
When young couple Burton (Peter Horton) and Vicky (Linda Hamilton) travel through Gatling, Nebraska, they find a dead child on the road. In order to call the police, they drove into Gatling Town, but found that the situation in the town was even more strange: it seemed to be the kingdom of children, and all adults were missing. The children all obey the orders of a little boy named Isaac (John Franklin John Franklin) who calls himself the messenger of God
Where are the adults in the town? What's the secret behind the malicious eyes of children? Can Burton and Vicky finally get out of the town alive< Br/>This film won the Best Fantasy Film Award at the 1984 Brussels International Fantasy Film Festival

  年轻情侣波顿(Peter Horton 饰)和维姬(Linda Hamilton 饰)旅行路过内布拉斯加州盖特林镇,他们在公路上发现一具儿童尸体。为了报警,两人驱车驶入盖特林镇,却发现镇上的情况更

Due to the continuous appearance of adult corpses and the interruption of communication, the bizarre situation of Gatling town finally attracted the attention of the Nebraska government. In order to avoid the government's investigation, all the children in Gatling Town moved to the nearby Hamminford Town
John Garrett (Terence Knox), a reporter who was unhappy with his work and family, came to Gatling with his son Danny (Paul Scherrer) to investigate the truth. With the help of little boy Micah (Ryan Bollman), father and son find a house to stay in. Danny, who had many conflicts with his father, soon became a good friend of Micah. With Micah's introduction, he met the children in the corn field and was deeply influenced

  由于成人尸体不断出现以及联系中断,盖特林小镇的诡异情形终于引起内布拉斯加州政府的关注。为了避免政府的追查,盖特林镇的孩子们全部转移至邻近的汉明福德小镇  工作和家庭皆不如意的记者约翰•盖瑞特(Te

The mother of the heroine has been having nightmares, and the heroine returns to her hometown to visit her. At this time, the children in the whole town suddenly suffer from unknown diseases. Later, the heroine discovers that it is a missionary Joshua. What is the truth about the whole thing


In an apartment building to be rebuilt, Jamie's grandmother mysteriously disappeared. Jamie followed the trail and found that her grandmother was the only survivor in a suicide fire of a cult organization in this apartment many years ago. At the same time, a group of strange children also haunted Jamie like ghosts


Zhu Lin (Sugimoto Youmei), a high school girl, is about to turn 16, but she finds her body is changing quietly. On his birthday, Lin was strongly stimulated, and his right hand turned into a magic claw. Returning home in a hurry, she learns from her father, Yang Erlang (Hiroshi Tsuda), that she is a descendant of the mutant"leech". Then she watched as her parents were killed by special forces belonging to the Japanese government. Angry Rin awakened the devil in his body and started killing in the commercial street near his hometown. Later, Lin meets Ruyue (Sakaguchi Tuo), the leader of the leech clan, and Ling (Yuko Takayama), a high school girl. Ruyue vows to build a fighting girl army that can compete with humans, and Ling is the fighting coach of these leech girls. The racial war is imminent...
This film is divided into three chapters, each directed by Sakuchi Tuo, Inoguchi Sheng and Nishimura Hiroshi

  高中少女渚凛(杉本有美 饰)即将迎来16岁的生日,但是她却发现自己的身体正悄悄发生着变化。生日当天,凛受到强烈刺激,右手变成了削铁如泥的魔爪。仓皇回到家中的她从父亲洋二郎(津田寛治 饰)口中得知,

The film tells that Chris Dyke, who was divorced soon, is a wealthy venture capitalist. He lives in a high-tech house designed by himself in Montana and is protected physically and emotionally from outside interference. When he met Sikai, his life changed. Sikai was a beautiful and mysterious young woman who attracted him out of his comfort zone. After Chris was injured in a violent robbery, Sikai moved to take care of him, and her real purpose was soon revealed. Chris became the victim of a well planned robbery. He suddenly became a prisoner in his own home, without any help, and was at the mercy of a violent and psychologically abnormal killer who intended to take everything from him, including his life. When Chris's ex-wife and children appeared, they were in great danger. The only guarantee for their survival was to escape


The film tells the story that more than 400 Korean refugees were forcibly recruited to the Japanese warship island during the Japanese colonial period in an attempt to escape from being killed North Koreans, such as the last son (Li Zhenxian), who suffered a lot under Japanese rule, are deceived by the lie that they can make money and go to Japan, but they arrive at the warship island where the North Koreans were forcibly requisitioned. In a 1000 meter deep mine under the sea, they were forced to work under the danger of gas explosion. Li Jiangyu tried his best to protect his daughter on the warship island. Cui Qixing and the last son also used their own methods to survive the painful days. After the war, OSS (the US Strategic Intelligence Force) secretly instructs Park Woo Young (Song Zhongji), an important member of the Korean Independence Army, to rescue the presidential candidate Yin Xuezhe (Li Jingrong) who is lurking on the warship island. In order to cover up all the crimes committed against the Koreans on the warship island, the Japanese decided to blast the mines where the Koreans worked. In a critical situation, Park Wuying saved Yin Xuezhe and showed his identity. North Koreans led by Park Wuying, Li Jiangyu, Cui Qixing and others are determined to escape from the warship island, and the mining director who vaguely sensed the inside story is chasing them desperately to cover up all the secrets of the warship island

