  随着一位有精神问题的“连环律师”的到来,化妆师“芬奇·达”平静的生活被打乱。在道德、法律与人性面前,他将面临艰难的抉择  A passionate make-up artist has his l

The story is about a military soldier who seeks pleasure from a beautiful woman under precarious circumstances


Police Constable Cao (Cao Dahua), in order to make the old gang leader Dai Geda (Lu Haipeng) a police taint witness and testify against the crime of the gang leader Wu Erqi (Wang Qing), designs four private detectives who are known as lucky stars to do undercover work, including forced rhinoceros cowhide (Feng Jianfan), Dashengdi (Wu Yaohan), Huata cake (Miao Qiaowei) and Luo Hanguo (Zeng Zhiwei), Cao also sends his daughter's senior assistant, Banan a (Carina Lau), to enlist as a maid to protect them secretly. Sifu Xing saved Dai Geda from prison and went to find his daughter Mina. It was just when Wu Er Qi was about to rape her. They saved her. Dai Geda thanked Sifu Xing and agreed to be a tainted witness to prove the evil of Wu Er Qi, but he did everything he could to get rid of it. Constable Cao arranges Banana to be killed by Wu, which inspires Sifu Xing to avenge her. At the end of the film, Sifuxing and the police arrested Wu Erqi and wiped out all the bandits he led

  曹警司(曹达华 饰)为了使过气黑帮头子戴哥大(卢海鹏 饰)做警方污点证人,指证黑帮头子巫二器(王青 饰)的罪行,设计逼犀牛皮(冯淬帆 饰)、大生地(吴耀汉 饰)、花塔饼(苗乔伟饰)、罗汉果(曾志伟

The five friends, Partridge (Hong Jinbao), American Ginseng (Qin Xianglin), Rhinoceros Skin (Feng Cuifan), Dashidi (Wu Yaohan) and Luohanguo (Zeng Zhiwei), are bored recently. They each boast about going out to the ditch and get nothing. When bored to the extreme, Wufuxing made an appointment to travel to outlying islands. There was trouble all the way, but several people enjoyed it. When several people were playing for fun at night, they heard strange sounds coming from the nobody's mansion next door. Dashidi and partridge ventured there, only to find a man and a woman with two ghosts. The next day, people call the police to Bawanghua (Hu Huizhong). Although Hu doesn't believe the statement of Wufuxing, he sends four beautiful policewomen, including Liang Laidi, to investigate. They originally planned to play tricks on four policewomen in the haunted house, but Liang was brutally killed by a male ghost (Chen Baixiang), who lost his beloved lover and was trapped by a greedy female ghost after his death. Five friends are determined to help him fulfill his wish

  鹧鸪菜(洪金宝 饰)、花旗参(秦祥林 饰)、犀牛皮(冯淬帆 饰)、大生地(吴耀汉 饰)和罗汉果(曾志伟 饰)这五个好友近来倍感无聊,他们各自吹牛外出沟女,结果一无所获。无聊至极之时,五福星相约前往

The four silly boys, Bruce Lee, Xiao Biao, Xiao Bao and Xiao Hua, are fighting against each other and playing tricks on each other in their lives because their master is not in harmony. Until I met my clever and lovely sister Xiaoxia and my kind and lovely sister Xiaoxia. Sister Confused got into trouble because of a series of misunderstandings. At this time, the four boys gave up their old grudges to save the sisters. They got rid of the evil and punished the evil. They kept laughing and laughing


Archaeologists accidentally learned about the treasure buried with Empress Dowager Cixi. In order to prevent it from falling into the hands of thieves who sell cultural relics, the archaeologists decided to order their disciples and two other people with unique skills to form a five person treasure hunting team to secretly find the whereabouts of the treasure. The five men, with a mission, walked around the streets and alleys to investigate the secret of the treasure according to the information provided by the master. During the investigation, the five people were watched by the cultural relics trafficking gang. Facing the danger of being hunted down, they hid while looking for treasures. No one followed the clues from Hong Kong to Thailand. Thanks to Xiaomi's heroic dedication in Thailand, the five people got the crucial information in the hands of a sculptor, and then came to the entrance of Cixi Tomb. When he finally took down the treasure, eighteen bronze men suddenly appeared in the mausoleum. Can they escape the danger and leave the mausoleum

  考古学家意外得知慈禧太后陪葬的宝物信息,为防止落入贩卖文物的盗贼手中,考古学家决定命自己的徒弟及身怀绝技的其他两人组成五人寻宝小队,暗中寻找宝藏下落。 五人背负使命,根据师傅提供的信息游走穿梭于大

After the New York War, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) brings his brother Rocky (Tom Hidleston) back to the Fairy Palace and imprisons him. In addition, he helps the nine countries settle disputes and rise to fame. Although his father Odin (Anthony Hopkins, played by Anthony Hopkins) urged him to take the throne as soon as possible, Sol never forgot the beautiful girl Jane Foster (Natalie Portman, played by Natalie Portman) of the earth. At the same time, Jane, Daisy and her assistant Ian were accidentally invaded by mysterious substances when they were investigating an area, but they also met Sol again and returned to the Fairy Palace with her. Surprisingly, the substance hidden in the simplified form comes from the ancient dark spirit Malkis (Christopher Eccleston). When the time of"celestial bodies gathering" came again, Malrkes tried to destroy nine countries and create a completely dark universe. The immortal palace where Jane was hidden was severely damaged, and Saul and Rocky, the two enemies, had to join hands to fight against the strong enemies of fate

  纽约大战后,雷神索尔(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰)将弟弟洛基(汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston 饰)带回仙宫囚禁起来,此外帮助九大国度平定纷争,威名扶摇直

Two years after the"Battle of Socovia", Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the god of thunder, sees through the disguise of Rocky (Tom Hiddleston) and finds Odin (Anthony Hopkins, Anthony Hopkins) who was exiled to the earth. However, Odin, who is dying, tells his two sons that the"evening of the gods" has begun. Haila (Kate Blanchett), the goddess of death who was banned by Odin, is about to return to Asgard. In the first fight with Haila, Sol lost the Hammer of Thor, and he and Rocky were also knocked down to the chaotic Saka Star. In the duel field of Saka, Sol met the long lost Hulk again, and saw the female warrior god who had escaped from the clutches of Haila for life

  在“索科维亚战役”两年后,雷神索尔(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰)识破了洛基(汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston 饰)的伪装,辗转找到了被放逐到地球的奥丁(安

Spiderman (Tobey Maguire) has become a righteous hero admired by everyone after experiencing many tests, and has won the beauty back. However, under the aura, Spider Man also has his own heart disease: he let the thief go in the first episode, which led to the killing of his dearest uncle. Parker has always been bitter.

