讲述了10多年来一直为流浪狗服务的李孝利,为了见到用新家人的怀抱送往海外领养的狗而前往加拿大的旅程。 除了和狗狗们见面,还将公开享受久违旅行的样子。不仅是访问狗被领养家庭时接触到的加拿大各种城市,
The four couples who were distressed to leave for their own reasons went on a journey together. In order to retrieve their long forgotten heartbeat, they exchanged partners and dated each other within two weeks. Can you find the heart beat you wanted? If he finds it back, who is the person around him at that time? It is not because of his own reasons, but because of the four feelings of separation, and a trip took place. He did it, forgot it, made a heart, and exchanged with each other in two weeks. What can he think of as a heartbeat? If such results are returned, timely people will ask?
각자의 이유로 이별을 고민 중인 네 커플이 함께 여행을 떠난다. 오랫동안 잊고 지냈던 두근거림을 되찾기 위해, 2주 동안 서로 짝을 바꿔 데이트하게 된 이들. 과연 처음 원했던