
Meet the big cat cubs. They are the two most powerful predators in the world. The two precious cubs provide real hope for the survival of the race in the future. In the first few months of her life, Meiya, a leopard, will live in a family in the suburb of Kent. She will fully trust her adoptive father, Giles Clark, a big cat expert. He will first help a fragile little leopard through its first critical weeks and do his best to make it recover. Giles also helps a vulnerable cheetah cub feel comfortable. In addition, he has accepted the most important project so far, making some contributions to wild cats and improving their endangered situation


Simon Doonan, a best-selling writer, a judge of the National Super Model Contest and New York VH1 Cable, a creative director of the flagship store of Barneys Department Store on Fifth Avenue, and a homosexual, has a dazzling and dreamy identity. However, when he was a teenager 10 years ago, he lived a monotonous but bitter life in a small British town. This play is adapted from Simon Doonan's autobiographical memory novel, produced by BBC2 and broadcast in the first season in October 2008. The style is easy and realistic, short and smooth, and has won high ratings and praise. However, some people complain that the protagonist's words are too bitchy. In February 2009, the BBC confirmed that the story of the second season of the drama will adopt the semi narrative method of mixing the past with the present. In New York in 2008, Simon and his assistant and boyfriend Sacha were designing Barneys' window. Simon began to recall his life in Reading, England, in 1997. At that time, he and his good friend Kylie had realized that they were different from each other. Under the bullying of strange families, boring classes and classmates, Simon had a hard time and dreamed of living a"beautiful life" in London. Adult Simon is played by Samuel Barnett (a history boy), and juvenile Simon is played by Luke Ward Wilkinson (my heart is wild). Each episode revolves around an object Simon cherishes, and the audience will witness how he realizes his dream step by step. In the 1990s, the various forms of life in Britain, the return of Hong Kong, the death of Princess Diana, the emergence and decline of various trendy bands, and the explosion brought about by the Internet and the new economy became the backdrop for Simon's growth. The producer Jon Plowman wants the audience to know:"The young man who was ridiculed may be me. In fact, each of us is a beautiful people full of possibilities."

  畅销书作家,全美超模大赛和纽约VH1有线台评委,第五大道Barneys百货旗舰店创意总监,同性恋Simon Doonan拥有炫目而梦幻的身份。然而10年前还是青春期的他,在英国小城过着单调却不乏苦

In November 2009, the second season of Beautiful Life returned strongly! BBC broadcasts the second season on Radio 1, Radio 4 and Cable. Jonathan Harvey, who once wrote"Beautiful Thing", as always demonstrated the skills of a comedian comparable to"Will and Grace"
It is worth mentioning that the new season will no longer appear in New York. Jonathan said that he wanted to make beautiful life more localized, so he cut off the relationship between Simon and his boyfriend. At the beginning, the audience will see Simon packing his bags and taking the plane back to Reading. Next, there will be two Reading: Reading in Simon's memory (1998) and Reading in reality (2009). He will establish ties with his parents again. I don't know what funny topics will be brewing in this funny family under the crazy gene

  2009年11月靓丽人生第二季强势回归!BBC在1台、4台、有线台滚动播出第二季。曾写出“Beautiful Thing”的Jonathan Harvey一如既往的展示了可与“威尔与格蕾丝”媲美的