
According to the 1993 Mafia cold-blooded kidnapping incident, in a small village in Sicily, the boy Giuseppe suddenly disappeared, and the whole village seemed to have nothing to say; In order to find a little lover, Luna braves the dark world alone... The film uses fairy tales and dreamlike colors to package the cruel real world. In the claustrophobic situation, beauty, kindness and ugliness compete. Only a love letter allows the little lover to connect in his dream and regain hope and salvation! This film is the opening film of Film Reviewer Week of the 2017 Kangcheng Film Festival


At midnight of the New Year, Jeff (Dylan McTee) and Lindsay (Alex Essoe) drive on the dark road. They only talked about love and love, but did not look carefully ahead, so they put on a stranger. They took the injured to the car and prepared to take them to the nearest hospital for treatment, but the other side was cut off in the middle of the road. After some internal struggle, they took the dead home. Jeff found that the license plate was left at the scene, so he drove over again, leaving his wife at home alone. At this moment, Lindsay's sister Hanna (Perla Hali Judlin Perla Haney Jardine) returns home, and the man who should have died suddenly lives up and attacks Hanna. In the chaos, Hanna shoots and kills the other party
Things seem to be getting more and more complicated. Jeff tries to find out the identity of the other party, but finds that

  新年午夜,杰夫(Dylan McTee 饰)和琳德赛(艾丽克斯·埃索 Alex Essoe 饰)这对夫妻驱车行驶在漆黑的路上。两人只顾谈情双爱,没有认真看着前方,结果狠狠装上了一名陌生人。他们将伤

In Sweden in the 1970s, Agne, a hard-working farmer, struggled in the cruel daily work. He hoped to train his teenage son Klas to become his successor to take over his hard-working farm, but his son Klas wanted to stay away from such rural life


The story of the film tells that a veteran (Antonio Banderas) works as a security guard in a shopping mall, but on the first night of his work, a girl who is chased by gangsters runs to the mall to seek refuge. The film is expected to be released in North America this year


Sweet Country took place in 1929 in the inland area of Alice Spring in Northern Territory of Australia. Sam, an experienced native herdsman, is the owner of Harry, a white veteran who retired from World War I. Harry was violent and abused the workers. Sam finally shot him in self-defence. Since then, Sam and his pregnant wife have embarked on a journey of escape, traveling inland, crossing the magnificent desert, and using their jungle survival skills to skillfully escape the law enforcement officers who are chasing after them. But Sam finally turned himself in for interrogation for the sake of his wife's health. In a white supremacy society, can the so-called interrogation show justice

  《甜蜜国度》发生在1929年澳洲北领地爱丽斯泉的内陆区。原住民老练畜牧员Sam 的主人,是从第一次世界大战退役回来的白人老兵Harry。 Harry性情暴戾,虐待劳工,最终被Sam在自卫情况下一枪

Hower (Logan Lehmann) is instantly famous for a novel, but his works also develop a tragedy. His career seems to be in shadow, and his dark secrets in the past become more and more complex


Han Shunyun, an unmarried old woman who retired from the university's academic affairs office, was accompanied by her elderly mother. The two women seem to torture each other, more like the only dependence to support each other to continue to live. One day, she was raped by two little ghosts who sneaked in at midnight. The reason is that her mother


After Su Yike failed in the college entrance examination, he had been loafing around. His mother ordered him to resume his studies at home. Su Yike's uncle was driven out by the landlord because of his strange personality, so his mother had no choice but to take him in. Three people live under the same roof and begin a helpless life


Helen (Lyndsy Fonseca) is a scientist. One day, she received a mysterious call from herself, and then she was in danger. Forced to do so, she had to break into a highly confidential facility and travel back through time and space to prevent a murder

  海伦(琳德西·冯塞卡 Lyndsy Fonseca 饰)是一名科学家。一天,她接到了一通来自自己的神秘电话,随即便深陷于危险之中。迫不得已之下,她不得不闯入一个高度机密的设施并穿越时空回到过去,阻

  Carmen learns that her daughter Maria died in an accident. After a couple of days, she decides to go to her apartment for some paperwork but here she discovers that Maria was about to adopt a Vietnamese girl named Thi Mai. Carmen then decides to go to Vietnam with her friends Elvira and Rosa, although none of the three has ever left Spain in their life. During the search for Thi Mai, they will have the opportunity to experience crazy and hilarious situations caused by cultural differences. They will be accompanied by Dan, a Vietnamese guide, and Andrés, a young Spanish actor going to Hanoi to live with his partner

  Carmen learns that her daughter Maria died in an accident. After a couple of days, she decides to

The film tells the story of a doctor and a magician exposing the corruption of India's medical system


Monica is a popular Internet star who is active on the Internet. One day, she suddenly committed suicide, which has always been very normal in front of the public, and caused a lot of discussion on the Internet. One year after the tragedy, a video of Monica's suicide began to spread on the Internet. In the video, many famous Internet celebrities like her were mentioned. Marisa (Klai Udom Sarantorn) was one of them.
After that, various strange events that could not be explained by science began to appear around Marisa. At the same time, the Internet celebrities whose names were mentioned in the suicide video began to die one after another, The constantly frightened Marissa's spirit began to collapse. Seeing the emaciated Marissa, her boyfriend Ajie decided to find the truth behind this series of events


In a bid, because of his humble attitude, Danus won the project of 6 billion rupees and offended boss Kadrow, the largest construction company in South India. So he was targeted and lost everything. How will he turn the defeat back to victory in the end


When a family was on vacation in the Caribbean, a disastrous change happened. A father found himself at the mercy of a cold-blooded fisherman, so he rushed against all odds to save his wife and son


  A fourteen year old girl meets her uncle who has never really ysgou.cc grown up

  A fourteen year old girl meets her uncle who has never really ysgou.cc grown up

This film is a collection of 25 film directors who are good at bloody or weird scenes. The production unit opens the quota of the 26th director to hold popular votes and compete for the only quota. Among all these masterpieces, who can be called a B-level film master and stand out? Who is the scariest, most disgusting, and most capable of provoking the deepest fear in people's hearts? Let's get our equipment ready and participate in this cultural feast...


