  美貌的小镇教师斯黛拉(伊丽莎白·班克斯 Elizabeth Banks 饰)在母亲过世后得到当地富豪格兰特(迈克尔·鲁克 Michael Rooker 饰)的多方照顾,嫁给他后尽管诸多不满,却依然
  第一话:美丽的高中女孩富江(永井流奈 饰)被人杀害,不久却奇迹般的出现在校园里。她和男友高志(金子統昭 饰)出双入对,情意绵绵,同时又和别的男人纠缠不清。富江的轻佻让高志的青梅竹马美纪(田中千絵
  阴森恐怖的森田医院,院长森田健三(菅田俊 饰)下落不明,4名护士先后辞职。年轻人佐藤文仁(窪塚洋介 饰)因病住进了这个阴冷所在。某晚,文仁的朋友武史(松尾政寿 饰)前来探病,却意外遭遇一个全身赤裸
  羞涩内向的女高中生桥本登美惠(宫崎葵 饰)母亲早逝,十年来她与父亲和彦(国村隼 饰)相依为命。登美惠因性格原因在学校没有朋友,还经常受到欺负,她只能躲在自己的世界里,幻想着某一天成为著名的小说家 
  在一个傍山的小镇,某天镇上的中学转来一个名叫川上富江(松本莉绪 饰)的女孩,她拥有世间罕见的绝美容貌以及神秘销魂的摄人魅力,班上所有的男生都被她的美貌所折服,理所当然她也遭到所有女同学的憎恨,只有
  饭冢家两个女儿富江(仲村みう 饰)和月子(荒井萌 饰)在同一所学校读书,两人更是同时恋上了同一个男孩下田俊夫(大和田健介 饰)。面对一脸幸福的姐姐,心中略感失落的月子还是用手中的相机为姐姐拍下最美
唯一的弟弟优(川村亮介 饰)和好友被几个不良少年欺负并杀害,收受贿赂的警方又判定为自杀,这一切使原本开朗快乐的高中生日高亚美(八代みなせ 饰)愤恨不已。然而不良少年的头头木村翔(西原信裕 饰)既拥有黑
  故事开始于1964年,詹姆斯(艾米·汉莫 Armie Hammer 饰)是一名艺术评论家,一天,他来到了著名艺术家贾科梅蒂(杰弗里·拉什 Geoffrey Rush 饰)正在巴黎进行的个人展览,让
< p > about king Arthur at the end of a war with the Roman empire, after returning home, found the throne by his nephew to steal, to reclaim the throne, he was forced to seek help from wizard merlin holy grail and the knights of < / p >
< p > Clare army retired home inherited his father s wealth.But his 13-year-old son has therefore been implicated kidnapped for ransom.Clare determination on the road to find the child, first she caught a kidnapper accomplices, then start the two people s survival and rescue path < / p >

This work is a work of Cinema Lab, a film experimental company that proposed"director absolutism". In addition to Ueda, Ben Guangke, Otsui and Wakaya Nakagawa also joined the record company

  本作品是提出“导演绝对主义”的电影实验公司“Cinema Lab”的一部作品。除了上田之外,本广克行、押井守、中小和哉也参加了该唱片公司
< p > Ralph Jude law s son los, Michael caine, titled"the sunrise" lina, Heidi, RitaOra will be in the"oliver Twist" movie, the film named"Twist" (protagonist oliver s name +"reverse"), is a modern, part of the classic dickens novels turn edition, by Sky.As oliver, is a contemporary London street artist, he met a group of fraud, the charismatic Dodge (Ora) lead, oliver so involved with high risk of theft, for thieves Fagin (Cain) and his business partner of abnormal Sikes (Heidi) to steal a priceless paintings.Franz DE la mei (" tomorrow s legend"), DavidWalliams (little Britain), SophieSimnett (dawn), also MartinOwen (" anonymous killer"), directed JohnWrathall (" way"), filming in London this autumn < / p >
< p > the kushiro a don t, takahashi seven beauty (kyrgyzstan high by lining) and yano yuan qing (toma) for some small couples, each other who may also have never thought, this should respectively for so long.The first day, they send text messages, photos, make a phone call on time, encourage each other.Yuan fine continuing education at the same time, the work had to carry the school money, although also met thousand see temple and son (not) than jia love such a friend, but a cruel reality of his self-confidence and optimism shattered.Gradually, he interrupted contact seven beauty, as if from her friends and bamboo in quantico history (pale on the mountains) disappear in the world.Over the years, wish to get your Tokyo office seven beautiful faces the important moment.Just whatever time circulation, her searching for the man s thoughts and never stop, this is doomed to be seven beauty, is also the burden of yuan fine life...The film according to the cartoonist small Tian friend ji based on the original the same name, points films < / p >
< p > many years ago, kushiro in Hokkaido, high school to high school life is full of imagination girl takahashi seven beauty (ji high by lining) and classmate boy yano yuan qing (toma) meet.Yano bright sunshine, no matter in study or in sports is very good, handsome, he is very popular among students, and even legends about two-thirds of the women like yano.After the initial antipathy and misunderstanding by seven beauty also like this forever sunshine big boy, but seems yano heart buried a to his long ghosts of the past, unable to calm in the face of a new relationship.In a fireworks gorgeous night, seven beautiful finally summon up courage to say to him.Two people swear that go together, never betray, but this article on the way to love is full of hardships and thorns...The film according to the cartoonist small Tian friend ji based on the original the same name, points films < / p >
刀剑乱舞 电影版
< p > based on the wildly popular mobile game"sword dance - ONLINE -" beyond the history of the dimensional entertainment masterpiece!In 2205, historical revisionists claims change history, attacked sent back to march in the past time.In order to fight, history guardian responsibilities"whose god is the" wake up before the sword, will become, they called them"gentleman sword".Was ten years on June 2, oda nobunaga was wise light show defected instinct temple of the change, by historical revisionists targeted, long time back to march in an attempt to make a letter from the instinct temple of fire escape, to change history, but by the sword the men well resistance..

