  罗式适(陈茵薇 饰)被未婚夫程展博(杨明 饰)和闺蜜黄淇英(高海宁 饰)同时背叛,情感受到严重伤害的式适决定放手。直到失去了式适,展博才明白了她的好,可此时的式适已无意回头。为了追回式适,展博找到
  唐伯虎(张家辉)、文征明(林家栋 饰)和祝枝山(欧阳震华 饰)是苏州出名的三大才子,这天在南北才艺夺锦大赛中,他们代表江南六艺会馆出赛,结果大胜江北七星会馆。建宁王的义子子建见三人都是不可多得的人
  21世纪特种部队人员项少龙(古天乐 饰)决意要参加穿梭时空的研究,是为了要挽回自己的爱情。但由于时光机的数据出错,把少龙带到了战国时期  当时的嬴政(林峰 饰)还没有登上帝位,更被囚禁于赵国。少龙
  刁蛮公主升平(关咏荷 饰)冰雪聪明,热情好动。皇上一直忧心她还没有找到如意郎君,便决定把升平嫁给回纥皇子(安德尊 饰)。升平相当不甘,带着丫环逃婚。以平民的身份来到了长乐坊,与不拘小节的郭暧(欧阳
玛嘉烈与大卫 绿豆
  大衛與瑪嘉烈相識一年多, 大衛鼓起勇氣向瑪嘉烈提出同居的要求,瑪嘉烈認為大衛現在租的地方不夠兩個人住,提出以她的居所作為彼此的安樂窩,但大男人的大衛卻不希望搬進她的住處。最後二人達成共識,一起重新
  唐小顺(张卫健 饰)虽然患有精神恍惚症,但却是一名武林高手,自幼跟姐姐大顺(吴君如 饰)学习谭腿,已到了炉火纯青的境界。唐小顺做梦也没想到,他的武功有一天竟然派上了大用场。这天,前著名足球运动员林
  明朝,孝宗弘治年间,京城城郊的一座大寺院“迦叶寺”以严谨著称,但有一人却机灵古怪,以打破寺规为乐,他就是不懂(张卫健 饰)。不懂的存在给整个寺院带来生气,也因一次偶然的机会,帮助孝宗皇帝度过了难关
  方世玉(张卫健 饰)出生在清朝末年的广东,自小就顽皮机敏,而且在母亲苗翠花的调教下,更是练得一身好武功。世玉好胜顽劣,经常在外闯祸,搞得全城满目疮痍,经常得由苗翠花帮助解围。父亲方德虽然知道苗翠花
  不学无术却聪明伶俐的韦小宝(张卫健 饰),自小和母亲在扬州丽春院卖艺来维持生计,与心爱的小金鱼(舒淇 饰)青梅竹马。原本平凡的人生因为一次意外而彻底改变。不仅为天地会的陈近南(郑伊健 饰)收为徒弟
  改编自民间故事的古装武侠剧《薛刚反唐》,神怪诡秘,曲折悲情  薛丁山夫妇歼灭杨藩后,杨冤魂不息,发下毒誓,要尽灭薛门。唐初,高宗李治即位,后武则天把持朝政,欲利用太庙祭祖暗害皇帝,不料太庙倒塌,阴
  ATV單元劇『夜琉璃(1989年)  全劇65集,粵語對白,2006年及2010年重播,每個故事為10分鐘左右  內容簡介:  醉  夢遊  殺機  人偶  特備節目  面譜  前世  空難  拒
  「404 Not Found」相信大家都很熟悉,當「404」用於一個地方上,代表的又會是什麼?ViuTV最新的旅遊節目名為《404不存在的國落》,以「404」形容這些地方,事關它們都是神秘非常。節
  丽的电视台(亚视前身)拍摄的经典剧  共分三部《家在珠江》《古都惊雷》《金山梦》  家在珠江  36集  主要演员:刘志荣 岳华 潘志文 董骠 吴回 余安安 刘纬民 鲍起静 梁淑庄 李赛凤 关伟伦
  丽的电视台(亚视前身)拍摄的经典剧  共分三部《家在珠江》《古都惊雷》《金山梦》  家在珠江  36集  主要演员:刘志荣 岳华 潘志文 董骠 吴回 余安安 刘纬民 鲍起静 梁淑庄 李赛凤 关伟伦
  李奇(罗嘉良 饰)因为不愿同警长雷劲(骆应钧 饰)同流合污而遭到了后者的排挤和刁难,然而李奇机敏聪慧,屡屡凭借自己的力量破获奇案,雷劲因此也奈何不了他。罗帮办是一手教导李奇成才的师傅,他告诉李奇,
  上海滩上龙争虎斗,仇杀漫天。大学生许文强(周润发 饰)经历过失败的学生运动后,只身来到上海,他与小贩丁力(吕良伟 饰)成为至交,并在同学方艳云的帮助下,混入黑帮,并凭借自己的勇谋成为帮派头目。上海