Why did the wife reach out to her husband in the bed? In this world, besides suicide, is there any possibility that you can kill yourself? Why can spiders who accidentally kill themselves die? The ignorant girl worships the beautiful teacher and asks the teacher to suffocate herself with fart


Tang Zong, president of Shengtang Group, died suddenly and left his last words. His son, Tang Sen (Bai Ke), accompanied by poor boy Wu Kong (Wang Baoqiang), went to India to find his will. In India, they meet Zhu Tianpeng (Yue Yunpeng), a narcissistic but loyal beauty, and Wu Jing (Liu Yan), a beautiful and sexy beauty with deep secrets. The four of them turn around and form an alliance. The most puzzling thing is why this trip to take a will is so dangerous and dangerous. And the reason why the will is in India is that it hides secrets

  盛唐集团总裁唐宗突然离世并留下遗训,让他的儿子唐森(白客 饰)在穷小子武空(王宝强 饰)的陪同下前往印度寻找遗嘱。在印度巧遇自恋臭美却又忠诚的朱天鹏(岳云鹏 饰),以及美丽性感却深藏秘密的美女吴静

Kangdou (Song Kanghao) is an ordinary and somewhat confused middle-aged man. He takes his daughter Xuanshu (Gao Yacheng) to live with his family, runs a small shop near the Han River, and lives a quiet and peaceful life. Kangdou's father Xifeng (Bian Xifeng) is a kind old man, and his younger brother Nanri (Park Hairi) is the only college student in his family, but he is unemployed and unemployed. He often complains and drinks too much, and is dissatisfied with the reality. Sister Nanzhu (Pei Douna) is an archer, but she often loses her chain at the critical moment. One day, people gathered on the side of the Han River and were surprised to find an unknown monster climbing on the bridge pier. Suddenly the monster rushed to the shore and rushed into the crowd of onlookers. Kang Dou wanted to escape with his daughter at once, but Xuanshu was captured by the monster. This ordinary family was hit unprecedentedly, and the whole city was also facing great enemies. How should they face the monster


Peter was sentenced to prison eight years ago for injuring others. When I returned home from prison, I found that the village had changed a lot. The upper village is controlled by Ma Jiaohua's gang, while the lower village has a big circle gang of big circle men who commit crimes and run rampant in the village. Peter lives with his elder sister, who makes a living by dancing. She advises him not to do anything again, but to be a good man, and introduces him to work at his cousin's fish stall. Peter's friend and son, who has turned over a new leaf, worked as a broker in the car shop and learned English at the community center in the evening, so they met Feng Nu and started their pursuit. Peter also met Jane at the dance. Yazhen comes from the mainland and lives with the Great Circle Han people. She is ready to immigrate to the United States


Yong Sang (Cai Zhennan) is the leader of the Jianguo market. He is wise, powerful, and highly respected. He is deeply respected and loved by his younger brothers. Yong Sang presides over all the affairs in the market. Qing Feng (Sun Peng) is Yong Sang's most trusted subordinate. Although it is not clear, we all know that Qing Feng will take his place after Yong Sang's gold basin is washed
Ah Xiong (Huang Hongsheng), who has been in prison for three years for murder, returns to Yong Sang after he is released from prison. In fact, he does not commit a crime, but takes the place of Qing Feng. Yong Sang attached great importance to Ah Xiong's ability, and even decided to entrust him with the management of the Jianguo market. However, Ah Xiong was unwilling to repeat his mistakes. He just wanted to be a clean person and live a peaceful life. Michael (Wang Yangming) returns from overseas for further study and is bent on changing the corner system that has been followed in the market for many years. He places the first reform goal on Yongsang

  勇桑(蔡振南 饰)是建国市场的老大,英明神武德高望重的他深受手下小弟的敬重和爱戴,市场里大大小小的事务均由勇桑主持。清枫(孙鹏 饰)是勇桑最信赖的手下,虽然并未挑明,但大家都知道,清枫将在勇桑金盆

In mysterious Peru, there is a very rare jam bear. They have a very high IQ and language ability. At that time, Pastuzzo and Lucy, the couple of jam bears, had forged a deep friendship with explorers from London and learned the techniques of suppressing jam. Up to now, a disaster has destroyed the peaceful and happy life of the jam bear. Aunt Lucy sent her naughty nephew on the cruise ship to London and told him to start a new life in that friendly country. The little bear, who came from thousands of miles of wandering, came to Paddington Railway Station in a muddle headed way, but the indifference of contemporary people made him feel frustrated. Fortunately, Little Bear met the Browns and got a nice name - Paddington (Ben Whishaw dubbing). Mary (Sally Hawkins), the kind-hearted hostess, is eager to help Paddington find a place to live, while Henry (Hugh Bonneville), the host, always wants to drive away this unexpected trouble, And Millicent (Nicole Kidman), a herbalist in the Natural History Museum, quietly approaches Paddington with an evil purpose