< p > basaltic to publish a study oriented contemporary medium mandarin dictionary"big continent, experience a lot of meticulous and mandarin scholar of Matsumoto friends on (kato) just as supervisor, who know his favorite editor araki fair (xiao Lin kaori) retirement age, choose to go home to take care of his sick wife.At this time only work in a newsroom blundering nishioka are volunteers (oda for cutting) and temporary sasaki fume (izzo bo zi).Araki and PASCAL cygan to find, finally phase within the sales department are not good at and people with a keen awareness of words and do things very seriously into young horse associating light (matsuda rompin).Oceans of words, a horse associating with colleagues with over 15 years of time to prepare a boat ship toward the shore.They are willing to lonely, but also gain the precious happiness...
玄武书房拟定出版一部面向当代人的中型国语辞典《大渡海》,阅历颇丰且行事一丝不苟的国语学者松本朋佑(加藤刚 饰)作为监修主持工作,谁知他最为器重的编辑荒木公平(小林薰 饰)却到了退休的年龄,选择回家照顾
< p > Nomatterhowmuchhedevotestohissport, veteranboxerUritaremainsinthebluecorner-thedomainoftheunderdoginthering.Despiteonapermanentlosingstreak、hismeticulousanalysisoffightsbenefitsOgawa agiftedtalentandchampionhopeful, andNarasaki, atimidrookie, bothgainingstrengthandconfidenceunderhisdiscipline.Punchinghis30yearsofboxingexperienceintothescreenplayandthechoreographyofactionsequences, directorYoshidaKeisukeuppercutsarealisticallycrafteddramathatunderscoresthepassion, sacrificeandcamaraderieintheworldofcombativesports < / p >
东京朋友 电影版
< p > ling (otsuka) 20 years old from the country come to Tokyo, want to in Tokyo to find your dream.Her in a named"the dream of Tibet" in the wine house, where she met a few good friends: like to draw the maki (xiao Lin s epicenter);Want to get married of cool son wood yoko (true);And act like an ye (Matsumoto mio).Guitarist originally long division (ying) said like ling s voice and invited ling to join his band, but he has joined the other band.Lung department left, as the band of the tonic ling had been led his band going forward.In cool son s wedding, she from maki told in New York, long division, also in New York, but have no to continue the music business.The original band of the company is located from the violence, face possible dissolution.News of ling, decided to travel to New York for her long division.Teammate support to New York to ling, finally found the long division, was long out...

< p > a fallen integrated combat female boxing champion inadvertently came to a similar to the underworld of unknown space, where she must win more unlimited duration, the death of her opponent has both humans and all sorts of beasts and demons, eventually she can save her soul nirvana reborn < / p >

Hiroshi Harada and Maple, the daughter of a junior high school student, originally lived peacefully in Shimachi, Osaka."Dad, I saw on the wanted warrant of serial murderers today that they could get 3 million if they were caught". Feng's words were naturally taken as a joke, but the next day, wisdom suddenly evaporated from the world. Feng, who was left alone, restrained his loneliness and uneasiness and wanted to seek the help of the police, but was dismissed with the words"If an adult is missing, there is only one final outcome". Even so, she still tried to follow the clues, and learned that her father had been working in the place where she was doing day work. So she ran there and shouted"Dad", but the man who turned around was a young man she had never seen before. Lost, she came to the wanted warrant that was pasted at will, and suddenly found that the man was the man who had turned back before -

