
The story of Circle is set in the future. The heroine Mae, played by Emma Watson, works for an Internet technology giant called Circle. The company connects all personal information of users with their operating systems, thus opening a new era of the Internet. Mae met a mysterious colleague named Kalden in the company and fell in love with him. Kalden, played by John Boyega, is one of the founders of the company in his real identity. He created this system with his talent, and finally realized that the"circle" infringed on personal privacy, and hoped to turn it off. As one of the leading actors, Karen Gillan, like Emma Watson, also works in the"Circle" Company. On the surface, she looks a little clumsy, but in fact, she has a super IQ. The current role of Tom Hanks has not been determined yet. He is likely to play another boss behind the Circle Company
The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by author Dave Eggers (screenwriter of"Home of the Beasts"). Eggers will also be the co producer of"Circle". The Circle is tentatively scheduled for release in 2016, and the specific date has not been announced
