
In the first film of the series Mechanic, Arthur (Jason Stanson), the top killer who pretends to be dead, washes his hands in a golden basin and lives a peaceful life for ordinary people. In a seemingly unexpected incident, Arthur's confidante Mei (Michelle Yeoh) asks Arthur to rescue the mysterious woman Gina (Jessica Alba) who has been repeatedly beaten by others. Unexpectedly, Arthur, who has always been immune to love, falls in love with Gina. However, his quiet life has been broken by this, However, his fate was so hard to beat that someone secretly stared at him, and Arthur's life story also surfaced. It turned out that when he was young, he and a group of children were captured by the arms dealer and trained them to play with guns and kill people. The unbearable Arthur escaped from the arms dealer, while one of his partners grew up to be the successor of the arms dealer and the biggest villain in the film< Br/>The villain found Arthur, kidnapped his beloved Gina, and threatened him to assassinate three of the world's most dangerous people. In order for him and his lover to escape, Arthur was forced to work as an assassin again. He had to complete a series of impossible assassination tasks in a limited time< Br/>Arthur is well aware of the cruelty of the villains, and he will never let himself go. After successfully assassinating two targets, Arthur and the third target, another large-scale arms dealer leader Adams (Tommy Lee Jones), form an alliance to deal with their common opponents. Then, whether Arthur can escape with Gina finally, and whether the peaceful life can continue