少女琪拉出生在一个人类和吸血鬼共同组建的幸福家庭中,她的外公宗二郎(柄本明 饰)希望和人类共存,所以发明了可以衰老的药物,并且发誓绝不吸食人类的鲜血,于是便以人类的模样生活在灿烂阳光下。然而一场灾难突
热衷于观察星空的日本青年弓削大辅(山田孝之 饰),在夏威夷盘桓期间干着兼职导游的工作。利用工作之便,这个花花心肠的男子恣意游走花丛,乐在其中。某天,他在一家餐厅邂逅了美丽女孩藤岛瑠依(长泽雅美 饰)。
来自雪国的年轻女孩江藤良香(松冈茉优 饰)独自在东京打拼,至今从未谈过恋爱的她日常喜欢灭绝动物,关于爱情她念念不忘的是学生时代的帅气男孩阿一(北村匠海 饰)。她将心中所爱所想说给身边的检票员、超市收银
  尾崎美佐子(水崎绫女 饰)从事着一份特殊的职业,她的工作是将电影画面转化成文字写下来,再录制成音轨,为的是能让双目失明的盲人们亦能享受电影带给他们的无限想象和乐趣。近日里,美佐子的工作遭遇了瓶颈期
  一晃眼二十年过去。远赴他乡的雷登(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)再度踏上了爱丁堡的故土。哪知道刚一回来,就撞上了走投无路陷入绝望之中的屎霸(艾文·布莱纳 Ewen Bremne
  莎拉(莎拉·伯格 Sarah Bolger 饰)的丈夫死了,留下了一儿一女需要莎拉拉扯长大,忍着巨大的悲痛和沉重的经济压力,莎拉只有苦苦支撑,更糟的是,儿子成为了父亲死亡的目击者,巨大的打击让他就
  在一次家庭露营旅行中,一次随机的熊袭击使格雷格(父亲)和萨曼莎(女儿)被恶魔崇拜的邪教组织“圈”困住了。 众所周知,邪教组织中有一个渗透者。 她正在与外部一位名叫Grady的前成员通讯。 格雷迪的

Joan (Lesley Manville) and Tom (Liam Neeson) have been supporting each other for most of their lives, and they have already cultivated a full understanding and trust. They both recognized that the other person was the one they could entrust for the rest of their lives. The relationship between husband and wife was very close and solid. I thought that the days would pass in peace day by day, but Joan was diagnosed with breast cancer, a sudden disease that completely disrupted the rhythm of their lives, but no matter how the situation changed, Tom chose to stand firmly beside Joan and become his dependence. Tom accompanied and encouraged Joan to fight against the disease. Although there were moments of despair and emotional collapse along the way, whenever these moments came, Tom would always use infinite tenderness and tolerance to calm Joan's anxious mood

  琼(莱丝利·曼维尔 Lesley Manville 饰)和汤姆(连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)已经相互陪伴扶持着走过了大半辈子了,两人之间早已经培养出了十足的默契和信赖。他们都认定了对方

Dazi (Yamami Nagasawa) is a Confidence Man, that is, a credit fraudster. She can master various difficult professional knowledge in a short time by virtue of her talent and concentration. She has lived in luxury suites of high-end hotels for a long time. Although she is gifted, she has an innocent and careless side. Dazi's partner is a child (from Changda East), a cautious old man who is always played by her. He always hopes to wash his hands as soon as possible and live a bright and honest life. The other partner is Richard (Niri Xiang Wenshi), who has super first-class cross dressing technology and applies his inherent good temperament to deception. They use the colorful world as their stage to swindle money from people who are obsessed with profit with various whimsical plans. It is a happy comedy


Laisheng Tears (Fujiwara), Laisheng Tong (Inamori Quan) and Laisheng Ai (Uji Uchida) are three sisters who are brothers and sisters. On the surface, three kind-hearted and strong girls run a cafe called"Cat's Eye". When night falls, they will turn into omnipotent art thieves, and all their targets will be hidden in their pockets, The father of the three sisters is a well-known art collector. However, one day, he disappeared mysteriously without any reason, and the famous paintings and jewelry that should belong to the three sisters were scattered in various art museums and museums. In order to retrieve the things that should belong to them, and to investigate the truth of his father's disappearance, three beautiful shadows were hidden behind the night. What the cat's eye robber did naturally attracted the attention of the police station, and it was Xiaotong's criminal police boyfriend who was responsible for investigating the case

