
Spiderman (Tobey Maguire) has become a righteous hero admired by everyone after experiencing many tests, and has won the beauty back. However, under the aura, Spider Man also has his own heart disease: he let the thief go in the first episode, which led to the killing of his dearest uncle. Parker has always been bitter.

蜘蛛侠(托比•马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)在经历了重重考验之后,成为了人人敬仰的正义英雄,抱得美人归。但是,光环下蜘蛛侠,也有自己的心病:他在第一集时放走了小偷导致最亲爱的叔叔被小偷杀死,

After the battle against the Green Demon, Spider Man Parker (Tobey Maguire) reluctantly rejects his only beloved Mary (Kirsten Dunst), because Spider Man's identity will bring great danger to himself and his relatives, and Parker decides to assume Spider Man's responsibility independently.

大战绿妖之后,蜘蛛侠帕克(托比•马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)忍痛拒绝了他唯一的挚爱玛丽(克尔斯滕•邓斯特 Kirsten Dunst 饰),因为蜘蛛侠的身份会为自己和亲人带来巨大危险,帕克

Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) is just an ordinary American high school student. Once he was bitten by a mutant spider stolen from the Spider Museum, Peter's life changed completely. Like spiders, he has all kinds of unique super abilities of spiders, such as spraying spider silk with strong viscosity from his fingers, flying from eaves to walls, etc. Peter was so excited that he began to use his super power to make money. But when his favorite uncle was killed by the criminal he let go, Peter vowed to use his super power to fight against crime.

彼得 帕克(托比•马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)只是美国一个平凡的高中生,当一次他被蜘蛛博物馆偷跑出来的变种蜘蛛咬了一口之后,彼得的生活彻底改变了。他变得和蜘蛛一样,拥有各种蜘蛛特有的超能力

Peter Parker (Tom Holland) is appreciated by the Iron Man Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr., Jr.) after the Civil War. On the surface, Peter entered Tony's company and became an intern. In fact, he received various trainings with members of the Avenger Alliance. Although Tony appreciates Peter's bravery and integrity, he does not think that he has the strength to join the Federation at present. He sends a secret agent, Harpy (Jon Favreau), to observe secretly, which makes Peter very anxious to prove himself.
In the process of dealing with two bank robbers, Peter finds that the robbers use a new weapon that has never been seen before, He went into the enemy's back alone and found the backstage leader, the vulture (Michael Keaton). To his surprise, the vulture was the father of Liz, the girl he loved (Laura Harrier)

  彼得帕克(汤姆·赫兰德 Tom Holland 饰)在内战后受到了钢铁侠托尼斯塔克(小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. 饰)的赏识,表面上,彼得进入托尼的公司成为了一名实习生,实际

In this legendary adventure story that reveals the origin of Iron and Steel Superman, the past and the present collided. On the ruins of an ancient Chinese kingdom buried for many years, millionaire and inventor Tony. Stark is carrying out excavation work, but the excavation progress is far beyond the part specified in the agreement. He untied an ancient prophecy, which predicted that Mandarin, the monarch of China's darkest and most violent dynasty, would recover. In order to deal with this destructive force, Tony forged a suit of armor and equipped with advanced weapons. In order to stop this evil force that he personally brought to the earth, Tony must become the greatest invention in his life -- Iron Superman! This new soldier must go to four corners of the earth to fight with Mandarin's followers, the Element Warriors -- four soldiers who control the power of earth, water, wind and fire! But as predicted, does Iron Superman have enough ability to challenge the destiny and prevent the evil force from destroying the earth


  Attempting to surpass his father's legacy, a reclusive neuroscientist becomes entangled in his own experiment, pitting ten fragments of his consciousness against each other

  Attempting to surpass his father's legacy, a reclusive neuroscientist becomes entangled in his

