  故事发生在19世纪的英国,第二次工业革命正在如火如荼的推进之中,当时最知名的两位电力企业家分别是爱迪生(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 Benedict Cumberbatch 饰)和威斯汀豪斯(迈克尔·珊
  永远不要点燃一个职业杀手的怒火,就算面临重重包围,他也能杀个片甲不留!杀手特拉维斯(伊桑∙霍克 饰)得知了犯罪组织“红山”的惊天阴谋,他在国际刑警“琳”(许晴 饰)的影响下,决定重整目标、直捣红山

After the New York War, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) brings his brother Rocky (Tom Hidleston) back to the Fairy Palace and imprisons him. In addition, he helps the nine countries settle disputes and rise to fame. Although his father Odin (Anthony Hopkins, played by Anthony Hopkins) urged him to take the throne as soon as possible, Sol never forgot the beautiful girl Jane Foster (Natalie Portman, played by Natalie Portman) of the earth. At the same time, Jane, Daisy and her assistant Ian were accidentally invaded by mysterious substances when they were investigating an area, but they also met Sol again and returned to the Fairy Palace with her. Surprisingly, the substance hidden in the simplified form comes from the ancient dark spirit Malkis (Christopher Eccleston). When the time of"celestial bodies gathering" came again, Malrkes tried to destroy nine countries and create a completely dark universe. The immortal palace where Jane was hidden was severely damaged, and Saul and Rocky, the two enemies, had to join hands to fight against the strong enemies of fate

  纽约大战后,雷神索尔(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰)将弟弟洛基(汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston 饰)带回仙宫囚禁起来,此外帮助九大国度平定纷争,威名扶摇直

Two years after the"Battle of Socovia", Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the god of thunder, sees through the disguise of Rocky (Tom Hiddleston) and finds Odin (Anthony Hopkins, Anthony Hopkins) who was exiled to the earth. However, Odin, who is dying, tells his two sons that the"evening of the gods" has begun. Haila (Kate Blanchett), the goddess of death who was banned by Odin, is about to return to Asgard. In the first fight with Haila, Sol lost the Hammer of Thor, and he and Rocky were also knocked down to the chaotic Saka Star. In the duel field of Saka, Sol met the long lost Hulk again, and saw the female warrior god who had escaped from the clutches of Haila for life

  在“索科维亚战役”两年后,雷神索尔(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰)识破了洛基(汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston 饰)的伪装,辗转找到了被放逐到地球的奥丁(安

Spiderman (Tobey Maguire) has become a righteous hero admired by everyone after experiencing many tests, and has won the beauty back. However, under the aura, Spider Man also has his own heart disease: he let the thief go in the first episode, which led to the killing of his dearest uncle. Parker has always been bitter.

蜘蛛侠(托比•马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)在经历了重重考验之后,成为了人人敬仰的正义英雄,抱得美人归。但是,光环下蜘蛛侠,也有自己的心病:他在第一集时放走了小偷导致最亲爱的叔叔被小偷杀死,

After the battle against the Green Demon, Spider Man Parker (Tobey Maguire) reluctantly rejects his only beloved Mary (Kirsten Dunst), because Spider Man's identity will bring great danger to himself and his relatives, and Parker decides to assume Spider Man's responsibility independently.

大战绿妖之后,蜘蛛侠帕克(托比•马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)忍痛拒绝了他唯一的挚爱玛丽(克尔斯滕•邓斯特 Kirsten Dunst 饰),因为蜘蛛侠的身份会为自己和亲人带来巨大危险,帕克

Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) is just an ordinary American high school student. Once he was bitten by a mutant spider stolen from the Spider Museum, Peter's life changed completely. Like spiders, he has all kinds of unique super abilities of spiders, such as spraying spider silk with strong viscosity from his fingers, flying from eaves to walls, etc. Peter was so excited that he began to use his super power to make money. But when his favorite uncle was killed by the criminal he let go, Peter vowed to use his super power to fight against crime.

彼得 帕克(托比•马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)只是美国一个平凡的高中生,当一次他被蜘蛛博物馆偷跑出来的变种蜘蛛咬了一口之后,彼得的生活彻底改变了。他变得和蜘蛛一样,拥有各种蜘蛛特有的超能力

Peter Parker (Tom Holland) is appreciated by the Iron Man Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr., Jr.) after the Civil War. On the surface, Peter entered Tony's company and became an intern. In fact, he received various trainings with members of the Avenger Alliance. Although Tony appreciates Peter's bravery and integrity, he does not think that he has the strength to join the Federation at present. He sends a secret agent, Harpy (Jon Favreau), to observe secretly, which makes Peter very anxious to prove himself.
In the process of dealing with two bank robbers, Peter finds that the robbers use a new weapon that has never been seen before, He went into the enemy's back alone and found the backstage leader, the vulture (Michael Keaton). To his surprise, the vulture was the father of Liz, the girl he loved (Laura Harrier)

  彼得帕克(汤姆·赫兰德 Tom Holland 饰)在内战后受到了钢铁侠托尼斯塔克(小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. 饰)的赏识,表面上,彼得进入托尼的公司成为了一名实习生,实际

After the epic war against hegemony ended, the earth seemed to return to peace temporarily. Peter (Tom Holland) returns to campus life. He has a good talk with his friends and has a girl of his choice. However, his deepest heart still cannot let go of the memory of Iron Man. On his way to Europe to study, Peter tries to find an opportunity to express himself to Michelle (Zandaya Zendaya), a girl with personality. Unexpectedly, the element monsters that appear in succession disrupt his plan to express himself. In this process, the mysterious guest (Jake Gyllenhaal) who cooperates with the Divine Shield Bureau comes forward to fight off the monster. Peter, who feels too burdensome, refuses Nick Fry (Samuel Jackson, Samuel L. Jackson) and is willing to hand over the heavy responsibility of the successor of Iron Man to the mysterious guest

  在与灭霸史诗般的战争结束后,地球似乎暂时回归和平。皮特(汤姆·赫兰德 Tom Holland 饰)回到了校园生活之中,他和好友相谈甚欢,并且有了心仪的女孩,然而内心最深处依然放不下对钢铁侠的追悼缅

In this legendary adventure story that reveals the origin of Iron and Steel Superman, the past and the present collided. On the ruins of an ancient Chinese kingdom buried for many years, millionaire and inventor Tony. Stark is carrying out excavation work, but the excavation progress is far beyond the part specified in the agreement. He untied an ancient prophecy, which predicted that Mandarin, the monarch of China's darkest and most violent dynasty, would recover. In order to deal with this destructive force, Tony forged a suit of armor and equipped with advanced weapons. In order to stop this evil force that he personally brought to the earth, Tony must become the greatest invention in his life -- Iron Superman! This new soldier must go to four corners of the earth to fight with Mandarin's followers, the Element Warriors -- four soldiers who control the power of earth, water, wind and fire! But as predicted, does Iron Superman have enough ability to challenge the destiny and prevent the evil force from destroying the earth


In the 1940s, the war of Nazis and their axis of evil burned all corners of the world. Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), a small man living in Brooklyn, is deeply attached to the country and is determined to fight against enemies, but his poor physique keeps him out of the recruitment office. By chance, with the help of the German scientist Dr. Erskine (Stanley Tucci), this little boy was able to enter the barracks, and accepted the doctor's experiment, becoming a tall, strong and powerful super soldier. At the same time, John Schmidt (Hugo Weaving), the leader of the German Nazi Red Skull Force, built a super team relying on supernatural forces to try to dominate the world
In order to save his friends, Steve entered Schmidt's camp as the captain of the United States, and the battle between good and evil super soldiers began

  上世纪40年代,纳粹及其邪恶轴心的战火烧遍世界各个角落。居住在布鲁克林的小个子史蒂夫·罗格斯(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)心系国家,一心上阵杀敌,可是糟糕的体格让他始终被征兵办拒之

Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), the American captain who has gradually become accustomed to modern life, faintly smells the dangerous smell from the Divine Shield Bureau after an action. He was even more angry when he learned that the Divine Shield Bureau was secretly carrying out the Insight Program. One day, the commander of the Divine Shield Bureau, Nick Farui (Samuel Jackson, Samuel L. Jackson), was attacked by a group of armed men. He tried his best to give a USB flash disk to the captain of the United States, which contained the most important and terrible secret of the Bureau since World War II. After that, Captain America was wanted and chased by former director Alexander Pierce (Robert Redford) for allegedly killing Nick. During his escape, he was helped by the black widow (Scarlett Johansson) and veteran"Falcon" (Anthony Mackie), Prevent the implementation of the Insight Program

  渐渐习惯了现代生活的美国队长史蒂夫·罗杰斯(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰),在一次行动后隐隐嗅到神盾局内部所弥漫出来的凶险气味。而当得知神盾局正秘密进行的“洞察计划”后,他更为此感到

Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), the captain of the United States, leads the newly formed Avenger Alliance to continue to maintain world peace. However, when carrying out a mission, the members of the Alliance inadvertently caused a large number of civilian casualties, thus stimulating political pressure. The government decided to manage and lead the Avenger Alliance through a set of regulatory systems. As a result, the alliance is divided into two factions: one is led by Steve Rogers, who advocates safeguarding the freedom of members and protecting the world without government interference; The other side follows Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr., Jr.), who unexpectedly decides to support the government's regulatory and accountability system. The mysterious Bucky (Sebastian Stan) seems to be the key figure in the civil war

  美国队长史蒂夫·罗杰斯(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)带领着全新组建的复仇者联盟,继续维护世界和平。然而,一次执行任务时联盟成员不小心造成大量平民伤亡,从而激发政治压力,政府决定通过

In a small town in the west of the United States, Sheriff Franklin Hunt (Kurt Russell) shot a suspected homeless man at night, and then he invited the town doctor Samantha (Lily Simmons) to treat the suspect. In the dead of night, a groom was brutally killed by a mysterious intruder, and the suspect and Samantha disappeared. Deeply aware of the seriousness of the situation, Franklin summoned Samantha's husband, Arthur O. Dwyer (Patrick Wilson), and other villagers to a meeting in the local pub, and learned that last night's incident might be the work of a mysterious caveman. These barbarians intermarried with close relatives, and even ate human beings, including their biological mothers. Although it was extremely dangerous, Franklin and other brave men were determined to break into the cave dwellers' nests and rescue the kidnapped villagers. This journey was very bad

  美国西部某个小镇,警长富兰克林·亨特(库尔特·拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)夜晚射伤了一名可疑的流浪汉,随后他请来小镇医生萨曼莎(莉莉·西蒙斯 Lili Simmons 饰)为嫌疑人治疗。

The real life of Ingrid (Praza), who is crazy about online life, is a mess. When she sees Taylor (Olsen), another Internet talent, living a perfect life, she decides to make friends with Taylor, and a carefully planned false sisterhood begins


  Jennifer Conrad is a small-town girl starting over in the big city. Fleeing an abusive relationship, all she wants is a chance to begin again. But it is hard to start over when something is eating you while you sleep . . . one painful bite at a time

  Jennifer Conrad is a small-town girl starting over in the big city. Fleeing an abusive relationshi

Tony, who was blind because of an accident, met Ella, a born deaf mute girl. However, the physical disability caused psychological inferiority and fear, and it was difficult for the two people with physical and mental scars to really open their minds at the beginning. In the process of getting along with each other, they gradually learned that although the world between them is not perfect, it is the most suitable one for each other


The story of a young man who worked with a doctor specializing in resection and treatment after losing his mother


The Riley family went out for a golden holiday in the Caribbean. After chartering a boat to go to sea, they encountered a breakdown. However, they met a cold-blooded fisherman who pretended to be kind and demanded to extort 1 million dollars. Reilly is on the verge of despair and is under double attack from blackmailers and the police. Can he save his wife and son in time. The film is hanging by a thread


After the doll killing incident was reported by the media, it caused the toy company that made"Chuqi" to worry about the market prospect. The toy company took back the remains of Chuqi and repaired them, trying to prove to shareholders that the killing toy was just a rumor. However, when the repair was completed, Chuqi immediately came back to life, which caused chaos and eventually escaped. On the other hand, Andy (Alex Vincent) and his mother receive psychological treatment respectively, and a kind couple take care of Andy temporarily. According to the requirements of the charm of soul transfer, if Chuqi wants to avoid the same personal fate as the doll, he must lodge with the first person who knows his secret, that is, Andy. Chuqi has little time left, and he finds Andy again to invade his body. Andy tried his best to avoid Chucky who came to him, but he got the incomprehension and scolding from the adults around him. Kelly, a girl who was adopted with Andy, was also involved in this extraordinary event that the doll took Andy's body


Due to the invasion of the ghost doll Chaqi, Nika Pierce (Fiona Daurif) is regarded as the originator of the orphan niece Alice, and she is also locked up with a diagnosis of mental illness. After a period of treatment, she was allowed to transfer to a facility with a lower level of care. However, her quiet time did not last long. The unexpected visit of Mrs. Valentine (Jennifer Tilly), the guardian of her niece, not only brought the bad news that Alice was dead, but also sent the ghost doll Chaqi to Nikka. In the night of lightning and thunder, the heartbroken Nika cut her wrist and committed suicide. But when she woke up the next day, she found that the wound on her arm had been stitched up, and the words"NOT SO FAST" were written in the blood on the floor. It was strange that she was full of evil, and she would never allow the prey to die so easily

  由于鬼娃娃恰奇的入侵,妮卡·皮尔斯(菲奥娜·道里夫 Fiona Dourif 饰)被看作令外甥女爱丽丝变成孤儿的始作俑者,而她本人也被诊断患有精神疾病给关了起来。经过一段时间治疗,她获准转到某监护

Trish (Gina Philips) and Daly (Justin Lang Justin Long) are driving home on a rural road for vacation. The two bored people are fighting each other. Suddenly, an old and dirty truck tries to overtake, making them nervous. Soon they saw the people who got off the truck throw a bag of things with blood into a pipe in front of the roadside hut. The two of them were very curious and quietly returned to the hut to check despite the experience of being chased by the truck. Daly falls into the pipe and finds that the package is actually a living person with an unknown object sewn into his abdomen. Daly and Trish are shocked and drive away quickly, but a ghost with wings begins to track them all the way. The sister and brother turned to all kinds of people they met on the road for help, which made the nightmare experience more terrible

  翠施(吉娜·菲利普斯 Gina Philips 饰)与戴利(贾斯汀·朗 Justin Long 饰)姐弟俩正驾车行驶在乡村公路上返家度假,无聊的二人彼此唇枪舌剑解闷,突然,一辆老旧肮脏的货车试图超

After the incredible changes in the last episode, Darden (Ty Simpkins), the eldest son of the Limbaud family, temporarily gets rid of the evil spirits, while Elise (Lin Shaye), the psychic, is in the death room, and Darden's father Josh (Patrick Wilson) is suspected of murder. Because the police need to continue investigating their house, Josh has to take his wife Lanny (Rose Byrne) and three children back to his mother's home temporarily (Barbara Hershey). I thought everything was back to normal, but Lanny and the children seemed to be still haunted by evil spirits
Laurian realized the seriousness of the situation, so he invited Carl (Steve Coulter), the psychic who was second only to Elise, to try to restore everything to normal, but the situation turned to an unpredictable direction

  经历了上一集令人难以置信的变故后,莱姆波特家的长子达尔顿(Ty Simpkins 饰)暂时摆脱恶灵的纠缠,而灵媒伊莉丝(林·沙烨 Lin Shaye 饰)则惨死室中,达尔顿的父亲乔什(帕特里克·威

When young couple Burton (Peter Horton) and Vicky (Linda Hamilton) travel through Gatling, Nebraska, they find a dead child on the road. In order to call the police, they drove into Gatling Town, but found that the situation in the town was even more strange: it seemed to be the kingdom of children, and all adults were missing. The children all obey the orders of a little boy named Isaac (John Franklin John Franklin) who calls himself the messenger of God
Where are the adults in the town? What's the secret behind the malicious eyes of children? Can Burton and Vicky finally get out of the town alive< Br/>This film won the Best Fantasy Film Award at the 1984 Brussels International Fantasy Film Festival

  年轻情侣波顿(Peter Horton 饰)和维姬(Linda Hamilton 饰)旅行路过内布拉斯加州盖特林镇,他们在公路上发现一具儿童尸体。为了报警,两人驱车驶入盖特林镇,却发现镇上的情况更

Due to the continuous appearance of adult corpses and the interruption of communication, the bizarre situation of Gatling town finally attracted the attention of the Nebraska government. In order to avoid the government's investigation, all the children in Gatling Town moved to the nearby Hamminford Town
John Garrett (Terence Knox), a reporter who was unhappy with his work and family, came to Gatling with his son Danny (Paul Scherrer) to investigate the truth. With the help of little boy Micah (Ryan Bollman), father and son find a house to stay in. Danny, who had many conflicts with his father, soon became a good friend of Micah. With Micah's introduction, he met the children in the corn field and was deeply influenced

  由于成人尸体不断出现以及联系中断,盖特林小镇的诡异情形终于引起内布拉斯加州政府的关注。为了避免政府的追查,盖特林镇的孩子们全部转移至邻近的汉明福德小镇  工作和家庭皆不如意的记者约翰•盖瑞特(Te

The mother of the heroine has been having nightmares, and the heroine returns to her hometown to visit her. At this time, the children in the whole town suddenly suffer from unknown diseases. Later, the heroine discovers that it is a missionary Joshua. What is the truth about the whole thing


In an apartment building to be rebuilt, Jamie's grandmother mysteriously disappeared. Jamie followed the trail and found that her grandmother was the only survivor in a suicide fire of a cult organization in this apartment many years ago. At the same time, a group of strange children also haunted Jamie like ghosts


The film tells that Chris Dyke, who was divorced soon, is a wealthy venture capitalist. He lives in a high-tech house designed by himself in Montana and is protected physically and emotionally from outside interference. When he met Sikai, his life changed. Sikai was a beautiful and mysterious young woman who attracted him out of his comfort zone. After Chris was injured in a violent robbery, Sikai moved to take care of him, and her real purpose was soon revealed. Chris became the victim of a well planned robbery. He suddenly became a prisoner in his own home, without any help, and was at the mercy of a violent and psychologically abnormal killer who intended to take everything from him, including his life. When Chris's ex-wife and children appeared, they were in great danger. The only guarantee for their survival was to escape


Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep were brought together in The Post, a new film about the Pentagon Papers leak case. Spielberg will participate in the production as a director and producer, and the main characters of the film are Hanks and Aunt May.
This film, which attracted the first cooperation of the three Hollywood giants, will reproduce the famous leak case of"Pentagon documents" on the screen. In 1971, an official of the Department of Defense exposed the confidential documents of the US government involved in the Vietnam War through the New York Times, the Washington Post and other media. Before the documents were released, the US Department of Defense tried to block the disclosure of the documents and ended in failure< Br/>The"Pentagon Document" incident marked the beginning of the disgrace of the Nixon led federal government. The subsequent Watergate incident directly led to the collapse of the Nixon government< Br/>The main characters of The Post are Ben Bradley, editor of the Washington Post and Kai Graham, publisher, who played a key role in the"Pentagon Papers" incident. Hanks will play Bradley, a role that appeared in the classic Watergate movie"The Presidents", while Graham is played by Aunt May. Spielberg's Aileen Entertainment and 20th Century Flowserve will jointly be responsible for financing and production< Br/>The film is the fifth screen cooperation between Spielberg and Hanks. Director Si is now busy with the post production of Player One. When the production of The Post will start is still unknown

  关于“五角大楼文件”泄密案(Pentagon Papers)的新片《The Post》,将史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格、汤姆·汉克斯与梅丽尔·斯特里普聚到了一起。斯皮尔伯格将作为导演与制片人身份参与制作,而

The film tells that the boy Billy (Lauser) is sent to his father by his mother and transferred to school, but the conservative new school suppresses him. Billy had to take action to challenge the authority of the school to obtain the title of"Homecoming Queen"


The story takes place on the night of Halloween. Monica (Katie Maguire) and Dawn (Catherine Corcoran) leave a party drunk and walk on the cold street. They plan to go to a pizza shop to get something to eat. A man dressed as a clown follows them into the shop. Although the clown looks terrible, his personality seems pretty cute, Except that he made a mess of the toilet in the shop and blew up the shopkeeper
, Monica and Dawn left the shop. Dawn entered an apartment to use the toilet. Monica waited for her at the roadside, and the clown appeared behind her again. This time, the clown wanted to do more than just make her laugh. The clown knocked Dawn unconscious. When Dawn woke up again, she saw Monica hanging upside down and the clown holding a chainsaw

  故事发生在万圣节的当晚,莫妮卡(凯蒂·马奎尔 Katie Maguire 饰)和道恩(Catherine Corcoran 饰)醉醺醺的从一个派对中离开,走在清冷的大街上,两人打算去一家披萨店弄点

The script was written by Matthias Caruso. The story is about a virus that infected the legal department of a company. On the same day, Derek Sanders, the lawyer, was framed by his colleagues and unfairly dismissed. This infection will make people show the most primitive and wild impulse. Trapped in an isolated building, our hero can only do his best to regain his own work and life through brutal fighting


Kathryn Bigelow, the female director of"The Hurt Locker" and"Zero Dark Third", is about to cooperate again with Mark Boal, the screenwriter of"The Hurt Locker", to film a film about the 1967 Detroit black riots< Br/>The Detroit Black riot in 1967 was one of the most destructive racial riots in American history, which was caused by the police entering a tavern in the black area to arrest black people in the early morning of July 23. The law enforcement action caused dissatisfaction among blacks, who came to throw stones and bricks at the police< Br/>Later, police reinforcements arrived to forcibly disperse the black people, but it backfired. The black people gathered more and more, eventually causing a large-scale disturbance that affected the whole city. The riots lasted for five days, killing 43 people, destroying many buildings and injuring many people. The riots also spread to Illinois, North Carolina, Tennessee and Maryland< Br/>This film is scheduled to be released in 2017, the 50th anniversary of the riots

  《拆弹部队》(The Hurt Locker)和《刺杀本拉登》(Zero Dark Thirty)女导演凯瑟琳·毕格罗(Kathryn Bigelow)即将和《拆弹部队》编剧马克·鲍尔(Mark

  Zaynab, a thirty-something Pakistani, Muslim, lesbian in Chicago takes care of her sweet and TV-obsessed mother. As Zaynab falls for Alma, a bold and very bright Mexican woman, she searches for her identity in life, love and wrestling

  Zaynab, a thirty-something Pakistani, Muslim, lesbian in Chicago takes care of her sweet and TV-ob

When a relaxing holiday becomes fatal, a former marine must once again risk his life to save his wife and best friend from a modern pirate; At the same time, when he faced the specter of war he left behind, he tried to unite himself


An Indian woman fled to the unknown black forest to avoid the infamous Dutch Savage Gang. They soon found that they must help each other, because they unconsciously awakened an ancient greedy dark creature called"snow monster"


The son of a young rich American businessman was kidnapped, but when three muddleheaded mafia kidnappers and their hapless victims got lost in the mountains, they finally spent the night in an abandoned hut with a gypsy charm. Every man wakes up in the morning and immediately falls in love with the person they first saw: a plain old maid, a handsome woodcutter and a lovely cow, while the son of the unlucky rich merchant falls in love with the articulate black haired beauty in the village. When the betrayed mafia boss and rich businessman arrived at the scene to stop this crazy event, things began to get confused


British aristocratic explorer Brooke escaped the shackles of scandal and Victorian society to explore the wildlife of Borneo in the 1840s. Brooke fell in love with this tropical paradise, fought against pirates and the enemies of Sudan, and won the crown of King Sarawak, where he ruled a jungle kingdom larger than Britain


  Attempting to surpass his father's legacy, a reclusive neuroscientist becomes entangled in his own experiment, pitting ten fragments of his consciousness against each other

  Attempting to surpass his father's legacy, a reclusive neuroscientist becomes entangled in his

This is the third part of the anthology series of George Romero/Stephen Goldilocks. There are five terror elements:" Professor Dan Dun& quot; Alice& quot; Telephone girl Rachel"& quot; Radio"& quot; A haunted dog"< Br/>After 20 years of blockbuster Creepshow series, the third film was finally released. This time, George Romero, the"father of zombies", and Stephen King, the"master of terror" are still the directors, trying to revive the brilliant box office of this series. This film tells five stories: Professor Dayton, Alice, Rachel the Call Girl, The Radio and The Haunted Dog& nbsp; & nbsp; These five stories seem to be independent stories, but they are closely linked in the plot. Alice (Alice): The arrogant girl Alice is manipulated by a mysterious remote controller, constantly shuttling through various parallel spaces. The terrible thing is that every time her space changes, a part of her body will rot... The Radio: Jerry, the security guard who lives a long time, accidentally bought a magic radio, which can predict a person's future actions, but this function has brought great disaster to his life... Call Girl: Ava is a sexy girl who is addicted to killing people, She killed a man in a routine"service", but she didn't know that this man had an evil side... The Professor&# 39; S Wife (Professor's wife): Two young people maliciously knocked his beautiful wife unconscious and cruelly dismembered her when visiting the doctor... Haunted Dog: Dr. Will, arrogant and drug addicted, teased a beggar to death, but he did not expect that the beggar turned into a ghost and followed the doctor all the time, disturbing his"normal" life


The story takes place in New Mexico in the 1950s. A young switchboard operator and radio DJ found a strange frequency, which may change their life, their town and the whole earth forever."Endless Night" fell into the rabbit hole of"Twilight City". Through the dropped telephone, AM radio signal, secret tape reel forgotten in the library, switch, cross patching and an anonymous telephone, he carefully weaves a searching story together. The Promise of the Night brings the audience into an era and a small town far away from the outside world through the confusing whole process tracking camera, fast dialogue and perfect era terminology. Its mystery is only presented to those who are curious and have enough patience to listen


  A fisherman contends with an ocean-borne outbreak that threatens his seaside island community

  A fisherman contends with an ocean-borne outbreak that threatens his seaside island community

This is a psychological thriller about a young married couple who bought a beautiful Napa Valley house on a few acres of land, but they found that the seller refused to deliver the house


  The story of a young man coming face to face with his hero (Jeff Daniels) and exploring the tangled relationship between the dreams of youth and the wisdom of age

  The story of a young man coming face to face with his hero (Jeff Daniels) and exploring the tangle

Kari Alison Hodges agrees with a sexy weekend and materialistic girlfriend Kate Paulson (Rachel) and secular Julia Eringo. But as the evening unfolded, Jenna began to realize hesitantly that she could chew and crack off more than she could chew and began to form a potential love triangle. Kate's wish will come true, but not the way she or Mia imagined it. Chicago local Wendy Joe Carlton (Hanna is free, Jamie and Jesse are not together, simple Abby: how to make love more difficult) returns to teetering, and the boundary problem of this romantic drama, love and sexuality comes out ("You will never watch the popsile again in the same way," the advocate said about a particularly unforgettable love scene)

  珍娜(Kari艾莉森·霍奇斯)同意一个性感的周末和唯物主义的女友凯特·保尔森(瑞秋)和世俗的米娅(Julie Eringo)。 但随着晚上展开,詹娜迟疑地开始意识到她咬掉超过可以咀嚼和裂缝开始形成

Every Halloween in the town, mysterious men will attack and kill innocent citizens. The police will set up an endless network to secretly pursue this terrible serial killer, but unexpectedly fall into the fierce trap set by the killer


Homecoming brings us closer to Beyonce's wonderful performance at the 2018 Kochella Music Festival, which pays tribute to the black colleges and universities in American history. Homecoming is interspersed with some authentic scenes and interviews, detailing the preparations and strong intentions behind her vision, and recording the moving process from creative conception to cultural movement

  《Homecoming》带我们近距离感受碧昂斯在 2018 年科切拉音乐节上的精彩演出,这场演出致敬了美国历史上的黑人学院和大学。《Homecoming》穿插了一些真情洋溢的镜头和采访,详细讲述了

It tells the story of 1975 when a group of criminals tried to achieve the biggest robbery in American history. Stole more than 30 million dollars from the smallest state mafia in Rhode Island


Aladdin, an Arab boy, not only has the friendship of his faithful friend Abu, the monkey, but also has a magical flying mat. They live a happy and carefree life in the downtown. One day, the princess in the castle was tired of the boring palace life and decided to sneak out alone to see the colorful world outside. The escaped princess met Aladdin in the downtown, and Aladdin fell in love with her at first sight. At the same time, the Evil National Master tried to use Aladdin to help him find the magic lamp that could realize his wishes. Aladdin certainly refused to give in. So his adventure began


  In the near future, aliens have invaded Earth and declared a galactic war resulting in thousands of human casualties. To save Earth, a team of four teenage astronauts brave the alien wilderness of a distant planet to stop an assassin from changing the course of history forever

  In the near future, aliens have invaded Earth and declared a galactic war resulting in thousands o

Three friends made a series of online programs, and they found that their neighbors had actually been killed, but were perfectly copied by other creatures


Kim, who came to Columbus from Seoul because of his father's coma, ran into Kathy, a local girl, and they started a tour of urban architecture, pouring out their anxiety and longing, gradually penetrating the cold building and opening the emotional cracks. In the face of the displacement of identity between residents and tourists, life and death come and go, they also learn to move and relocate themselves again in a new relationship like objects in space. The first feature film of video essayist Kogonada vividly demonstrates the sharpness of his lens language, such as the symmetrical and constant picture structure like modernist architecture, running through the low limit but potential plot, implying the essence of architectural space, which is actually a field where people's life and feelings germinate


At midnight of the New Year, Jeff (Dylan McTee) and Lindsay (Alex Essoe) drive on the dark road. They only talked about love and love, but did not look carefully ahead, so they put on a stranger. They took the injured to the car and prepared to take them to the nearest hospital for treatment, but the other side was cut off in the middle of the road. After some internal struggle, they took the dead home. Jeff found that the license plate was left at the scene, so he drove over again, leaving his wife at home alone. At this moment, Lindsay's sister Hanna (Perla Hali Judlin Perla Haney Jardine) returns home, and the man who should have died suddenly lives up and attacks Hanna. In the chaos, Hanna shoots and kills the other party
Things seem to be getting more and more complicated. Jeff tries to find out the identity of the other party, but finds that

  新年午夜,杰夫(Dylan McTee 饰)和琳德赛(艾丽克斯·埃索 Alex Essoe 饰)这对夫妻驱车行驶在漆黑的路上。两人只顾谈情双爱,没有认真看着前方,结果狠狠装上了一名陌生人。他们将伤

The story of the film tells that a veteran (Antonio Banderas) works as a security guard in a shopping mall, but on the first night of his work, a girl who is chased by gangsters runs to the mall to seek refuge. The film is expected to be released in North America this year


Hower (Logan Lehmann) is instantly famous for a novel, but his works also develop a tragedy. His career seems to be in shadow, and his dark secrets in the past become more and more complex


Helen (Lyndsy Fonseca) is a scientist. One day, she received a mysterious call from herself, and then she was in danger. Forced to do so, she had to break into a highly confidential facility and travel back through time and space to prevent a murder

  海伦(琳德西·冯塞卡 Lyndsy Fonseca 饰)是一名科学家。一天,她接到了一通来自自己的神秘电话,随即便深陷于危险之中。迫不得已之下,她不得不闯入一个高度机密的设施并穿越时空回到过去,阻

When a family was on vacation in the Caribbean, a disastrous change happened. A father found himself at the mercy of a cold-blooded fisherman, so he rushed against all odds to save his wife and son


This film is a collection of 25 film directors who are good at bloody or weird scenes. The production unit opens the quota of the 26th director to hold popular votes and compete for the only quota. Among all these masterpieces, who can be called a B-level film master and stand out? Who is the scariest, most disgusting, and most capable of provoking the deepest fear in people's hearts? Let's get our equipment ready and participate in this cultural feast...


Why did the wife reach out to her husband in the bed? In this world, besides suicide, is there any possibility that you can kill yourself? Why can spiders who accidentally kill themselves die? The ignorant girl worships the beautiful teacher and asks the teacher to suffocate herself with fart


Ace Vandula (Josh Flitter) is a 12 year old little fat man with no sports talent. Maybe he inherited his father's genes. He loved animals from childhood, especially helping small animals solve problems. In order to cater to his hobby, Ace's mother Melissa (Ann Cusack) specially finds a job in a wildlife park. However, Ace seems to be too obsessed. Some of his behaviors are even similar to animals, which bothers Melissa. She exhorts her son countless times to become normal. Although Ace is careful, he is still itching.
One day, Dingdang, a baby panda from China, was stolen from the zoo, and all the evidence points to Melissa. In order to help her mother get rid of her guilt, with the encouragement of her grandfather, Ace started the journey of looking for Ding Dong

  艾司·范杜拉(乔什·佛雷特 Josh Flitter 饰)是一个12岁没有什么运动天赋的小胖子,也许遗传了父亲的基因,他从小便热爱动物,尤其喜欢帮助小动物们排忧解难。为了迎合他的爱好,艾司的母亲梅

In the 1960s, American forces penetrated into Asia. For this reason, the government implemented a top secret plan, the Soldier Reconstruction Plan, which created soldiers into ruthless and powerful super soldiers by means of drug injection. With the continuous improvement of technology, under the auspices of Dr. Robert Colin, the White Pagoda Program was launched again to successfully create a more perfect second generation super soldier. However, 12 second-generation soldiers fled after an accident, and Dr. Colin, who was suspected of treason, was also expelled from Eastern Europe. Shortly thereafter, the reconstituted soldiers occupied Chernobyl. The US military decided to send four remaining soldiers to defeat the dangerous monsters, but when they were all killed ruthlessly, the military could only send the fifth generation soldier, Luke Davolox (Jean Claude Van Damme), Against the powerful opponent Andrew Scott (Dolph Lundgren, Duff Longer)


Adapted from Lauren Oliver's best-selling novel of the same name. Samantha Kingston (played by Joyd District) had an accident on the night of February 12. She felt that she would fall down endlessly, but a sound interrupted the silence. She woke up and the alarm clock had been ringing for 20 minutes. It's 6:50 in the morning, February 12. After the accident, Samantha found that she kept returning to this day, and each of her different decisions and choices had a profound impact. She gradually realized that she seemed to have a mission to accomplish something and change someone's life. Maybe she came back to this day again and again, not to save herself, but to save another person

  萝伦奥立佛同名畅销小说改编。莎曼珊金斯顿(柔伊德区 饰演)在2月12日晚上发生意外,她感觉自己将永无止尽地坠落,但一个声响打断沉默,她醒过来了,闹钟已经响了二十分钟。现在是早上六点五十分,2月12