  来生泪(藤原纪香 饰)、来生瞳(稻森泉 饰)和来生爱(内田有纪 饰)是情同手足的三姐妹,表面上,三个善良坚强的女孩经营着名为“猫眼”的咖啡馆,而每当夜幕降临之时,她们便会变身成为无所不能的艺术品大

The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by the Japanese writer Murakami, which tells the story of a middle-aged man, Aoyama, who conceived the idea of remarriage seven years after his wife's funeral, but experienced a terrorist event after meeting Masumi Yamazaki, 24


After the fierce battle between GPS and Qin Ze's army, Linglan High School entered a short peace period. Qin Zeduo Moxiong (Yamada Xiaozhi) gives up his throne, and Takigawa Yuanzhi (Oguri Xun) continues to attack the horrible Lin Tianhui (Shamshui Yuanji). Eight months passed in a flash, and the conflict between Lily of the valley and the old enemy Fengxian Academy resurfaced
Two years ago, the Lily of the valley corps led by Hiroshi Kawabata (introduced by Abe Jin) fought with the Fengxian Academy led by Shinichio Mito. In the scuffle, Kawashi stabbed Zhen Xixiong to death, and he was later sent to the juvenile detention center. In order to prevent further increase in casualties, lily of the valley and phoenix signed an armistice agreement. Two years later, West Sichuan was released from prison and chased by Fengxian College. Qin Ze intervened, and Takigo's intervention destroyed the armistice agreement between the two sides. Inheriting the will of Zhen Xixiong, Minghai Dagu (Jin Zi) and Meiteng Longya (Miura Chunma) decide to take this opportunity to completely destroy the old enemy Linglan High School

  在GPS与芹泽军团的恶战之后,铃兰高中进入短暂的和平期。芹泽多摩雄(山田孝之 饰)让出老大宝座,泷谷源治(小栗旬 饰)则持续向恐怖的林田惠(深水元基 饰)发起冲击。8个月时间转瞬即逝,铃兰与宿敌凤

Crow School Linglan High School, the new school year war is burning again. The powerful and terrible strong Rocher (Liu Leyoumi) destroys the challenge of the opponent one after another and moves towards the summit of lily of the valley step by step. At the same time, the dysprosium wood Whirlwind Xiong (Changda decoration from the east) who killed the Burning Eight Commercial Four Heavenly Kings transferred to the lily of the valley. Xiaoqi Xujianyi (cool decoration in the resort) and others of Naoka Lingguang put their treasure on Whirlwind Xiong, expecting him to finally fight with Qiangluo. Brother Quan (Yanbu Hengyou) comes back from time to time. Jiahe Meiliaoping, the son of his favorite boss (the early Japanese woman Taiyi), has become a first-year student of Lily of the valley, and has become famous for knocking down Qiangluo. At the same time, Shibata Hiroshi (Iwata Gangdian), the boss of Heisaku industry, and his old enemy Fujihara I (Yongshan Huadou), walked out of the detention center, colluded with the mob ODA to hunt Heisaku and Suzuki respectively under the instructions of the underworld, and he and Kaga Mei joined hands to push the war to the top...
This film is based on Takahashi's original cartoon of the same name

  乌鸦学校铃兰高中,新一学年战火再燃。强大可怕的强罗彻(柳乐悠弥 饰)接连摧毁对手的挑战,一步步朝着铃兰的顶点迈进。与此同时,干掉焚八商业四天王的镝木旋风雄(东出昌大 饰)转学来到铃兰,脑瓜灵光的小

Bernie came back, and the children were very happy. But so did their old enemy Winston, who was about to kidnap the talented dolphin. Kevin and Holly must rescue their fiery friend before it is too late


This film is based on the diary of former Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King. It was shot with super 8 and 16mm cameras, quoted the words of real world characters, and set up a large number of scenes and animations to create a sense of nostalgia for the times. It also smuggled a number of topics such as cross dressing, 3P, shoe fetishism, race and indulgence, exposed the chauvinistic colonial attitude that laid the foundation of Canada, and also created an absurd and strange love story with a false biography of Ka's tragic death


This play was originally used as the novel"Xuan", which describes the half life of Ge's three daughters"Rong" in Beizhai. Describe the"Rong" who came back to Beizhai, looked at his father's back and began to study color, as well as the gesture of secretly falling in love with Beizhai's disciple, the painter"Shanjilang"


The story takes place after the end of the First World War. Allen (Domnar Gleason, Domhnall Gleeson) completes his mission of defending his country and returns to a peaceful life. Allen hopes to start writing again and bring power to the society with words, but soon he finds that he seems to have lost the ability to write. At the same time, the terrible war has brought great trauma to Allen's soul, which has led him to be tortured by stress
helpless, Allen and his wife Devni (Margot Robbie) moved to the countryside with their family, hoping that the beautiful scenery there can heal his injured soul. His son Billy (Will Tilston) and his beloved teddy bear gave Allen infinite inspiration, which made him start to create the children's book Winnie the Pooh