  影片讲述日本殖民时期,400余名朝鲜难民受到强征来到日本军舰岛,试图逃离以免遭到杀害的故事  1945年,在战争即将结束谣言四起的动荡时期,京城半岛酒店爵士乐团团长李姜煜(黄政民饰)带着他的独生女

Jiang Ziling, the 49th generation descendant of the Lust Guard, was accidentally infiltrated by a loser, A Xing, in a battle with the Zongse Clan, and revived Daji. Jiang Ziling's magic power was even passed on to A Xing. Under Jiang Ziling's pressure, A Xing wanted to become a Lust Guard and prevented Daji from trying to absorb the essence of all mankind through live broadcast. But later A Xing found out that the truth of his constant lust was that an incident ten years ago made Ziling become so lustful that he could not control himself. However, A Xing finally understood Ziling's pain. He understood the true meaning of abstinence from lust, not that one person had no desire but that two people loved each other. Finally, they worked together to destroy Daji and save the world


Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep were brought together in The Post, a new film about the Pentagon Papers leak case. Spielberg will participate in the production as a director and producer, and the main characters of the film are Hanks and Aunt May.
This film, which attracted the first cooperation of the three Hollywood giants, will reproduce the famous leak case of"Pentagon documents" on the screen. In 1971, an official of the Department of Defense exposed the confidential documents of the US government involved in the Vietnam War through the New York Times, the Washington Post and other media. Before the documents were released, the US Department of Defense tried to block the disclosure of the documents and ended in failure< Br/>The"Pentagon Document" incident marked the beginning of the disgrace of the Nixon led federal government. The subsequent Watergate incident directly led to the collapse of the Nixon government< Br/>The main characters of The Post are Ben Bradley, editor of the Washington Post and Kai Graham, publisher, who played a key role in the"Pentagon Papers" incident. Hanks will play Bradley, a role that appeared in the classic Watergate movie"The Presidents", while Graham is played by Aunt May. Spielberg's Aileen Entertainment and 20th Century Flowserve will jointly be responsible for financing and production< Br/>The film is the fifth screen cooperation between Spielberg and Hanks. Director Si is now busy with the post production of Player One. When the production of The Post will start is still unknown

  关于“五角大楼文件”泄密案(Pentagon Papers)的新片《The Post》,将史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格、汤姆·汉克斯与梅丽尔·斯特里普聚到了一起。斯皮尔伯格将作为导演与制片人身份参与制作,而

After the outbreak of the zombie virus, a father infected with the virus ran to the wilderness of Australia to find a new home for his newly born daughter. He also had to protect his daughter from being hurt by the gradual loss of her humanity
Starring: Martin Freeman
Screenwriter: Yolanda Rahm
Director: Yolanda Rahm, Ben Hollin
Producer: Samantha Jennings Christina Seton, Russell Ackman, John Schoenfeld and Mark Patterson

  丧尸病毒大爆发之后,一位受到病毒感染的父亲为了给刚刚降生的女儿找个新家而奔走在澳大利亚的荒野中,他还要保护女儿不因自己人性的渐渐退失而受到伤害  主演:马丁·弗瑞曼  编剧:约兰达·拉姆克  导演

The film tells that the boy Billy (Lauser) is sent to his father by his mother and transferred to school, but the conservative new school suppresses him. Billy had to take action to challenge the authority of the school to obtain the title of"Homecoming Queen"


The story takes place on the night of Halloween. Monica (Katie Maguire) and Dawn (Catherine Corcoran) leave a party drunk and walk on the cold street. They plan to go to a pizza shop to get something to eat. A man dressed as a clown follows them into the shop. Although the clown looks terrible, his personality seems pretty cute, Except that he made a mess of the toilet in the shop and blew up the shopkeeper
, Monica and Dawn left the shop. Dawn entered an apartment to use the toilet. Monica waited for her at the roadside, and the clown appeared behind her again. This time, the clown wanted to do more than just make her laugh. The clown knocked Dawn unconscious. When Dawn woke up again, she saw Monica hanging upside down and the clown holding a chainsaw

  故事发生在万圣节的当晚,莫妮卡(凯蒂·马奎尔 Katie Maguire 饰)和道恩(Catherine Corcoran 饰)醉醺醺的从一个派对中离开,走在清冷的大街上,两人打算去一家披萨店弄点

The script was written by Matthias Caruso. The story is about a virus that infected the legal department of a company. On the same day, Derek Sanders, the lawyer, was framed by his colleagues and unfairly dismissed. This infection will make people show the most primitive and wild impulse. Trapped in an isolated building, our hero can only do his best to regain his own work and life through brutal fighting


