
Jenna was originally an unobtrusive girl, but a strange"misunderstanding" made her the focus of public discussion, which will change her life forever. At the same time, Jenna is secretly dating the most popular boy in the school, forced to accept the bullying of a bad girl, and has to face the blame of her parents


This series was created by Greg Garcia, creator of My Name Is Early. The story is about Jimmy Chance, 23, who had an affair with a woman for a night, and she gave birth to his daughter. To make matters worse, the woman was later sentenced to death, and Jimmy had to raise the child alone.
For the Chance family, who had already had many problems, the unexpected appearance of a new family member made them more worried. Jimmy Chance, 23, is a young man with no means of living. He washes the swimming pool for his father to earn living expenses during the day and revels with a group of friends at night. He has no house of his own and can only squeeze together with his mother Virginia (played by Martha Plimpton) and father Burt (played by Garret Dillahunt)< Br/>The beautiful Lucy (played by Bijou Phillips) gives Jimmy a glimpse of the dawn of life. The two fell in love in only two hours - at least Jimmy thought it was a"beautiful encounter". But Jimmy soon found out Lucy's real identity: she was a fugitive felon! After Lucy was captured by the police, Jimmy's troubles followed...
A few months later, Jimmy went to the local prison to visit Lucy and found that Lucy had given birth to her daughter! Lucy will soon be executed, and Jimmy will bear the"heavy burden" of raising children. At a loss, Jimmy took his daughter home, but his family did not show any good feelings towards the little guy. Virginia, a staid and serious mother, was pregnant at the age of 15 and gave birth to Jimmy. She was unwilling to help Jimmy raise another child. Although his father Burt was not surprised that he suddenly became a"grandfather", he was worried that the child might have the"murder gene" of"child his mother". Mike, Jimmy's cousin, also has no good opinion of this child, because Jimmy can't hang around with him all day long when there is a child. Grandmother"Maw Maw" (played by Cloris Leachman) has little contact with the family and can't help them< Br/>If Jimmy has the courage to date Sabrina (invited by Shannon Marie Woodward), a grocery cashier who likes to play tricks on the boss, she is the"best person" to help Jimmy raise children together< Br/>Can Jimmy be a qualified good father? Is his family really so heartless? Only time can give an answer< br/>

  这部剧集由《愚人善事》(My Name Is Earl)创作人Greg Garcia打造。故事讲述23岁的Jimmy Chance与一个女人一夜风流之后,对方竟生下了他的女儿。更糟的是,这个女人随

Jessie will return to the third season of FOX hit comedy"New Girl" on September 17, North America time. The play is led by Zoe Danschel and co starred by Jack M. Johnson and Max Greenfield. It tells the story of a girl named Jessica sharing the same apartment with three big men

  杰茜驾到 第三季FOX热门喜剧《杰茜驾到》(New Girl)的第3季将于北美时间9月17日回归。该剧由佐伊·丹斯切尔领衔,杰克·M·约翰森、马克思·格林菲尔德等联袂主演,讲述了一名名叫Jessi

The play is produced by J.J. Abrams under the name, supervised by J.H. Wyman, producer of Fringe, and produced by Bad Robot. The drama is described as a"police and bandit drama based on action drama and brotherhood". The story takes place in the near future 35 years later. At this time, a humanoid robot with a high degree of artificial intelligence has appeared, and all LAPD detectives have assigned a humanoid robot partner. They will investigate cases related to both humans and robots. But in many cases, human cases and robot cases are mixed together. In 2048, human society has evolved to a new height< Br/>Meet John Kennex (Karl Urban), the survivor of the most terrible attack against the police department in history. After 17 months in a coma, he finally woke up, but his memory of what had happened was vague. His partner died in that incident, and his girlfriend Anna Moore (Mekia Cox) has left him. He lost a leg, and the doctor fitted him with a highly exquisite artificial bionic leg< Br/>John was depressed and mentally depressed, suffering from severe post-traumatic obsessive compulsive syndrome and stress disorder, and he was full of rejection of his"bionic parts". Nevertheless, he returned to work at the request of Sandra Malconado (Lili Taylor), the police captain. Sandra is the most loyal friend he has known for the longest time. He knows she will never hurt him< Br/>According to the order of the superior, every policeman must now form a partner with a robot. Despite John's strong aversion to robots, he was assigned a robot partner - MX-43 robot combat police who had just come off the line and was ready to fight. When this machine colleague found that John was hiding some criminal evidence, John relentlessly"ended" him (refer to the trailer for the relevant plot). So the laboratory technician Rudy Lom (Mackenzie Crook) introduced him to a new machine companion: Dorian (Michael Ealy). Because Dorian had an unexpected"emotional reaction", the police stopped him from performing his duties and recalled him to the laboratory for careful examination. Although these"emotional reactions" seem to be nothing but errors in Dorian's central system, it is these"errors" that make John resonate with Dorian. After all, John is now a"part robot" and Dorian is a"part human". John and Dorian's mutual understanding not only makes them complement each other in their work, but also"connects" them to some extent< Br/>While adapting to new partners, John must also learn to get along with new colleagues, including Detective Valerie Stahl (Minka Kelly) who is eager to become famous and Detective Richard Paul (Michael Irby) who is always suspicious. Richard insisted that John should be responsible for the disastrous task that led to the death of several police officers. He certainly did not welcome John to rejoin the police force< Br< Br/>Most of the other producers of the play are from the production team of"On the Edge of Crisis", and most of the writers are also"Royal Writers" of Bad Robot (participated in the creation of"On the Edge of Crisis","Suspects Tracking","Revolution" and other plays). J. J. Abrams once said in an interview that the play has the flavor of"Blade Runner"