Huang Yinggu (Xue Jiayan) is optimistic by nature and self-sufficient with her daughter Sun Minhua (Wang Lin) and her family. Ying is very friendly with her neighbor Wang Zhixiang (Xu Shaoxiong), and her son Wang Jian (Wu Qihua) treats Ying as a reborn mother. At present, corruption is prevalent in Hong Kong. The British who work at stalls are in debt, and they occasionally pay for the dead and sit in prison for several days. Once, without knowing where to go, Ying answered that she should replace the dead ghost. As a result, she was sentenced to death as a murderer. The British executioner cut the braid and ordered Xiang, a prison guard, to give it to Hua as a souvenir. After Ying died, the ghost was attached to her braid, but she couldn't come out because the braid was left in the evidence room with the public portrait. She had been trapped for more than ten years...
In a flash, Jian had grown up and became a policeman. The honest Jian was only responsible for guarding the evidence room because he didn't want to embezzle. Jian found Ying's braid in the evidence room, and they finally knew each other. Ye Jiasheng (Zhang Zhaohui), who drove the accident to Ying in those years, was promoted to be a detective, and the image of Guan Gong was relocated, so that Ying's enemies were freed again. Ying misses Hua, and Jian actively helps her find Hua's whereabouts; The sword also gets Ying's help to solve strange cases. Maybe it's fate. Ying finds Hua, but she finds Hua as the victim


Wang Zhenyang is about to take office as the Commissioner of Police of Hong Kong, and his appointment is bound to give a major blow to the gangsters in Hong Kong. The Hou family is the largest gangster in Hong Kong. Hou Wenhua (Wei Junjie), the speaker of the Hou family, threatens to let Wang Zhenyang know their strength within a month and revive the power of the underworld. The police send Huang Jiahui (Zheng Jiaying), a senior inspector of the intelligence department, to protect Wang Zhenyang's security regardless of everything.
Hou Wenhua joins hands with the Thai drug lords to try to monopolize the drug market in Southeast Asia, Their plot was discovered by policewoman Rita (Sririta Jensen). After investigation, all these criminal actions have an indistinguishable relationship with rich businessman Zheng Kun. Feng Zhiwei (Fang Zhongxin), the leader of the West Kowloon Serious Case Team, meets a woman named Peng Hui (Meng Jiahui), who is Hou Wenhua's beloved. With Hou Wenhua's careful design, Feng Zhiwei was wronged for killing the police. At the same time, Feng Zhiwei also found that there were gangsters in the police station

  王振扬即将上任成为香港警务处长,而他的上任势必会给香港龙蛇混杂的黑道以重大打击。侯家是香港最大的黑帮,其话事人侯文华(魏骏杰 饰)扬言会在一个月之内让王振扬知道他们的厉害,重振黑道雄风,警方派出情