Kathryn Bigelow, the female director of"The Hurt Locker" and"Zero Dark Third", is about to cooperate again with Mark Boal, the screenwriter of"The Hurt Locker", to film a film about the 1967 Detroit black riots< Br/>The Detroit Black riot in 1967 was one of the most destructive racial riots in American history, which was caused by the police entering a tavern in the black area to arrest black people in the early morning of July 23. The law enforcement action caused dissatisfaction among blacks, who came to throw stones and bricks at the police< Br/>Later, police reinforcements arrived to forcibly disperse the black people, but it backfired. The black people gathered more and more, eventually causing a large-scale disturbance that affected the whole city. The riots lasted for five days, killing 43 people, destroying many buildings and injuring many people. The riots also spread to Illinois, North Carolina, Tennessee and Maryland< Br/>This film is scheduled to be released in 2017, the 50th anniversary of the riots

  《拆弹部队》(The Hurt Locker)和《刺杀本拉登》(Zero Dark Thirty)女导演凯瑟琳·毕格罗(Kathryn Bigelow)即将和《拆弹部队》编剧马克·鲍尔(Mark

  Zaynab, a thirty-something Pakistani, Muslim, lesbian in Chicago takes care of her sweet and TV-obsessed mother. As Zaynab falls for Alma, a bold and very bright Mexican woman, she searches for her identity in life, love and wrestling

  Zaynab, a thirty-something Pakistani, Muslim, lesbian in Chicago takes care of her sweet and TV-ob

The film Room 7 is set in a DVD room that is about to close down in Seoul. It describes the story of two men in Room 7 of the DVD room, trying to hide the secrets that are vital to their lives, and trying to get rid of the current predicament


Lila (Sara Forestier, Sarah Fristie) is a girl who has a slight stuttering. This physical defect has brought great harm to her soul. There are always unreasonable children in the class who like to imitate Lila and laugh at her. Therefore, gradually, Lila is silent, more and more silent. However, Lila has an intelligent mind. Diligent and steadfast, she can always be among the best in her class.
By accident, Lila met a boy named Amo (played by Redouanne Harjane). Amo is a racing driver who earns money by illegal competition. Different from Lila's reticence, Amo likes to talk very much and always chatters. Between two young people with different personalities, there is a spark of love. The teacher found an outstanding talent for writing poems in Lila. With the teacher's encouragement, Lila began to create her own non sentence phrases into poems, which were published on the Internet. However, the feelings between her and Amoy became more and more indifferent

  莉拉(莎拉·弗里斯蒂 Sara Forestier 饰)是一个有着轻微口吃的女孩,这种生理缺陷给她的心灵带来了巨大的伤害,班上总是有不懂事的孩子喜欢模仿莉拉说话并且嘲笑她,因此渐渐地,莉拉缄口不言

Xiaomi (Wen Qi) works in a hotel in the scenic area. One day, when Xiaomi was on duty, a man took two girls who seemed to be primary school students to open the room. Although he had all his worries, Xiaomi opened two rooms for them with the idea that more is better than less. Later, in the surveillance video, Xiaomi saw a man enter the room of two girls with half a push. Xiaomi was vaguely uneasy and recorded the scene with his mobile phone.
The two girls, one named Meng Xiaowen (Zhou Meijun) and the other named Zhang Xinxin (Jiang Xinyue), were their"godfathers". After the Dongchuang incident, Xiaowen's mother called the police and found Hao Jie (Shi Ke), a lawyer, hoping that the law would give them justice. However, the lack of evidence has made the suspect unable to convict, and the most critical evidence is in Xiaomi's hands

  小米(文淇 饰)在位于风景区的一间酒店里打工。一天,正值小米当班,一个男人带着两个看上去还是小学生的女孩子来开房,虽然心中所有顾虑,但小米秉着多一事不如少一事的念头替他们开了两间房。之后,在监控录

Zhang Zaishan (Andy Lau) is a senior inspector of the"Explosives Disposal Section" of the Hong Kong Police Force. Seven years ago, he lurked in the hot criminal gang of the most wanted criminal (Jiang Wu). In an operation to rob the vault, Zhang Zuishan revealed his identity as the undercover of the bomb disposal team. He cooperated with the police inside and outside, successfully prevented the explosion of the bomb, and completely captured the hot criminal organization and his brother's criminal organization. Unfortunately, at a critical moment, Zhang escaped and vowed to revenge. After his reinstatement, Zhang Zaishan was soon promoted to the bomb disposal expert of the police force. Seven years later, Hong Kong was hit by one bomb terrorist attack after another, and the police received tip offs that a large number of explosives had been smuggled into Hong Kong. All signs showed that there would be major cases in Hong Kong. At a time when people in Hong Kong were in panic, the busiest underwater tunnel in the city, Hung Hom, was blocked by bandits, hundreds of hostages were held hostage, and finally appeared to threaten the police to blow up the tunnel. Zhang Zaishan can only unravel the terrible conspiracy behind the anti-terrorism storm by bringing the hot rope to the law