  故事发生在第一次世界大战结束之后,艾伦(多姆纳尔·格里森 Domhnall Gleeson 饰)完成了自己保家卫国的使命,重新回归了平静的生活之中。艾伦希望执笔重新开始写作,用文字给这个社会带来一
< p > yusetsu is scheduled to move from KIJIMA to"I want to go to France together" during the tour to aim at Mt. Daigaku. On the way from daijo to daisunotake, Manami spreads the portable drinking water, and the foot is caused by dehydration. KIJIMA is the first to arrive at the mountain hut. The one who was invited from the father and Yoshio Yoshio for the dead mother and took part in the tour is not confident even if it aims at the musician, and it doesn't have confidence. Yui tries to encourage such a tree
In the 3rd year of the p p climbing guide, Yuuki Tachibana (Yuki Yuki) encourages participants to participate in the mountain event to the contributors who want to make Yamashiro. Yamanami Nishi (Yuka kurotani), who is not in the mood, and who doesn't have yamatomo, is haunted by Yuka kumata (Makai Kai), a contributor of the Yamashiro diaries, and it is a sympathy. He participated in the tent night tour to uwadake, together with his son Chiko Nakano (Tsuyoshi Shige and Kazuma Yamane). Yuzuki served as a guide to Takashima KIJIMA (Masa kikawada) and the guide, but on the way, the party was embarrassed by the victory of Sayuri Mishima (Bushi Kurokawa) who was said to be the fiancee of KIJIMA, and Manami could not climb without any acid.

Adapted from the mystery novel of the same name by the writer Seiichi Morimura, this book was published in 1976 as a blockbuster film version co starring the late actor Yoshiko Matsuda and the actress Moliko Okada the next year. In 2004, it was also filmed as a serial version by Takeno and Kazukawa, but changed the era of the play to the modern era. This remake of the special drama version will maintain the setting of the original work in the 1970s. The stage of the story is Tokyo in 1974. It tells the story of a young black man who was stabbed with a knife in the elevator of the hotel where a famous hairdresser (the original work and the film version are fashion designers) held a banquet. Before his death, he left only a sentence of"Stouha", which he did not know what the meaning was. The criminal police Dong Ju Hongyiliang (Fujiwara) and his team of the Police Department investigated the case

  改编自作家森村诚一的同名推理小说,此书1976年出版 隔年已故演员松田优作和女演员冈田茉莉子合演的电影版版大卖座,2004年也曾由竹野内丰和夏川结衣拍摄为连续剧版,但将剧中时代改为现代。此次重拍的

Following the launch of two TV movies of Detective Megley series adapted from the works of Belgian writer George Simmonnon in 2016, ITV announced to renew the subscription of two TV movies of this series, which are still starred by"Mr. Bean" Rowan Atkinson, written by Stuart Harcourt. The first one is"Night at the Crossroads", and the second one is"Megley in Montmartre", which is expected to be broadcast in 2017


Zhu Lin (Sugimoto Youmei), a high school girl, is about to turn 16, but she finds her body is changing quietly. On his birthday, Lin was strongly stimulated, and his right hand turned into a magic claw. Returning home in a hurry, she learns from her father, Yang Erlang (Hiroshi Tsuda), that she is a descendant of the mutant"leech". Then she watched as her parents were killed by special forces belonging to the Japanese government. Angry Rin awakened the devil in his body and started killing in the commercial street near his hometown. Later, Lin meets Ruyue (Sakaguchi Tuo), the leader of the leech clan, and Ling (Yuko Takayama), a high school girl. Ruyue vows to build a fighting girl army that can compete with humans, and Ling is the fighting coach of these leech girls. The racial war is imminent...
This film is divided into three chapters, each directed by Sakuchi Tuo, Inoguchi Sheng and Nishimura Hiroshi

  高中少女渚凛(杉本有美 饰)即将迎来16岁的生日,但是她却发现自己的身体正悄悄发生着变化。生日当天,凛受到强烈刺激,右手变成了削铁如泥的魔爪。仓皇回到家中的她从父亲洋二郎(津田寛治 饰)口中得知,

When nature is not enough... A gentle beautician provides patients with an opportunity to correct what they think is wrong with nature. Under the constraint of a non-traditional code of ethics, the beautician turned to use a deadly ingenious device to keep the patient consistent with the concept of unnatural beauty of the beautician


The film personifies various physiological pains during the physiological period. It depicts the story of Mikita, who worked in the editorial department of the magazine, facing work and love while suffering from physiological pain


