多重博弈,她依旧

After years of love, Zhang Lidong and Wang Chunhua finally decided to enter the marriage palace, but Wang Zhongde, Wang Chunhua's father, who had lost contact with her for many years on the boat, suddenly returned. Li Tiegang, the pursuer of Wang Chunhua, took the opportunity to show his good will and prepared to compete with Zhang Lidong for the son-in-law. At the same time, the village is not peaceful. The eggs of chicken breeding alliance are unsalable, and the fake liquor of Haojiu brand appears in the market. In the face of the dual pressures of family and career, how can Zhang Lidong obtain the approval of his father-in-law? What kind of story did Molly, the mysterious girl brought back by Li Tiegang, make? What kind of waves did the fake wine incident set off


Shen Xingyue is reborn in the novel, and the characters in the novel are set: Shen Xingyue is a tragic female partner who is beaten and scolded, killed, aborted, and forced to die. God gave her a chance to rewrite the plot. Shen Xingyue is stubborn and will not be bullied any more. Shen Xingyue reverses his revenge in the face of ruthless men, evil female masters, and top parents. The best parents regret that they can't afford to invite her home, and both the scum man and the evil woman ask for trouble first and second. Shen Xingyue is a bright female star while dealing with villains. She can shoot and reverse the script without any mistake. She meets the sick boss Jiang He by mistake and pulls Laijie as an ally. The sick childe took care of his wife's crazy devil in thirty-six, and finally got Shen Xingyue's heart. Shen Xingyue also successfully reverses the plot and becomes the resplendent female leader of the Milky Way


Tang Mengyan, a blue star from 40 billion light years away, has been exploring civilization on the earth in accordance with the mission of the alien trade union for 100 years. When she was about to leave the earth, she met her lover Ye Chenfeng again, and they renewed their relationship, but she had only 10 days left to return to the blue star. Ten years later, Tang Mengyan returned to Earth from Blue Star and lived a peaceful life in a teahouse jointly run by Ye Fenfeng. How far can their love go this time


In order to change the traditional training mode, the East China War Zone has established the first professional blue army unit of the whole army, the Mountain Leopard Brigade. The Mountain Leopard Brigade fought with the trump card division 808 and 909 for the first time. The blue army attacked unexpectedly and abnormally, which made the two traditional trump card armies in a mess and caused a great stir in the army. At the same time, its"exceptional performance" attracted a lot of criticism. Under various discussions and pressures, the Blue Army has constantly improved its team building and achieved its reputation in cross military region exercises. The next year, the Red and Blue armies dueled again. After more than a year of humiliation, the 808 Division faced the challenge with a new look, and finally lived up to the expectations of the public and achieved a total victory, fully demonstrating the efforts and achievements of the Blue Army in the past year. After continuous hard exploration and construction, the Blue Army, as a new arm, has finally been established in the People's Liberation Army


The story is concentrated within 16 hours. When Judge Lunan (Xia Yu) was on a short business trip to Nanjin to report to the President personally, he was asked to help review the death penalty of a"bizarre corpse smashing tragedy" that happened nine years ago. This case is inextricably linked with the"private affairs case of the Chen Man gang". In order to find out the truth as soon as possible, Lunan and Qiao Shaoting (Luo Jin) in Tianjin and Hong Kong, with their own"extreme operation", have braved many crises and finally solved the real mystery of the dismemberment case. Through this adventure, Qiao Shaoting also got the important clue of the"strange case without corpses" that he followed up in Out of Court · The Man Who Falls into the Water by accident

  故事集中发生在十六小时之内,法官鲁南(夏雨 饰)短暂出差南津向庭长当面汇报工作时,被要求帮忙参详一桩发生在九年前的“离奇碎尸惨案”的死刑复核工作,而这桩案子又与“陈曼团伙走私案”有着千丝万缕的联系

A family/an inheritance/an accident/nothing


The heroine is a princess suffering from"forced insomnia". As she stays up all the year round and is in poor health, she can only rely on the romantic novels on the market to kill the lonely time in the harem; The hero is a tough general on the battlefield. He seems to be dark and cold, but he really values love and justice