The story begins with a three story Tang building. Galen (Eason Chan), a widower who lives on the top floor, meets a family of three who have moved downstairs. Terry (Eric Kwok) and his wife Melena (Cai Siyun) are affectionate on the surface, but there is a secret behind them. Galen's involvement changed the relationship between the three. Under the same moonlight, some people hugged and divorced others. Some people thought that the story was over. In fact, everything was just beginning

  故事由一幢三层唐楼开始,住在顶楼的鳏夫Galen(陈奕迅饰),结识了新搬来住在楼下的一家三口。Terry(Eric Kwok饰)与太太Melena(蔡思韵饰演)表面恩爱,背后却藏着暗涌。Galen

Xiao Xiuqiong (Xue Jiayan) is the chief manager of a time-honored bean product factory. Relying on her long working experience in the factory, she often seeks benefits for her relatives Tu Weilong (Lin Jiahua) by taking advantage of her power. This makes the crown prince Dou Zhang (Zhang Yingkang) very dissatisfied. Together with his friend Wang Guangming (Li Nuoyi), they decide to rectify the evil practices in the factory, which intensifies the conflict between Xiao Xiuqiong and Dou Zhang, The two people who cherish each other have sincere feelings. However, what Wang did not expect was that Situ Lan's mother was Xiao Xiuqiong, who was at odds with her

  肖秀琼(薛家燕 饰)是老字号豆品厂的大总管,仗着在厂里工作的时间长资历深,她常常以权谋私给自己的亲戚图威龙(林嘉华 饰)谋福利,这让厂里的太子爷窦彰(张颖康 饰)感到十分不满。联手好友王照明(黎诺

Fang Youwei (Lin Jiadong) runs a tea garden in his family for generations, and he also takes it as his business. In Fang Youwei's heart, he always misses his first love, Su Manqiao (Yang Wanyi). At the same time, he is also fascinated by the mountain girl Pan Meiya (Zhang Keyi) who is with him. For a moment, Fang Youwei doesn't know how to choose between old love and new love.
Zhong Hanniu (Mai Changqing) is Fang Youwei's sworn friend. Fang Youwei knows that he has always liked Pan Meiya, so he keeps his feelings for her deep in his heart, Turn around and help Zhong Hanniu pursue Meiya. Zhong Hanniu foolishly thought that he had won Meiya's favor and was ready to marry Meiya. Unexpectedly, the arrogant and unruly Meiya became the runaway bride on the wedding day, and boldly confessed his feelings for Fang Youwei, which led to Fang Youwei and Zhong Hanniu's brothers opposing each other. Just when Fang Youwei and younger sister Yali finally got together through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, the appearance of Su Manqiao made their feelings reappear

  方有为(林家栋 饰)家中世代经营茶园,自己亦以此为业。在方有为的心中,一直思念着初恋情人苏曼乔(杨婉仪 饰),与此同时,伴在身旁的山地姑娘盘妹雅(张可颐 饰)亦让他心动不已,旧爱新欢,一时间方有为

Wang Zhicong (Huang Rihua), who used to work in CID, is upright, bold and careful, and has repeatedly solved strange cases; However, it has its bad side, that is, it is impulsive and arbitrary, and has repeatedly ignored the instructions of superiors and the advice of peers. Once, Zhou Jiaxiang (Li Chengchang), a friend and colleague of Zhicong, colludes with the bandits to plan an armed robbery in order to pay off the high interest debts of his gambling girlfriend. Zhicong is personally arrested and brought to justice. Is it true that the enemies don't get together? After Zhicong was transferred to Oji, he was paired up with Yongtai. Zhicong, who is arbitrary and independent, and Yongtai, who is conservative and acts according to the rules, were angry and complained about each other at the beginning. But after getting along with each other, they both appreciated each other's perseverance and justice, and became the best partners to put out crimes in O Records

  原来任职CID的王志淙(黄日华 饰)为人正直、胆大心细、屡破奇案;但也有其不好的一面,就是容易冲动、独断独行,多次在行动置上级指示和同伴劝告于不顾。一次,与志淙情同手足的好友兼同事周家祥(李成昌