In mysterious Peru, there is a very rare jam bear. They have a very high IQ and language ability. At that time, Pastuzzo and Lucy, the couple of jam bears, had forged a deep friendship with explorers from London and learned the techniques of suppressing jam. Up to now, a disaster has destroyed the peaceful and happy life of the jam bear. Aunt Lucy sent her naughty nephew on the cruise ship to London and told him to start a new life in that friendly country. The little bear, who came from thousands of miles of wandering, came to Paddington Railway Station in a muddle headed way, but the indifference of contemporary people made him feel frustrated. Fortunately, Little Bear met the Browns and got a nice name - Paddington (Ben Whishaw dubbing). Mary (Sally Hawkins), the kind-hearted hostess, is eager to help Paddington find a place to live, while Henry (Hugh Bonneville), the host, always wants to drive away this unexpected trouble, And Millicent (Nicole Kidman), a herbalist in the Natural History Museum, quietly approaches Paddington with an evil purpose


Aunt Lucy (Imelda Staunton)'s birthday is coming, and Paddington (Ben Whishaw) decides to give her a gift that will make her unforgettable. Finally, Paddington chose a stereoscopic picture book. However, this picture book is the only precious treasure in the world. In order to save money to buy a picture book, Paddington decided to start working. After a series of failures, Paddington finally found a job suitable for him - cleaning the glass window, Paddington, who also appeared at the scene of the crime, was arrested as a suspect and finally put in prison. In prison, Paddington changed the dull atmosphere inside the wall with his love and courage. Outside the prison, the Browns never gave up the opportunity to clean up Paddington's grievances

  露西婶婶(伊梅尔达·斯汤顿 Imelda Staunton 配音)的生日即将到来,帕丁顿(本·威士肖 Ben Whishaw 配音)决定送婶婶一份会让她终生难忘的礼物。最终,帕丁顿选中了一本立体绘

Aunt Lucy (Imelda Staunton)'s birthday is coming, and Paddington (Ben Whishaw) decides to give her a gift that will make her unforgettable. Finally, Paddington chose a stereoscopic picture book. However, this picture book is the only precious treasure in the world. In order to save money to buy a picture book, Paddington decided to start working. After a series of failures, Paddington finally found a job suitable for him - cleaning the glass window, Paddington, who also appeared at the scene of the crime, was arrested as a suspect and finally put in prison. In prison, Paddington changed the dull atmosphere inside the wall with his love and courage. Outside the prison, the Browns never gave up the opportunity to clean up Paddington's grievances

  露西婶婶(伊梅尔达·斯汤顿 Imelda Staunton 配音)的生日即将到来,帕丁顿(本·威士肖 Ben Whishaw 配音)决定送婶婶一份会让她终生难忘的礼物。最终,帕丁顿选中了一本立体绘

Good brothers Ma Haotian (Liu Qingyun), Zhang Ziwei (Zhang Jiahui) and Su Jianqiu (Gu Tianle), who grew up together, work together in the police drug department. After a temporary change of plan, Jianqiu retreats because she can't live a normal life with her wife (Yuan Quan) because of her undercover status. However, with the persuasion of Ah Tian and Zi Wei, the three decide to make a final fight. Jianqiu follows the drug dealer boss Heichai (Lin Guobin) to Thailand to dock with drug dealer Bobby (Lu Huiguang) in order to see the biggest target of the action,"Eight faced Buddha" (Lu Haipeng). A Tianze, Zi Wei and colleague A Yi (Wu Tingye) follow up. Due to the poor cooperation of the Thai police, Jianqiu's identity was exposed. Although Jianqiu promised to continue to complete the transaction, the fuse for failure has been buried. On the day of the transaction, the police were almost annihilated. At the critical moment, Ah Tian held the daughter of the Eight faced Buddha, Maina (Bao'er), ready to escape. The Eight faced Buddha promised to take one of Jianqiu and Ziwei away as long as he returned to Maina. Those who were not selected would be pushed into the crocodile pool, facing the choice of Ah Tian and the dilemma

  从小一起长大的好兄弟马昊天(刘青云 饰)、张子伟(张家辉 饰)和 苏建秋(古天乐 饰)共同效力于警队扫毒科。在一次临时改变计划的行动后,建秋因为卧底身份不能与妻子(袁泉 饰)过正常生活而心生退意,

Good brothers Ma Haotian (Liu Qingyun), Zhang Ziwei (Zhang Jiahui) and Su Jianqiu (Gu Tianle), who grew up together, work together in the police drug department. After a temporary change of plan, Jianqiu retreats because she can't live a normal life with her wife (Yuan Quan) because of her undercover status. However, with the persuasion of Ah Tian and Zi Wei, the three decide to make a final fight. Jianqiu follows the drug dealer boss Heichai (Lin Guobin) to Thailand to dock with drug dealer Bobby (Lu Huiguang) in order to see the biggest target of the action,"Eight faced Buddha" (Lu Haipeng). A Tianze, Zi Wei and colleague A Yi (Wu Tingye) follow up. Due to the poor cooperation of the Thai police, Jianqiu's identity was exposed. Although Jianqiu promised to continue to complete the transaction, the fuse for failure has been buried. On the day of the transaction, the police were almost annihilated. At the critical moment, Ah Tian held the daughter of the Eight faced Buddha, Maina (Bao'er), ready to escape. The Eight faced Buddha promised to take one of Jianqiu and Ziwei away as long as he returned to Maina. Those who were not selected would be pushed into the crocodile pool, facing the choice of Ah Tian and the dilemma