  章在山(刘德华 饰)是香港警队“爆炸品处理科”的一名高级督察。七年前,他潜伏到头号通缉犯火爆(姜武 饰)的犯罪团伙中,在一次打劫金库的行动中,章在山表露了其拆弹组卧底的身份,与警方里应外合,成功阻

When nature is not enough... A gentle beautician provides patients with an opportunity to correct what they think is wrong with nature. Under the constraint of a non-traditional code of ethics, the beautician turned to use a deadly ingenious device to keep the patient consistent with the concept of unnatural beauty of the beautician


Spain, summer of 1936. Miguel de Unamuno, a famous writer, decided to publicly support the military uprising that was expected to eliminate the chaos in the country. He was immediately dismissed by the Republican government and was no longer president of Salamanca University. At the same time, General Franco tried to join his troops in the rebel front and privately prepared to become the commander in chief of the war. In the face of the bloody conflict and the imprisonment of his colleagues, Unamuno began to question his original position and principles. After Franco moved his headquarters to Salamanca and was appointed head of state, Ulnamuno went to his residence and made a request....
Release date (Spain): September 2019
2019 San Sebastian Film Festival: official choice (main competition unit)

  西班牙1936年夏。著名作家米盖尔·德·乌纳穆诺决定公开支持有望肃清国家混乱局势的军事起义。 他即刻被共和党政府解雇,不再任萨拉曼卡大学校长。与此同时,弗朗哥将军设法将他的部队加入反叛阵线,并私下

A nomadic musician fell in love with the bride when playing at the wedding. The wedding soon erupted into conflict, and the bride also fell in love with her family

  一名游牧乐手在婚礼上演奏时爱上了新娘, 而这场婚礼很快就爆发了冲突,新娘也与家人反目

When a relaxing holiday becomes fatal, a former marine must once again risk his life to save his wife and best friend from a modern pirate; At the same time, when he faced the specter of war he left behind, he tried to unite himself


In 2018, Guatemala, more than 20 years after the end of the civil war, the transitional justice is still being implemented slowly. Every inch of seemingly peaceful land may be buried with nameless bones that need to be unearthed, and every silent mother's face may be hidden with an unbearable painful past. The young man in charge of identification of the remains learned a clue from an old Mayan woman that his father, who had never met before, might be buried in a disorderly burial post in a remote mountain area. Despite the dissuasion of his mother and colleagues, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the search, and his unspeakable life experience will also be revealed unexpectedly. The power of returning to nature won the SACD Award in Kancheng Film Critic Zhou, and also won the Golden Camera Award< Br/>"We have a strong sense of responsibility and should avoid any over exaggeration, because this is a story that happened to many Guatemalans."—— Cesardia


Markus, the family lawyer, found that Lena, the object of his love affair during the holiday, was pregnant. He thought he could finally have his own family. He decided to spend more time to get to know lena. After all, they haven't known each other for long. However, lena's father, hartmut, seems to have no good opinion of her daughter's new boyfriend. Markus came to the Ruhr camp to attend the 50th birthday party of Hartmut Hartmut mobilized everyone in the camp to fix Markus. He and his future father-in-law are about to have a hilarious war


Directed by Li Zhongyan, the film tells the story of survivors and survivors overcoming their pain and healing after the accident of the Year of the Past


The film personifies various physiological pains during the physiological period. It depicts the story of Mikita, who worked in the editorial department of the magazine, facing work and love while suffering from physiological pain


An Indian woman fled to the unknown black forest to avoid the infamous Dutch Savage Gang. They soon found that they must help each other, because they unconsciously awakened an ancient greedy dark creature called"snow monster"


The son of a young rich American businessman was kidnapped, but when three muddleheaded mafia kidnappers and their hapless victims got lost in the mountains, they finally spent the night in an abandoned hut with a gypsy charm. Every man wakes up in the morning and immediately falls in love with the person they first saw: a plain old maid, a handsome woodcutter and a lovely cow, while the son of the unlucky rich merchant falls in love with the articulate black haired beauty in the village. When the betrayed mafia boss and rich businessman arrived at the scene to stop this crazy event, things began to get confused


This story is adapted from the article Chasing Agent Freegard written by Browner, which tells a true story. Professional liar Robert Fregard (Norton) is an expert in manipulating people's minds. He makes countless victims believe that he is an undercover of MI5, so as to blackmail and kidnap them. Atden's character was initially charmed by his charm, and later became a key figure in the downfall of Fregard. Her actions led to his conviction and arrest

  该片故事改编自布朗纳撰写的文章《追踪弗雷 加德特工》(Chasing Agent Freegard),讲述一桩真实发生的故事,职业骗子罗伯特·弗雷加德(诺顿饰)是个操纵人心的高手,他让无数受害者相
Marseille, July 1905. Young Marcel Pagano from D&# 39; Complete primary education. Three months later, he will enter"high school". Three months... when you are so old forever. Because now is a holiday, real, great! The children of the city have been looking forward to returning to their beloved mountains for a long time Obagne,"my father's glory" and"my mother's castle" brought him happiness
  Marseille, juillet 1905. Le jeune Marcel Pagnol vient d'achever ses études primaires. Dans tro

