The TV drama"The Oath" is directed by Mao Weining. The main plot tells that during the Anti Japanese War, Yan Shaobai, a mathematical genius who bears family feuds and hates the Japanese aggressors, met officer Xiao Siyu and gangster Lei Hu by chance, and formed a different brother. In a battle, Xiao Siyu's head entered the shrapnel, which affected his ability as an expert in the"war game", so he found Yan Shaobai as his successor. Yan Shaobai used his mathematical talent and Xiao Siyu's help to become a war chess master. After a series of reviews by Ono, he finally joined the Japanese army and cooperated with the expert Kato Bowen to complete the weapon system development of the"Black Dragon" plan. He also successfully identified the Japanese insidious battle plan and disrupted the careful deployment of the Japanese army. During this period, Yan Shaobai and Han Yixuan exchanged feelings, but they failed to get together due to misunderstanding. Xiao Siyu also died due to years of injuries, illnesses and accumulated labor. Lei Hu, the third brother, had more and more cooperation with the Japanese, and the road became more and more biased. Finally, he returned to the right path under the advice of his two brothers, and died when rescuing Han Yixuan. Yan Shaobai and Han Yixuan resolve the misunderstanding and become lifelong partners