  人与富人之间爱与仇的对垒,青梅竹马不敌一见钟情,世事难料……   枪口已经瞄准,仇恨能否化解?   何家是香港富豪之家,何庭芳(鲍汉琳饰),何庭恩(张瑛饰)兄弟俩不顾亲情,激烈地争夺家财!周家父子
  天外流星的传人丁鹏(古天乐 饰)是武林新秀,在他向君子剑的柳若松(张兆辉 饰)下战书后,柳若松以父亲丧期为由将比武推迟一月。丁鹏在青楼偶遇假扮沦为风尘实则为柳若松之妻的秦可情(温碧霞 饰),她的投
数年前,佛山最大的银楼之一“尚银楼”面临经营危机,银楼当家大少爷尚铿(秦沛 饰)与妻子小蝶(薛家燕 饰)一起苦苦相劝二少爷尚鋆(伍卫国 饰)与沈家小姐结婚,好取得沈家的贷款。当时二少爷已经有了一个谈婚
  公元960年,因宋太祖赵匡胤被弟弟太宗害死,冤魂上天庭,玉帝(曾江 饰)降旨令赤龙婆助辽,因宋气数未尽,又遣诸星挺宋。吕洞宾(周润发 饰)跟汉钟离怄气,违抗天意。国丈潘洪横行霸道,杨家满门忠烈,父
  武林中盛传《迦兰经注》乃是武学奇书。于是,为了争夺这本书引发出江湖中的腥风血雨【嘿叭电影-热播电影免费在线观看】  名侠常广源嗜武成痴,在万象国盗《迦兰经注》中途邂逅了国师之女沙妃丽(欧阳佩珊)。

Through 13 cases, this drama tells the story of a group of just lawyers in Hong Kong who fought in court and experienced various personal emotional tests outside the court. One day, A Chao colluded with others to take revenge on Ah Quan and killed him on the street. Police Zhou Wenbin (Luo Yingjun) happened to be there and immediately arrested A Chao. The prosecutor Ding Rou (Chen Xiuwen) hands the case over to the new subordinate Zaichun (Ouyang Zhenhua). Zaichun has always secretly admired his boss, but Ding Rou has already been attached to him, and is even more indifferent to him; On the other hand, Song Yun (Su Xingxuan), a royal barrister who has just helped a murder suspect get rid of his crime with his outstanding experience and skills, accepts A Chao's case and becomes his defense lawyer. In order to train his daughter Chengzhou (Liu Meijuan), Songyun asks her to take full charge of the case of A Da Da, and he gives her advice. With the guidance of his mother and the help of his elder brother, Cheng Yu (Tao Dayu), Cheng Zhou collects evidence everywhere. A war of words is about to begin

  本剧通过十三个案例,讲述了香港一班正义的律师在法庭内唇枪舌战,在庭外经历个人的种种感情考验的经历。一日,阿超伙同别人向阿权寻仇,当街斩杀阿权,警察周文彬(骆应钧 饰)恰巧在场,马上拘捕了阿超。检察

In the courtroom, everyone is fighting for truth and justice; Outside the courtroom, people faced various emotional tests, resulting in tangled relationships.
The new 15 episode unit drama, No.1 Imperial Court II, inherited the essence of the previous episode, and brought out 15 shocking criminal crimes and civil proceedings through the relationship between different characters. No matter inside or outside the courtroom, it was also fascinating. The outcome is still unknown until the moment of sentencing. Ding Rou (Chen Xiuwen), a senior prosecutor, and Yu Zaichun (Ouyang Zhenhua), a barrister, have gradually stabilized their relationship. However, Rou's old love Li Guozhu (Deng Zifeng) returns to Hong Kong after divorce and re intervenes. Their relationship is in crisis. The new prosecutor, Tang Yuwen (Wang Jingwen), was able to handle affairs and was very appreciated; Prosecutor Zhang Jiaxian (Hong Chaofeng) looks at the wind and pursues Wen. However, Weiwen declined, and Wenwen felt good about Zhizhi's lawyer Zhou Zhihui (Su Yongkang). Hui broke up with his old girlfriend and was afraid of women. Later, when he finally summoned up the courage to develop feelings with Wen, he encountered a"bad relationship", which made Hui troubled again. The relationship between detective Zhou Wenbin (Luo Yingjun) and counsel Jiang Chengzhou (Liu Meijuan) has changed from strong to weak. Although the two are far apart in thought and life, and deaf counsel Zhou Shaocong (Jiang Zhiguang) tries to catch up with Zhou, the inferiority stricken Bin proposes to break up. Lin Xueyi (Lin Yiqi), Bin's boss, is honest. At first, he didn't bite Bin's tongue. Later, because of the sparks in his work, he cared for each other... The cynical master Jiang Chengyu (Tao Dayu) fell in love with the public relations of the nightclub Tang Zhihu (Liang Wanjing). Yu's mother Jiang Li Songyun (Su Xingxuan) strongly opposed it, but Yu went after it. Finally, Yu found that Shan was a homosexual, so he was killed

  法庭内,各人舌剑唇枪,为真理,为公正而进行抗辩;法庭外,各人面对种种感情考验,衍生段段纠缠不清的关系  全新一辑的十五集单元剧-壹号皇庭II,承接上一辑的精粹,透过不同人物的感倩关系,带出十五宗震