  Whether the Weather is Fine, director: Carlo Francisco Matanad (The Philippines). Production: Cinematografica Films (The Philippines), Armi Rae Cacanindin. Feature film. Funding: 30,000

  Whether the Weather is Fine, director: Carlo Francisco Matanad (The Philippines). Production: Cine

British aristocratic explorer Brooke escaped the shackles of scandal and Victorian society to explore the wildlife of Borneo in the 1840s. Brooke fell in love with this tropical paradise, fought against pirates and the enemies of Sudan, and won the crown of King Sarawak, where he ruled a jungle kingdom larger than Britain


  Javier and Felipe are now full-time parents to their daughters. However, the fathers discover the girls are missing something: a mother. To find her, they invite their girlfriends on vacation with a secret plan

  Javier and Felipe are now full-time parents to their daughters. However, the fathers discover the

The two brothers accompanied a group of video bloggers to find a mysterious island. But when they found the island, they found one terrible secret after another


It tells the story of an Italian bookseller (male) and a theatre actor (female) with crazy personality falling in love. The bookseller was alone on the top floor raising her daughter, who was disabled in both legs and never went out. One day, a comedian suddenly rushed into the bookstore to find her lost dog. The two met and comforted each other


  Attempting to surpass his father's legacy, a reclusive neuroscientist becomes entangled in his own experiment, pitting ten fragments of his consciousness against each other

  Attempting to surpass his father's legacy, a reclusive neuroscientist becomes entangled in his

This is the third part of the anthology series of George Romero/Stephen Goldilocks. There are five terror elements:" Professor Dan Dun& quot; Alice& quot; Telephone girl Rachel"& quot; Radio"& quot; A haunted dog"< Br/>After 20 years of blockbuster Creepshow series, the third film was finally released. This time, George Romero, the"father of zombies", and Stephen King, the"master of terror" are still the directors, trying to revive the brilliant box office of this series. This film tells five stories: Professor Dayton, Alice, Rachel the Call Girl, The Radio and The Haunted Dog& nbsp; & nbsp; These five stories seem to be independent stories, but they are closely linked in the plot. Alice (Alice): The arrogant girl Alice is manipulated by a mysterious remote controller, constantly shuttling through various parallel spaces. The terrible thing is that every time her space changes, a part of her body will rot... The Radio: Jerry, the security guard who lives a long time, accidentally bought a magic radio, which can predict a person's future actions, but this function has brought great disaster to his life... Call Girl: Ava is a sexy girl who is addicted to killing people, She killed a man in a routine"service", but she didn't know that this man had an evil side... The Professor&# 39; S Wife (Professor's wife): Two young people maliciously knocked his beautiful wife unconscious and cruelly dismembered her when visiting the doctor... Haunted Dog: Dr. Will, arrogant and drug addicted, teased a beggar to death, but he did not expect that the beggar turned into a ghost and followed the doctor all the time, disturbing his"normal" life


Lolo, an eleven year old boy, his best friends are helping him understand their sexual orientation and self-awareness


"Female Assassin of the Dragon Palace: Daming Female Prisoner" tells a story about two important generals of the imperial court competing with each other around imperial power. The emperor sent General Che to take charge of the famous underwater secret base. Soft father-in-law sent killers to commit crimes, while General Che took measures to disrupt the plot of soft father-in-law. The two forces launched a wonderful game around the underwater secret base


The film tells the story of Liang Minhe (Zhao Zhenxiong), a"rough" prosecutor who will be unscrupulous in order to investigate, who gets into trouble because of the suicide of the suspect he is responsible for investigating. In the process of revealing the inside story of the event to clear the charge, the story happens after meeting with a huge financial corruption entity

  电影讲述了为了调查就会肆无忌惮的“老粗”检察官梁敏赫(赵震雄 饰)因自己负责调查的嫌疑人自杀而陷入困境,为了洗清罪名而揭露事件内幕的过程中,与巨大的金融腐败实体相遇后发生的故事

In the endless world, we are guided by the gentle voice of a woman. It was a mythical voice. A Scheherazade told us the eternal story of human life and struggle:"I saw a child walking to a birthday party under the rain...""I saw a boy who had not found love...""I saw a man who no longer trusted the bank..." We saw the ordinary and magnificent man and life from a series of obvious trivial moments, These trivial moments reflect the brilliance of life: a girl holds a beloved boy's hand for the first time; A father tied his daughter's shoelaces in a downpour; A young woman waits for her ap. The finishing touch - but also includes the moment when human cruelty is expressed in mediocrity - is a person dragging a cross; A disabled war veteran sat by the roadside; A father holds his dead son in his arms - just like the horn of life, he shows us your value and beauty about endless life. R exists, arousing our hope to keep this eternal treasure and pass it on