In the 1970s, Zhou Qing, head of the Heshan police corps, was involved in a political storm. Zhou Qing's wife, Shi Zhu, was forced to divorce her husband in order to save her five children. At the same time, she forced her eldest son, Xiao Yang, to break up with his girlfriend in love and go to the border to join the army. She stayed in a small town in northern Liaoning to raise the other four children. Unfortunately, Xiaoyang died bravely in the battle. Shizhu, with lifelong guilt, accepted Xiaoyang's lover Yingtong and the orphan Yaoyao. Soon, the spring breeze of reform melted the political ice, and Zhou Qing went to the provincial capital to take on another heavy responsibility. In order to protect Yingtong's mother and daughter, Dianzhu gave up


Pang Linglong, the waiter of the hot pot shop, is a fan of palace fighting dramas, who scorns all kinds of conventional plots. Suddenly one day, she entered her own palace chasing drama, and she had seen the plot she entered. According to the normal plot development, her role would soon die. Pang Linglong saved herself by relying on her understanding of the plot, and won the favor of the Crown Prince by virtue of"being different"


Two strange mysteries happened in a small town in the southwest. Jiang Qinqin's policewoman Lin Yuhong overcomes many difficulties and breaks through the cocoon to solve the case. In the case that originally seemed to have a clear criminal motive, a series of unknown secrets emerged, which made the case fall into the fog again. These stories are closely related to the past, present and future of the town. The love, hate and evil that run through the river of time will eventually disappear. Only the river flows eastward, day and night


Little actor Zhang Duoduo was unexpectedly guarded by popular star Xing Enchen after seeing his boyfriend cheating, and also fell in love with the god of heaven. The two hearts slowly attracted each other and got close to each other. He would give up his dream and fame for her, and she would give up love for him and go away. Later, with joint efforts, they finally got together


In the spring of 1949, in order to crack down on the assassination team of the Secret Service and fight for the uprising of a Kuomintang regiment, the special task force of Songjiang Public Security Bureau used Su Wenqian, a sniper expert who was hiding among the people, as a consultant to fight against the No.1 killer Chi Tiecheng sent by the Secret Service. Su Wenqian was a killer who worked with Chi Tiecheng for many years. In the tests of living and dying together with the members of the special task force, Su Wenqian, who had vowed not to take guns anymore, really realized that the Communist Party is the hope and future of China. He sincerely stood by the people and found the reason for holding guns again. He was determined to do everything to defeat the assassination plot. Therefore, two first-class snipers launched a series of smart and courageous sniper duels. This seemingly unrelated contest between assassination and anti assassination is also related to the fate of the 100000 troops ahead


The Story of Molding Women is a hot blooded work that focuses on the current life situation of Chinese motorcyclists, explores the growth of self-consciousness of a new generation of young people, and never gives up in the face of all kinds of difficulties, with motorcycle road races as the story background. Combining the unique speed and passion of the motorcycle road race, this play strives to provide the audience with a unique perspective to re-examine the growth of youth. Competitive sports have its own irreplaceable charm in peaceful times, and the competition field is the battlefield. The motorcycle road race is a quasi"battlefield" regardless of gender and age. You can see that men, women, old and young compete at the same time, and the age span may even exceed 40 years old. Different from other sports with the primary goal of"defeating opponents", this seemingly"unfair" competition is more like a challenge for drivers to their own growth


The boss wanted a career plan, and helpless Xiao Zhao wanted to come up with the idea of combining career with the harem: Ruoqi, a survivor whose family was framed and killed by the queen, entered the palace and vowed to revenge for the whole family and overthrow the queen. Encountered various emergencies all the way in the harem. Relying on Concubine Ping, she fought against Yi Bin. After being sent to the cold palace, she obtained the identity of concubine in the harem by relying on Mr. Zeyang. In the complex relationship network of the harem, the audience chose Ruo Qi, the heroine, to move closer to a higher position step by step from Xin Zheku, to present an interactive story about workplace experience and immersive experience to the audience


Ma Qiqi, a young female writer, found a growth diary in her schoolgirl's rental house. While pursuing the status quo of the diary owner, she happened to find that Wang Qingsheng was about to commit suicide. Ma Qiqi tells a big lie, saving Wang Qingsheng's life. In order to justify herself, Ma Qiqi steps towards the road of mending the lie