蜘蛛侠(托比•马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)在经历了重重考验之后,成为了人人敬仰的正义英雄,抱得美人归。但是,光环下蜘蛛侠,也有自己的心病:他在第一集时放走了小偷导致最亲爱的叔叔被小偷杀死,

After the battle against the Green Demon, Spider Man Parker (Tobey Maguire) reluctantly rejects his only beloved Mary (Kirsten Dunst), because Spider Man's identity will bring great danger to himself and his relatives, and Parker decides to assume Spider Man's responsibility independently.

大战绿妖之后,蜘蛛侠帕克(托比•马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)忍痛拒绝了他唯一的挚爱玛丽(克尔斯滕•邓斯特 Kirsten Dunst 饰),因为蜘蛛侠的身份会为自己和亲人带来巨大危险,帕克

Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) is just an ordinary American high school student. Once he was bitten by a mutant spider stolen from the Spider Museum, Peter's life changed completely. Like spiders, he has all kinds of unique super abilities of spiders, such as spraying spider silk with strong viscosity from his fingers, flying from eaves to walls, etc. Peter was so excited that he began to use his super power to make money. But when his favorite uncle was killed by the criminal he let go, Peter vowed to use his super power to fight against crime.

彼得 帕克(托比•马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)只是美国一个平凡的高中生,当一次他被蜘蛛博物馆偷跑出来的变种蜘蛛咬了一口之后,彼得的生活彻底改变了。他变得和蜘蛛一样,拥有各种蜘蛛特有的超能力

Peter Parker (Tom Holland) is appreciated by the Iron Man Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr., Jr.) after the Civil War. On the surface, Peter entered Tony's company and became an intern. In fact, he received various trainings with members of the Avenger Alliance. Although Tony appreciates Peter's bravery and integrity, he does not think that he has the strength to join the Federation at present. He sends a secret agent, Harpy (Jon Favreau), to observe secretly, which makes Peter very anxious to prove himself.
In the process of dealing with two bank robbers, Peter finds that the robbers use a new weapon that has never been seen before, He went into the enemy's back alone and found the backstage leader, the vulture (Michael Keaton). To his surprise, the vulture was the father of Liz, the girl he loved (Laura Harrier)

  彼得帕克(汤姆·赫兰德 Tom Holland 饰)在内战后受到了钢铁侠托尼斯塔克(小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. 饰)的赏识,表面上,彼得进入托尼的公司成为了一名实习生,实际

After the epic war against hegemony ended, the earth seemed to return to peace temporarily. Peter (Tom Holland) returns to campus life. He has a good talk with his friends and has a girl of his choice. However, his deepest heart still cannot let go of the memory of Iron Man. On his way to Europe to study, Peter tries to find an opportunity to express himself to Michelle (Zandaya Zendaya), a girl with personality. Unexpectedly, the element monsters that appear in succession disrupt his plan to express himself. In this process, the mysterious guest (Jake Gyllenhaal) who cooperates with the Divine Shield Bureau comes forward to fight off the monster. Peter, who feels too burdensome, refuses Nick Fry (Samuel Jackson, Samuel L. Jackson) and is willing to hand over the heavy responsibility of the successor of Iron Man to the mysterious guest

  在与灭霸史诗般的战争结束后,地球似乎暂时回归和平。皮特(汤姆·赫兰德 Tom Holland 饰)回到了校园生活之中,他和好友相谈甚欢,并且有了心仪的女孩,然而内心最深处依然放不下对钢铁侠的追悼缅

In this legendary adventure story that reveals the origin of Iron and Steel Superman, the past and the present collided. On the ruins of an ancient Chinese kingdom buried for many years, millionaire and inventor Tony. Stark is carrying out excavation work, but the excavation progress is far beyond the part specified in the agreement. He untied an ancient prophecy, which predicted that Mandarin, the monarch of China's darkest and most violent dynasty, would recover. In order to deal with this destructive force, Tony forged a suit of armor and equipped with advanced weapons. In order to stop this evil force that he personally brought to the earth, Tony must become the greatest invention in his life -- Iron Superman! This new soldier must go to four corners of the earth to fight with Mandarin's followers, the Element Warriors -- four soldiers who control the power of earth, water, wind and fire! But as predicted, does Iron Superman have enough ability to challenge the destiny and prevent the evil force from destroying the earth


In the 1940s, the war of Nazis and their axis of evil burned all corners of the world. Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), a small man living in Brooklyn, is deeply attached to the country and is determined to fight against enemies, but his poor physique keeps him out of the recruitment office. By chance, with the help of the German scientist Dr. Erskine (Stanley Tucci), this little boy was able to enter the barracks, and accepted the doctor's experiment, becoming a tall, strong and powerful super soldier. At the same time, John Schmidt (Hugo Weaving), the leader of the German Nazi Red Skull Force, built a super team relying on supernatural forces to try to dominate the world
In order to save his friends, Steve entered Schmidt's camp as the captain of the United States, and the battle between good and evil super soldiers began