Oji Inspector Wang Zhicong (Huang Rihua) and his boss Chen Gui (Cai Guoquan) form a partnership to fight against crime and promote justice. However, when Wang Zhicong returns from a business trip, he finds that Chen Gui has left his job, and the person who takes over Chen Gui as his partner is Liang Jiawei (Luo Jialiang), a senior inspector of the International Criminal Police, who has a lot of old grudges on weekdays. In addition, they also like the beautiful tour guide Miss Fang Xiaofang (Li Zi). The relationship between them is even worse, It seems that a war without gunpowder is about to start
At this juncture, Wang Zhicong's old partner Lin Yongtai (Chen Jinhong) returns unexpectedly, but at this time, he is also in trouble and cannot extricate himself from the emotional vortex. Criminals do not have holidays. In a prosperous metropolis, criminal actions are taking place all the time. Can Oji, who is divided by people, work together again

  O记督查王志淙(黄日华 饰)和上司陈桂(蔡国权 饰)结为搭档,共同打击罪恶,弘扬正义。然而,当王志淙出差归来之时,却发现陈桂已经离职,而接任陈桂成为自己搭档的,竟然是平日里就同自宿怨良多的国际刑警

After Fang Jinxin (Liu Songren), a popular stockbroker, was killed by his friend Ding Xie (Zheng Shaoqiu), who had been friends for decades, the four children left behind were taken care of by Luo Huiling (Lan Jieying), a stepfather. Fang Zhanbo (Liu Qingyun), the eldest son, was taught by his former friend Ye Tian (Luo Lelin) when his career was confused and decided to inherit his father's career. It was learned that when Ding Xie, who was imprisoned in Taiwan prison, had escaped to Hong Kong, Fang Zhanbo vowed to avenge his father and eventually ordered him to go back to prison, but he also offended his sons, Ding Xiaoxie (Shao Zhongheng), Ding Yixie (Tao Dayu) and others, who had a huge underworld background, so that all the family members except him died at the hands of this gang, Fang Zhanbo, with the help of everyone, especially Ruan Mei (Zhou Huimin), her confidante, Long Jiwen (Guo Aiming), and her friend Chen Taotao (Lin Baoyi), wanted to use the stock to defeat Ding Xie completely


A Chun (Lin Jiadong) is a famous"wild child" in the village. His mother is crazy and his father is missing. Gu Shilong (Qin Pei), the head of Jiupu Xiang, took Ah Chun in for his misfortune. In order to repay Gu Shilong for saving his life, Ah Chun was conscientious and diligent in the wine shop, but he was bullied and criticized because of his disgraceful life experience
Gu Shilong was an out and out shrewd businessman, and the relationship between him and his brother Gu Shixiong was very tense. They fought openly and secretly, regardless of their level, Sister Gu Yao (Deng Cuiwen) has seen through the vicissitudes of life in the workshop since childhood, and is extremely tired of all this. An unexpected wind ripples over the wine shop. Gu Shilong has tasted the taste of betrayal. Only A Chun and the kind Li Shunfeng (She Shiman) are waiting for him. So Gu Shilong makes an amazing decision, that is, to hand over the coveted position of head of the wine shop to Shunfeng

  阿纯(林家栋 饰)是村里有名的“野孩子”,母亲疯疯癫癫,父亲不知所踪。大酒坊“九铺香”的当家古世龙(秦沛 饰)可怜阿纯坎坷的遭遇,收留了他,为了报答古世龙的救命之恩,阿纯在酒坊之中尽心尽责,勤勤恳

Zhang Wenwei (Luo Jialiang), a seemingly promising college student, was actually born in a poor family. His mother brought him up by being a procuress. Zhang Wenwei is not only ungrateful to his mother, but also tries to erase the existence of this history. Zhang Wenwei has a desire to transcend ordinary people for money and status. He is determined to achieve his goal of transcending class through marriage. However, Zhang Wenwei didn't know until this time that Jiang Li was born out of concubines and could not inherit her father's property. Zhang Wenwei, who had broken his dream of becoming rich, killed Jiang Li and transferred his strategy to Jiang Ying, Jiang Li's sister (Guo Aiming)

