German World War II films. Based on a true story, the film tells the story of a 19-year-old ordinary national defense soldier, Willy Herod, who became the so-called"Emsland executioner" in the last two weeks of World War II. He pretended to be an officer by virtue of the captain's uniform he found. He gathered other soldiers who had scattered to form a special task force, plundered the land of the falling Nazi empire all the way, and took the head of state as an example to master the power of arrest and life and death.
The film won the Best Photography Award at the San Sebastian International Film Festival last year p>
The Israeli soldiers knocked on the door of a middle-class family and announced that their soldier's son was killed in battle, his wife fainted, and his husband was trapped in the grief that he had no place to hide and had to rely on self mutilation to vent. The couple were heartbroken and in great disorder. When they were accepting the reality and arranging the funeral, the military sent a notice again, informing the wrong family just now that another soldier who died had the same name as their son. He was very sad and happy, but his father was not completely relieved. He used his relationship to let the military quickly withdraw his son from the border. Unexpectedly, on the way home, there are many changes, but things have twists and turns, and unexpected turns have taken place