  从小一起长大的好兄弟马昊天(刘青云 饰)、张子伟(张家辉 饰)和 苏建秋(古天乐 饰)共同效力于警队扫毒科。在一次临时改变计划的行动后,建秋因为卧底身份不能与妻子(袁泉 饰)过正常生活而心生退意,

Gao Shou (Liu Dehua), a professional killer, is highly skilled and appreciated by female boss ICE (Wu Yongwei), but unexpectedly arouses the envy of another killer Wang Chang (Zheng Haonan). One day, Gao Shou and his wife met Rufeng (Yuan Yongyi), a female assassin who was just starting out on a mission, and led her away from the scene under the threat of the other party. This encounter left an indelible mark in the hearts of the two people. The tainted witness protected by police officer Dong Hui (Li Zixiong) was killed in public by the judge dressed as Gao Shou during the court session. From then on, Dong Hui began to pursue Gao Shou relentlessly. At the same time, the encounter between Gao Shou and Rufeng ignited their love, while Rufeng knew nothing about Gao Shou's true identity. Soon Gao Shou accidentally missed in a mission. ICE assigned Rufeng to assassinate the loser according to the organization rules of the killer. Wang Chang, who had already killed the police, and Dong Hui, who was pressing against him step by step, also targeted Gao Shou successively

  职业杀手高守(刘德华 饰)手段高强,深得女老板ICE(伍咏薇 饰)赏识,不意却激起另一杀手王昌(郑浩南 饰)的妒恨。某日,高守偶遇初出茅庐执行任务的女杀手如枫(袁咏仪 饰),并在对方的胁迫下带其逃

Ace Vandula (Josh Flitter) is a 12 year old little fat man with no sports talent. Maybe he inherited his father's genes. He loved animals from childhood, especially helping small animals solve problems. In order to cater to his hobby, Ace's mother Melissa (Ann Cusack) specially finds a job in a wildlife park. However, Ace seems to be too obsessed. Some of his behaviors are even similar to animals, which bothers Melissa. She exhorts her son countless times to become normal. Although Ace is careful, he is still itching.
One day, Dingdang, a baby panda from China, was stolen from the zoo, and all the evidence points to Melissa. In order to help her mother get rid of her guilt, with the encouragement of her grandfather, Ace started the journey of looking for Ding Dong

  艾司·范杜拉(乔什·佛雷特 Josh Flitter 饰)是一个12岁没有什么运动天赋的小胖子,也许遗传了父亲的基因,他从小便热爱动物,尤其喜欢帮助小动物们排忧解难。为了迎合他的爱好,艾司的母亲梅

On the way to get scriptures, Tang Monk (Jia Yongquan) and his four apprentices meet a leopard spirit (Wang Yuqing) to rob a relative. After a fight, the outnumbered leopard spirit suddenly dies. The members are very happy. The next day, a group of four people passed by the Niu Demon Palace. They met the Niu Demon King and Princess Iron Fan, who were doing housework. Wukong (Dong Zhihua) was rude and offended Princess Iron Fan. The disciples continued to travel westward. On this day, they came to Chechi State, which is now under the control of demons. Tang Monk and his disciples stayed here for several days, destroyed the demon cave, and restored the peaceful life of the past. Red Boy (Mu Lixin) receives a letter from his mother, Princess Iron Fan. He learns that Monkey King has bumped into his mother and is determined to avenge her. Guanyin Bodhisattva learned that Tang Monk's disciples were in trouble, so he sent disciples Muzha, Jinzha and Nezha to help, and finally accepted Red Boy...
The story is based on Wu Chengen's famous book Journey to the West

  取经路上,唐僧(贾永泉 饰)师徒四人遇到豹精(王玉清 饰)到员外家抢亲,经过一番搏杀,寡不敌众的豹精暴毙而亡,员外一家很是高兴。次日,一行四人途经牛魔宫,踫上牛魔王与铁扇公主闹家务,悟空(董志华

Tangshan (Yen Zidan) returns home after learning medical skills from abroad, and sets up a Western medicine clinic with his assistant Liu Guobang in the slum of Zhabei, Shanghai. In order to get a piece of land, Yu Laoqi (Yu Rongguang), a local axe gang bully, often brings people to beat villagers. Tangshan and Liu Guobang stop the murders and treat the injured villagers voluntarily. In order to stop Yu Laoqi, Tangshan visited the owner of the land, Simon, his teacher when he was in England. Considering Simon's work as the price, Tangshan saved the villagers' land. Yu Xiaoqian (Zhu Yin), Yu Laoqi's younger sister, has been suffering from throat disease for many years and can't speak. Yu Laoqi, who believes in fox immortals, thinks that seeking immortals can cure her sister and rejects western medicine. Xiao Qian meets Tangshan by chance. The sincerity of the latter moves Xiao Qian and makes her undergo surgery. At the same time, the children in the slums disappeared one after another. Tangshan found that the behind the scenes were the Axe Gang and Simon. A fierce battle was inevitable