In order to escape the father son relationship, Yifan, a Malaysian college student, came to Taiwan to seek new opportunities; For the livelihood of Filipino family, Niya also came to Taiwan to work. Two people meet and fall in love, but they are just social movers. In the fateful transmigration, Yifan and Niya finally went on separation and wandering. Their story in Taiwan repeats the love and family frustrations that Yifan's grandparents had forbidden in the Malayan jungle 60 years ago. Yifan is looking for love as well as self-identity. After a long time, lovers of different ages still have no place to take root


The story takes place in New Mexico in the 1950s. A young switchboard operator and radio DJ found a strange frequency, which may change their life, their town and the whole earth forever."Endless Night" fell into the rabbit hole of"Twilight City". Through the dropped telephone, AM radio signal, secret tape reel forgotten in the library, switch, cross patching and an anonymous telephone, he carefully weaves a searching story together. The Promise of the Night brings the audience into an era and a small town far away from the outside world through the confusing whole process tracking camera, fast dialogue and perfect era terminology. Its mystery is only presented to those who are curious and have enough patience to listen


  A fisherman contends with an ocean-borne outbreak that threatens his seaside island community

  A fisherman contends with an ocean-borne outbreak that threatens his seaside island community

Joseph is an enthusiastic hip-hop dancer. He refuses to go to Paris with his father to try his luck. Together with his girlfriend Emma and his best friend Karim, he joined the Paris theater group of the famous breaker Yuri to try to win an international hip hop competition. But on the day of the draft, everything did not happen as expected: Joseph was betrayed by Emma and Yuri, and the group broke out. Joseph was a collection of Remi, a former star dancer, and later became a teacher. He discovered the world of classical dance and met the talented Chloe during the New York Ballet Entrance Examination. Through this encounter, an unexpected alliance has been carefully planned between hip-hop and classical dance. Joseph will learn to feel legitimate as a dancer and leader, and become an artist


The story happened on Christmas Eve. Under the strong Christmas atmosphere, everyone put down their work temporarily and enjoyed the joy of reuniting with their families. George (Michelle Brown, Michel Blanc) seems to be the only emergency doctor still working in this city. He receives an emergency call and rushes to the patient's home. In desperation, Malik had to take over George's position and become a temporary doctor to go to the sick family, while George told him how to treat the disease by phone from the same place. Can the treatment under remote control be carried out smoothly

  故事发生在平安夜当天,在浓厚的圣诞气氛下,所有人都暂时放下手中的工作,享受和家人们团聚的喜悦。乔治(米歇尔·布朗 Michel Blanc 饰)似乎是这座城市里唯一一个还在工作的急症医生了,他接到

In South Africa, Moffie is a derogatory term for homosexuals. In the film, the male host Nick goes to South Africa to perform military service when he is 16 years old. He was different from others when he was young. He found his secret in the military camp
In a country where homosexuality is a crime, once he made a choice, he could not turn back. The closed military camp is accompanied by the concept of violence, racial discrimination, and male supremacy. How to place the beautiful love like a pansy

  在南非,Moffie是对同性恋者的贬义词,片中,男主尼克16岁时去南非服兵役。从小就与众不同的他,在军营中发现了自己的秘密  在同性恋就是犯罪的国度,一旦做出选择,就无法回头。封闭的军营伴随着暴力

This is a psychological thriller about a young married couple who bought a beautiful Napa Valley house on a few acres of land, but they found that the seller refused to deliver the house


Remy and Melanie, both 30 years old Parisians, who are engaged in scientific research, live in the same block. When Melanie lost confidence in dating through social software, Remy could hardly find a date, and they felt very lonely. In fact, they live not far from each other, but they have not been able to establish a good relationship. Can they turn a series of missed opportunities into a fate changing encounter


  The story of a young man coming face to face with his hero (Jeff Daniels) and exploring the tangled relationship between the dreams of youth and the wisdom of age

  The story of a young man coming face to face with his hero (Jeff Daniels) and exploring the tangle

Kari Alison Hodges agrees with a sexy weekend and materialistic girlfriend Kate Paulson (Rachel) and secular Julia Eringo. But as the evening unfolded, Jenna began to realize hesitantly that she could chew and crack off more than she could chew and began to form a potential love triangle. Kate's wish will come true, but not the way she or Mia imagined it. Chicago local Wendy Joe Carlton (Hanna is free, Jamie and Jesse are not together, simple Abby: how to make love more difficult) returns to teetering, and the boundary problem of this romantic drama, love and sexuality comes out ("You will never watch the popsile again in the same way," the advocate said about a particularly unforgettable love scene)

  珍娜(Kari艾莉森·霍奇斯)同意一个性感的周末和唯物主义的女友凯特·保尔森(瑞秋)和世俗的米娅(Julie Eringo)。 但随着晚上展开,詹娜迟疑地开始意识到她咬掉超过可以咀嚼和裂缝开始形成