This story is adapted from the article Chasing Agent Freegard written by Browner, which tells a true story. Professional liar Robert Fregard (Norton) is an expert in manipulating people's minds. He makes countless victims believe that he is an undercover of MI5, so as to blackmail and kidnap them. Atden's character was initially charmed by his charm, and later became a key figure in the downfall of Fregard. Her actions led to his conviction and arrest

  该片故事改编自布朗纳撰写的文章《追踪弗雷 加德特工》(Chasing Agent Freegard),讲述一桩真实发生的故事,职业骗子罗伯特·弗雷加德(诺顿饰)是个操纵人心的高手,他让无数受害者相

Becky (Laysla De Oliveira, Lesla De Oliveira) and his brother Carl (Avery Whitted, Avery Vitide) are driving on the road. On the way, Becky, who is pregnant, feels very uncomfortable, so she gets off to rest. At this time, she hears the child's cry for help from the tall grass along the road. Following the sound, Becky and Carl successively walk into the tall grass, How could I have stepped into the gate of hell?
The tall grass is like a living devil, devouring all the lives that have entered it by mistake. In the tall grass, Becky meets Ross (Patrick Wilson), who is also lost here. Although he is handsome, he exudes a dangerous atmosphere. Jarvis (Harrison Gilbertson) is Becky's boyfriend. After his girlfriend disappeared, he embarked on the road of looking for someone

  贝奇(蕾斯拉·德·奥利维拉 Laysla De Oliveira 饰)和哥哥卡尔(艾弗里·维提德 Avery Whitted 饰)驱车行驶在公路上,半途中,已经怀孕的贝奇感到非常的不舒服,于是下车

This film is set in Tokyo one night, a boxer Leo (Masao Waada) who has run out of luck meets his first love Monica (Sakura Oi). Monica is a call girl who takes drugs, but she is still very naive. Monica was unknowingly involved in the drug smuggling plan, and the two were chased by corrupt police, gangsters, Leo's opponents and female assassins sent by the triad that night


SWORD; O", Generally known as" Dark and ferocious high school" Ghost colleges and universities. There are time system and full-time system. The time system's chief, Murayama Liangshu (Yugui Yamada), becomes the head of the ghost university. A full-time freshman transferred to a ghost college, Feng Shixiong Huagang (Kawamura) is determined to seize the full-time world in order to challenge the village one day. Full time by the strength of the leading Hong (Maeda Gonghui decoration) and Zhi (dragon decoration), Tsuji (Suzuki Ong soo decoration), Hong Yipai, the second grade of the Zhongyue (God tail maple bead decoration) and a year later in the Zhonggang (Nakajima Jian decoration), the Thai Qing Yipai (Sato Liusi decoration) The new generation of factions under the leadership of Si (Yoshino Beiren), who once lived in the same area with Feng Shixiong, and the Jam Man (Fukuyama Kangping), ushered in the Warring States era of hegemony< Br/>In Huyaliu City, the neighboring town of SWORD, the Fengxian Academy is becoming more and more powerful as the strongest army with bald heads except for cadres. In the past, it was known as the most powerful phoenixes, headed by the leader, Ueda Satoshio (Shizun Chun), Oda Dao Youjian (Yanno Yingjiu), Sawamura Zhengji (Kui Yang), Inchawa Yingming (Xiaoliu Xin), and Chieda Kenzo (Arai Dun Shi). The four phoenixes, the four heavenly kings, and the cadres, Shabakan (Sakuchi Liang Taro), gathered the strongest lineup< Br/>At this time, the students of Fengxian were suddenly attacked by the people who claimed to be high in ghost evil. At the same time, the students who claimed to be high in ghost evil were also attacked by the people who claimed to be Fengxian. As a result of the attack on their companions, the two schools were hostile and murderous< Br/>The individualists led by Feng Shixiong gathered together, the ghost colleges with overwhelming power, and the organized Fengxian Academy led by Zuo Zhixiong opened a decisive battle between the peaks of collision on the river beach at dusk


In mysterious Peru, there is a very rare jam bear. They have a very high IQ and language ability. At that time, Pastuzzo and Lucy, the couple of jam bears, had forged a deep friendship with explorers from London and learned the techniques of suppressing jam. Up to now, a disaster has destroyed the peaceful and happy life of the jam bear. Aunt Lucy sent her naughty nephew on the cruise ship to London and told him to start a new life in that friendly country. The little bear, who came from thousands of miles of wandering, came to Paddington Railway Station in a muddle headed way, but the indifference of contemporary people made him feel frustrated. Fortunately, Little Bear met the Browns and got a nice name - Paddington (Ben Whishaw dubbing). Mary (Sally Hawkins), the kind-hearted hostess, is eager to help Paddington find a place to live, while Henry (Hugh Bonneville), the host, always wants to drive away this unexpected trouble, And Millicent (Nicole Kidman), a herbalist in the Natural History Museum, quietly approaches Paddington with an evil purpose