  唐山(甄子丹 饰)留洋学得医术后归国,与助手刘国邦在上海闸北的贫民区开设西医诊所。当地斧头帮恶霸于老七(于荣光 饰)为了得到一块地皮,经常带人殴打村民,唐山与刘国邦出手制止行凶,又义务诊治受伤村民

Tangshan (Yen Zidan) returns home after learning medical skills from abroad, and sets up a Western medicine clinic with his assistant Liu Guobang in the slum of Zhabei, Shanghai. In order to get a piece of land, Yu Laoqi (Yu Rongguang), a local axe gang bully, often brings people to beat villagers. Tangshan and Liu Guobang stop the murders and treat the injured villagers voluntarily. In order to stop Yu Laoqi, Tangshan visited the owner of the land, Simon, his teacher when he was in England. Considering Simon's work as the price, Tangshan saved the villagers' land. Yu Xiaoqian (Zhu Yin), Yu Laoqi's younger sister, has been suffering from throat disease for many years and can't speak. Yu Laoqi, who believes in fox immortals, thinks that seeking immortals can cure her sister and rejects western medicine. Xiao Qian meets Tangshan by chance. The sincerity of the latter moves Xiao Qian and makes her undergo surgery. At the same time, the children in the slums disappeared one after another. Tangshan found that the behind the scenes were the Axe Gang and Simon. A fierce battle was inevitable

  唐山(甄子丹 饰)留洋学得医术后归国,与助手刘国邦在上海闸北的贫民区开设西医诊所。当地斧头帮恶霸于老七(于荣光 饰)为了得到一块地皮,经常带人殴打村民,唐山与刘国邦出手制止行凶,又义务诊治受伤村民

Fan Zhihong (Wan Ziliang) was once a smart and capable policeman, and now lives a leisurely life after retirement. One day, he heard that Paul, the son of former boss Bai Lang, was kidnapped and his life was in danger, so he joined hands with Xiao Jie, Bai Lang's adopted son (Liu Dehua), to rescue him and finally saved Paul successfully. Sherry (Yao Wei) and Fan Zhihong had a relationship that ended in nothing before. Coincidentally, the girl named Cindy (Jane Huizhen) whom Xiao Jie fell in love with was Sherry's daughter. Soon, Fan Zhihong found that the kidnapping was not as simple as it seemed. Bai Lang is inextricably linked with the Japanese underworld Yamashita Group. In the rescue operation, Fan Zhihong accidentally killed two Japanese, causing the Third Group to send Takata Jinyi (Chen Huimin) to Hong Kong to investigate the truth of the incident

  范志洪(万梓良 饰)曾是一位精明强干的警察,如今过着退休后的闲适生活。某日,他听闻前上司白朗的儿子保罗遭人绑架,性命危在旦夕,于是联手白朗的养子小杰(刘德华 饰)一同前往营救,并最终成功的救出了保

A bank robbery that has been planned for a long time, because the third brother (Liu Ye) comes forward, the gangster finally falls into the law. The third was originally a submarine soldier, who was discharged early due to drowning and brain injury. After he was discharged from the army, the third man still insisted on various kinds of training every day, and did not change his nature of being brave and righteous. The robber Hei Yong (Liu Chengjun) escapes from prison. After seeing his brother, who has become a vegetable, Hei Yong decides to save his brother from the close supervision of the police. Xiaohui (Zhang Zilin), the third child's girlfriend, is the sister of Captain Han (Jiao Enjun). To achieve his goal, Heiyong kidnaps Xiaohui. In order to save Xiaohui, the third brother and the team Han started to fight with the gangsters in their own way...
Directed by the new director Ding Sheng, this film is the sequel to the 2008 hardline humorous police bandit film Hard Guy

  一桩策划已久的银行抢劫案,由于老三(刘烨 饰)挺身而出,歹徒最终落入法网。老三原本是一名潜艇兵,由于救战友溺水脑部受伤提前退伍。退伍之后,老三依旧每日坚持各种训练,并且不改见义勇为的本性。劫犯黑勇

In the 1960s, American forces penetrated into Asia. For this reason, the government implemented a top secret plan, the Soldier Reconstruction Plan, which created soldiers into ruthless and powerful super soldiers by means of drug injection. With the continuous improvement of technology, under the auspices of Dr. Robert Colin, the White Pagoda Program was launched again to successfully create a more perfect second generation super soldier. However, 12 second-generation soldiers fled after an accident, and Dr. Colin, who was suspected of treason, was also expelled from Eastern Europe. Shortly thereafter, the reconstituted soldiers occupied Chernobyl. The US military decided to send four remaining soldiers to defeat the dangerous monsters, but when they were all killed ruthlessly, the military could only send the fifth generation soldier, Luke Davolox (Jean Claude Van Damme), Against the powerful opponent Andrew Scott (Dolph Lundgren, Duff Longer)


