The film"Deformed House", based on the novel of the same name by Agatha Christie, the queen of detective fiction, has officially started shooting in Britain. Director Gilles Baggett Buchner, starring Glenn Close, Gillian Anderson, Christina Hendrix, Max Irons, Stephanie Martini. The story revolves around the private detective Charles Hayward's detection of a strange death case. The film will be released in the UK in 2018
The story happened in the summer of 1993, when the mother of the girl Frida (Leia Artigas) died of illness, leaving the poor little girl unattended. Frida's uncle Estevi (David Verdaguer) and aunt Malga (Bruna Cuna Cus í) have taken in the homeless Frida, but this also means that Frida must leave the big city where she was born and grew up and get used to the rural life
Frida soon became involved in the colorful and interesting rural life, The kind-hearted Esther and gentle Marga gradually made Frida feel the warmth of the family again. But even so, Frida still misses her mother very much. She places all her thoughts on the statue, hoping that the statue can restore the connection between her and her mother p>