  该剧由J.J. Abrams挂名制片,《危机边缘》(Fringe)制片人J.H. Wyman监制,Bad Robot公司出品。该剧被描述为一部「动作戏和兄弟情为主的警匪剧」,故事发生在距今35年之

Sean King (John Tenney) and Michelle Maxwell (Rebecca Romijn) jointly founded a private detective agency, but they are not ordinary private detectives - they used to be well-trained Secret Service agents, and every move of suspects could not escape their eyes, while the traditional law enforcement agencies always take a slower step than them. However, there is no denying that... there is a strong chemical reaction between them. In addition to her beauty and agility, Michelle Maxwell has a good interpersonal network among senior officials in Washington, which brings her great convenience in handling cases. The Secret Service forced her to"retire" without her consent. She was very unconvinced and vowed to prove her ability. Ryan Hurst plays Edgar Roy, a serial murder suspect who is in prison. He has severe autism but is extremely intelligent. He is a typical"autistic scholar". He can have an insight into the key techniques in any case, and can interpret them through mathematical methods. King and Maxwell need him to help them solve the case, and a special partnership has been formed between them

  Sean King(John Tenney)和Michelle Maxwell(Rebecca Romijn)共同创办了一家私人侦探社,但他们并非一般的私人侦探——他们曾经是训练有素的特勤处(Se

USA announced the renewal of 16 episodes of the third season of Suits. Considering the excellent ratings of the second season of the show (6.5 million viewers in the last episode of the summer), the decision of USA was expected to return on March 6, 2014

  USA宣布续订《Suits》第三季16集。考虑到该剧第二季出色的收视率表现(夏季最后一集650万观众),USA的决定在意料之中  11集2014年3月6日回歸。

Christine (Anna Faris) is a restaurant waiter. Recently, she finally got rid of the bad habit of drinking and was ready to start a new life. Unexpectedly, at this juncture, Boni (Allison Janney), her mother who was addicted to drinking and had no regrets, moved back to Christine's home and decided to stay here. With a negative attitude and a lot of complaints, Boni, can Christine control her emotions?
In addition to her annoying mother at home, Christine still has a series of troubles in her life. Her lover Gabriel (Nathan Cordry) is not only her boss, but also a husband with a wife who can't defeat the red flag at home Jones) is a romantic prodigal without any sense of responsibility. Can Christine, who has never met a good man in her life, finally find her heart

  克里斯汀(安娜·法瑞丝 Anna Faris 饰)是一名餐厅服务员,最近,她好不容易才摆脱了酗酒的陋习,准备重振旗鼓,开始新的生活,没想到,在这个节骨眼上,自己拿酗酒成性且不知悔改的母亲波妮(阿丽

The Reagon family is a famous family of policemen in New York City. They have been working in the law enforcement department for generations, and some of them have given their lives. Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) is the current director of the New York City Police Department and the"leader" of the Reagan family. When his father Henry (Len Cariou) was the director general, he had caused a lot of trouble because of the"improper handling" in politics - it was just that the old police officer was very stubborn and had no regrets for anything he had done. Now, while managing a huge police force, Frank has to constantly make up for the"big problem" left by his father in the past

  Reagon家族是纽约市有名的警察世家,一家几代人都在执法部门工作,有的还献出了生命。Frank Reagon(Tom Selleck)是纽约市警察局现任局长,也是Reagon家族的「掌门人」。他