In the 1980s, three young people with passion and dreams met on the campus of Yanjing University, an institution of higher learning. From then on, they embarked on a journey of friendship and dreams that lasted for 30 years. Meng Xiaojun (Deng Chao), born in a family of overseas students, is eager to change the world on the land of the United States. Romantic and free Wang Yang (Tong Dawei) enjoys the vigorous youth atmosphere in the early days of reform and opening up. Cheng Dongqing (Huang Xiaoming), a rural youth who failed in the college entrance examination twice, studies hard with Xiaojun as the goal, and has reaped good love. However, only Xiaojun, one of the three friends, finally got a visa to the United States. The huge gap between reality and dream hit Dongqing and Wang Yang. By chance, with the help of Wang Yang, Dongqing, who was expelled from public office, started an English training school and began to enjoy the joy of success. Xiaojun, who was not developing well in the United States, returned home and joined the school, which undoubtedly promoted the three friends to take a big step towards their dreams

  20世纪80年代,三个怀有热情和梦想的年轻人在高等学府燕京大学的校园内相遇,从此展开了他们长达三十年的友谊和梦想征途。出生于留学世家的孟晓骏(邓超 饰)渴望站在美国的土地上改变世界,浪漫自由的王阳

Michelle (Christy Chung), the only witness of a homicide case in Hong Kong, is being chased by a killer because her fiance is a wealthy businessman with close relationship with senior officials in the mainland. Xu Zhengyang (Jet Li), a skilled Chinese special police officer, is assigned by the central government to Hong Kong to protect Michelle. When they first met, they looked at each other and hated each other, but gradually found out the advantages of each other and developed feelings. However, because of their identity and nature of work, Xu Zhengyang tried his best to suppress his feelings, but he could not help worrying about his gains and losses when he deliberately avoided. Just when they felt they had no choice, an extremely dangerous killer quietly approached them

  香港地区一起杀人案的唯一目击证人Michelle(钟丽缇 饰)正被杀手追杀,因为其未婚夫是与大陆高层关系密切的富商,身手不凡的中国特警许正阳(李连杰 饰)便被中央委派去香港保护Michelle  

Michelle (Christy Chung), the only witness of a homicide case in Hong Kong, is being chased by a killer because her fiance is a wealthy businessman with close relationship with senior officials in the mainland. Xu Zhengyang (Jet Li), a skilled Chinese special police officer, is assigned by the central government to Hong Kong to protect Michelle. When they first met, they looked at each other and hated each other, but gradually found out the advantages of each other and developed feelings. However, because of their identity and nature of work, Xu Zhengyang tried his best to suppress his feelings, but he could not help worrying about his gains and losses when he deliberately avoided. Just when they felt they had no choice, an extremely dangerous killer quietly approached them

  香港地区一起杀人案的唯一目击证人Michelle(钟丽缇 饰)正被杀手追杀,因为其未婚夫是与大陆高层关系密切的富商,身手不凡的中国特警许正阳(李连杰 饰)便被中央委派去香港保护Michelle  

The Israeli soldiers knocked on the door of a middle-class family and announced that their soldier's son was killed in battle, his wife fainted, and his husband was trapped in the grief that he had no place to hide and had to rely on self mutilation to vent. The couple were heartbroken and in great disorder. When they were accepting the reality and arranging the funeral, the military sent a notice again, informing the wrong family just now that another soldier who died had the same name as their son. He was very sad and happy, but his father was not completely relieved. He used his relationship to let the military quickly withdraw his son from the border. Unexpectedly, on the way home, there are many changes, but things have twists and turns, and unexpected turns have taken place


Naples is a city full of magic and superstition, madness and rationality. Adiana, the coroner, met Andre, a handsome young man, who was burning with firewood, years of taboos, and the coquettish strength of the Italian people, which flowed for thousands of miles... Two days later, what appeared on the autopsy table was a familiar and unfamiliar figure


Alex, a little boy, was sent to a juvenile detention center in the mountains by his parents because he accidentally killed a little girl. There is only one exit and one key. Boys and girls were managed separately. The school always heard strange songs in the middle of the night. The school administrator was also expressionless. There was always a rumor that girls had escaped from the school, but no one could prove it. In the juvenile detention center, they met a girl named Isabel. Alex and his four friends began to plan to escape and explore the secret of the juvenile detention center


The film tells a fragile love story between Ukrainian boys and girls. Anton, a musician obsessed with music, returned to Ukraine after treatment. Katya, an ordinary girl, is a musician who tries to find her own way of life, although she is planning to move to Berlin with her boyfriend. They met at the most critical moment. Two confused young people are trying to find their place in the society. After a few happy days together


Adapted from Lauren Oliver's best-selling novel of the same name. Samantha Kingston (played by Joyd District) had an accident on the night of February 12. She felt that she would fall down endlessly, but a sound interrupted the silence. She woke up and the alarm clock had been ringing for 20 minutes. It's 6:50 in the morning, February 12. After the accident, Samantha found that she kept returning to this day, and each of her different decisions and choices had a profound impact. She gradually realized that she seemed to have a mission to accomplish something and change someone's life. Maybe she came back to this day again and again, not to save herself, but to save another person

  萝伦奥立佛同名畅销小说改编。莎曼珊金斯顿(柔伊德区 饰演)在2月12日晚上发生意外,她感觉自己将永无止尽地坠落,但一个声响打断沉默,她醒过来了,闹钟已经响了二十分钟。现在是早上六点五十分,2月12

Catherine's father left her a deserted house when he died. She wants to dispose of the house and leave here as soon as possible. Catherine has a deep impression on this house, but she can't recall everything here. However, local residents say that there have been strange disappearances and suspected murders here... In the face of the past, did her family hide anything from her? Or did she choose to forget the past? In this horrible house, strange things happen constantly: the door is opened, and strange sounds come from the basement. Catherine wants to leave but also wants to trace the family's past. Will she have enough courage to explore the inner darkness to liberate herself? Or will they be hurt by the family's original sin