  上世纪40年代,纳粹及其邪恶轴心的战火烧遍世界各个角落。居住在布鲁克林的小个子史蒂夫·罗格斯(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)心系国家,一心上阵杀敌,可是糟糕的体格让他始终被征兵办拒之

Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), the American captain who has gradually become accustomed to modern life, faintly smells the dangerous smell from the Divine Shield Bureau after an action. He was even more angry when he learned that the Divine Shield Bureau was secretly carrying out the Insight Program. One day, the commander of the Divine Shield Bureau, Nick Farui (Samuel Jackson, Samuel L. Jackson), was attacked by a group of armed men. He tried his best to give a USB flash disk to the captain of the United States, which contained the most important and terrible secret of the Bureau since World War II. After that, Captain America was wanted and chased by former director Alexander Pierce (Robert Redford) for allegedly killing Nick. During his escape, he was helped by the black widow (Scarlett Johansson) and veteran"Falcon" (Anthony Mackie), Prevent the implementation of the Insight Program

  渐渐习惯了现代生活的美国队长史蒂夫·罗杰斯(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰),在一次行动后隐隐嗅到神盾局内部所弥漫出来的凶险气味。而当得知神盾局正秘密进行的“洞察计划”后,他更为此感到

Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), the captain of the United States, leads the newly formed Avenger Alliance to continue to maintain world peace. However, when carrying out a mission, the members of the Alliance inadvertently caused a large number of civilian casualties, thus stimulating political pressure. The government decided to manage and lead the Avenger Alliance through a set of regulatory systems. As a result, the alliance is divided into two factions: one is led by Steve Rogers, who advocates safeguarding the freedom of members and protecting the world without government interference; The other side follows Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr., Jr.), who unexpectedly decides to support the government's regulatory and accountability system. The mysterious Bucky (Sebastian Stan) seems to be the key figure in the civil war

  美国队长史蒂夫·罗杰斯(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)带领着全新组建的复仇者联盟,继续维护世界和平。然而,一次执行任务时联盟成员不小心造成大量平民伤亡,从而激发政治压力,政府决定通过

  A stop-motion animated skeleton takes drastic measures when he learns the film for which he was created is being rebooted without him

  A stop-motion animated skeleton takes drastic measures when he learns the film for which he was cr

The Italian film company Rai Cinema will produce new works by Russian directors Alexander Sokolov and Andrei Koncharovsky. Alexander Sokolov's new film will show the fictional dialogue of Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and Churchill before the beginning of World War II based on unconventional history, and reveal their views on human nature and the world. Andrei Konchalovsky's new film is the biopic"The Sin" (provisional translation), which is starred by Italian actor Alberto Testone. The story revolves around Michelangelo in the Renaissance. The film will be shot in Italy. At the same time, the company will also produce new works by Italian local directors Gabrielle Salvatore ([I am not afraid of you]), Gianni Amelio ([strong]), etc

  意大利电影公司Rai Cinema将制作俄罗斯导演亚历山大·索科洛夫、安德烈·康查洛夫斯基新作。亚历山大·索科洛夫新片,将以非常规的历史为基点,展现斯大林、希特勒、墨索里尼、丘吉尔在二战开始前的虚

  After Jason (9) is abandoned by his mother at a folk festival, he takes refuge in a forest cabin belonging to a mute loner. A series of circumstances eventually lead them to form a family - something both have lacked for a while

  After Jason (9) is abandoned by his mother at a folk festival, he takes refuge in a forest cabin b

Netflix will develop the Indian thriller"Guildy", which will be produced by Daramich and directed by Ruch Nalan


  A journey from Suphan to the Kingdom of Ayothaya of a boy named "Kaew", he travels with hope to be enlisted in the army in the time of war, there he meets "Pim", his first love who is now engaged to a perfect man called "Chang"

  A journey from Suphan to the Kingdom of Ayothaya of a boy named "Kaew", he travels with

  For Goran and his team of amateur shooters, the plan was almost perfect: to enter a hypermarket at night to rob a jeweler. But these "broken arms" had not anticipated the arrival of a vigil like no other: Walter, a former African warlord who will send them to hell ..

  For Goran and his team of amateur shooters, the plan was almost perfect: to enter a hypermarket at

Joan (Lesley Manville) and Tom (Liam Neeson) have been supporting each other for most of their lives, and they have already cultivated a full understanding and trust. They both recognized that the other person was the one they could entrust for the rest of their lives. The relationship between husband and wife was very close and solid. I thought that the days would pass in peace day by day, but Joan was diagnosed with breast cancer, a sudden disease that completely disrupted the rhythm of their lives, but no matter how the situation changed, Tom chose to stand firmly beside Joan and become his dependence. Tom accompanied and encouraged Joan to fight against the disease. Although there were moments of despair and emotional collapse along the way, whenever these moments came, Tom would always use infinite tenderness and tolerance to calm Joan's anxious mood

  琼(莱丝利·曼维尔 Lesley Manville 饰)和汤姆(连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)已经相互陪伴扶持着走过了大半辈子了,两人之间早已经培养出了十足的默契和信赖。他们都认定了对方

Dazi (Yamami Nagasawa) is a Confidence Man, that is, a credit fraudster. She can master various difficult professional knowledge in a short time by virtue of her talent and concentration. She has lived in luxury suites of high-end hotels for a long time. Although she is gifted, she has an innocent and careless side. Dazi's partner is a child (from Changda East), a cautious old man who is always played by her. He always hopes to wash his hands as soon as possible and live a bright and honest life. The other partner is Richard (Niri Xiang Wenshi), who has super first-class cross dressing technology and applies his inherent good temperament to deception. They use the colorful world as their stage to swindle money from people who are obsessed with profit with various whimsical plans. It is a happy comedy


