
In the courtroom, everyone is fighting for truth and justice; Outside the courtroom, people faced various emotional tests, which led to the entangled relationship between them.
The fourth episode of No.1 Imperial Court was launched for the first time in the form of a 20 episode long play, with richer plots and more attractive plots< Br! The fourth part of the No.1 Imperial Court describes that the protagonists are facing serious legal challenges, and they must uphold the consistent spirit of law to try complex cases< Br/>In addition, the relationship between each person has also changed a lot. Ding Rou and Yu ended up as a couple in Spring (Ouyang Zhenhua), but Spring met Yin Zhijie (Deng Cuiwen), a forensic officer, and Rou and Chun faced a break. When the relationship between Jiang Chengyu (Tao Dayu) and Tang Zhiqi (Liang Wanjing) stabilizes, Qi meets her former lover Luo Weilin (Li Longji) again, and Yu has a delicate relationship with Cheng Ruohui (Xuanxuan), a new acquaintance< Br/>Everyone in the court is strict in law and administration, and has a sharp tongue; The feelings of everyone outside the court are facing various tests. The fourth episode of No.1 Imperial Court is more compact and attractive, which is memorable

  法庭内,各人舌剑唇枪,为真理,为公正而进行抗辩;法庭外,各人面对种种感情考验,衍生段段纠缠不清的关系  壹号皇庭第四辑,首次以二十集长剧形式推出,剧情更丰富,情节更具吸引力。  今回剧中律政界人物