This film tells the legendary life of Pablo Escoba, a Colombian drug lord. Adapted from the Spanish bestseller"Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar" by Virginia Vallejo, the lover who has been in love with Escoba for five years, directed by Fernando Leon de Aranoya, and co starred by Javier Baden and Penelope Cruz, the husband and wife in real life
本片讲述了哥伦比亚大毒枭巴勃罗·埃斯科巴的传奇一生。改编自与埃斯科巴相恋五年的情人弗吉尼亚·瓦列霍的西语畅销书《Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar》,由费尔南多·莱昂·德·阿