The story takes place in New Mexico in the 1950s. A young switchboard operator and radio DJ found a strange frequency, which may change their life, their town and the whole earth forever."Endless Night" fell into the rabbit hole of"Twilight City". Through the dropped telephone, AM radio signal, secret tape reel forgotten in the library, switch, cross patching and an anonymous telephone, he carefully weaves a searching story together. The Promise of the Night brings the audience into an era and a small town far away from the outside world through the confusing whole process tracking camera, fast dialogue and perfect era terminology. Its mystery is only presented to those who are curious and have enough patience to listen


  In the near future, aliens have invaded Earth and declared a galactic war resulting in thousands of human casualties. To save Earth, a team of four teenage astronauts brave the alien wilderness of a distant planet to stop an assassin from changing the course of history forever

  In the near future, aliens have invaded Earth and declared a galactic war resulting in thousands o

Three friends made a series of online programs, and they found that their neighbors had actually been killed, but were perfectly copied by other creatures


Helen (Lyndsy Fonseca) is a scientist. One day, she received a mysterious call from herself, and then she was in danger. Forced to do so, she had to break into a highly confidential facility and travel back through time and space to prevent a murder

  海伦(琳德西·冯塞卡 Lyndsy Fonseca 饰)是一名科学家。一天,她接到了一通来自自己的神秘电话,随即便深陷于危险之中。迫不得已之下,她不得不闯入一个高度机密的设施并穿越时空回到过去,阻

In the 1960s, American forces penetrated into Asia. For this reason, the government implemented a top secret plan, the Soldier Reconstruction Plan, which created soldiers into ruthless and powerful super soldiers by means of drug injection. With the continuous improvement of technology, under the auspices of Dr. Robert Colin, the White Pagoda Program was launched again to successfully create a more perfect second generation super soldier. However, 12 second-generation soldiers fled after an accident, and Dr. Colin, who was suspected of treason, was also expelled from Eastern Europe. Shortly thereafter, the reconstituted soldiers occupied Chernobyl. The US military decided to send four remaining soldiers to defeat the dangerous monsters, but when they were all killed ruthlessly, the military could only send the fifth generation soldier, Luke Davolox (Jean Claude Van Damme), Against the powerful opponent Andrew Scott (Dolph Lundgren, Duff Longer)


The story took place in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2016. In order to cope with the rising crime rate, a large weapon company developed a fully mechanized police force. They put mechanical police into mass production and use, and achieved remarkable results in fighting crime. As one of the developers, the programmer Dean (Dave Patel Dev Patel) has been committed to building a complete AI robot. Until one day, his research made breakthrough progress, but did not get the support of his boss Michelle Bradley (Sigourney Weaver). Diswilling to fail, Dean secretly takes a mechanical policeman who was beaten not long ago out of the company to improve his research. Unexpectedly, he is kidnapped by three bandits on the way. Under the threat of bandits, Dean wrote No. 22 into the new system
No. 22 was reborn in the name of"Chapai", and its birth will change the fate of many people


One night, Helen Benson (Jennifer Connelly), a professor of space microbiology at Princeton University, was taken away by the police and several mysterious people. She went to Linwood Military Academy in New Jersey with countless top scientists in the industry. It turned out that when NASA was exploring outer space, it found that an unknown object was approaching the Earth at a rapid speed. Soon, an object with white light came to Manhattan and landed in the center of New York Park, surrounded by people, scientists and the military. Suddenly, an alien (Keanu Reeves) with a very similar body shape to human beings and a tall robot appear in front of human beings. Rude human beings totally waste the kindness of alien visitors, and what fate awaits mankind
This film is a remake of the science fiction film of the same name in 1951, and won the Best Young Actor Award (Jaden Smith) of the American Academy of Science Fiction and Horror Film Award in 2009

  某晚,供职于普林斯顿大学的太空微生物学教授海伦•本森(Jennifer Connelly 饰)被警察和几名神秘人物带走,与她一同前往新泽西林伍德军校的还有业界内无数顶尖科学家。原来,NASA在探测