Boarding college student Takahashi Meisaku (voiced by Sakurai Xiaohong) and great writer Yuzuo Akihiko (voiced by Huatian Guang) continued their first love story. Encouraged by Qiu Yan's editor, Miss Xiangchuan, and the boss of Marukawa Bookstore, Mei Saku agreed to attend Qiu Yan's Juchuan Prize Winning Reception. On the way, Mei Saku accidentally met Qiu Yan's brother Chun Yan (voice over by Bird Hai Hao). The relationship between Xiaotu's teacher and his family is very bad, and Meisaku is in a dilemma. What made it even more difficult was that Chunyan launched the attack of pursuing Mei Saku, either sending flowers or strawberries, so that Teacher Rabbit's low breath was reduced to the minimum. Teacher Little Rabbit not only had to watch out for Chunyan, but also for Mei Saku's classmate Jiao. But unexpectedly, the Jiao really liked him.
The story tells that Elihu Shuidou and Ayai Jienv were boyfriend and girlfriend in junior high school. They misunderstood each other because of a small matter and broke up when they graduated. However, due to the remarriage of their parents, the two who went to high school became brothers and sisters. Their memories and the condition of living under the same roof made them unable to ignore each other's every move, He has won awards from the romantic comedy department of the"Third KAKUYOMU Online Fiction Competition", and the third place in the new work of the library department of"This light novel is really great! 2020" p>