Every Halloween in the town, mysterious men will attack and kill innocent citizens. The police will set up an endless network to secretly pursue this terrible serial killer, but unexpectedly fall into the fierce trap set by the killer


Levitte plays co pilot Tobias Ellis, who is hijacked by terrorists armed with glass bottles on his business trip from Berlin to Paris. Ellis must ensure the safety of all passengers and negotiate with terrorists. 7500 is a code used by pilots when encountering hijacking. It silently alerts air traffic controllers without prompting the hijackers

  莱维特饰演副驾驶员Tobias Ellis,在柏林飞巴黎的商务之旅途中,遭到用玻璃瓶武装的恐怖分子劫机,Ellis必须要保证全机人安危,同时与恐怖分子谈判。7500是飞行员在遇到劫机时使用的代码,

Becky (Laysla De Oliveira, Lesla De Oliveira) and his brother Carl (Avery Whitted, Avery Vitide) are driving on the road. On the way, Becky, who is pregnant, feels very uncomfortable, so she gets off to rest. At this time, she hears the child's cry for help from the tall grass along the road. Following the sound, Becky and Carl successively walk into the tall grass, How could I have stepped into the gate of hell?
The tall grass is like a living devil, devouring all the lives that have entered it by mistake. In the tall grass, Becky meets Ross (Patrick Wilson), who is also lost here. Although he is handsome, he exudes a dangerous atmosphere. Jarvis (Harrison Gilbertson) is Becky's boyfriend. After his girlfriend disappeared, he embarked on the road of looking for someone

  贝奇(蕾斯拉·德·奥利维拉 Laysla De Oliveira 饰)和哥哥卡尔(艾弗里·维提德 Avery Whitted 饰)驱车行驶在公路上,半途中,已经怀孕的贝奇感到非常的不舒服,于是下车

With the rapid development of science and technology in the future, Acegen Research Company sent Shen Yiqin and others to enter the mysterious snow area at the edge of the Arctic for scientific research. Unexpectedly, they were attacked by unknown giant creatures. Shen Yiqin's ex boyfriend Ren Yifei and others went to the snow area according to clues to find Shen Yiqin's whereabouts, and they ended up in the mysterious snow area. What didn't want to wait for them was a more dangerous place, and people were in danger again


Actor Frankie and her family gathered in the Portuguese town of Sintra from all over the country for a pleasant family holiday. The accidental arrival of Frankie's friend Elaine upset the plan, and the family members also had their own concerns. The family strolled around Sintra in twos and threes, trying to solve problems through dialogue in the fresh natural wilderness and leisurely urban street scenes. Unexpectedly, Frankie hid a secret that could affect everyone. When the family was in a heavy mood, she herself became calm at the end of the walk. Director Ella Sacks, famous for his freshness, gathered a group of stars to go on a journey to Portugal's tourist town to inquire about the soul


The film is adapted from the stage play of the same name created by Eduardo de Filippo. It tells that Naples is the hometown of Antonio Baracano, and Antonio is the mayor of Adrian Unizanita. This young, energetic mayor who likes tattoos always follows his own rules


Homecoming brings us closer to Beyonce's wonderful performance at the 2018 Kochella Music Festival, which pays tribute to the black colleges and universities in American history. Homecoming is interspersed with some authentic scenes and interviews, detailing the preparations and strong intentions behind her vision, and recording the moving process from creative conception to cultural movement

  《Homecoming》带我们近距离感受碧昂斯在 2018 年科切拉音乐节上的精彩演出,这场演出致敬了美国历史上的黑人学院和大学。《Homecoming》穿插了一些真情洋溢的镜头和采访,详细讲述了

This film is set in Tokyo one night, a boxer Leo (Masao Waada) who has run out of luck meets his first love Monica (Sakura Oi). Monica is a call girl who takes drugs, but she is still very naive. Monica was unknowingly involved in the drug smuggling plan, and the two were chased by corrupt police, gangsters, Leo's opponents and female assassins sent by the triad that night


It tells the story of 1975 when a group of criminals tried to achieve the biggest robbery in American history. Stole more than 30 million dollars from the smallest state mafia in Rhode Island


Aladdin, an Arab boy, not only has the friendship of his faithful friend Abu, the monkey, but also has a magical flying mat. They live a happy and carefree life in the downtown. One day, the princess in the castle was tired of the boring palace life and decided to sneak out alone to see the colorful world outside. The escaped princess met Aladdin in the downtown, and Aladdin fell in love with her at first sight. At the same time, the Evil National Master tried to use Aladdin to help him find the magic lamp that could realize his wishes. Aladdin certainly refused to give in. So his adventure began


