On Call 36小时2粤语
  张一健(马国明 饰)与范子妤(杨怡 饰)婚后生活甜蜜,子妤更已怀孕。有一天,医院发生灾难应变,其中有伤者感染传染病,令当日负责手术的子妤被迫接受隔离,幸好最后靠病理学家洛文笙(吴启华 饰)解决传染
On Call 36小时粤语
  杨沛聪(罗仲谦 饰),美雪(黄智雯 饰)等刚从医校毕业的新生,正式开始实习医生真枪实弹的工作。每个被分在神经外科的实习医生,都不禁对科室里的张一健(马国明 饰)医生又敬又畏,因其做事格外认真、一丝

Wang Zhicong (Huang Rihua), who used to work in CID, is upright, bold and careful, and has repeatedly solved strange cases; However, it has its bad side, that is, it is impulsive and arbitrary, and has repeatedly ignored the instructions of superiors and the advice of peers. Once, Zhou Jiaxiang (Li Chengchang), a friend and colleague of Zhicong, colludes with the bandits to plan an armed robbery in order to pay off the high interest debts of his gambling girlfriend. Zhicong is personally arrested and brought to justice. Is it true that the enemies don't get together? After Zhicong was transferred to Oji, he was paired up with Yongtai. Zhicong, who is arbitrary and independent, and Yongtai, who is conservative and acts according to the rules, were angry and complained about each other at the beginning. But after getting along with each other, they both appreciated each other's perseverance and justice, and became the best partners to put out crimes in O Records

  原来任职CID的王志淙(黄日华 饰)为人正直、胆大心细、屡破奇案;但也有其不好的一面,就是容易冲动、独断独行,多次在行动置上级指示和同伴劝告于不顾。一次,与志淙情同手足的好友兼同事周家祥(李成昌

Oji Inspector Wang Zhicong (Huang Rihua) and his boss Chen Gui (Cai Guoquan) form a partnership to fight against crime and promote justice. However, when Wang Zhicong returns from a business trip, he finds that Chen Gui has left his job, and the person who takes over Chen Gui as his partner is Liang Jiawei (Luo Jialiang), a senior inspector of the International Criminal Police, who has a lot of old grudges on weekdays. In addition, they also like the beautiful tour guide Miss Fang Xiaofang (Li Zi). The relationship between them is even worse, It seems that a war without gunpowder is about to start
At this juncture, Wang Zhicong's old partner Lin Yongtai (Chen Jinhong) returns unexpectedly, but at this time, he is also in trouble and cannot extricate himself from the emotional vortex. Criminals do not have holidays. In a prosperous metropolis, criminal actions are taking place all the time. Can Oji, who is divided by people, work together again

  O记督查王志淙(黄日华 饰)和上司陈桂(蔡国权 饰)结为搭档,共同打击罪恶,弘扬正义。然而,当王志淙出差归来之时,却发现陈桂已经离职,而接任陈桂成为自己搭档的,竟然是平日里就同自宿怨良多的国际刑警
On Call 36小时
杨沛聪(罗仲谦 饰),美雪(黄智雯 饰)等刚从医校毕业的新生,正式开始实习医生真枪实弹的工作每个被分在神经外科的实习医生,都不禁对科室里的张一健(马国明 饰)医生又敬又畏,因其做事格外认真、一丝不苟的