
The play tells about a city in the north that
graduated from Sutian University in 2016, and she faced her first choice in life: whether to choose her favorite career or follow her mother's arrangement? When Su Diandian decided to go to UNIQUE magazine, at first, Su Zijuan strongly opposed it. Later, when she learned that Su Diandian's biological father was in UNIQUE magazine, she even lied that she was terminally ill to do her best to realize her daughter's wish. In the face of Su Zijuan's Tuo Gu, Qi Darui, Su Zijuan's first lover and the husband of Lin Sen, editor in chief of UNIQUE magazine, accepted the task at great moral risk, which also caused a grudge more than 20 years ago< Br/>Through her experience in UNIQUE magazine and with the help of everything like this, Su Dian changed from a rookie in the workplace to a charming woman. The process of her growth is the"Queen's Progressive Time". At the same time, after Su Zijuan died of terminal illness, Su Diandian met everything like her father and daughter

  该剧讲述了2016年,北方某城市  苏点点大学毕业,和单身母亲相依为命的她面临着人生的第一次抉择:到底是选择自己喜欢的职业,还是听从母亲的安排?当苏点点决定要去《UNIQUE》杂志社时,一开始苏紫

The play tells about a city in the north that
graduated from Sutian University in 2016, and she faced her first choice in life: whether to choose her favorite career or follow her mother's arrangement? When Su Diandian decided to go to UNIQUE magazine, at first, Su Zijuan strongly opposed it. Later, when she learned that Su Diandian's biological father was in UNIQUE magazine, she even lied that she was terminally ill to do her best to realize her daughter's wish. In the face of Su Zijuan's Tuo Gu, Qi Darui, Su Zijuan's first lover and the husband of Lin Sen, editor in chief of UNIQUE magazine, accepted the task at great moral risk, which also caused a grudge more than 20 years ago< Br/>Through her experience in UNIQUE magazine and with the help of everything like this, Su Dian changed from a rookie in the workplace to a charming woman. The process of her growth is the"Queen's Progressive Time". At the same time, after Su Zijuan died of terminal illness, Su Diandian met everything like her father and daughter

  该剧讲述了2016年,北方某城市  苏点点大学毕业,和单身母亲相依为命的她面临着人生的第一次抉择:到底是选择自己喜欢的职业,还是听从母亲的安排?当苏点点决定要去《UNIQUE》杂志社时,一开始苏紫