
2017 Berlin Film Festival main competition exhibition. In 1947, the British government appointed the last Governor, the Duke of Mountbatten, to assist in the transfer of independent and peaceful regimes between India and Pakistan after the Second World War. Inside and outside the governor's home, the love of the nation, as well as the personal relationship between men and women, are all intertwined in this turbulent and shocking epic
to commemorate the seventieth year of India's independence, and to gather the gold medal teams in the British, American and Indian film circles to create a masterpiece. This film is a British Indian female director Gulande Chada, based on her grandparents' true love story that transcends race and belief, and joins the legendary story of the last governor's untimely life. Downton Abbey, Hugh Bonneville, and Harry Potter, Michael Campbell participated in the performance< Br/>In 1947, the British government appointed the last Governor, the Duke of Mombaton, who was also the uncle of Queen Elizabeth II. His family arrived in India to assist in the transfer of independent and peaceful regimes between India and Pakistan after the Second World War. However, the process of national and ethnic separation, as history has proved, is not as smooth as expected. Inside and outside the governor's house, the love of the nation, as well as the personal relationship between men and women, are all intertwined in this turbulent and shocking epic< Br/>From a historical point of view, this film is grand and detailed. Classic characters (such as Gandhi, the father of India) interlace with dramatic characters. It is a British Indian female director, Gulande Chada, who spent more than ten years of personal effort to prepare, compile and direct his own work, and pay homage to his home country. The whole film also brings together three generations of actors from Britain, America, India and other places, including the old, middle-aged and young, with strong acting skills


The story takes place after the end of the First World War. Allen (Domnar Gleason, Domhnall Gleeson) completes his mission of defending his country and returns to a peaceful life. Allen hopes to start writing again and bring power to the society with words, but soon he finds that he seems to have lost the ability to write. At the same time, the terrible war has brought great trauma to Allen's soul, which has led him to be tortured by stress
helpless, Allen and his wife Devni (Margot Robbie) moved to the countryside with their family, hoping that the beautiful scenery there can heal his injured soul. His son Billy (Will Tilston) and his beloved teddy bear gave Allen infinite inspiration, which made him start to create the children's book Winnie the Pooh

  故事发生在第一次世界大战结束之后,艾伦(多姆纳尔·格里森 Domhnall Gleeson 饰)完成了自己保家卫国的使命,重新回归了平静的生活之中。艾伦希望执笔重新开始写作,用文字给这个社会带来一

Boy Charlie is a rising star on the football field. When he plays, everything seems to be under his control. At present, there is a top club that wants to sign with him very much. For him, the future seems so beautiful, and success seems to be in front of him. However, what is little known is that Charlie always feels that a girl's soul lives in his heart. He not only wants to achieve his father's long cherished dream, but also wants to face himself and become a man named Charlie. Seeing that the secret can no longer be concealed, Charlie's decision may tear his family relationship apart, or drag his perfect world into doubt, prejudice and confusion

  男孩查理是足球场上一颗冉冉升起的新星,当他踢球时,一切仿佛都在他的掌控之中。目前有一家顶尖的俱乐部非常想和他签约,对他来说未来似乎是那么美好,而成功也仿佛就在眼前。 然而鲜为人知的是,查理一直觉得