  张文伟(罗嘉良 饰)看似前途无量的大学生,实际上出生在贫困的家庭之中,母亲靠着做老鸨才将他拉扯大,但张文伟不但对母亲毫无感激之心,还竭力的想要抹去这段历史的存在。张文伟对金钱和地位有着超越常人的渴

Shanghai in the early Republic of China. Wesley (Luo Jialiang) returns from studying abroad, but he doesn't want to run the pawnshop business of his family. Instead, he opens a private detective agency to facilitate his own investigation of strange news. He believed that there were ghosts and gods in the world, and that there were aliens outside the earth. Until he meets Bai Su (Meng Jiahui), a rational person, who is just opposite to Wesley in character. He analyzes everything from a scientific perspective and stresses the truth of evidence. On the lonely journey to find the truth, Wesley has continued his spirit of adventure to find the truth of all kinds of strange things, and finally found that his true love is Besu


Through 13 cases, this drama tells the story of a group of just lawyers in Hong Kong who fought in court and experienced various personal emotional tests outside the court. One day, A Chao colluded with others to take revenge on Ah Quan and killed him on the street. Police Zhou Wenbin (Luo Yingjun) happened to be there and immediately arrested A Chao. The prosecutor Ding Rou (Chen Xiuwen) hands the case over to the new subordinate Zaichun (Ouyang Zhenhua). Zaichun has always secretly admired his boss, but Ding Rou has already been attached to him, and is even more indifferent to him; On the other hand, Song Yun (Su Xingxuan), a royal barrister who has just helped a murder suspect get rid of his crime with his outstanding experience and skills, accepts A Chao's case and becomes his defense lawyer. In order to train his daughter Chengzhou (Liu Meijuan), Songyun asks her to take full charge of the case of A Da Da, and he gives her advice. With the guidance of his mother and the help of his elder brother, Cheng Yu (Tao Dayu), Cheng Zhou collects evidence everywhere. A war of words is about to begin

  本剧通过十三个案例,讲述了香港一班正义的律师在法庭内唇枪舌战,在庭外经历个人的种种感情考验的经历。一日,阿超伙同别人向阿权寻仇,当街斩杀阿权,警察周文彬(骆应钧 饰)恰巧在场,马上拘捕了阿超。检察

In the courtroom, everyone is fighting for truth and justice; Outside the courtroom, people faced various emotional tests, resulting in tangled relationships.
The new 15 episode unit drama, No.1 Imperial Court II, inherited the essence of the previous episode, and brought out 15 shocking criminal crimes and civil proceedings through the relationship between different characters. No matter inside or outside the courtroom, it was also fascinating. The outcome is still unknown until the moment of sentencing. Ding Rou (Chen Xiuwen), a senior prosecutor, and Yu Zaichun (Ouyang Zhenhua), a barrister, have gradually stabilized their relationship. However, Rou's old love Li Guozhu (Deng Zifeng) returns to Hong Kong after divorce and re intervenes. Their relationship is in crisis. The new prosecutor, Tang Yuwen (Wang Jingwen), was able to handle affairs and was very appreciated; Prosecutor Zhang Jiaxian (Hong Chaofeng) looks at the wind and pursues Wen. However, Weiwen declined, and Wenwen felt good about Zhizhi's lawyer Zhou Zhihui (Su Yongkang). Hui broke up with his old girlfriend and was afraid of women. Later, when he finally summoned up the courage to develop feelings with Wen, he encountered a"bad relationship", which made Hui troubled again. The relationship between detective Zhou Wenbin (Luo Yingjun) and counsel Jiang Chengzhou (Liu Meijuan) has changed from strong to weak. Although the two are far apart in thought and life, and deaf counsel Zhou Shaocong (Jiang Zhiguang) tries to catch up with Zhou, the inferiority stricken Bin proposes to break up. Lin Xueyi (Lin Yiqi), Bin's boss, is honest. At first, he didn't bite Bin's tongue. Later, because of the sparks in his work, he cared for each other... The cynical master Jiang Chengyu (Tao Dayu) fell in love with the public relations of the nightclub Tang Zhihu (Liang Wanjing). Yu's mother Jiang Li Songyun (Su Xingxuan) strongly opposed it, but Yu went after it. Finally, Yu found that Shan was a homosexual, so he was killed