  A restless photographer leaves her family to "find herself" and takes up deep-sea diving

  A restless photographer leaves her family to "find herself" and takes up deep-sea diving

A film invested by Netflix tells a story about a great man: Milada Hor á kov á, born in Prague during the Austro Hungarian Empire, was 17 years old during the First World War. He was expelled from school for taking part in an anti war march, and later devoted himself to women's equality and children's welfare. In 1940, he was arrested by the Gestapo for participating in the underground resistance organization and imprisoned in a concentration camp in Germany. The German authorities asked the German court to sentence him to death, But the court finally sentenced her to return to Prague after World War II in 1945; In 46, she ran for election as a member of parliament and continued to focus on women's equal rights. In the 48 year coup, she resigned to protest and publicly criticized the Czech Communist Party for being undemocratic. Arrested in 49, In 50 years, Milada was sentenced to hanging for the crime of"enemies of the state and the people". Under the arrangement of the Soviet Communist Party, she and 12 other people's trial was broadcast live, and finally four people were sentenced to hanging. Milada was rehabilitated after 1989. A street in Prague was named after her. The day when she was executed was also listed as the anniversary of the victims of the Czech totalitarian system. Milada's last words:"I hold my head high, even though it may fall to the ground, people will fall down in the battle, but if we don't fight, will we still live

  Netflix投资的一部电影,了解了一个了不起的人,一段历史:Milada Horáková,出生于奥匈帝国时期的布拉格,一战时17岁,因为参加反战游行,被学校开除,之后致力女性平权和儿童福利,1

A pair of parents suddenly become extremely violent to their children for unknown reasons. In this crazy 24 hours, the young girl and brother must survive alone


The film is composed of five short films, directed by Mick Garris ("The Master of Terror","London Wolf Girl"), Joe Dent ("The Law Enforcer in Heaven","Buried Ex Girlfriend Alive"), David Slade ("Hard Candy","Twilight City 3"), Longping Beicun ("No One Lives","The Noon and Night Cannibal Train"), and Alejandro Brugu é s ("Juan Zombie","Kill a Dawn")

  该片由5个短片构成,米克·加里斯(《恐怖大师》《伦敦狼女》)、乔·丹特(《天堂执法者》《活埋前女友》)、大卫·斯雷德(《水果硬糖》《暮光之城3》)、北村龙平(《无人生还》《午夜食人列车》)、 Al

Fiona Maye, a famous judge of the High Court, whose marriage with the professor's husband came to the critical point of breaking, was confronted with a difficult case: should a leukemia patient under the age of 18 who refused to accept blood transfusion therapy be forced to live? Maye went to the hospital to visit the sick boy Adam. This conversation brought about a profound impact on the two of them. It not only made Adam have a new strong feeling, but also inspired Maye's deep feelings

  一位声名显赫的高等法院法官Fiona Maye,她和教授丈夫的婚姻来到破碎的临界点,而一项棘手的案件又摆在她面前:是否应该强迫一位未满18岁、拒绝接受输血治疗的白血病患者活下去?Maye前去医院探

In the middle of the 19th century, it was a remote place in the Basque region of Spain. Alfred Ortiz (Ram ó n Agirre), who is well dressed, comes to a local town. He claims to work for the provincial government. The purpose of this trip is to find the blacksmith, Percy Francisco (Candido Ulanga Kandido Uranga), who was the first one to be nicknamed"Hammer", to understand things. According to the local population, Hammer is grumpy and difficult to get along with. His blacksmith shop is in ruins. It is said that this blacksmith is regarded as a devil. Before long, the men in the small town found out the real intention of Ortiz. It was said that Carlos' gold was hidden in the blacksmith's shop after the Spanish bourgeois revolution a few years ago. The greedy townsman and Ortiz go to the blacksmith's shop, but they don't know that this is where the hell devil haunts...
This film is adapted from Spanish folk stories

  19世纪中叶,西班牙巴斯克地区一个偏远所在。衣着考究的阿尔弗雷德·奥提兹(Ramón Agirre 饰)来到了当地一个小镇,他自称为省政府工作,此行的目的是找当第一个外号“铁锤”的铁匠帕尔西·弗朗

This film is based on a true story. During the Second World War, 12 Norwegian sabotage teams infiltrated the German port of residence in Norway and carried out the sabotage plan code named"Red Martin". Eleven people were arrested, and the 12th person escaped and took the secret documents back to Britain


Essen Enterprise is a large French enterprise with 90000 employees. One day, Dama, a financial analyst, jumped down from the top floor of the enterprise headquarters and ended her life
When the Ministry of Labor intervened in the investigation, Emily, the manager of the Human Resources Department, said that Dama's death was purely due to"personal factors." Only Emily's secretary knew that Dama had been rejected because of her application for transfer. She went to Emily many times, but she was repeatedly ignored. Mary, the labor inspector, has 2500 companies in her area. Her responsibility is to maintain the occupational safety of 30000 employees. She is convinced that Dama's choice to commit suicide in the workplace is a warning. She perseveres and finds that an enterprise management law called"Ambition Plan" in Essen aims to force 9000 employees to leave their jobs automatically without"severance" through transfer. If it can be proved that the HR manager is trying to force Damma away, Emily will face the crime of"workplace bullying" or even"negligent homicide". When the senior manager of Essen decides to blame Emily for all the crimes, how can Xiaoxiami fight against the whale? How should Emily fight back

