< p > ENDANGEREDSPECIESisanintense, actionpackedsurvival-adventureaboutawealthyAmericanfamilywhotraveltothevastAfricanwildernessofKenyahopingforadreamvacationfilledwithexcitement、bondingandachancetofixthegrowingriftswithintheirfamily.Butwhentheirsafarivehicleisattackedbyarhinoprotectinghercalf thefamilyisleftstrandedmilesfromhelpandtheirdreamvacationturnsintoanightmarishstruggleforsurvivalinaworldwheretheyarethebottomofthefoodchain < / p >
< p > about human civilization decline due to the outbreak of a year and a half later, a former fbi agent (meyers) was forced to protect an immune to this disease of young women, avoid led by a psychotic patients (malkovich) dangerous gang chase her, the psychopaths thought he would use her to save the world < / p >
My lover < p > in the winding of the amazon rain forest, legend and secret to make people excited.A trip in Colombia, a group of college students looking for cave paintings to the mountain.But didn t think of a nightmare begins!It was not long before, people die.People are finally starting to realize that the dangers of their here can appear in front of the slide.A once thought extinct 50 feet long python was lurking in the bushes, and desire for blood.Its scales is more hard than armor, vision range is generally the snake s nine times, the most terrible is like a bottomless pit of the stomach.This group of college students start can only try very hard to of escape, but helpless unarmed.There is no ability to resist.But they finally found the weaknesses in python, everybody together to design a trap, eliminate the python < / p >
< p > Lin di this pretty funny women had a painful secret: because of the life, rare neurological disorder, she experienced paroxysmal fury impulse to kill, the solution only in special electrode unit electricity ourselves.In a fear of her strange situation of the world, she was unable to find love and connection, in the end she trust a man, and fell in love with him, but found the next day he was murdered.Lin di heartbroken and angry, she started a revenge value with task, looking for a killer, at the same time, she also as the prime suspect of this case by the police after the < / p >
< p > have superpowers assassin ah kay track a killer to Bangkok, revenge mission turned into battle to save the world from the threat of ancient < / p >
,< p > by duff dolph lundgren, director and starring its together with Scott Atkins"fort of depravity" (n) proposed in March, about rival gangs forces plan to take a fall in an apartment in the huge amounts of money to be destroyed, and the guards of the apartment owner is become the biggest obstacle to their implementation plan < / p >
< p > Zara and Brian town lived a perfect life, a mysterious stranger from Zara s secret kidnapped their daughter in the past, now they must race to save her life < / p >

After the New York War, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) brings his brother Rocky (Tom Hidleston) back to the Fairy Palace and imprisons him. In addition, he helps the nine countries settle disputes and rise to fame. Although his father Odin (Anthony Hopkins, played by Anthony Hopkins) urged him to take the throne as soon as possible, Sol never forgot the beautiful girl Jane Foster (Natalie Portman, played by Natalie Portman) of the earth. At the same time, Jane, Daisy and her assistant Ian were accidentally invaded by mysterious substances when they were investigating an area, but they also met Sol again and returned to the Fairy Palace with her. Surprisingly, the substance hidden in the simplified form comes from the ancient dark spirit Malkis (Christopher Eccleston). When the time of"celestial bodies gathering" came again, Malrkes tried to destroy nine countries and create a completely dark universe. The immortal palace where Jane was hidden was severely damaged, and Saul and Rocky, the two enemies, had to join hands to fight against the strong enemies of fate

  纽约大战后,雷神索尔(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰)将弟弟洛基(汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston 饰)带回仙宫囚禁起来,此外帮助九大国度平定纷争,威名扶摇直

Two years after the"Battle of Socovia", Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the god of thunder, sees through the disguise of Rocky (Tom Hiddleston) and finds Odin (Anthony Hopkins, Anthony Hopkins) who was exiled to the earth. However, Odin, who is dying, tells his two sons that the"evening of the gods" has begun. Haila (Kate Blanchett), the goddess of death who was banned by Odin, is about to return to Asgard. In the first fight with Haila, Sol lost the Hammer of Thor, and he and Rocky were also knocked down to the chaotic Saka Star. In the duel field of Saka, Sol met the long lost Hulk again, and saw the female warrior god who had escaped from the clutches of Haila for life

  在“索科维亚战役”两年后,雷神索尔(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰)识破了洛基(汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston 饰)的伪装,辗转找到了被放逐到地球的奥丁(安