Laisheng Tears (Fujiwara), Laisheng Tong (Inamori Quan) and Laisheng Ai (Uji Uchida) are three sisters who are brothers and sisters. On the surface, three kind-hearted and strong girls run a cafe called"Cat's Eye". When night falls, they will turn into omnipotent art thieves, and all their targets will be hidden in their pockets, The father of the three sisters is a well-known art collector. However, one day, he disappeared mysteriously without any reason, and the famous paintings and jewelry that should belong to the three sisters were scattered in various art museums and museums. In order to retrieve the things that should belong to them, and to investigate the truth of his father's disappearance, three beautiful shadows were hidden behind the night. What the cat's eye robber did naturally attracted the attention of the police station, and it was Xiaotong's criminal police boyfriend who was responsible for investigating the case

  来生泪(藤原纪香 饰)、来生瞳(稻森泉 饰)和来生爱(内田有纪 饰)是情同手足的三姐妹,表面上,三个善良坚强的女孩经营着名为“猫眼”的咖啡馆,而每当夜幕降临之时,她们便会变身成为无所不能的艺术品大

The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by the Japanese writer Murakami, which tells the story of a middle-aged man, Aoyama, who conceived the idea of remarriage seven years after his wife's funeral, but experienced a terrorist event after meeting Masumi Yamazaki, 24


After the fierce battle between GPS and Qin Ze's army, Linglan High School entered a short peace period. Qin Zeduo Moxiong (Yamada Xiaozhi) gives up his throne, and Takigawa Yuanzhi (Oguri Xun) continues to attack the horrible Lin Tianhui (Shamshui Yuanji). Eight months passed in a flash, and the conflict between Lily of the valley and the old enemy Fengxian Academy resurfaced
Two years ago, the Lily of the valley corps led by Hiroshi Kawabata (introduced by Abe Jin) fought with the Fengxian Academy led by Shinichio Mito. In the scuffle, Kawashi stabbed Zhen Xixiong to death, and he was later sent to the juvenile detention center. In order to prevent further increase in casualties, lily of the valley and phoenix signed an armistice agreement. Two years later, West Sichuan was released from prison and chased by Fengxian College. Qin Ze intervened, and Takigo's intervention destroyed the armistice agreement between the two sides. Inheriting the will of Zhen Xixiong, Minghai Dagu (Jin Zi) and Meiteng Longya (Miura Chunma) decide to take this opportunity to completely destroy the old enemy Linglan High School

  在GPS与芹泽军团的恶战之后,铃兰高中进入短暂的和平期。芹泽多摩雄(山田孝之 饰)让出老大宝座,泷谷源治(小栗旬 饰)则持续向恐怖的林田惠(深水元基 饰)发起冲击。8个月时间转瞬即逝,铃兰与宿敌凤

Crow School Linglan High School, the new school year war is burning again. The powerful and terrible strong Rocher (Liu Leyoumi) destroys the challenge of the opponent one after another and moves towards the summit of lily of the valley step by step. At the same time, the dysprosium wood Whirlwind Xiong (Changda decoration from the east) who killed the Burning Eight Commercial Four Heavenly Kings transferred to the lily of the valley. Xiaoqi Xujianyi (cool decoration in the resort) and others of Naoka Lingguang put their treasure on Whirlwind Xiong, expecting him to finally fight with Qiangluo. Brother Quan (Yanbu Hengyou) comes back from time to time. Jiahe Meiliaoping, the son of his favorite boss (the early Japanese woman Taiyi), has become a first-year student of Lily of the valley, and has become famous for knocking down Qiangluo. At the same time, Shibata Hiroshi (Iwata Gangdian), the boss of Heisaku industry, and his old enemy Fujihara I (Yongshan Huadou), walked out of the detention center, colluded with the mob ODA to hunt Heisaku and Suzuki respectively under the instructions of the underworld, and he and Kaga Mei joined hands to push the war to the top...
This film is based on Takahashi's original cartoon of the same name

  乌鸦学校铃兰高中,新一学年战火再燃。强大可怕的强罗彻(柳乐悠弥 饰)接连摧毁对手的挑战,一步步朝着铃兰的顶点迈进。与此同时,干掉焚八商业四天王的镝木旋风雄(东出昌大 饰)转学来到铃兰,脑瓜灵光的小

The mysterious and open Golden Triangle is located at the junction of the three countries of **, India, and it is a zone of neglect. In 1954, in response to the United Nations resolution, the Taiwan authorities ordered the withdrawal of the national army in the Golden Triangle region. However, at least 100000 national troops and their families stayed here
Fan Long (Liang Chaowei), the national army staff officer, escaped from the captive camp and returned to the national army camp after suffering hardships. Soldier Adin (Lin Zhiying) also returns to the army. Veteran Lao Xie (Wu Mengda) gives Adin brotherly care when he loses his comrade in arms. Commander He (Ke Junxiong) of the national army negotiates with Myanmar and tries to lay down his weapons to submit. Fan Long plans to save some of the weapons, but Myanmar completely kills the national army and relies on Fan Long to break out of the encirclement. However, the team soon split up. Fan Long and others defected to the bandits. Commander He led the rest of the troops to submit to the Thai government. The national army soldiers and soldiers who were exiled in the Golden Triangle fought for their survival

  神秘又开放的金三角地区位于印度支那三国交界,是一片三不管的地带。1954年,台湾当局响应联合国决议,下令撤出流落在金三角地区的国军,但是,还是有至少十一万国军及其家属留在了这里  国军参谋范龙(梁

The mysterious and open Golden Triangle is located at the junction of the three countries of **, India, and it is a zone of neglect. In 1954, in response to the United Nations resolution, the Taiwan authorities ordered the withdrawal of the national army in the Golden Triangle region. However, at least 100000 national troops and their families stayed here
Fan Long (Liang Chaowei), the national army staff officer, escaped from the captive camp and returned to the national army camp after suffering hardships. Soldier Adin (Lin Zhiying) also returns to the army. Veteran Lao Xie (Wu Mengda) gives Adin brotherly care when he loses his comrade in arms. Commander He (Ke Junxiong) of the national army negotiates with Myanmar and tries to lay down his weapons to submit. Fan Long plans to save some of the weapons, but Myanmar completely kills the national army and relies on Fan Long to break out of the encirclement. However, the team soon split up. Fan Long and others defected to the bandits. Commander He led the rest of the troops to submit to the Thai government. The national army soldiers and soldiers who were exiled in the Golden Triangle fought for their survival

