
With the thunderbolt ringing, black and yellow, clouds deep and dragons emerging, who can govern the civil and martial arts
when the earth is near and the elephant is destroyed, and when the war is raging, who can stir up the waves< Br/>The ancient region was devastated by the opening and cracking of the universe, and our sword was isolated from the dust< Br/>Six eclipses and calamities, and the moment of encountering the devil, we will start a prairie fire again< Br. Before everyone knew it, the Six Eclipses Xuanyao was about to start a real plot. What's the mystery of Shenhuan Earth< Br. What impact will his appearance bring to the Central Plains Wulin and Yitianyu? What was the mystery of the war that changed the history of the Han people? What kind of threat will the seven mysterious day and night worlds bring to the Central Plains< Br< Br? The secret of the holy chaos in the past will cause a great storm in today's Wulin? How many enmities are hidden in the royal family? At the same time, in order to find people in three ways, and then cross the peak, Yiqi will go through the world of mortals. Can he find someone in time to help Tianji return? There are many different people in the Wulin. How shocked will the entrance of the ghost mage, the mountain bone stop cloud and the funeral incense cast for the chaotic situation in the Wulin< Br? Why did the Yulong Hermit and the Sword relegated Immortal plan the Five Summit War together? Who was the last candidate for Jingxuan Nine Stars? The plot of six eclipses and obscenities was all revealed by the splitting of the mysterious image of the Thunderbolt Soldier's battle

  霹雳响、玄黄覆,云深龙现、谁能统辖文武  地宇临、象外燹,烽火千秋、谁挹风波定澜?  古域开、裂宇灾,鏖兵万里、吾剑孤标尘外;  六蚀曜、变天劫,逢魔时刻、再启燎原狼烟。  六珩溟岳之上,六蚀齐聚
  霹靂動天生混沌,終日乾乾戰烽焚  夙夜逢魔冥河途,義行奇策曲中論。  沉潛休養的魔界,一夕變天,天魔意外引動天地混沌之力,激醒混沌諸王,致使中原再度陷入無邊戰火,而深入冥河流域的魔界軍師白無垢、刀