After the epic war against hegemony ended, the earth seemed to return to peace temporarily. Peter (Tom Holland) returns to campus life. He has a good talk with his friends and has a girl of his choice. However, his deepest heart still cannot let go of the memory of Iron Man. On his way to Europe to study, Peter tries to find an opportunity to express himself to Michelle (Zandaya Zendaya), a girl with personality. Unexpectedly, the element monsters that appear in succession disrupt his plan to express himself. In this process, the mysterious guest (Jake Gyllenhaal) who cooperates with the Divine Shield Bureau comes forward to fight off the monster. Peter, who feels too burdensome, refuses Nick Fry (Samuel Jackson, Samuel L. Jackson) and is willing to hand over the heavy responsibility of the successor of Iron Man to the mysterious guest

  在与灭霸史诗般的战争结束后,地球似乎暂时回归和平。皮特(汤姆·赫兰德 Tom Holland 饰)回到了校园生活之中,他和好友相谈甚欢,并且有了心仪的女孩,然而内心最深处依然放不下对钢铁侠的追悼缅

In the 1940s, the war of Nazis and their axis of evil burned all corners of the world. Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), a small man living in Brooklyn, is deeply attached to the country and is determined to fight against enemies, but his poor physique keeps him out of the recruitment office. By chance, with the help of the German scientist Dr. Erskine (Stanley Tucci), this little boy was able to enter the barracks, and accepted the doctor's experiment, becoming a tall, strong and powerful super soldier. At the same time, John Schmidt (Hugo Weaving), the leader of the German Nazi Red Skull Force, built a super team relying on supernatural forces to try to dominate the world
In order to save his friends, Steve entered Schmidt's camp as the captain of the United States, and the battle between good and evil super soldiers began

  上世纪40年代,纳粹及其邪恶轴心的战火烧遍世界各个角落。居住在布鲁克林的小个子史蒂夫·罗格斯(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)心系国家,一心上阵杀敌,可是糟糕的体格让他始终被征兵办拒之

Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), the American captain who has gradually become accustomed to modern life, faintly smells the dangerous smell from the Divine Shield Bureau after an action. He was even more angry when he learned that the Divine Shield Bureau was secretly carrying out the Insight Program. One day, the commander of the Divine Shield Bureau, Nick Farui (Samuel Jackson, Samuel L. Jackson), was attacked by a group of armed men. He tried his best to give a USB flash disk to the captain of the United States, which contained the most important and terrible secret of the Bureau since World War II. After that, Captain America was wanted and chased by former director Alexander Pierce (Robert Redford) for allegedly killing Nick. During his escape, he was helped by the black widow (Scarlett Johansson) and veteran"Falcon" (Anthony Mackie), Prevent the implementation of the Insight Program

  渐渐习惯了现代生活的美国队长史蒂夫·罗杰斯(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰),在一次行动后隐隐嗅到神盾局内部所弥漫出来的凶险气味。而当得知神盾局正秘密进行的“洞察计划”后,他更为此感到

Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), the captain of the United States, leads the newly formed Avenger Alliance to continue to maintain world peace. However, when carrying out a mission, the members of the Alliance inadvertently caused a large number of civilian casualties, thus stimulating political pressure. The government decided to manage and lead the Avenger Alliance through a set of regulatory systems. As a result, the alliance is divided into two factions: one is led by Steve Rogers, who advocates safeguarding the freedom of members and protecting the world without government interference; The other side follows Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr., Jr.), who unexpectedly decides to support the government's regulatory and accountability system. The mysterious Bucky (Sebastian Stan) seems to be the key figure in the civil war

  美国队长史蒂夫·罗杰斯(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)带领着全新组建的复仇者联盟,继续维护世界和平。然而,一次执行任务时联盟成员不小心造成大量平民伤亡,从而激发政治压力,政府决定通过

The Riley family went out for a golden holiday in the Caribbean. After chartering a boat to go to sea, they encountered a breakdown. However, they met a cold-blooded fisherman who pretended to be kind and demanded to extort 1 million dollars. Reilly is on the verge of despair and is under double attack from blackmailers and the police. Can he save his wife and son in time. The film is hanging by a thread


The script was written by Matthias Caruso. The story is about a virus that infected the legal department of a company. On the same day, Derek Sanders, the lawyer, was framed by his colleagues and unfairly dismissed. This infection will make people show the most primitive and wild impulse. Trapped in an isolated building, our hero can only do his best to regain his own work and life through brutal fighting