  神秘又开放的金三角地区位于印度支那三国交界,是一片三不管的地带。1954年,台湾当局响应联合国决议,下令撤出流落在金三角地区的国军,但是,还是有至少十一万国军及其家属留在了这里  国军参谋范龙(梁

In a small town in the west of the United States, Sheriff Franklin Hunt (Kurt Russell) shot a suspected homeless man at night, and then he invited the town doctor Samantha (Lily Simmons) to treat the suspect. In the dead of night, a groom was brutally killed by a mysterious intruder, and the suspect and Samantha disappeared. Deeply aware of the seriousness of the situation, Franklin summoned Samantha's husband, Arthur O. Dwyer (Patrick Wilson), and other villagers to a meeting in the local pub, and learned that last night's incident might be the work of a mysterious caveman. These barbarians intermarried with close relatives, and even ate human beings, including their biological mothers. Although it was extremely dangerous, Franklin and other brave men were determined to break into the cave dwellers' nests and rescue the kidnapped villagers. This journey was very bad

  美国西部某个小镇,警长富兰克林·亨特(库尔特·拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)夜晚射伤了一名可疑的流浪汉,随后他请来小镇医生萨曼莎(莉莉·西蒙斯 Lili Simmons 饰)为嫌疑人治疗。

Leng Feng (Wu Jing), who has made many contributions, is sentenced by the military court for killing a bully who forcibly demolished the houses of his comrades in arms in a rage. Long Xiaoyun, a close lover, died heroically while in custody. After he was released from prison, Leng Feng came to Africa from place to place to look for the murderer who killed Xiao Yun. During this period, the country where Leng Feng stayed rebelled, and the Red Scarf Army, a traitor, committed mass murder. When China sent its navy to carry out the evacuation mission, Leng Feng learned that a doctor Chen was trapped in a hospital 55 kilometers away, and the rebels tried to catch him. And from another overseas Chinese (Yu Qian), he learns that the murderer of Xiao Yun is staying in this country. Without the support of the navy, Leng Feng breaks into the battlefield of gunpowder. The indomitable war wolf fights with the ruthless enemy

  由于一怒杀害了强拆牺牲战友房子的恶霸,屡立功勋的冷锋(吴京 饰)受到军事法庭的判决。在押期间,亲密爱人龙小云壮烈牺牲。出狱后,冷锋辗转来到非洲,他辗转各地,只为寻找杀害小云的凶手。在此期间,冷锋逗

  A man struggles to sell his house that is haunted so he arranges four people to live in the house for a few days to prove that there are no ghosts

  A man struggles to sell his house that is haunted so he arranges four people to live in the house

Bernie came back, and the children were very happy. But so did their old enemy Winston, who was about to kidnap the talented dolphin. Kevin and Holly must rescue their fiery friend before it is too late


Dilly, a parolee, was forced to help the police because he saw his daughter for the first time in his life


This film is based on the diary of former Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King. It was shot with super 8 and 16mm cameras, quoted the words of real world characters, and set up a large number of scenes and animations to create a sense of nostalgia for the times. It also smuggled a number of topics such as cross dressing, 3P, shoe fetishism, race and indulgence, exposed the chauvinistic colonial attitude that laid the foundation of Canada, and also created an absurd and strange love story with a false biography of Ka's tragic death


In the early 1990s, Cuban pilot Renee Gonzalez (Edgar Ramirez) defected to the United States and began a new free life, leaving his wife (Penelope Cruz) and young daughter in the communist motherland. But Renee is not just a simple American struggling upstart. He joined the South Florida Hornet. The organization is composed of a group of Cuban exiles, led by secret agent Manuel Veramontes (alias Geraldo Hernandez, played by Gail Garcia Bernal). He became a member of the pro Castro spy circle and was responsible for monitoring and infiltrating Cuban American terrorist organizations, which attempted to attack the socialist republic of Cuba, This is a gripping and unique political thriller with multiple implications. It brings together a group of Cuban nationals and Cuban American exiles, who are involved in a complex and subtle ideological struggle and struggle for loyalty and betrayal< Br/>The film is adapted from The Last Soldiers of the Cold War, a book written by Fernand Moles at his own expense. Olivier Assayas (Carlos, Private Buyer), the screenwriter and director, leads a strong cast (including Penelope Cruz, Edgar Ramirez, Gail Garcia Bernal, Anna de Amas, Leonardo Spaglia and Wagner Marra), An explosive emergency espionage game was launched in the"Mirror Room" across the two neighboring countries, and the decades long confrontation between the two countries has now had a profound impact

  20 世纪 90 年代初期,古巴飞行员瑞尼·贡萨雷斯(埃德加·拉米雷兹饰)叛逃到美国并开始了全新的自由生活,将他的妻子(佩内洛普·克鲁兹饰)和年幼的女儿留在了共产主义的祖国。但瑞尼并不只是一个简单

The real life of Ingrid (Praza), who is crazy about online life, is a mess. When she sees Taylor (Olsen), another Internet talent, living a perfect life, she decides to make friends with Taylor, and a carefully planned false sisterhood begins


  Jennifer Conrad is a small-town girl starting over in the big city. Fleeing an abusive relationship, all she wants is a chance to begin again. But it is hard to start over when something is eating you while you sleep . . . one painful bite at a time

  Jennifer Conrad is a small-town girl starting over in the big city. Fleeing an abusive relationshi

