
Throughout the ages, Chuming (Guo Tao) is a small editor of a newspaper office. Unexpectedly,"fame" fell from the sky, and"fame" and"benefit" fell on the screen at the same time to this small person who is willing to live a fresh and ordinary life. With the help of his wife Jin Xiaoyan (He Saifei), Chuming stepped onto the screen, He became a little famous host. Since then, he has become famous overnight and earned a lot of money, which can be said to be both fame and wealth< Br/>As the saying goes,"People fear fame and pigs fear strength". Not only did"fame" not bring Chuming's family more happiness and contentment, but it overturned his former peace of life. The peaceful life turned into a bubble in a flash, followed by a succession of troubles and pains. Everything was messed up by"fame". His life and his wife Jin Xiaoyan's life did not get better as expected, but the distance between the husband and wife was growing, Even make the couple's feelings come to an end; The daughter, who has a dream of chasing stars all day long, is dissatisfied with her parents' quarrel and divorce, and runs away from home angrily; Chu Tian, a brother who dreams of becoming famous, is no longer satisfied with the status quo. After a lot of trouble, he not only failed to become famous, but also led to the fragmentation of his family. All the contradictions and troubles brought by fame make them miserable; They are overwhelmed by the public opinion; The instigation of the traitors makes them constantly hide into misunderstandings...
After a struggle and wandering, can they understand life, get out of the shadow of life and recover the happiness they have long lost? Besides fame and wealth, what is the essence of life? People Afraid of Fame will tell you

  古往今来,大千世界,芸芸众生,大凡皆为名来利往者,淡泊名利者又能有几许  楚明(郭涛饰)是个报社的小编辑,怎料一次意外,竟然“名”从天降,名与利同时“砸”向这个甘于清新寡欲平淡生活的小人物,在妻子