British aristocratic explorer Brooke escaped the shackles of scandal and Victorian society to explore the wildlife of Borneo in the 1840s. Brooke fell in love with this tropical paradise, fought against pirates and the enemies of Sudan, and won the crown of King Sarawak, where he ruled a jungle kingdom larger than Britain


The story of the film tells that a veteran (Antonio Banderas) works as a security guard in a shopping mall, but on the first night of his work, a girl who is chased by gangsters runs to the mall to seek refuge. The film is expected to be released in North America this year


In the first film of the series Mechanic, Arthur (Jason Stanson), the top killer who pretends to be dead, washes his hands in a golden basin and lives a peaceful life for ordinary people. In a seemingly unexpected incident, Arthur's confidante Mei (Michelle Yeoh) asks Arthur to rescue the mysterious woman Gina (Jessica Alba) who has been repeatedly beaten by others. Unexpectedly, Arthur, who has always been immune to love, falls in love with Gina. However, his quiet life has been broken by this, However, his fate was so hard to beat that someone secretly stared at him, and Arthur's life story also surfaced. It turned out that when he was young, he and a group of children were captured by the arms dealer and trained them to play with guns and kill people. The unbearable Arthur escaped from the arms dealer, while one of his partners grew up to be the successor of the arms dealer and the biggest villain in the film< Br/>The villain found Arthur, kidnapped his beloved Gina, and threatened him to assassinate three of the world's most dangerous people. In order for him and his lover to escape, Arthur was forced to work as an assassin again. He had to complete a series of impossible assassination tasks in a limited time< Br/>Arthur is well aware of the cruelty of the villains, and he will never let himself go. After successfully assassinating two targets, Arthur and the third target, another large-scale arms dealer leader Adams (Tommy Lee Jones), form an alliance to deal with their common opponents. Then, whether Arthur can escape with Gina finally, and whether the peaceful life can continue


In the first film of the series Mechanic, Arthur (Jason Stanson), the top killer who pretends to be dead, washes his hands in a golden basin and lives a peaceful life for ordinary people. In a seemingly unexpected incident, Arthur's confidante Mei (Michelle Yeoh) asks Arthur to rescue the mysterious woman Gina (Jessica Alba) who has been repeatedly beaten by others. Unexpectedly, Arthur, who has always been immune to love, falls in love with Gina. However, his quiet life has been broken by this, However, his fate was so hard to beat that someone secretly stared at him, and Arthur's life story also surfaced. It turned out that when he was young, he and a group of children were captured by the arms dealer and trained them to play with guns and kill people. The unbearable Arthur escaped from the arms dealer, while one of his partners grew up to be the successor of the arms dealer and the biggest villain in the film< Br/>The villain found Arthur, kidnapped his beloved Gina, and threatened him to assassinate three of the world's most dangerous people. In order for him and his lover to escape, Arthur was forced to work as an assassin again. He had to complete a series of impossible assassination tasks in a limited time< Br/>Arthur is well aware of the cruelty of the villains, and he will never let himself go. After successfully assassinating two targets, Arthur and the third target, another large-scale arms dealer leader Adams (Tommy Lee Jones), form an alliance to deal with their common opponents. Then, whether Arthur can escape with Gina finally, and whether the peaceful life can continue


In Prague, Czech Republic, Joe (Nicolas Cage), a professional killer, has completed a task with sophisticated techniques. For a long time, the four principles that Joe believed in made him ruthlessly complete many tasks and live out of everyone's sight. However, this wandering lonely life made people tired. Joe decided to go to Bangkok and complete his last four tasks there. Qiao soon completed his first task, paying the price of a bruise on his right arm. When he went to the pharmacy to ask for help, he met the deaf mute girl Fon (Yang Zeni), whose gentle attitude made Qiao worried... Kang was beaten by a group of hooligans on the way to meet him. Kang, who was covered with bruises, moved Qiao. Qiao taught him his fighting skills, and his cold principles began to waver< Br/>Joe's last task was to assassinate an aggressive and decent politician. Kang's words were still in his ear, making him unable to do it. On the other hand, Thai employers are afraid that they want to kill others to keep their mouth shut. The fight between Joe and the gang employers is inevitable

  捷克布拉格,职业杀手乔(Nicolas Cage 饰)完成了一次任务,手法老道。长久以来,乔信奉的四个原则让他冷酷无情的完成一次次任务并活在所有人的视线之外,但这种漂泊无定的孤寂人生教人厌倦,乔决

In 2050, the epidemic is raging all over the world. Two detectives are investigating a series of murders committed by evil sects. There are many rumors about evil spirits, but what really matters is... mysterious ninjas
