
Chris Evans will star in Mark Webb's new film Gifted (the extraordinary Spider Man series). The film tells that the American team plays Frank Adler, a former assistant professor of Boston University and now a ship repairer, who adopted his niece Mary, a gifted girl with excellent intelligence, after his sister committed suicide. Mary behaved differently when she first entered school, but Uncle Frank only wanted her children to live a normal life. Mary's grandmother learned about the girl's talent and appeared in their lives to cultivate Mary into a mathematical genius. So a custody dispute began

  Chris Evans将参演马克·韦布(超凡蜘蛛侠系列)执导新片《Gifted》。该片讲述美队扮演一名原本波士顿大学助教现在是修船工的Frank Adler在姐姐自杀后领养了外甥女Mary——一位

Xu Ziqi, who lives alone in Taipei, gropes for the direction of future life, pursuing a peaceful life, and continues to be trapped in a confused relationship with her boyfriend. She often receives calls to find"Johnny". These wrong calls and her parrots are the adjustment and companionship in life. Li Li, the big boy living downstairs of Xu Ziqi, is the son of the landlady's wife. Li Li reads newspapers every day and listens to his own recordings repeatedly to train his concentration. However, after one day he found that Xu Ziqi, a female tenant downstairs, secretly took a bird to the MRT, his usual rhythm of life became disordered. He was always involuntarily distracted, and rode his bicycle aimlessly in the city. Only when his mother asked him, did he break the common yearning between mother and son. The wandering foreman Zhang Yifeng just undertook the decoration project of the first floor construction site near Li Li's house. On the day of surveying the construction site, his cherished old car broke down on the road, and Zhang Yifeng felt helpless


The story takes place in a remote ruins on the Mediterranean coast. The crazy female artist Luce (Elina L ö wensohn) lives here for a long time and lives an isolated life. Recently, Matt Benier, the writer, also came to the ruins and held a corpse drying party with Luce from time to time. The sun is shining high and you are bored. On that day, four robbers hijacked 250 kilograms of gold. They were the leader Rino, Fat Man, Alex and the lawyer Brisol Geye. They drove so fast that they caught a woman named Melanie and her family on the way. Melanie is Benier's wife. They are divorcing, so she takes her baby sitter and children all the way to find her husband who has a strange bed. At the ruins, someone in the robbery gang tried to monopolize the gold, and at this time, two patrolmen also came here

  故事发生在位于地中海沿岸一个偏远的废墟中,疯癫癫的女艺术家卢斯(埃琳娜·勒文松 Elina Löwensohn 饰)长居于此,过着与世隔绝的生活。近一段时间,作家马特·贝尼埃也来到废墟,时不时和卢

In the small town at the foot of the Alps, the heavy fog triggered a traffic accident. The driver of the accident was Detective Vogel (Tony Selvero), who came to investigate the girl's disappearance, and the middle school teacher Martini (Alessio Boni) was the suspect he targeted. Under the guidance of psychologist Floris (played by Jean Renault), Vogel slowly tells the truth behind the scenes, and a larger plot that has been brewing for a long time gradually reveals its true face

  阿尔卑斯山脚下的小镇上,大雾引发了一场交通事故,失事司机就是前来调查少女失踪案的警探沃格尔(托尼·塞尔维洛 饰),中学老师马提尼(阿莱西奥·博尼 饰)是他锁定的嫌犯。在心理医生弗洛里斯(让·雷诺