In mysterious Peru, there is a very rare jam bear. They have a very high IQ and language ability. At that time, Pastuzzo and Lucy, the couple of jam bears, had forged a deep friendship with explorers from London and learned the techniques of suppressing jam. Up to now, a disaster has destroyed the peaceful and happy life of the jam bear. Aunt Lucy sent her naughty nephew on the cruise ship to London and told him to start a new life in that friendly country. The little bear, who came from thousands of miles of wandering, came to Paddington Railway Station in a muddle headed way, but the indifference of contemporary people made him feel frustrated. Fortunately, Little Bear met the Browns and got a nice name - Paddington (Ben Whishaw dubbing). Mary (Sally Hawkins), the kind-hearted hostess, is eager to help Paddington find a place to live, while Henry (Hugh Bonneville), the host, always wants to drive away this unexpected trouble, And Millicent (Nicole Kidman), a herbalist in the Natural History Museum, quietly approaches Paddington with an evil purpose


Aunt Lucy (Imelda Staunton)'s birthday is coming, and Paddington (Ben Whishaw) decides to give her a gift that will make her unforgettable. Finally, Paddington chose a stereoscopic picture book. However, this picture book is the only precious treasure in the world. In order to save money to buy a picture book, Paddington decided to start working. After a series of failures, Paddington finally found a job suitable for him - cleaning the glass window, Paddington, who also appeared at the scene of the crime, was arrested as a suspect and finally put in prison. In prison, Paddington changed the dull atmosphere inside the wall with his love and courage. Outside the prison, the Browns never gave up the opportunity to clean up Paddington's grievances

  露西婶婶(伊梅尔达·斯汤顿 Imelda Staunton 配音)的生日即将到来,帕丁顿(本·威士肖 Ben Whishaw 配音)决定送婶婶一份会让她终生难忘的礼物。最终,帕丁顿选中了一本立体绘

Aunt Lucy (Imelda Staunton)'s birthday is coming, and Paddington (Ben Whishaw) decides to give her a gift that will make her unforgettable. Finally, Paddington chose a stereoscopic picture book. However, this picture book is the only precious treasure in the world. In order to save money to buy a picture book, Paddington decided to start working. After a series of failures, Paddington finally found a job suitable for him - cleaning the glass window, Paddington, who also appeared at the scene of the crime, was arrested as a suspect and finally put in prison. In prison, Paddington changed the dull atmosphere inside the wall with his love and courage. Outside the prison, the Browns never gave up the opportunity to clean up Paddington's grievances

  露西婶婶(伊梅尔达·斯汤顿 Imelda Staunton 配音)的生日即将到来,帕丁顿(本·威士肖 Ben Whishaw 配音)决定送婶婶一份会让她终生难忘的礼物。最终,帕丁顿选中了一本立体绘

Fiona Maye, a famous judge of the High Court, whose marriage with the professor's husband came to the critical point of breaking, was confronted with a difficult case: should a leukemia patient under the age of 18 who refused to accept blood transfusion therapy be forced to live? Maye went to the hospital to visit the sick boy Adam. This conversation brought about a profound impact on the two of them. It not only made Adam have a new strong feeling, but also inspired Maye's deep feelings

  一位声名显赫的高等法院法官Fiona Maye,她和教授丈夫的婚姻来到破碎的临界点,而一项棘手的案件又摆在她面前:是否应该强迫一位未满18岁、拒绝接受输血治疗的白血病患者活下去?Maye前去医院探

This film is compiled and directed by Clio Barnard. It is adapted from the 2010 novel of Ross Tremme. The story revolves around a brother and sister who try to get rid of the family pain in the past


Jesse (Katie Sackhoff) leaves her daughter Chloe (Lucy Boynton) when she is very young. For a long time, Jesse's heart is full of guilt for her daughter. Finally, she got a chance to make up for her mistakes and took Chloe back home. However, what Jesse did not expect was that with Chloe's return, strange events that could not be explained by science began to happen around her one after another, and all these seemed to be inextricably linked to Chloe's past, Her neighbor is a strange mother-in-law called"witch". Ignorant Chloe and his friends often tease the lonely old man. For children, their excessive behavior is just a fun game, but for the old man, ignorant children commit unforgivable mistakes

