  这部片子描写了三个白手起家的好兄弟的创业故事和其中的恩怨情仇。荣添(罗嘉良 饰)、志强(郭晋安 饰)和文彪(陈锦鸿 饰)是三个一起长大的好兄弟。文彪是一名建筑设计师,志强在银行工作,而荣添则出来创

Fang Youwei (Lin Jiadong) runs a tea garden in his family for generations, and he also takes it as his business. In Fang Youwei's heart, he always misses his first love, Su Manqiao (Yang Wanyi). At the same time, he is also fascinated by the mountain girl Pan Meiya (Zhang Keyi) who is with him. For a moment, Fang Youwei doesn't know how to choose between old love and new love.
Zhong Hanniu (Mai Changqing) is Fang Youwei's sworn friend. Fang Youwei knows that he has always liked Pan Meiya, so he keeps his feelings for her deep in his heart, Turn around and help Zhong Hanniu pursue Meiya. Zhong Hanniu foolishly thought that he had won Meiya's favor and was ready to marry Meiya. Unexpectedly, the arrogant and unruly Meiya became the runaway bride on the wedding day, and boldly confessed his feelings for Fang Youwei, which led to Fang Youwei and Zhong Hanniu's brothers opposing each other. Just when Fang Youwei and younger sister Yali finally got together through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, the appearance of Su Manqiao made their feelings reappear

  方有为(林家栋 饰)家中世代经营茶园,自己亦以此为业。在方有为的心中,一直思念着初恋情人苏曼乔(杨婉仪 饰),与此同时,伴在身旁的山地姑娘盘妹雅(张可颐 饰)亦让他心动不已,旧爱新欢,一时间方有为

Fang Youwei (Lin Jiadong) runs a tea garden in his family for generations, and he also takes it as his business. In Fang Youwei's heart, he always misses his first love, Su Manqiao (Yang Wanyi). At the same time, he is also fascinated by the mountain girl Pan Meiya (Zhang Keyi) who is with him. For a moment, Fang Youwei doesn't know how to choose between old love and new love.
Zhong Hanniu (Mai Changqing) is Fang Youwei's sworn friend. Fang Youwei knows that he has always liked Pan Meiya, so he keeps his feelings for her deep in his heart, Turn around and help Zhong Hanniu pursue Meiya. Zhong Hanniu foolishly thought that he had won Meiya's favor and was ready to marry Meiya. Unexpectedly, the arrogant and unruly Meiya became the runaway bride on the wedding day, and boldly confessed his feelings for Fang Youwei, which led to Fang Youwei and Zhong Hanniu's brothers opposing each other. Just when Fang Youwei and younger sister Yali finally got together through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, the appearance of Su Manqiao made their feelings reappear

  方有为(林家栋 饰)家中世代经营茶园,自己亦以此为业。在方有为的心中,一直思念着初恋情人苏曼乔(杨婉仪 饰),与此同时,伴在身旁的山地姑娘盘妹雅(张可颐 饰)亦让他心动不已,旧爱新欢,一时间方有为