In the courtroom, everyone is fighting for truth and justice; Outside the courtroom, people faced various emotional tests, resulting in a series of entangled relationships
a new series of"No.1 Imperial Court", which once again brought a series of shocking cases with the conflict between law and human nature; It also describes the various emotional contradictions in the legal world with in-depth brush strokes< Br/>Is sexual assault as simple as rape? A female victim of rape was the defendant's wife. Why did a case of martyrdom and suicide turn into a rape case? Love killing doesn't just happen between men and women. One couple is accused of murder, but they are both male< Br/>The greatness of maternal love was originally a song and cry, why did it become the motive force of crime? There are also family tragedies, police brutality, medical accidents that have killed people, and cases that have been closed for more than a decade have suddenly turned over...
While facing complex trials, people in the legal profession are also trapped in various emotional entanglements. Yu (Tao Dayu) meets the sister of an old lover, who is still devoted to her love even though she knows her secret identity. Later, she nearly ends her life. Zhou (Liu Meijuan) and Cong (Jiang Zhiguang) split up on the emotional road. Spring (Ouyang Zhenhua) and Rou (Chen Xiuwen) face a major test on the eve of their marriage. Hui (Su Yongkang) embarks on a new love journey after breaking up with his girlfriend. The final trial of the court, each person's feelings summed up, string into a compelling story

  法庭内,各人舌剑唇枪,为真理,为公正而进行抗辩;法庭外,各人面对种种感情考验,衍生段段纠缠不清的关系  全新一辑「壹号皇庭」,再度以法律和人性的冲突,带出一连串震撼人心的案件;并以深入的笔触描写法

In the courtroom, everyone is fighting for truth and justice; Outside the courtroom, people faced various emotional tests, which led to the entangled relationship between them.
The fourth episode of No.1 Imperial Court was launched for the first time in the form of a 20 episode long play, with richer plots and more attractive plots< Br! The fourth part of the No.1 Imperial Court describes that the protagonists are facing serious legal challenges, and they must uphold the consistent spirit of law to try complex cases< Br/>In addition, the relationship between each person has also changed a lot. Ding Rou and Yu ended up as a couple in Spring (Ouyang Zhenhua), but Spring met Yin Zhijie (Deng Cuiwen), a forensic officer, and Rou and Chun faced a break. When the relationship between Jiang Chengyu (Tao Dayu) and Tang Zhiqi (Liang Wanjing) stabilizes, Qi meets her former lover Luo Weilin (Li Longji) again, and Yu has a delicate relationship with Cheng Ruohui (Xuanxuan), a new acquaintance< Br/>Everyone in the court is strict in law and administration, and has a sharp tongue; The feelings of everyone outside the court are facing various tests. The fourth episode of No.1 Imperial Court is more compact and attractive, which is memorable

  法庭内,各人舌剑唇枪,为真理,为公正而进行抗辩;法庭外,各人面对种种感情考验,衍生段段纠缠不清的关系  壹号皇庭第四辑,首次以二十集长剧形式推出,剧情更丰富,情节更具吸引力。  今回剧中律政界人物

No. 1 Imperial Court V, inheriting the development of the previous episode and continuing various complicated urban romances< Br/>Jiang Chengyu (Tao Dayu) and Cheng Ruohui (Xuan Xuan), after several twists and turns, are in a stalemate due to the involvement of a third party when their relationship is stable< Br/>Zhou Zhihui (Su Yongkang) leaves quietly, and his heart knot is hard to understand, until he meets Rui (Chen Xiaoyun). On the eve of marriage, Rui is raped by the AIDS satyr, and his relationship with Hui is broken< Br/>Qiu Yongkang (played by Tan Yaowen) and Cheng Ruoxi (played by Chen Zhijing) seem to be in harmony, but Xi feels embarrassed because she maintains her health in all aspects of her work, so they set up their own doors and show their strength. Kang defends a intimidation case, and her relationship with Xi gradually reveals crisis

  壹号皇庭V,承上集发展,再续种种错综复杂的都市恋情…  余在春(欧阳震华饰)婚姻失败后,先遇上独立坚强的夔或蕌(盖鸣晖饰),不久,春因调查一好友客死异乡的原因,又遇上欢场女子李彤(蔡少芬饰),遂展

It all started with a science fiction novel. In his science fiction, the novelist Yang Kuang (Liu Zhaoming) describes a way to transform a new human being, that is, to extract human brain cells and transform them, so that they can even control the minds of the reformed people. All these seemingly absurd ideas were taken in by a rich businessman who was plotting to control the world. He funded the establishment of a laboratory, recruited a group of subordinates, and captured Yang Kuang to do experiments. Later, Yang Kuang escaped and was taken to the hospital. Yuan Zhenxia (Li Ming), a doctor, has excellent martial arts and is just. He finds that Yang Kuang is very silent, his eyes are dull, and he often washes his hands with water. Yang Kuang's abnormal performance attracts the attention of Yuanzhen Xia. He and the nurse Caiyun (Zhu Yin) are determined to find out the secret behind Yang Kuang

  一切都由一本科幻小说引起。小说家杨匡(刘兆铭 饰)的科幻小说里描述了一种改造新人类的方法,那就是抽取人类的脑细胞,加以改造,以此甚至能控制被改造者的思想。这一切看似荒诞的想法,竟被一个阴谋控制全世