
The Amazing Race 28 is the 28th season of the CBS reality show The Amazing Race. This season is a special season for social network celebrities. Eleven pairs of teams participating in the competition are social media celebrities with established relationships. They will compete globally for the ultimate prize of one million dollars
All 11 pairs of players are social network celebrities, and they are not famous on YouTube, Vine or Instagram< br/>  Tyler Oakley & Korey Kuhl: YouTube podcast, friends
Burnie Burns& Ashley Jenkins: YouTube game video podcast, lovers
Erin White Robinson& Joslyn Davis: YouTube entertainment news anchor, friend
Sheri LaBrant& Cole LaBrant: Vine, mother and son
Zach King& Rachel King: Vine red man, newlywed couple, Zach King is known as the wizard Zach King
Dana Borriello& Matt Steffanina: YouTube dance video podcast, lovers
Jessica Versteeg& Brittany Oldehofef: Instagram model, friend
Marty Cobb& Hagan Parkman: YouTube podcast, mother and daughter
Scott Fowler& Blair Fowler: YouTube makeup video podcast, father and daughter
Cameron Benson& Darius Benson: Vine red man, brother
Brodie Smith& Kurt Gibson: YouTube Frisbee Video Podcast, friend

  《极速前进第二十八季》(The Amazing Race 28),是CBS电视台真人秀节目《极速前进》的第二十八季。本季为社交网络名人特别季,参赛的十一对队伍均为有既定关系的社交媒体红人,他们将为