  1979年,十年浩劫的阴霾一扫而空。某剧团决定复排当年的名戏《嫦娥奔月》。时运不济、渐已过气的柳如云(潘虹 饰)和当红名角李雪芬(王玉兰 饰)暗中较劲,结果出人意料的是初出茅庐的戏校学生筱燕秋(徐

In the first year of the Tang Dynasty, the world was prosperous. However, a prediction about"seven generations of resentful couples" made people panic all day long. It is said that the Devil's Way will win the world by the power of seven generations of enemies. From then on, the world will become an endless hell. Yan Chixia (Yuan Hua), the authentic master of Xuanxin, has fought with the Six Demons (Luo Jialiang), who were killed by Yan Chixia and left a son for seven nights (Nie Yuan). Twenty years later, a scholar named Ning Caichen (Chen Xiaodong) comes to Nanguo Town, which is revered by evil spirits. Before entering the town, Ning Caichen met many strange things one after another. First, he is scared to death by the fox demon Nie Xiaoqian (Xu Xiyuan), who pretends to be a ghost, and then he meets a mysterious girl Ma Hongye (Xuan Xuan), who is very confusing. After entering the town, he was even pestered by Zhuge Liuyun (Wu Jing), who called himself Yan Chixia's chief disciple. At the chance meeting, under the arrangement of the nether world, a sad and beautiful show of ghosts and sorrows was staged
The ancient costume fantasy TV drama"The Ghost of a Beautiful Girl" directed by Chen Shisan, a famous ghost writer of ATV, was adapted from the story"Nie Xiaoqian" of China's classic Liaozhai. This multi region co production series, with the participation of stars from three places on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, reintroduces a true love story that will last forever


In the middle of the Qianlong Dynasty, the famous general A Gui led his army to quell the Ge'er Rebellion, and was caught in heavy rain for months in Gansu. He Shen (Chen Rui), a green book office under Ah Gui's tent, returns to Beijing to see the emperor for help. At this time, Gansu Governor Wang Danwang (Xiu Zongdi) reported the drought, which caused Qianlong (Jiao Shuo) to be suspicious, so he sent He Shen to investigate. He Shen, with his agility and ability, succeeded in overthrowing Danwang, a corrupt official, which was appreciated by Qianlong. From then on, He Shen rose to prominence and eventually became an indispensable official of the imperial court. Qianlong's great achievements and extravagance were shown; There are countless corrupt officials who bully the emperor and the villagers, causing the national treasury to be in deficit. He Shen, under the attack of various forces, moves around, and works hard to manage this huge and weak empire for the emperor

  乾隆王朝中期,名将阿桂率军平定准葛尔之乱,在甘肃遭到连月大雨,大军受困,寸步难行。阿桂帐下绿营书办和珅(陈锐 饰)回京面见皇上求助。适值此时,甘肃巡抚王亶望(修宗迪 饰)上报旱情,引起乾隆(焦晃