  年轻的香港医生姜大聪(林保怡 饰)赴苏格兰公干期间,和当地美女爱丽丝(陈雅伦 饰)一夜风流,返港后整个人性情突然大变。女友阿May(陈淑兰 饰)发觉异常,但是一时也无从得知什么原因。原来爱丽丝是当
< p > cyrano (jalal DE paddy about GerardDepardieu) naturally wild, good-hearted, he silently love cousin roxane (what Anne bono AnneBrochet), but he was born with an ugly nose, even if his brilliant, also dare not to cousin shows palpitations.One night he ruthlessly ridicule and beat after a rich family, roxane about meet him the next day.Cyrano write a love letter to show feelings, after roxane tells himself fell in love with a handsome new recruits Christie (Vincent perez VincentPerez), and charged in the same team of cyrano to protect him.Christie also like roxanne, cyrano they will for love of roxane into written down in the name of Christian service roxanne, and neatly arranged marriage two people.Who knows to roxane malicious officer when I saw that jealousy, Christie will be dispatched to Alastair combat...

< p >< span style ="color: RGB (51, 51, 51);The font-family: arial, & quot;Pingfang sc", stheiti simsun, sans-serif.font-size: 14px;Text text-indent: 28 px;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> Antonio s feelings are dominated by a similar experiences twice, the first of 12 years old he and a sexy middle-aged hairdresser had a love experience, and when he was in the middle and another hairdresser mattie s acquaintance, and conquered by her beauty, two people develop a romantic love story, how such a relationship has become"love is colder than death"?< / span < / p >

The four silly boys, Bruce Lee, Xiao Biao, Xiao Bao and Xiao Hua, are fighting against each other and playing tricks on each other in their lives because their master is not in harmony. Until I met my clever and lovely sister Xiaoxia and my kind and lovely sister Xiaoxia. Sister Confused got into trouble because of a series of misunderstandings. At this time, the four boys gave up their old grudges to save the sisters. They got rid of the evil and punished the evil. They kept laughing and laughing


After the doll killing incident was reported by the media, it caused the toy company that made"Chuqi" to worry about the market prospect. The toy company took back the remains of Chuqi and repaired them, trying to prove to shareholders that the killing toy was just a rumor. However, when the repair was completed, Chuqi immediately came back to life, which caused chaos and eventually escaped. On the other hand, Andy (Alex Vincent) and his mother receive psychological treatment respectively, and a kind couple take care of Andy temporarily. According to the requirements of the charm of soul transfer, if Chuqi wants to avoid the same personal fate as the doll, he must lodge with the first person who knows his secret, that is, Andy. Chuqi has little time left, and he finds Andy again to invade his body. Andy tried his best to avoid Chucky who came to him, but he got the incomprehension and scolding from the adults around him. Kelly, a girl who was adopted with Andy, was also involved in this extraordinary event that the doll took Andy's body


Fan Zhihong (Wan Ziliang) was once a smart and capable policeman, and now lives a leisurely life after retirement. One day, he heard that Paul, the son of former boss Bai Lang, was kidnapped and his life was in danger, so he joined hands with Xiao Jie, Bai Lang's adopted son (Liu Dehua), to rescue him and finally saved Paul successfully. Sherry (Yao Wei) and Fan Zhihong had a relationship that ended in nothing before. Coincidentally, the girl named Cindy (Jane Huizhen) whom Xiao Jie fell in love with was Sherry's daughter. Soon, Fan Zhihong found that the kidnapping was not as simple as it seemed. Bai Lang is inextricably linked with the Japanese underworld Yamashita Group. In the rescue operation, Fan Zhihong accidentally killed two Japanese, causing the Third Group to send Takata Jinyi (Chen Huimin) to Hong Kong to investigate the truth of the incident

  范志洪(万梓良 饰)曾是一位精明强干的警察,如今过着退休后的闲适生活。某日,他听闻前上司白朗的儿子保罗遭人绑架,性命危在旦夕,于是联手白朗的养子小杰(刘德华 饰)一同前往营救,并最终成功的救出了保