
On the way to get scriptures, Tang Monk (Jia Yongquan) and his four apprentices meet a leopard spirit (Wang Yuqing) to rob a relative. After a fight, the outnumbered leopard spirit suddenly dies. The members are very happy. The next day, a group of four people passed by the Niu Demon Palace. They met the Niu Demon King and Princess Iron Fan, who were doing housework. Wukong (Dong Zhihua) was rude and offended Princess Iron Fan. The disciples continued to travel westward. On this day, they came to Chechi State, which is now under the control of demons. Tang Monk and his disciples stayed here for several days, destroyed the demon cave, and restored the peaceful life of the past. Red Boy (Mu Lixin) receives a letter from his mother, Princess Iron Fan. He learns that Monkey King has bumped into his mother and is determined to avenge her. Guanyin Bodhisattva learned that Tang Monk's disciples were in trouble, so he sent disciples Muzha, Jinzha and Nezha to help, and finally accepted Red Boy...
The story is based on Wu Chengen's famous book Journey to the West

  取经路上,唐僧(贾永泉 饰)师徒四人遇到豹精(王玉清 饰)到员外家抢亲,经过一番搏杀,寡不敌众的豹精暴毙而亡,员外一家很是高兴。次日,一行四人途经牛魔宫,踫上牛魔王与铁扇公主闹家务,悟空(董志华