This play was originally used as the novel"Xuan", which describes the half life of Ge's three daughters"Rong" in Beizhai. Describe the"Rong" who came back to Beizhai, looked at his father's back and began to study color, as well as the gesture of secretly falling in love with Beizhai's disciple, the painter"Shanjilang"


Jeanne (Esther Garrel, played by Esther Garrel) is a 20-year-old young girl. After just ending a failed relationship, she decides to go back to her father Jile (Eric Caravaca, played by Eric Caravaca), who has been separated for a long time, to rekindle the estranged relationship between father and daughter. To her surprise, when she returned home, she saw Aliana (Louise Chevillotte), a girl about her own age, who is her father's current lover. At the beginning, the existence of Ariana made Jeanne feel very uncomfortable, because although the girl was young, she had very rich emotional experience and was currently dating many men. But as time went on, a wonderful relationship gradually emerged between Jeanne, Giller and Ariana

  让娜(艾斯特·加莱尔 Esther Garrel 饰)是一个二十岁的年轻女孩,在刚刚结束了一段失败的恋情之后,她决定回到阔别已久的父亲吉勒(埃里克·卡拉瓦卡 Eric Caravaca 饰)家里,

The story takes place after the end of the First World War. Allen (Domnar Gleason, Domhnall Gleeson) completes his mission of defending his country and returns to a peaceful life. Allen hopes to start writing again and bring power to the society with words, but soon he finds that he seems to have lost the ability to write. At the same time, the terrible war has brought great trauma to Allen's soul, which has led him to be tortured by stress
helpless, Allen and his wife Devni (Margot Robbie) moved to the countryside with their family, hoping that the beautiful scenery there can heal his injured soul. His son Billy (Will Tilston) and his beloved teddy bear gave Allen infinite inspiration, which made him start to create the children's book Winnie the Pooh

  故事发生在第一次世界大战结束之后,艾伦(多姆纳尔·格里森 Domhnall Gleeson 饰)完成了自己保家卫国的使命,重新回归了平静的生活之中。艾伦希望执笔重新开始写作,用文字给这个社会带来一

Ren Amari invented revolutionary pharmaceutical software, which can directly create virtual reality in human brain and experience exciting adventures for hours or days in just a few seconds. Ren wants to save his younger brother from the memory puzzle, while his partner is intent on making profits, but everything is a memory chain


The story takes place in a fragmented family. Jaya (Mariana Spivak) and Boris (Aleksey Rozin) have been married for many years. Time and endless quarrels have long worn away their only feelings for each other. It is the family that has come to the brink of division. Not only that, they have found new partners outside, This has accelerated the process of the family's demise
Zhenya and Boris have a 12-year-old son, Alexa (Matvey Novikov). Both of them want to go to free life and are unwilling to inherit Alexa's custody. For the sake of their son's ownership, the couple once again fall into endless fighting. At the height of the war, Alexa disappeared. As his only guardian, Zhenya and Boris began to realize that they must put away their weapons and look for the child together

  故事发生在一个支离破碎的家庭之中,珍亚(玛丽安娜·斯皮瓦克 Maryana Spivak 饰)和鲍里斯(阿列克谢·罗津 Aleksey Rozin 饰)结婚多年,时间和无休无止的争吵早就磨光了两人

A Norwegian girl, Sima, who moved from the countryside to Oslo to start a university freshman life, is simple and naive. She has strong beliefs and strict parental teachings. After entering the school, she had a deep friendship with Anya, a very beautiful classmate. But after an epileptic incident in the library, she began to find that she had the super ability that her parents had always feared. As the semester continued, Sima's liking for Anya became stronger and stronger, but suddenly there were more and more mysterious events. Sima began to find that her super power was related to the family secrets, and she had to face the tragic secrets of her past and the terrible consequences of her super power


Tony, who was blind because of an accident, met Ella, a born deaf mute girl. However, the physical disability caused psychological inferiority and fear, and it was difficult for the two people with physical and mental scars to really open their minds at the beginning. In the process of getting along with each other, they gradually learned that although the world between them is not perfect, it is the most suitable one for each other


In 1425, during the Hundred Years' War in France, Joan of Arc was only 8 years old. She lived in Doremy, a small village, and looked after sheep every day. One day, she told her friend Oviet that she could no longer bear the devastation of the French people by the British army. However, Sister Gervais tried to reason with the young girl and told her not to try to fight. But Joan of Arc is ready to take up arms, fight with the British army to the end, and lead France to liberation


Jim Carnet, Willa Bettans ([Broken House]), Anthony Baron ([Prayer]), and Edouard Bergeon (in the name of the Earth) (Au nom de la terre, temporarily translated) have started up in Mayerne this week. The story depicts a family legend of nearly 40 years. In 1982, Pierre left the United States, returned to his home in Mayana, and bought the most beautiful farm in the region. For many years Pierre and his wife Claire had run the farm business. But in happy times, the couple must also fight against debt and fatigue

  吉约姆·卡内、薇儿拉·贝坦丝([破碎之家])、安东尼·巴容([祈祷])主演,爱德华·贝尔容(Edouard Bergeon)执导[以地球的名义](Au nom de la terre,暂译)本周已

The story is about a young man with a hammer who breaks into his father-in-law's house and tries to kill his father-in-law to avenge his girlfriend, but finds a series of dark jokes hidden under the ordinary family

< p > yusetsu is scheduled to move from KIJIMA to"I want to go to France together" during the tour to aim at Mt. Daigaku. On the way from daijo to daisunotake, Manami spreads the portable drinking water, and the foot is caused by dehydration. KIJIMA is the first to arrive at the mountain hut. The one who was invited from the father and Yoshio Yoshio for the dead mother and took part in the tour is not confident even if it aims at the musician, and it doesn't have confidence. Yui tries to encourage such a tree
In the 3rd year of the p p climbing guide, Yuuki Tachibana (Yuki Yuki) encourages participants to participate in the mountain event to the contributors who want to make Yamashiro. Yamanami Nishi (Yuka kurotani), who is not in the mood, and who doesn't have yamatomo, is haunted by Yuka kumata (Makai Kai), a contributor of the Yamashiro diaries, and it is a sympathy. He participated in the tent night tour to uwadake, together with his son Chiko Nakano (Tsuyoshi Shige and Kazuma Yamane). Yuzuki served as a guide to Takashima KIJIMA (Masa kikawada) and the guide, but on the way, the party was embarrassed by the victory of Sayuri Mishima (Bushi Kurokawa) who was said to be the fiancee of KIJIMA, and Manami could not climb without any acid.