SWORD; O", Generally known as" Dark and ferocious high school" Ghost colleges and universities. There are time system and full-time system. The time system's chief, Murayama Liangshu (Yugui Yamada), becomes the head of the ghost university. A full-time freshman transferred to a ghost college, Feng Shixiong Huagang (Kawamura) is determined to seize the full-time world in order to challenge the village one day. Full time by the strength of the leading Hong (Maeda Gonghui decoration) and Zhi (dragon decoration), Tsuji (Suzuki Ong soo decoration), Hong Yipai, the second grade of the Zhongyue (God tail maple bead decoration) and a year later in the Zhonggang (Nakajima Jian decoration), the Thai Qing Yipai (Sato Liusi decoration) The new generation of factions under the leadership of Si (Yoshino Beiren), who once lived in the same area with Feng Shixiong, and the Jam Man (Fukuyama Kangping), ushered in the Warring States era of hegemony< Br/>In Huyaliu City, the neighboring town of SWORD, the Fengxian Academy is becoming more and more powerful as the strongest army with bald heads except for cadres. In the past, it was known as the most powerful phoenixes, headed by the leader, Ueda Satoshio (Shizun Chun), Oda Dao Youjian (Yanno Yingjiu), Sawamura Zhengji (Kui Yang), Inchawa Yingming (Xiaoliu Xin), and Chieda Kenzo (Arai Dun Shi). The four phoenixes, the four heavenly kings, and the cadres, Shabakan (Sakuchi Liang Taro), gathered the strongest lineup< Br/>At this time, the students of Fengxian were suddenly attacked by the people who claimed to be high in ghost evil. At the same time, the students who claimed to be high in ghost evil were also attacked by the people who claimed to be Fengxian. As a result of the attack on their companions, the two schools were hostile and murderous< Br/>The individualists led by Feng Shixiong gathered together, the ghost colleges with overwhelming power, and the organized Fengxian Academy led by Zuo Zhixiong opened a decisive battle between the peaks of collision on the river beach at dusk


  In the near future, aliens have invaded Earth and declared a galactic war resulting in thousands of human casualties. To save Earth, a team of four teenage astronauts brave the alien wilderness of a distant planet to stop an assassin from changing the course of history forever

  In the near future, aliens have invaded Earth and declared a galactic war resulting in thousands o

Three friends made a series of online programs, and they found that their neighbors had actually been killed, but were perfectly copied by other creatures


This film is adapted from a real event. Seven year old Adrian grew up in the underground drug environment in Salzburg, Austria, which is famous for its culture and classical music. His mother, Helge, struggled between her addiction to drugs and her love for her son. Despite this environment, Adrian still had a happy and normal childhood. However, when the authorities and child welfare institutions found that Helga was addicted to drugs, their relationship was restricted


The story of Circle is set in the future. The heroine Mae, played by Emma Watson, works for an Internet technology giant called Circle. The company connects all personal information of users with their operating systems, thus opening a new era of the Internet. Mae met a mysterious colleague named Kalden in the company and fell in love with him. Kalden, played by John Boyega, is one of the founders of the company in his real identity. He created this system with his talent, and finally realized that the"circle" infringed on personal privacy, and hoped to turn it off. As one of the leading actors, Karen Gillan, like Emma Watson, also works in the"Circle" Company. On the surface, she looks a little clumsy, but in fact, she has a super IQ. The current role of Tom Hanks has not been determined yet. He is likely to play another boss behind the Circle Company
The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by author Dave Eggers (screenwriter of"Home of the Beasts"). Eggers will also be the co producer of"Circle". The Circle is tentatively scheduled for release in 2016, and the specific date has not been announced


Zama, a Spanish officer born in South America, waited for an order from the king to grant him a better position. His situation is very delicate. For this reason, he was forced to accept every task obediently. Of course, the king's order never came. When he found it futile to wait, he decided to take part in a dangerous mission in order to let the king hear about him. However, when his life was in danger, he found that his only wish was to live


Kim, who came to Columbus from Seoul because of his father's coma, ran into Kathy, a local girl, and they started a tour of urban architecture, pouring out their anxiety and longing, gradually penetrating the cold building and opening the emotional cracks. In the face of the displacement of identity between residents and tourists, life and death come and go, they also learn to move and relocate themselves again in a new relationship like objects in space. The first feature film of video essayist Kogonada vividly demonstrates the sharpness of his lens language, such as the symmetrical and constant picture structure like modernist architecture, running through the low limit but potential plot, implying the essence of architectural space, which is actually a field where people's life and feelings germinate


One of the key recommended films in the 2018 Expectation List of the French Film Manual. The film is shot on 16mm film, with extreme psychedelic color, and the image is super bold. The story tells the evil journey of five"wild boys" who love art, which reminds people of Kubrick's"Clockwork Orange". The five"wild boys" are being"played" by five actresses, involving many erotic elements, and discussing the gender structure


The romantic film"Inundation", which is joined by James McAvoy and Alicia Vicander, will be launched in March and directed by Vim Wenders. The story revolves around the love story between female scientist Danielle and British businessman James. James was imprisoned by Islamic jihadists and was thousands of miles away from Danielle. Their love was tested by life and death. Embarkment will pre sell the film on the European film market in February
