  A drug addict awakens to find the girl he is with is dead, and must rush to escape the consequence
  Stranded in an Arctic mine, two lone survivors are forced to fight for their lives, evading and hi

The Oats Studio of Neil Blomkamp, the director of the Ninth Zone, released the second experimental short film Firebase, just like Metal Equipment 5+Modern Apocalypse, which is bloody and realistic but very attractive... It tells about that during the Vietnam War, the US military met a terrible enemy, the"river god" - a flesh and blood body that can freely transform its form, become invisible, telepathic and bring the dead back to life. The army led by CIA staff Jacob Palmer and Sergeant Carl was sent to kill the"river god" and rescue the survivors. They set up a base called"Firebase Quatro" at the border between Sining Province, Vietnam and Cambodia to track the"river god". The field hospital near the base received all the survivors who were attacked by the river god. A young man named Bracken had his face destroyed, but he was the only one who could speak, and he told the story in detail.
When he saw the"river god", he had an illusion. His environment suddenly changed from the Vietnamese forest to a flight base in South Carolina. He was attacked by Russian unidentified aircraft, and the whole fleet was destroyed. His crew members were entangled by propane firebombs and burned to death. His mind returned to the Vietnamese forest again, He saw that his teammates were possessed by the"river god", just like walking corpses< Br, The short film also ended abruptly at this time. As for the result, it all depends on imagination. The short film starred Steve Boyle, Nick Rhind, Robert Hobbs and Tyler Johnston


When Valerie returned home from prison years after killing her neighbor in an obvious drunken driving accident, she just wanted to continue to live a good life - until the son of the deceased appeared at the door, which was obviously not easy to forget in the past

  Valerie在一次明显的酒后驾车事故中杀死邻居后多年从监狱回家时,她只想继续好好的生活 - 直到死者的儿子出现在门口,很明显过去不容易被遗忘