  杰西(凯缇·萨克霍夫 Katee Sackhoff 饰)在女儿克洛伊(露西·宝通 Lucy Boynton 饰)很小的时候就离开了她,长久以来,杰西的内心里都充满了对女儿的愧疚。终于,她得到了一个

Yan Daipeng, a hot blooded criminal policeman (Bo Gui) belonging to the 6th series of the"Special Search Countermeasure Room" of the Search Class of the Police Video Hall, visited the Kyoto government police together with Minghai Lisha (Jingxiang Suzuki), a high-intelligence senior who is good at text interpretation, and Cao Jiashen, the director (Xianyi Endo). Three days ago, a strange event occurred in Beijing. On the body of the deceased coffee shop owner, Yongsuke Wucun, the character"male" was found in red ink with three Chinese characters connected together. Strangely, five years ago, two IT professionals were also killed in Tokyo, leaving red ink characters of"Bug" and"Pin" at their respective sites. The case that is still unresolved was left at the scene of the incident. Peng and Lisha noticed that all the characters left at the scene were"Pin" characters with three Chinese characters connected together. They think it is very likely that the murderer committed the crime again after five years. Although this conjecture was denied by the boss, Peng and Lisa still did not give up and continued to search for the truth of time< Br/>At this time, they learned that the murdered Wu Cun had worked for the largest software company four or five years ago. Moreover, two days before Wu Cun was killed, he met with the president of the software company. In order to further search for clues, Peng and his colleagues went to the software company together, but they were turned away< Br/>At that moment, there was a new murder in the Tokyo Metropolitan. Seeing the red ink"pin" shaped characters left at the scene, Lisa immediately changed her eyes and saw the complexity of the incident

  隶属于警视厅搜查一课“特命搜查对策室”第6系的热血刑警矢代朋(波瑠 饰),与擅长文字解读的高智商前辈鸣海理沙(铃木京香 饰)以及主任草加慎司(远藤宪一 饰)一起来到京都府警拜访。3天前,在京都市内

Boy Charlie is a rising star on the football field. When he plays, everything seems to be under his control. At present, there is a top club that wants to sign with him very much. For him, the future seems so beautiful, and success seems to be in front of him. However, what is little known is that Charlie always feels that a girl's soul lives in his heart. He not only wants to achieve his father's long cherished dream, but also wants to face himself and become a man named Charlie. Seeing that the secret can no longer be concealed, Charlie's decision may tear his family relationship apart, or drag his perfect world into doubt, prejudice and confusion

  男孩查理是足球场上一颗冉冉升起的新星,当他踢球时,一切仿佛都在他的掌控之中。目前有一家顶尖的俱乐部非常想和他签约,对他来说未来似乎是那么美好,而成功也仿佛就在眼前。 然而鲜为人知的是,查理一直觉得

In the French battlefield of World War I, an 18-year-old recruit lieutenant (Asa Butterfield) comes to the front line by virtue of his childhood old friend and hero officer Stan Hope (Sam). However, Stanhope has been changed beyond recognition by the war. He is suffering from claustrophobia and irritable


The Oats Studio of Neil Blomkamp, the director of the Ninth Zone, released the second experimental short film Firebase, just like Metal Equipment 5+Modern Apocalypse, which is bloody and realistic but very attractive... It tells about that during the Vietnam War, the US military met a terrible enemy, the"river god" - a flesh and blood body that can freely transform its form, become invisible, telepathic and bring the dead back to life. The army led by CIA staff Jacob Palmer and Sergeant Carl was sent to kill the"river god" and rescue the survivors. They set up a base called"Firebase Quatro" at the border between Sining Province, Vietnam and Cambodia to track the"river god". The field hospital near the base received all the survivors who were attacked by the river god. A young man named Bracken had his face destroyed, but he was the only one who could speak, and he told the story in detail.
When he saw the"river god", he had an illusion. His environment suddenly changed from the Vietnamese forest to a flight base in South Carolina. He was attacked by Russian unidentified aircraft, and the whole fleet was destroyed. His crew members were entangled by propane firebombs and burned to death. His mind returned to the Vietnamese forest again, He saw that his teammates were possessed by the"river god", just like walking corpses< Br, The short film also ended abruptly at this time. As for the result, it all depends on imagination. The short film starred Steve Boyle, Nick Rhind, Robert Hobbs and Tyler Johnston


The film"Deformed House", based on the novel of the same name by Agatha Christie, the queen of detective fiction, has officially started shooting in Britain. Director Gilles Baggett Buchner, starring Glenn Close, Gillian Anderson, Christina Hendrix, Max Irons, Stephanie Martini. The story revolves around the private detective Charles Hayward's detection of a strange death case. The film will be released in the UK in 2018