  法庭内,各人舌剑唇枪,为真理,为公正而进行抗辩;法庭外,各人面对种种感情考验,衍生段段纠缠不清的关系  全新一辑的十五集单元剧-壹号皇庭II,承接上一辑的精粹,透过不同人物的感倩关系,带出十五宗震

In the courtroom, everyone is fighting for truth and justice; Outside the courtroom, people faced various emotional tests, resulting in a series of entangled relationships
a new series of"No.1 Imperial Court", which once again brought a series of shocking cases with the conflict between law and human nature; It also describes the various emotional contradictions in the legal world with in-depth brush strokes< Br/>Is sexual assault as simple as rape? A female victim of rape was the defendant's wife. Why did a case of martyrdom and suicide turn into a rape case? Love killing doesn't just happen between men and women. One couple is accused of murder, but they are both male< Br/>The greatness of maternal love was originally a song and cry, why did it become the motive force of crime? There are also family tragedies, police brutality, medical accidents that have killed people, and cases that have been closed for more than a decade have suddenly turned over...
While facing complex trials, people in the legal profession are also trapped in various emotional entanglements. Yu (Tao Dayu) meets the sister of an old lover, who is still devoted to her love even though she knows her secret identity. Later, she nearly ends her life. Zhou (Liu Meijuan) and Cong (Jiang Zhiguang) split up on the emotional road. Spring (Ouyang Zhenhua) and Rou (Chen Xiuwen) face a major test on the eve of their marriage. Hui (Su Yongkang) embarks on a new love journey after breaking up with his girlfriend. The final trial of the court, each person's feelings summed up, string into a compelling story

  法庭内,各人舌剑唇枪,为真理,为公正而进行抗辩;法庭外,各人面对种种感情考验,衍生段段纠缠不清的关系  全新一辑「壹号皇庭」,再度以法律和人性的冲突,带出一连串震撼人心的案件;并以深入的笔触描写法

In the courtroom, everyone is fighting for truth and justice; Outside the courtroom, people faced various emotional tests, which led to the entangled relationship between them.
The fourth episode of No.1 Imperial Court was launched for the first time in the form of a 20 episode long play, with richer plots and more attractive plots< Br! The fourth part of the No.1 Imperial Court describes that the protagonists are facing serious legal challenges, and they must uphold the consistent spirit of law to try complex cases< Br/>In addition, the relationship between each person has also changed a lot. Ding Rou and Yu ended up as a couple in Spring (Ouyang Zhenhua), but Spring met Yin Zhijie (Deng Cuiwen), a forensic officer, and Rou and Chun faced a break. When the relationship between Jiang Chengyu (Tao Dayu) and Tang Zhiqi (Liang Wanjing) stabilizes, Qi meets her former lover Luo Weilin (Li Longji) again, and Yu has a delicate relationship with Cheng Ruohui (Xuanxuan), a new acquaintance< Br/>Everyone in the court is strict in law and administration, and has a sharp tongue; The feelings of everyone outside the court are facing various tests. The fourth episode of No.1 Imperial Court is more compact and attractive, which is memorable

  法庭内,各人舌剑唇枪,为真理,为公正而进行抗辩;法庭外,各人面对种种感情考验,衍生段段纠缠不清的关系  壹号皇庭第四辑,首次以二十集长剧形式推出,剧情更丰富,情节更具吸引力。  今回剧中律政界人物

