
The Housekeeping Queen is a life service program launched by Hebei Satellite TV on October 26, 2009

The Empress of Housekeeping has created a different life service program by combining the new TV concept and using life service as the leading role and variety entertainment as the supporting role. This column takes the dissemination of life knowledge as its own responsibility, and teaches you some solutions to common problems or tips of life in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. The"Empress" Fang Qiong and Cheng Cheng are partners. Their flexible way of hosting is also in line with the column's relaxed and humorous style and has become a well-known variety show

《家政女皇》是河北卫视 自2009年10月26日开播的一档生活服务类节目。  《家政女皇》结合全新的电视理念,运用生活服务唱主角,综艺娱乐来配戏的方式,打造出了一档不一样的生活服务类节目。该栏目以传播

In November 2009, the second season of Beautiful Life returned strongly! BBC broadcasts the second season on Radio 1, Radio 4 and Cable. Jonathan Harvey, who once wrote"Beautiful Thing", as always demonstrated the skills of a comedian comparable to"Will and Grace"
It is worth mentioning that the new season will no longer appear in New York. Jonathan said that he wanted to make beautiful life more localized, so he cut off the relationship between Simon and his boyfriend. At the beginning, the audience will see Simon packing his bags and taking the plane back to Reading. Next, there will be two Reading: Reading in Simon's memory (1998) and Reading in reality (2009). He will establish ties with his parents again. I don't know what funny topics will be brewing in this funny family under the crazy gene

  2009年11月靓丽人生第二季强势回归!BBC在1台、4台、有线台滚动播出第二季。曾写出“Beautiful Thing”的Jonathan Harvey一如既往的展示了可与“威尔与格蕾丝”媲美的