The story begins with the meeting of Tsujizawa Liang Xiang (Hirose Ling), a young girl, and Lin Tian Yanaiyin (Yuko Tanaka), an old lady. Liang Xiang loses his family, is disconnected from society, and can't find a way to survive. The two are betrayed and cheated, and can't believe that others' hearts meet. A certain feeling develops. Anayin tries to protect Liang Xiang, a fake family, a fake life, a fake memory, and real events, Let girls gradually change
The decisive evidence of the truth of a murder case that has been hidden for 22 years is a lost diamond arrow ADAMAS. The twin brother (Chi Sheng) Jieli investigates the truth, looks for the secret and conspiracy behind ADAMAS, and vows to find out the real murderer who killed his stepfather span
Lu Senhai (Aili Suzuki), who works in a black heart enterprise, has no money, no dreams, no objects, and is lost on the road of happiness. In an accidental interview, she met the arrogant young photographer Changling Fengxu (Honda Xiangya), and the president of the latest cosmetics venture enterprise"ANIMAL BEAUTY" Yu Guiyou (Bai Zhouxun). Get the opportunity to work in ANIMAL BEAUTY and become the best yourself