No. 1 Imperial Court V, inheriting the development of the previous episode and continuing various complicated urban romances< Br/>Jiang Chengyu (Tao Dayu) and Cheng Ruohui (Xuan Xuan), after several twists and turns, are in a stalemate due to the involvement of a third party when their relationship is stable< Br/>Zhou Zhihui (Su Yongkang) leaves quietly, and his heart knot is hard to understand, until he meets Rui (Chen Xiaoyun). On the eve of marriage, Rui is raped by the AIDS satyr, and his relationship with Hui is broken< Br/>Qiu Yongkang (played by Tan Yaowen) and Cheng Ruoxi (played by Chen Zhijing) seem to be in harmony, but Xi feels embarrassed because she maintains her health in all aspects of her work, so they set up their own doors and show their strength. Kang defends a intimidation case, and her relationship with Xi gradually reveals crisis

  壹号皇庭V,承上集发展,再续种种错综复杂的都市恋情…  余在春(欧阳震华饰)婚姻失败后,先遇上独立坚强的夔或蕌(盖鸣晖饰),不久,春因调查一好友客死异乡的原因,又遇上欢场女子李彤(蔡少芬饰),遂展

It all started with a science fiction novel. In his science fiction, the novelist Yang Kuang (Liu Zhaoming) describes a way to transform a new human being, that is, to extract human brain cells and transform them, so that they can even control the minds of the reformed people. All these seemingly absurd ideas were taken in by a rich businessman who was plotting to control the world. He funded the establishment of a laboratory, recruited a group of subordinates, and captured Yang Kuang to do experiments. Later, Yang Kuang escaped and was taken to the hospital. Yuan Zhenxia (Li Ming), a doctor, has excellent martial arts and is just. He finds that Yang Kuang is very silent, his eyes are dull, and he often washes his hands with water. Yang Kuang's abnormal performance attracts the attention of Yuanzhen Xia. He and the nurse Caiyun (Zhu Yin) are determined to find out the secret behind Yang Kuang

  一切都由一本科幻小说引起。小说家杨匡(刘兆铭 饰)的科幻小说里描述了一种改造新人类的方法,那就是抽取人类的脑细胞,加以改造,以此甚至能控制被改造者的思想。这一切看似荒诞的想法,竟被一个阴谋控制全世

