In the 1970s, a team of scientific research team members, explorers, war photographers, and soldiers gathered and ventured to the mysterious island of the South Pacific - Skull Island. Their arrival disturbed the god of the island, the greatest King Kong in history. After a fierce battle, the explorers scattered around the island. At this time, the team members realized that this expedition was not a simple scientific research mission, but to explore the proof of the existence of monsters. The team members also met mysterious primitive tribes. The story of King Kong and the reason why he guarded the island were gradually revealed. It turned out that there were more ferocious monsters lurking on the spooky Skeleton Island
The film will explore the border between nation and fantasy by showing the personal fate of the Haitian girl Clairvius Narcisse. Narcisse is a victim of voodoo magic, which turns her into a zombie. The timeline will jump between Haiti in 1962 and modern French Paris, and the story will revolve around the 15-year-old Narcisse and her aunt, a witch priestess