
Survivors is a popular reality show competition program, which is held by many radio stations around the world. In such competitions, contestants are isolated in remote and rarely inhabited areas and win prizes through competitions. This kind of program began in 1992 in Britain
The Survivor program in the United States began in 1999. It was rejected by NBC, ABC and CBS radio stations successively. Later, it was finally bought by CBS and began to produce in 2000< Br/>Survivors: Pearl Island is the seventh season of the survivors of CBS's popular reality show. It was shot in 2003 and premiered on September 28, 2003. The place of the competition is Pearl Island near Panama, which was once a place where piracy was rampant in history. Therefore, the names of the two tribes in this quarter are Francis Drake (a famous pirate during the reign of Elizabeth I) and Henry Morgan (the most daring and successful pirate in the Caribbean in the 17th century). The merged tribe was named Balboa (an outstanding explorer in the 16th century)< Br/>Survivors: Pearl Island is the season with the highest viewing rate since it was broadcasted by the survivors. Many new elements have emerged: a unique reversal, exile of the island, booty and hidden treasure; A distinctive and unforgettable contestant (Rupert Boneham, Jon Dalton). On the first day of the competition, a group of contestants dressed up. After boarding the boat, they were shocked to learn that they could not take luggage and could only wear clothes. They can exchange the $100 fund and their ornaments for necessities in a nearby fishing village< Br/>The biggest reversal in this season is that the first six players out of the game have the opportunity to return to the game. How to operate the process? Who will get the chance of rebirth

  《幸存者》是一类热门的真人秀类比赛节目,在全球各地的电台多有举办。在这类比赛中,参赛选手被孤立在遥远而鲜有人住的地区,通过比赛赢得奖金。此类节目始于1992年英国  美国的《幸存者》节目始于199