On September 18, 1961, Dag Hammarskj ö ld, then the Secretary General of the United Nations, was killed in a strange air crash. In view of his disregard for European forces' support for Congo's independence, his death was not considered accidental. Today, more than half a century later, Mads Br ü gger, a Danish journalist and film producer, together with G ö ran Bj ö rkdahl, a Swedish private detective partner, tried to clarify the myriad details of this old cold case, but found more mysteries, which seemed to have unimaginable big news behind it...
Under its iconic agitprop style, Brugge, who made the documentary, became his own recording object at the same time. He challenged the essence of the truth by"acting" as a truth seeker - sometimes it was the absurdity and irony that gave us the courage to face the evil p>