Yang Yi, a college student, unexpectedly awakened the blood vessels of evil doctors and got the inheritance of ancient martial arts. All kinds of difficult and miscellaneous diseases were pierced at once and cured with medicine. Yang Yi, who was originally a young apprentice in the outpatient department, instantly became a guest of honor of all powerful families. The beautiful women in the incense cart came one after another, but unexpectedly he was involved in a conspiracy

离人心上 下饭版

The story tells the story of the ninth princess, who lost sleep for a long time because of an accident when she was young, and was dependent on her younger brother, Chu Yue, who married Xue Yao, a famous general in the imperial court and the wild by mistake. He learned that his brother Xue Yao died of a strange death. They used their talent and wisdom to explore the cause of death together, and knew and stayed with him. During this period, the insomnia at the beginning of the month also returned to normal with the help of Xue Yao


This is a story about a demonic woman who has been divorced three times and a gentleman who has the highest talent and looks in the world. It is also a"unlucky" woman who dreams of her fate. Banhua, the female leader who is outwardly outgoing, straightforward and shrewd, but actually kind and delicate, was inexplicably divorced three times. She did not change her outgoing manner to face the outside world, but found that she had the ability to predict the future through dreams. The dream that could predict the future made the kind-hearted Banhua decide to help his family avoid bad luck. At the same time, in order to solve the mystery of the destruction of the door, the peerless male leader Rong Xia was pursuing the truth of his life experience in the imperial court, and met such a woman Ban Hua by chance. They work hand in hand to unlock the secret and love each other for life

一起同过窗 第一季

Lu Qiaochuan (Wu Yuze), Zhong Bai (Xu Xiaolu) and Ren Yifan (Yu Xiang) are good friends in high school. They are very close to each other. They entered the same university together and started their colorful college life. In school, Zhong Bai and Lu Qiaochuan met friends such as Haiyang (Pang Hanchen), Shisan (Ying Daizhen) and Yixin (Sang Yanyan). At the same time, Zhong Bai's secret love for Lu Qiaochuan, which has lasted from high school to the present, has also become increasingly intense.

路桥川(武雨泽 饰)、钟白(徐晓璐 饰)和任逸帆(于翔 饰)是高中时代的好友,彼此之间感情十分要好,三人共同考入了同一所大学,展开了属于他们的多姿多彩的大学生活。在学校里,钟白和路桥川结识了海洋(庞瀚

Tang Haotian lost to the elder martial sister in a competition and was seriously injured. After the elder elder healed him, he was told that because he had made no progress in his three years of cultivation, he had already passed the age of breaking through the adverse situation and could only do some chores. Disappointed, Tang Haotian walked alone in the bamboo forest, but was struck by the thunder. By chance, he bound the Immortal Cultivation System to obtain the Body of All Souls. His accomplishments broke through to the early stage of physical cultivation. In the face of the slander and fraud of his kindred, Tang Haotian finally completed the road of counterattack through cultivation

一起同过窗 第二季

The new academic year began. After the pride and impetuosity of the freshman year ended, Qiaochuan, Zhongbai, Ren Yifan and others entered the sophomore year smoothly. Xiao Haiyang also passed the freshman exam and did not repeat the grade. The freshman friendship continues. After a holiday, at the beginning of the sophomore year, the relationship between the old students and the new students has also undergone subtle changes. Gu went to school in the United States with his family, and Bi Shisan turned this concern into a motivation for learning. Xu Lianqiao, a transfer student, has recently entered the photography class and seems to have a mysterious task. With the departure of the former head teacher, the originally lax telephotography class began to unite. With the alternation of characters and the richness and complexity of the sophomore courses, the stories of the sophomores of the 2015 Telephoto Class are more exciting. At this time, they lost their freshman's freshman's green

机智的恋爱生活 速享版

Li Qian, the"little fox" in the workplace, encountered the"old fox" Ning Chengming, the"demon mentor" in the negotiation!

  职场“小狐狸”的李浅在谈判中遭遇了“恶魔恩师”宁成明这条“老狐狸”! &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp