  Paris and its suburbs. Two stories, four girls, four boys, on one molikan.com summer day that will
  年轻女孩露西·克莱沃(Chloé Coulloud 饰)在某看护机构找到工作,她上班的第一天即是前往一幢位于郊外密林深处的古老别墅,照看在那里陷入深深昏迷并依靠医疗设备维持生命的前芭蕾舞教师德博拉
  洛朗(Laurent)家是一个富裕的上层中产阶级家庭。80多岁的老人乔治·洛朗(George Laurent)逐渐陷入老年痴呆。他和两个已婚的儿女托马斯(Thomas)和安妮(Anne)一起,正不
< p > Ryan (tare, buda TarekBoudali act the role ofing) is a professional police experience is not very rich, because he is timid character, often in the workplace to Ryan to be an object of ridicule.Ryan has a crush on a guy named Stephanie (Vanessa guidry VanessaGuide), but his relationship doesn t seem to get the other person s response.Suddenly one day, Ryan told by the doctor, he had an incurable disease, only 30 days to live.In the life of the last 30 days, Ryan decided to sweep the past the image of the timid, do a big one.Ryan found code mice (jose luis Garcia JoseGarcia) drug lords, pretend to steal the police and his cooperation information, in fact, Ryan took the mouse s commission, played a lavish life.But soon, Ryan is excavated, the days he doesn t really want < / p >
< p > Richard bloom under mercenaries, also known as"la," (code"fog"), was a mysterious secret service agents in France.Because of 25 years ago, he as a son Archibald for immunity were canceled, he had to.A criminal activities threaten the Archibald s life, in order to save his son, Richard, no better choice, had to resort to his old acquaintances, and with a group of young and reckless an alternative bureaucratic cooperation.But for Richard, one of the most important is to summon up courage to tell Archibald is his father < / p >
< p > the vulgar comedy series adapted from the network, tells the story of Paris two drug traffickers daft family relationships using the story of a small business of drug development.By: meiju5. Ne < / p >
< p > cyrano (jalal DE paddy about GerardDepardieu) naturally wild, good-hearted, he silently love cousin roxane (what Anne bono AnneBrochet), but he was born with an ugly nose, even if his brilliant, also dare not to cousin shows palpitations.One night he ruthlessly ridicule and beat after a rich family, roxane about meet him the next day.Cyrano write a love letter to show feelings, after roxane tells himself fell in love with a handsome new recruits Christie (Vincent perez VincentPerez), and charged in the same team of cyrano to protect him.Christie also like roxanne, cyrano they will for love of roxane into written down in the name of Christian service roxanne, and neatly arranged marriage two people.Who knows to roxane malicious officer when I saw that jealousy, Christie will be dispatched to Alastair combat...

< p >< span style ="color: RGB (51, 51, 51);The font-family: arial, & quot;Pingfang sc", stheiti simsun, sans-serif.font-size: 14px;Text text-indent: 28 px;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> Antonio s feelings are dominated by a similar experiences twice, the first of 12 years old he and a sexy middle-aged hairdresser had a love experience, and when he was in the middle and another hairdresser mattie s acquaintance, and conquered by her beauty, two people develop a romantic love story, how such a relationship has become"love is colder than death"?< / span < / p >
< p > Henry (benno, Bohr wald BenoitPoelvoorde), Philip (cade wheat KadMerad rudd) and Louis (Fred Thai stott FredTestot) are three brothers, affectionate though adults they each have the end-result of the heart, but the affection between the three brothers are still very strong.The news of her mother died completely broke the quiet life, three people sudden death let they began to think about the meaning of life, finally concluded that life must drink, mo make golden cup empty to month.Louis broke the loyalty to marriage commitment, which know cheating wife was soon discovered, in desperation, he had to hide in the house of Philip, but Philip also uneasy cent, girlfriend was mastered to find little evidence of three, two people put the last hope in the most honest eldest brother Henry s body < / p >

On the eve of his marriage, the ostentatious General Newell received a call for him to return to the battlefield. He agreed with his fiancee Pauline to write a letter to report that he was safe. However, the letter he promised never came. Seeing Pauline's love affair was rampant, her sister Elizabeth had to pretend to be Newell and write a letter to comfort her sister. The heroic deeds fabricated in the letter made Pauline feel elated and let Newell go everywhere, making Newell a legendary hero. Three years later, when everyone thought he had died for his country, the"Great Hero" came back! Elizabeth never dreamed that she had become the driver of his return to his hometown, so she opposed him everywhere; In fact, Newell, a coward deserter, was unexpectedly"reborn". He was also intoxicated by the admiration of others for him. He desperately wanted to keep this lie from being exposed. When could Newell, the"hero", be


  For Goran and his team of amateur shooters, the plan was almost perfect: to enter a hypermarket at night to rob a jeweler. But these "broken arms" had not anticipated the arrival of a vigil like no other: Walter, a former African warlord who will send them to hell ..

  For Goran and his team of amateur shooters, the plan was almost perfect: to enter a hypermarket at

Jeanne (Esther Garrel, played by Esther Garrel) is a 20-year-old young girl. After just ending a failed relationship, she decides to go back to her father Jile (Eric Caravaca, played by Eric Caravaca), who has been separated for a long time, to rekindle the estranged relationship between father and daughter. To her surprise, when she returned home, she saw Aliana (Louise Chevillotte), a girl about her own age, who is her father's current lover. At the beginning, the existence of Ariana made Jeanne feel very uncomfortable, because although the girl was young, she had very rich emotional experience and was currently dating many men. But as time went on, a wonderful relationship gradually emerged between Jeanne, Giller and Ariana

  让娜(艾斯特·加莱尔 Esther Garrel 饰)是一个二十岁的年轻女孩,在刚刚结束了一段失败的恋情之后,她决定回到阔别已久的父亲吉勒(埃里克·卡拉瓦卡 Eric Caravaca 饰)家里,

In 1425, during the Hundred Years' War in France, Joan of Arc was only 8 years old. She lived in Doremy, a small village, and looked after sheep every day. One day, she told her friend Oviet that she could no longer bear the devastation of the French people by the British army. However, Sister Gervais tried to reason with the young girl and told her not to try to fight. But Joan of Arc is ready to take up arms, fight with the British army to the end, and lead France to liberation


Jim Carnet, Willa Bettans ([Broken House]), Anthony Baron ([Prayer]), and Edouard Bergeon (in the name of the Earth) (Au nom de la terre, temporarily translated) have started up in Mayerne this week. The story depicts a family legend of nearly 40 years. In 1982, Pierre left the United States, returned to his home in Mayana, and bought the most beautiful farm in the region. For many years Pierre and his wife Claire had run the farm business. But in happy times, the couple must also fight against debt and fatigue

  吉约姆·卡内、薇儿拉·贝坦丝([破碎之家])、安东尼·巴容([祈祷])主演,爱德华·贝尔容(Edouard Bergeon)执导[以地球的名义](Au nom de la terre,暂译)本周已

The story happened in the early 1990s, when AIDS was rampant, and a non-governmental public welfare organization called"ACT UP" came to the public's attention. In addition to homosexual groups, there were also patients suffering from AIDS waiting for medical assistance. The organization hopes to arouse the attention of the public and the government medical departments through some extreme social activities
Nathan (Arnold Valois, Arnaud Valois) is a newcomer who has just joined the organization. Here, he met an active member named Sean (Navel Perez Biscayart, Nahuel P é rez Biscayart). As time went on, feelings gradually developed between them. Sean is seriously ill and his condition is getting worse, but even so, he is still actively involved in the fight. In this process, Nathan's role has gradually changed from a lover to a caretaker. His feelings for Sean and ACT UP have also undergone tremendous changes

  故事发生在九十年代初期,彼时艾滋病肆虐,一个名为“ACT UP”的民间公益组织走到了公众的视线之前,其中汇聚的除了同性恋群体外,还有身患艾滋病等待着医疗救助的病人们。组织希望能够通过一些过激的社会

Lila (Sara Forestier, Sarah Fristie) is a girl who has a slight stuttering. This physical defect has brought great harm to her soul. There are always unreasonable children in the class who like to imitate Lila and laugh at her. Therefore, gradually, Lila is silent, more and more silent. However, Lila has an intelligent mind. Diligent and steadfast, she can always be among the best in her class.
By accident, Lila met a boy named Amo (played by Redouanne Harjane). Amo is a racing driver who earns money by illegal competition. Different from Lila's reticence, Amo likes to talk very much and always chatters. Between two young people with different personalities, there is a spark of love. The teacher found an outstanding talent for writing poems in Lila. With the teacher's encouragement, Lila began to create her own non sentence phrases into poems, which were published on the Internet. However, the feelings between her and Amoy became more and more indifferent

  莉拉(莎拉·弗里斯蒂 Sara Forestier 饰)是一个有着轻微口吃的女孩,这种生理缺陷给她的心灵带来了巨大的伤害,班上总是有不懂事的孩子喜欢模仿莉拉说话并且嘲笑她,因此渐渐地,莉拉缄口不言
Marseille, July 1905. Young Marcel Pagano from D&# 39; Complete primary education. Three months later, he will enter"high school". Three months... when you are so old forever. Because now is a holiday, real, great! The children of the city have been looking forward to returning to their beloved mountains for a long time Obagne,"my father's glory" and"my mother's castle" brought him happiness
  Marseille, juillet 1905. Le jeune Marcel Pagnol vient d'achever ses études primaires. Dans tro

Joseph is an enthusiastic hip-hop dancer. He refuses to go to Paris with his father to try his luck. Together with his girlfriend Emma and his best friend Karim, he joined the Paris theater group of the famous breaker Yuri to try to win an international hip hop competition. But on the day of the draft, everything did not happen as expected: Joseph was betrayed by Emma and Yuri, and the group broke out. Joseph was a collection of Remi, a former star dancer, and later became a teacher. He discovered the world of classical dance and met the talented Chloe during the New York Ballet Entrance Examination. Through this encounter, an unexpected alliance has been carefully planned between hip-hop and classical dance. Joseph will learn to feel legitimate as a dancer and leader, and become an artist


The story happened on Christmas Eve. Under the strong Christmas atmosphere, everyone put down their work temporarily and enjoyed the joy of reuniting with their families. George (Michelle Brown, Michel Blanc) seems to be the only emergency doctor still working in this city. He receives an emergency call and rushes to the patient's home. In desperation, Malik had to take over George's position and become a temporary doctor to go to the sick family, while George told him how to treat the disease by phone from the same place. Can the treatment under remote control be carried out smoothly

  故事发生在平安夜当天,在浓厚的圣诞气氛下,所有人都暂时放下手中的工作,享受和家人们团聚的喜悦。乔治(米歇尔·布朗 Michel Blanc 饰)似乎是这座城市里唯一一个还在工作的急症医生了,他接到

Remy and Melanie, both 30 years old Parisians, who are engaged in scientific research, live in the same block. When Melanie lost confidence in dating through social software, Remy could hardly find a date, and they felt very lonely. In fact, they live not far from each other, but they have not been able to establish a good relationship. Can they turn a series of missed opportunities into a fate changing encounter


One of the key recommended films in the 2018 Expectation List of the French Film Manual. The film is shot on 16mm film, with extreme psychedelic color, and the image is super bold. The story tells the evil journey of five"wild boys" who love art, which reminds people of Kubrick's"Clockwork Orange". The five"wild boys" are being"played" by five actresses, involving many erotic elements, and discussing the gender structure


  A restless photographer leaves her family to "find herself" and takes up deep-sea diving

  A restless photographer leaves her family to "find herself" and takes up deep-sea diving

Essen Enterprise is a large French enterprise with 90000 employees. One day, Dama, a financial analyst, jumped down from the top floor of the enterprise headquarters and ended her life
When the Ministry of Labor intervened in the investigation, Emily, the manager of the Human Resources Department, said that Dama's death was purely due to"personal factors." Only Emily's secretary knew that Dama had been rejected because of her application for transfer. She went to Emily many times, but she was repeatedly ignored. Mary, the labor inspector, has 2500 companies in her area. Her responsibility is to maintain the occupational safety of 30000 employees. She is convinced that Dama's choice to commit suicide in the workplace is a warning. She perseveres and finds that an enterprise management law called"Ambition Plan" in Essen aims to force 9000 employees to leave their jobs automatically without"severance" through transfer. If it can be proved that the HR manager is trying to force Damma away, Emily will face the crime of"workplace bullying" or even"negligent homicide". When the senior manager of Essen decides to blame Emily for all the crimes, how can Xiaoxiami fight against the whale? How should Emily fight back

  埃森企業是擁有九萬名員工的法國大型企業。某天一名財務分析師達瑪從企業總部頂樓一躍而下,結束了自己的生命  當勞動部介入調查,人力資源部的經理艾蜜莉表示達瑪的死純粹是因為「私人因素」,只有艾蜜麗的秘

This film focuses on three families - a passionate newlywed couple, a father and daughter who disagree with each other, and a mother and son who clean up the mess. The newly married couple's feelings are in crisis. The husband often beats his wife, which makes the father-in-law and mother-in-law worried about their daughter's situation. But why is the alarm invalid? The discordant father and daughter are because their daughter fell in love with a 63 year old man. How can a father younger than his son-in-law accept this? The third pair was that the mother in hospital was about to leave the hospital. The son hired a baby sitter for his family. Although the mother stopped him, he still fell in love with her. Three stories, three different emotions and choices, how they will be intertwined


Devni (Emmanuelle Seigner) has just published her debut work. Unexpectedly, it became popular overnight, and the interview signing followed. After the joy of becoming famous gradually cooled down, Devni began to prepare for the next work. What made her feel suffocated was that inspiration seemed to have abandoned her. Before the blank document, she was unable to type the first word. Francis (Vincent Perez) is a program host, and the indissoluble relationship between them has also become another source of pressure for Devni
At the most painful moment of Devni, a mysterious woman named Ellie (Eva Green) appeared in her life. Aili claims to be a shadow biographer. Because of an accident at home, she hopes to live in Devni's home. The appearance of Aili has become the lifeline of Devni, and this wonderful woman has become the strong backing of Devni not only in her career, but also in her life

  德芙妮(艾玛纽尔·塞尼耶 Emmanuelle Seigner 饰)刚刚出版了她的处女作,没想到一夜爆红,采访签售接踵而至。在成名的喜悦渐渐冷却之后,德芙妮开始筹备起下一部作品来,可让她感到窒息的

The story takes place during the Second World War, when France was occupied by German forces and Nazism was rampant in the area. Morris (Batyste Fleurial, JB) and Joe (Dorian Le Clech, Dorian Le Clech) are Jewish brothers who live in France. Their father supports children by running a barbershop. Although they live a hard life, they are very close to each other, The tolerance of the society towards Jews is also declining rapidly. The brothers were ostracized by their classmates at school because of their blood lineage. Seeing that the momentum was not right, his father decided to let Morris and Joe escape to the free zone first, and then he followed. The family met in Nice. In this way, the two children embarked on the journey of escape

  故事发生在第二次世界大战期间,法国被德军占领,纳粹主义在当地横行。莫里斯(巴蒂斯特·弗勒里埃尔 Batyste Fleurial 饰)和乔(多里安·勒·克利奇 Dorian Le Clech 饰)

Adapt the key reading I Promise, which is designated by all French middle school students. The Baileys, the trump producer of"The Baileys", is another family warming work with tears and joy. Charlotte Gansberg, the Kancheng film queen, is a moving example of a mother in Europe; The life of Romangary (Piyenne), an epic masterpiece that spans five countries, takes 14 weeks, and goes deep into the core of the history of the 1920s and 1950s, can be said to be extraordinary. He spent his poor childhood in Poland, his youth in the sunshine of Nice, France, and even served as a pilot during the Second World War, making great achievements in Africa. In order to become a great man and a famous writer, he has tasted all the ups and downs of life, all for his mother Nina (Charlotte Gansberg plays). This lovely and independent woman's strong maternal love for her son filled Gary's life with twists and turns, enthusiasm and mystery, and made him an important writer in the 20th century. However, such endless maternal love will eventually become the burden of his life< Br/>The film Promise at Dawn is adapted from the autobiographical novel I Promise published in 1960 by the French literary giant Romangary, which describes the legendary story of Romangary becoming a French literary giant, the touching memories of his passion with his mother, and a grand epic spanning the 20th century, a family warming film interwoven with tears


The story takes place in a remote ruins on the Mediterranean coast. The crazy female artist Luce (Elina L ö wensohn) lives here for a long time and lives an isolated life. Recently, Matt Benier, the writer, also came to the ruins and held a corpse drying party with Luce from time to time. The sun is shining high and you are bored. On that day, four robbers hijacked 250 kilograms of gold. They were the leader Rino, Fat Man, Alex and the lawyer Brisol Geye. They drove so fast that they caught a woman named Melanie and her family on the way. Melanie is Benier's wife. They are divorcing, so she takes her baby sitter and children all the way to find her husband who has a strange bed. At the ruins, someone in the robbery gang tried to monopolize the gold, and at this time, two patrolmen also came here

  故事发生在位于地中海沿岸一个偏远的废墟中,疯癫癫的女艺术家卢斯(埃琳娜·勒文松 Elina Löwensohn 饰)长居于此,过着与世隔绝的生活。近一段时间,作家马特·贝尼埃也来到废墟,时不时和卢