"Ace to Ace Season 7" is an original indoor sports reality show launched by Zhejiang Satellite TV, which is produced by Zhejiang Satellite TV Program Center. Each episode of the program revolves around a theme, and invites two trump card teams. The fixed captains of the two teams lead several popular IP guests to PK each other, and decide the trump card among the trumps through talent competition and game competition
"Ace to Ace Season 7" is an original indoor sports reality show launched by Zhejiang Satellite TV, which is produced by Zhejiang Satellite TV Program Center. Each episode of the program revolves around a theme, and invites two trump card teams. The fixed captains of the two teams lead several popular IP guests to PK each other, and decide the trump card among the trumps through talent competition and game competition
The program invited 15 artists to Taohuawu (Pinggu, Beijing), 50 kilometers away from the city center. Through 21 days of living together, the program recorded the living conditions of artists in all aspects of life, social interaction, etc., to truly and vividly show the social life of contemporary society, and explore the possibility of a better social life in the suburbs of the new era