
After the doll killing incident was reported by the media, it caused the toy company that made"Chuqi" to worry about the market prospect. The toy company took back the remains of Chuqi and repaired them, trying to prove to shareholders that the killing toy was just a rumor. However, when the repair was completed, Chuqi immediately came back to life, which caused chaos and eventually escaped. On the other hand, Andy (Alex Vincent) and his mother receive psychological treatment respectively, and a kind couple take care of Andy temporarily. According to the requirements of the charm of soul transfer, if Chuqi wants to avoid the same personal fate as the doll, he must lodge with the first person who knows his secret, that is, Andy. Chuqi has little time left, and he finds Andy again to invade his body. Andy tried his best to avoid Chucky who came to him, but he got the incomprehension and scolding from the adults around him. Kelly, a girl who was adopted with Andy, was also involved in this extraordinary event that the doll took Andy's body


Due to the invasion of the ghost doll Chaqi, Nika Pierce (Fiona Daurif) is regarded as the originator of the orphan niece Alice, and she is also locked up with a diagnosis of mental illness. After a period of treatment, she was allowed to transfer to a facility with a lower level of care. However, her quiet time did not last long. The unexpected visit of Mrs. Valentine (Jennifer Tilly), the guardian of her niece, not only brought the bad news that Alice was dead, but also sent the ghost doll Chaqi to Nikka. In the night of lightning and thunder, the heartbroken Nika cut her wrist and committed suicide. But when she woke up the next day, she found that the wound on her arm had been stitched up, and the words"NOT SO FAST" were written in the blood on the floor. It was strange that she was full of evil, and she would never allow the prey to die so easily

  由于鬼娃娃恰奇的入侵,妮卡·皮尔斯(菲奥娜·道里夫 Fiona Dourif 饰)被看作令外甥女爱丽丝变成孤儿的始作俑者,而她本人也被诊断患有精神疾病给关了起来。经过一段时间治疗,她获准转到某监护

The film tells that the boy Billy (Lauser) is sent to his father by his mother and transferred to school, but the conservative new school suppresses him. Billy had to take action to challenge the authority of the school to obtain the title of"Homecoming Queen"


This is the third part of the anthology series of George Romero/Stephen Goldilocks. There are five terror elements:" Professor Dan Dun& quot; Alice& quot; Telephone girl Rachel"& quot; Radio"& quot; A haunted dog"< Br/>After 20 years of blockbuster Creepshow series, the third film was finally released. This time, George Romero, the"father of zombies", and Stephen King, the"master of terror" are still the directors, trying to revive the brilliant box office of this series. This film tells five stories: Professor Dayton, Alice, Rachel the Call Girl, The Radio and The Haunted Dog& nbsp; & nbsp; These five stories seem to be independent stories, but they are closely linked in the plot. Alice (Alice): The arrogant girl Alice is manipulated by a mysterious remote controller, constantly shuttling through various parallel spaces. The terrible thing is that every time her space changes, a part of her body will rot... The Radio: Jerry, the security guard who lives a long time, accidentally bought a magic radio, which can predict a person's future actions, but this function has brought great disaster to his life... Call Girl: Ava is a sexy girl who is addicted to killing people, She killed a man in a routine"service", but she didn't know that this man had an evil side... The Professor&# 39; S Wife (Professor's wife): Two young people maliciously knocked his beautiful wife unconscious and cruelly dismembered her when visiting the doctor... Haunted Dog: Dr. Will, arrogant and drug addicted, teased a beggar to death, but he did not expect that the beggar turned into a ghost and followed the doctor all the time, disturbing his"normal" life


Homecoming brings us closer to Beyonce's wonderful performance at the 2018 Kochella Music Festival, which pays tribute to the black colleges and universities in American history. Homecoming is interspersed with some authentic scenes and interviews, detailing the preparations and strong intentions behind her vision, and recording the moving process from creative conception to cultural movement

  《Homecoming》带我们近距离感受碧昂斯在 2018 年科切拉音乐节上的精彩演出,这场演出致敬了美国历史上的黑人学院和大学。《Homecoming》穿插了一些真情洋溢的镜头和采访,详细讲述了

When Marx recovered from his injury, he worked as a night guard. He also began to see a mysterious woman appear in the mirror of the shop, whether she was an illusion or... When the mirror came into the store, the dead were still"alive", waiting for the opportunity of revenge all the time...
Max, who lost his fiancee in a car accident, temporarily worked as a night guard in the reopened Mayday Department Store to help his father, Since then, he has often seen"visions"< Br/>Soon after he went to work, Max often encountered strange things - especially when he was patrolling at night, he often saw a woman in the mirror he moved from the Old Mayday Department Store< Br/>At the same time, before the opening of the new department store, several staff members disappeared mysteriously, including three senior staff in the department store. Max was uncontrollably guided by an invisible force and gradually began to revenge for the woman who died in the mirror

  当马克思从伤病中恢复后,他做了一个夜间保安,他也开始经常能看到一个神秘的女子出现在商店的镜子中,是幻觉还是...于镜子入面,亡灵仍然「活着」,无时无刻等待着复仇的机会…  在一次车祸中丧失未婚妻的