The Chinese hero, who is equipped with unparalleled martial arts, was trapped by the Tiansha Lonely Star and was far away from his relatives and friends. He broke into the Firebird Island alone. In order to solve the grievances between the Chinese and the Red families, he fought with the Firebird guarding the periphery on the way. After many difficulties and dangers, he finally reached the Firebird Island. On the island, the hero used his superb medical skills to relieve the hardship of the residents. He was praised by the islanders, saw the small castle master red flame, and met the northern and southern elders, purple clothes and others. Heroes, seeing the leisure life on the island, will stay to live and help the island residents. The castle master Red Lian Eagle King pretended to be dead and practiced martial arts. On the first day of his magic skills, he came back to expose the sins of the Chinese family. The hero was arrested and convicted. The residents of the island begged for mercy. The Eagle King and the hero competed fairly. Finally, the hero prevailed with virtue and martial arts, and was willing to stay to revive the Red Family. Finally, the Eagle King cleared his grievances. Hua Jianxiong, the hero's son, is talented and flexible. He refuses to learn medicine from the slaves who raised him when he was young. He hates to travel around and make trouble. One day, he met Yu Buwei, a member of the shadowless sect, and was involved in a triangular relationship with Qiong Tian and Situ Mo. Mo Wen is the son of Situ Wuliang of the Qi Clan. He wants his son to practice martial arts diligently in order to become famous. Mo Wen was forced to break up with Qiong Tian and just met Jian Xiong. He didn't want to be with Qiong Tian. The misunderstanding deepened and he fought fiercely. Finally, Wuliang got out of the encirclement and threatened to wash the Wuying Sect with blood three days later. Not to be injured, Jianxiong sends him up the mountain. The slave notices that he is chasing after Jianxiong for fear of causing trouble. He meets Wuliang and others on the way. He was an immeasurable benefactor in those days. It is said that he and the living slaves were held in the hands of an immeasurable god. Now we meet again after a long separation. We are all at the Wuying Gate with great hospitality. At the end of the war, Wuliang father and son bloodwashed Wuying Gate. Only to escape, Jianxiong was willing to take ten hands of Mowen to save his life. How did he know that after seven hands, he was injured. The living slave was forced to take over, and the last hand died on the spot. Jianxiong was very sad. He took away the living slave, but he could not escape from Mowen's palm all the time. After the birth and death of the slave, Jianxiong was depressed. Wuliang, in order to make up for the mistake of breaking the contract, decided to pass on his merits to Jianxiong. Jianxiong also started a new life. One day, I learned that I was going to the Red Family in the relics of Shisheng Slave, so I gathered my heart and went there resolutely. On the way, I happened to run into the snow, and my feelings developed. Unfortunately, I was scattered and lost in the face of danger. After arriving at the island, they met Siao again. They were misunderstood by Red Flame and others. They suspected that they were spies. Finally, they learned that they were the sons of heroes, and the misunderstanding disappeared. The hero met his father and son again, explained his separation, and was willing to stay to help the Red Family. Therefore, the relationship between hero, purple clothes and red flame and Jianxiong, Ta Xue and Siao was also developed. Of course, there was light and dark, surprise and joy. Finally, Jianxiong married Ta Xue, and the Hell Gate asked Jianxiong to fulfill his former leader's wish to take over the leadership. Jian Xiong is still thinking about it. How could he know that Mowen was suspicious? He attacked the Taxue family at night. Many uncles died miserably, and Taxue was also captured. Jian Xiong and Mowen vowed to break their arms and lift their boundless gratitude. Meanwhile, Siao and Ziyi in the castle also disappeared mysteriously. The hero father and son suspected that the hell gate was responsible for them, so they left for the hell gate. On the way, he found that purple clothes were poisoned. The hero and purple clothes searched for medicine to detoxify them. On the way, Jianxiong went on the road first, and the three evil spirits of the blood family joined him. Jianxiong learned about the current split, and his anger was getting stronger and stronger, so he decided to change, change his bad habits, and practice magic moves diligently. In order to save Ziyi, the hero did not hesitate to take risks. Ziyi was very moved. Finally, he was cured with medicine and returned to Hell Gate, the leader of the Senate


Shi Bowen, a rich man, injected capital into the brilliant college founded by Du Hu (Hu Feng) and Jiang Bi, and arranged for Shi Dehua, an uneducated son, to enroll in the school. Bowen also employs female PR Zhang Jinqiang to supervise Dehua and assist the School of Management. Jin Qiang hopes that Du Mingzhi, who is full of enthusiasm for teaching, will take over as the president. However, Du Mingheng, Meizhi's younger brother, wants to get to know Bowen by leading the college, so as to become famous and profitable. Even though Meiji and later became the headmaster, Mingheng still played a game in secret... The tutor Cheng Shu fulfilled the teacher's dream of entering Brilliant College, and together with the teacher's father Cheng Lang Qiaocheng, who was going to take the education diploma, together with Dehua and other students from different backgrounds, he made a series of jokes in this post-secondary college And"Hello, old watch hea!" But the story is based on the Hong Kong education system and has nothing to do with the previous work. Led by Guo Jin'an and Cai Shaofen, Zhang Jicong guest starred and supervised Huang Weisheng

  富豪史博文向杜琥(胡枫 饰)、江碧夫妇创办的灿烂学院注资,安排不学无术的儿子史德华入读增值。博文还聘用女公关张进强监督德华,并协助管理学院。进强希望由充满教学热诚的杜明治接任校长,但明治的弟弟杜明