Adapted from real cases. Synopsis: In Wroclaw, Poland, in 2000, a man was brutally killed, but the police investigation was at an impasse. Three years later, a novel called"Amok" came out, and the plot in the novel and the details of the murder were surprisingly consistent. When the police received an anonymous report, Detective Jacek immediately intervened in the investigation. What is the truth? Whether the original author of the novel is really inextricably linked to the murder case

  由真实案件改编而成。剧情简介: 2000年的波兰弗罗茨瓦夫,一名男子被残忍杀害,警方的调查却陷入僵局。三年后,一部名为《杀人狂(Amok)》小说横空出世,小说中的情节和谋杀案的细节竟然惊人地吻合。

The story of a young man who worked with a doctor specializing in resection and treatment after losing his mother


Adapted from the mystery novel of the same name by the writer Seiichi Morimura, this book was published in 1976 as a blockbuster film version co starring the late actor Yoshiko Matsuda and the actress Moliko Okada the next year. In 2004, it was also filmed as a serial version by Takeno and Kazukawa, but changed the era of the play to the modern era. This remake of the special drama version will maintain the setting of the original work in the 1970s. The stage of the story is Tokyo in 1974. It tells the story of a young black man who was stabbed with a knife in the elevator of the hotel where a famous hairdresser (the original work and the film version are fashion designers) held a banquet. Before his death, he left only a sentence of"Stouha", which he did not know what the meaning was. The criminal police Dong Ju Hongyiliang (Fujiwara) and his team of the Police Department investigated the case

  改编自作家森村诚一的同名推理小说,此书1976年出版 隔年已故演员松田优作和女演员冈田茉莉子合演的电影版版大卖座,2004年也曾由竹野内丰和夏川结衣拍摄为连续剧版,但将剧中时代改为现代。此次重拍的

After the murder of a dead body sewn into a cowhide in Fzvav, a detective found that a killer reproduced the method called"plague" used to punish criminals in the 18th century


The story happened in the early 1990s, when AIDS was rampant, and a non-governmental public welfare organization called"ACT UP" came to the public's attention. In addition to homosexual groups, there were also patients suffering from AIDS waiting for medical assistance. The organization hopes to arouse the attention of the public and the government medical departments through some extreme social activities
Nathan (Arnold Valois, Arnaud Valois) is a newcomer who has just joined the organization. Here, he met an active member named Sean (Navel Perez Biscayart, Nahuel P é rez Biscayart). As time went on, feelings gradually developed between them. Sean is seriously ill and his condition is getting worse, but even so, he is still actively involved in the fight. In this process, Nathan's role has gradually changed from a lover to a caretaker. His feelings for Sean and ACT UP have also undergone tremendous changes

  故事发生在九十年代初期,彼时艾滋病肆虐,一个名为“ACT UP”的民间公益组织走到了公众的视线之前,其中汇聚的除了同性恋群体外,还有身患艾滋病等待着医疗救助的病人们。组织希望能够通过一些过激的社会

Marina (Daniela Vega, Daniela Vega) is a transgender person who is living with a man named Orlando (Francisco Reyes, Francisco Reyes). Although Orlando is much older than Marina, he is tolerant and kind, giving Marina many happy memories. However, one night, Orlando was sent to the hospital because of a sudden illness, and eventually died. At this time, Marina did not know that she was going to face more cruel things than losing her lover
Marina wanted to attend Orlando's funeral, but was strictly forbidden by Orlando's ex-wife. At the same time, she will lose her house with Orlando because of her unknown identity. To make matters worse, a private detective was hired to investigate Marina's privacy because she was suspected of involvement in Orlando's death

  玛丽娜(丹妮拉·维加 Daniela Vega 饰)是一名跨性别主义者,和一位名叫奥兰多(弗兰西斯科·雷耶斯 Francisco Reyes 饰)的男子正在同居之中。奥兰多虽然年长玛丽娜许多,但他

Following the launch of two TV movies of Detective Megley series adapted from the works of Belgian writer George Simmonnon in 2016, ITV announced to renew the subscription of two TV movies of this series, which are still starred by"Mr. Bean" Rowan Atkinson, written by Stuart Harcourt. The first one is"Night at the Crossroads", and the second one is"Megley in Montmartre", which is expected to be broadcast in 2017


The Riley family went out for a golden holiday in the Caribbean. After chartering a boat to go to sea, they encountered a breakdown. However, they met a cold-blooded fisherman who pretended to be kind and demanded to extort 1 million dollars. Reilly is on the verge of despair and is under double attack from blackmailers and the police. Can he save his wife and son in time. The film is hanging by a thread


In the future, because of the war and the depletion of resources, the industrial society based on oil will collapse, and people will fight for life and death for gasoline. This is the end of the world scene like hell. Max (Mel Gibson), who has lost friends and relatives, takes his car as his home and continues to fight endlessly with road knights. However, because his V8 lost fuel, Max had to leave the highway and go to an oil well to find fuel under the guidance of a trap hunter. In order to protect the drilling, people in the desert set up defense facilities against the knights Humangus. Max saved a dying drilling guard from the knights, but was detained by the drilling guards. At this time, Humangus led his men to encircle the drilling regiment. At this critical moment, Max designed to fight Humangus

