
Human beings and many alien races live together in a bustling interstellar metropolis called Alpha, the City of Thousand Stars. For hundreds of years, Alpha, the City of Thousand Stars, has become a wonderful paradise for all ethnic groups to live together peacefully, and it is thriving. Welleren (Dane DeHaan, Dane DeHaan) and Lorraine (Cara Delevingne, Carla Divay) are chosen as the guardians of Alpha. They are the executors of the guard department and are appointed to intercept the trade of a rare item. This rare item has a mysterious connection with a rare ethnic group that should have disappeared decades ago. Then they came to Alpha City, a huge city of thousands of stars. At this time, their commander Arun Filit (Cliff Owen) was kidnapped in the command center, and the pair began to realize the unusual value of the items in their hands. They pursue the murderer and find themselves caught in a fermenting interstellar event

  人类和众多外星种族共同生活在一个名为千星之城阿尔法的繁华星际大都市,数百年来,千星之城阿尔法成为各族群和平共处的美妙天堂,它繁荣昌盛。韦勒瑞恩(戴恩·德哈恩 Dane DeHaan 饰)和洛瑞琳(
  安妮(托妮·科莱特 Toni Collette 饰)和鲍勃(哈威·凯特尔 Harvey Keitel 饰)是一对美国上流社会交际圈里的明星夫妇。一天,两人正在筹备一场非常盛大的宴会,邀请了身份十分

The earth has experienced a devastating disaster. As a lonely survivor, Juliet must strive to find materials and shelter. On the way to the nearby waste city, she fell into a coma after a car overturn accident. When she woke up, she found herself in a dark desert, her leg was broken, she was hungry and thirsty, and unknown creatures were approaching. And all these realities seem to have a mysterious connection with her past, and the emotional memories of the past are gradually emerging. Let memories and reality, civilization and collapse, stir up unexpected results. The beautiful heroine Brittany Ashworth is trapped in the car for most of her plays, but with her superb acting skills, she performs breathtaking rival plays with the famous"ghost star" Javier Burt (Record Ghost"," Mother Invasion"," Bloody Red Villa"," It"), who plays Ah Piao through a car door


The Death of Stalin, an English film directed by Armando Iannucci, a Scottish director, recently started shooting. The film is based on the cartoon of the same name of Fabien Noury, which tells about the fierce power struggle among the top leaders of the Soviet Communist Party after Stalin's death.
The American actor Adrian Mcloughlin played Stalin, Jeffrey Tambor, the winner of the Golden Globe Award, will play Soviet leader Malinkov, Steve Buscemi will play Khrushchev, and Olga Kurylenko, the former"state girl", will play Soviet pianist Maria Yukina (Stalin died with the accompaniment of her piano record), Simon Russell Beale will play the Soviet Union's number two figure Beria, and Rupert Friend will play Stalin's second son Vassili< Br/>In addition, Jason Isaacs, Toby Kebbell and others joined the film< Br/>Stalin was the longest serving supreme leader of the Soviet Union (1924-1953). Under his iron fist rule, the Soviet Union became a superpower competing with the United States. There have been various conspiracy theories about his death. The official conclusion is that he died naturally due to stroke, but some people believe that he was poisoned to death, and the murderer is the head of the KGB (Soviet intelligence agency) Beria< Br/>After Stalin's death, the Soviet Union was once in a state of leaderless, and the high-level political struggle was extremely fierce. Finally, Khrushchev and others overthrew Beria, the actual number two figure of the Soviet Union at that time. A few months after Stalin's death, Beria was sentenced to death as a Western spy

  由苏格兰导演阿曼多·兰努奇(Armando Iannucci)执导的英语电影《斯大林之死》(The Death Of Stalin)近日开机拍摄,该片根据Fabien-Nury同名漫画改编,讲述了