A pair of parents suddenly become extremely violent to their children for unknown reasons. In this crazy 24 hours, the young girl and brother must survive alone


The film is composed of five short films, directed by Mick Garris ("The Master of Terror","London Wolf Girl"), Joe Dent ("The Law Enforcer in Heaven","Buried Ex Girlfriend Alive"), David Slade ("Hard Candy","Twilight City 3"), Longping Beicun ("No One Lives","The Noon and Night Cannibal Train"), and Alejandro Brugu é s ("Juan Zombie","Kill a Dawn")

  该片由5个短片构成,米克·加里斯(《恐怖大师》《伦敦狼女》)、乔·丹特(《天堂执法者》《活埋前女友》)、大卫·斯雷德(《水果硬糖》《暮光之城3》)、北村龙平(《无人生还》《午夜食人列车》)、 Al

This is a comedy directed by Jack Goldberg and acted as a screenwriter, starring Freddy Heimer, Odya Rush and Christopher Miloni


Lucas Hutchison, Sterling K Brown, Kevin Harrison Jr. ("The Earth World","A Visit in the Night") and Taylor Russell ("Suddenly Seven Days","Lost in Space") joined A24 to create a new musical theme film"Waves", which was edited and directed by Terry Edward Schaltz ("A Visit in the Night","Clesha"), Shooting in Florida next month
tells the story of two young couples growing up and falling in love in the emotional minefield. It is described as"a dramatic song and dance film with a new perspective, a dynamic and touching ode to contemporary youth life". The film almost keeps pace with the music, combining some iconic contemporary songs with the original soundtrack of Oscar winner Trent Reznor&Atticus Ross (Social Network, Dragon Tattoo Girl)


Otis, 12, is a rising TV star in Hollywood. When his career began to flourish, his father, who had once acted as a circus clown, returned to him and became his guardian. Outside the set, Otis stayed with his father in a motel on the edge of the city and endured the abuse of his arrogant and domineering father. Baby Boy follows two timelines, showing the controversial relationship between a father and his son and their attempts to repair their mental disorders over the past decade; El's amazing cooperation once again depicts a painful but enlightening self portrait of growth. Shia LaBeouf's script goes deep into Otis's spiritual world and unearths the scars and unpleasant truth left by the abuse; Alma has contributed exciting and personal style of directing skills, and has never forgotten the warm and moving core of the film. Two outstanding young actors - Noah Jupe and Lucas Hedges - played Otis of different ages respectively. Their performances filled with tension created a powerful and simple role. His feelings were driven by the desire for anger and forgiveness. These two feelings seemed contradictory, but they really coexisted


At his first show in LA for 10 years, Chappelle charges straight into the fire with bits on Bill Cosby, O.J. Simpson, and his own brushes with diversity
J Simpson and his past disturbances directly pushed the scene to a climax

  At his first show in LA for 10 years, Chappelle charges straight into the fire with bits on Bill C

The story is adapted from Rebecca Skloot's documentary literature. The title character Henrietta Lacks was a black woman suffering from cancer in the 1950s. In 1951, medical researchers illegally obtained cancer cells from her, but the results led to a shocking medical breakthrough - not only changing the fate of many people, but also the entire medical community. It is said that the cells of Henrietta Lacks were used to create the first"immortal" human stem cell, which survived one week after implantation. The plot deeply exposes the arrogance, arrogance, race, poverty and other problems in the medical field, and deeply analyzes how"the most unlikely person to be a friend" establishes"the deepest friendship". Rose Byrne plays Rebecca Skloot, a young female journalist who is investigating the story of Henrietta Lacks and her"immortal" cells. She has established a close friendship with Henrietta's daughter, Deborah, who is charismatic but complex< Br/>After more than ten years of research, Rebecca finally wrote the famous"The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks". This book immediately appeared on the New York Times bestseller list after its publication, and stayed on the list for a full four years, with far-reaching influence. (cr Tianya Xiaozhu)

  故事根据Rebecca Skloot的纪实文学改编。标题人物Henrietta Lacks是上世纪五十年代一位身患癌症的黑人女性,1951年医学研究者非法从她身上获取了癌细胞,结果却引出了令人震惊

  A shy small-town Ohio girl who loves movies but dislikes reality, discovers the delightfully bizarre films of Federico Fellini, and sets off on a strange, beautiful journey across Italy to find him

  A shy small-town Ohio girl who loves movies but dislikes reality, discovers the delightfully bizar

"The King of Circus" is based on real people and stories. Hollywood all-around superstar Hugh Jackman plays"the originator of the circus" and legendary P.T. Barnum in the film. The story tells the story of Barnum, who is at the bottom of the society, relying on his infinite imagination and perseverance, from running a museum to creating the first circus in the world. Barnum's wonderful ideas were not recognized by the public at the beginning, and few people paid money to appreciate them. His family and friends helped him through many desperate times. After a series of setbacks and disagreements with partners, he finally became the most famous"dream maker" in the United States and even in the world