  在未来,因为战争和资源的枯竭,建立在石油之上的工业社会陷入崩溃,人们为了汽油展开生死争夺,这是恐怖如地狱的末世景象。失去了朋友和亲人的麦克斯(梅尔·吉布森 Mel Gibson 饰)以车为家,继续

After the doll killing incident was reported by the media, it caused the toy company that made"Chuqi" to worry about the market prospect. The toy company took back the remains of Chuqi and repaired them, trying to prove to shareholders that the killing toy was just a rumor. However, when the repair was completed, Chuqi immediately came back to life, which caused chaos and eventually escaped. On the other hand, Andy (Alex Vincent) and his mother receive psychological treatment respectively, and a kind couple take care of Andy temporarily. According to the requirements of the charm of soul transfer, if Chuqi wants to avoid the same personal fate as the doll, he must lodge with the first person who knows his secret, that is, Andy. Chuqi has little time left, and he finds Andy again to invade his body. Andy tried his best to avoid Chucky who came to him, but he got the incomprehension and scolding from the adults around him. Kelly, a girl who was adopted with Andy, was also involved in this extraordinary event that the doll took Andy's body


Due to the invasion of the ghost doll Chaqi, Nika Pierce (Fiona Daurif) is regarded as the originator of the orphan niece Alice, and she is also locked up with a diagnosis of mental illness. After a period of treatment, she was allowed to transfer to a facility with a lower level of care. However, her quiet time did not last long. The unexpected visit of Mrs. Valentine (Jennifer Tilly), the guardian of her niece, not only brought the bad news that Alice was dead, but also sent the ghost doll Chaqi to Nikka. In the night of lightning and thunder, the heartbroken Nika cut her wrist and committed suicide. But when she woke up the next day, she found that the wound on her arm had been stitched up, and the words"NOT SO FAST" were written in the blood on the floor. It was strange that she was full of evil, and she would never allow the prey to die so easily

  由于鬼娃娃恰奇的入侵,妮卡·皮尔斯(菲奥娜·道里夫 Fiona Dourif 饰)被看作令外甥女爱丽丝变成孤儿的始作俑者,而她本人也被诊断患有精神疾病给关了起来。经过一段时间治疗,她获准转到某监护

Trish (Gina Philips) and Daly (Justin Lang Justin Long) are driving home on a rural road for vacation. The two bored people are fighting each other. Suddenly, an old and dirty truck tries to overtake, making them nervous. Soon they saw the people who got off the truck throw a bag of things with blood into a pipe in front of the roadside hut. The two of them were very curious and quietly returned to the hut to check despite the experience of being chased by the truck. Daly falls into the pipe and finds that the package is actually a living person with an unknown object sewn into his abdomen. Daly and Trish are shocked and drive away quickly, but a ghost with wings begins to track them all the way. The sister and brother turned to all kinds of people they met on the road for help, which made the nightmare experience more terrible

  翠施(吉娜·菲利普斯 Gina Philips 饰)与戴利(贾斯汀·朗 Justin Long 饰)姐弟俩正驾车行驶在乡村公路上返家度假,无聊的二人彼此唇枪舌剑解闷,突然,一辆老旧肮脏的货车试图超

Ren Dawang (Huang Bo) is determined to train his astronomic son Ren Xiaotian (Rong Zishan) to be a piano player, for which his father and son quarrel constantly. One day, Mozart, a mysterious alien, appeared unexpectedly. Since then, Mozart has helped Ren Xiaotian start a"battle of wits" with his father. To Ren Xiaotian's surprise, Mozart came to the earth with another mission

  任大望(黄渤 饰)一心想把喜好天文的儿子任小天(荣梓杉 饰)培养成钢琴演奏家,为此父子争吵不断。一天,神秘外星人莫扎特意外出现,从此,莫扎特帮助任小天开启了和爸爸“斗智斗勇”的生活。令任小天没有想

After the incredible changes in the last episode, Darden (Ty Simpkins), the eldest son of the Limbaud family, temporarily gets rid of the evil spirits, while Elise (Lin Shaye), the psychic, is in the death room, and Darden's father Josh (Patrick Wilson) is suspected of murder. Because the police need to continue investigating their house, Josh has to take his wife Lanny (Rose Byrne) and three children back to his mother's home temporarily (Barbara Hershey). I thought everything was back to normal, but Lanny and the children seemed to be still haunted by evil spirits
Laurian realized the seriousness of the situation, so he invited Carl (Steve Coulter), the psychic who was second only to Elise, to try to restore everything to normal, but the situation turned to an unpredictable direction

  经历了上一集令人难以置信的变故后,莱姆波特家的长子达尔顿(Ty Simpkins 饰)暂时摆脱恶灵的纠缠,而灵媒伊莉丝(林·沙烨 Lin Shaye 饰)则惨死室中,达尔顿的父亲乔什(帕特里克·威

Li Weijie (Xiao Yang) and his wife, A Yu (Tan Zhuo), have been working in Thailand for 17 years. They have two daughters. At the age of 40, he made a living by setting up an Internet company. He is also very popular with the residents of the town. However, all these things are broken by unexpected visitors. In this border town full of smuggling and drug trafficking, all kinds of powers are intertwined to crush fairness and justice. Li Weijie's eldest daughter Pingping (Xu Wenshan) is raped by Su Cha (Bian Tianyang), the son of Inspector General La Yun (Chen Chong), who kills the other party by mistake because of resistance. Li Weijie once saw the Chief Inspector abuse lynching with his own eyes and knew that the law was useless. In order to protect his daughter and his family, Li Weijie buried the body to cover up all the evidence. In the crisscross gap between time and space, he fought with the police physically and mentally

  李维杰(肖央 饰)与妻子阿玉(谭卓 饰)来泰打拼17年,膝下育有两个女儿,年届四十的他靠开设网络公司为生,为人也颇得小镇居民的好感,而这一切美好却被突如其来的不速之客打破。这个充斥走私,贩毒活动的