  埃森企業是擁有九萬名員工的法國大型企業。某天一名財務分析師達瑪從企業總部頂樓一躍而下,結束了自己的生命  當勞動部介入調查,人力資源部的經理艾蜜莉表示達瑪的死純粹是因為「私人因素」,只有艾蜜麗的秘

This is a comedy directed by Jack Goldberg and acted as a screenwriter, starring Freddy Heimer, Odya Rush and Christopher Miloni


This film is compiled and directed by Clio Barnard. It is adapted from the 2010 novel of Ross Tremme. The story revolves around a brother and sister who try to get rid of the family pain in the past


Jesse (Katie Sackhoff) leaves her daughter Chloe (Lucy Boynton) when she is very young. For a long time, Jesse's heart is full of guilt for her daughter. Finally, she got a chance to make up for her mistakes and took Chloe back home. However, what Jesse did not expect was that with Chloe's return, strange events that could not be explained by science began to happen around her one after another, and all these seemed to be inextricably linked to Chloe's past, Her neighbor is a strange mother-in-law called"witch". Ignorant Chloe and his friends often tease the lonely old man. For children, their excessive behavior is just a fun game, but for the old man, ignorant children commit unforgivable mistakes

  杰西(凯缇·萨克霍夫 Katee Sackhoff 饰)在女儿克洛伊(露西·宝通 Lucy Boynton 饰)很小的时候就离开了她,长久以来,杰西的内心里都充满了对女儿的愧疚。终于,她得到了一个

This film focuses on three families - a passionate newlywed couple, a father and daughter who disagree with each other, and a mother and son who clean up the mess. The newly married couple's feelings are in crisis. The husband often beats his wife, which makes the father-in-law and mother-in-law worried about their daughter's situation. But why is the alarm invalid? The discordant father and daughter are because their daughter fell in love with a 63 year old man. How can a father younger than his son-in-law accept this? The third pair was that the mother in hospital was about to leave the hospital. The son hired a baby sitter for his family. Although the mother stopped him, he still fell in love with her. Three stories, three different emotions and choices, how they will be intertwined


The earth has experienced a devastating disaster. As a lonely survivor, Juliet must strive to find materials and shelter. On the way to the nearby waste city, she fell into a coma after a car overturn accident. When she woke up, she found herself in a dark desert, her leg was broken, she was hungry and thirsty, and unknown creatures were approaching. And all these realities seem to have a mysterious connection with her past, and the emotional memories of the past are gradually emerging. Let memories and reality, civilization and collapse, stir up unexpected results. The beautiful heroine Brittany Ashworth is trapped in the car for most of her plays, but with her superb acting skills, she performs breathtaking rival plays with the famous"ghost star" Javier Burt (Record Ghost"," Mother Invasion"," Bloody Red Villa"," It"), who plays Ah Piao through a car door


Yan Daipeng, a hot blooded criminal policeman (Bo Gui) belonging to the 6th series of the"Special Search Countermeasure Room" of the Search Class of the Police Video Hall, visited the Kyoto government police together with Minghai Lisha (Jingxiang Suzuki), a high-intelligence senior who is good at text interpretation, and Cao Jiashen, the director (Xianyi Endo). Three days ago, a strange event occurred in Beijing. On the body of the deceased coffee shop owner, Yongsuke Wucun, the character"male" was found in red ink with three Chinese characters connected together. Strangely, five years ago, two IT professionals were also killed in Tokyo, leaving red ink characters of"Bug" and"Pin" at their respective sites. The case that is still unresolved was left at the scene of the incident. Peng and Lisha noticed that all the characters left at the scene were"Pin" characters with three Chinese characters connected together. They think it is very likely that the murderer committed the crime again after five years. Although this conjecture was denied by the boss, Peng and Lisa still did not give up and continued to search for the truth of time< Br/>At this time, they learned that the murdered Wu Cun had worked for the largest software company four or five years ago. Moreover, two days before Wu Cun was killed, he met with the president of the software company. In order to further search for clues, Peng and his colleagues went to the software company together, but they were turned away< Br/>At that moment, there was a new murder in the Tokyo Metropolitan. Seeing the red ink"pin" shaped characters left at the scene, Lisa immediately changed her eyes and saw the complexity of the incident

  隶属于警视厅搜查一课“特命搜查对策室”第6系的热血刑警矢代朋(波瑠 饰),与擅长文字解读的高智商前辈鸣海理沙(铃木京香 饰)以及主任草加慎司(远藤宪一 饰)一起来到京都府警拜访。3天前,在京都市内

The film depicts the life of young rich farmer Andre. Andre was educated, smart and strong. His wife, Crute, was gentle and tolerant. They bought a deserted farm together and wanted to start a new life here. Their neighbor Pell was rude and refused to cooperate. Andre wanted to build the canal with Perrault, but there were always contradictions. Perrault also killed his hound and even set up the scene so that Andre could not accuse him of his crime. Andre thinks that Perrault is a complete rogue who is bent on seeking revenge, while Crute always mediates the contradiction between her husband and neighbors. As the years passed,"justice" became the most important thing in Andrea's heart, but this"justice" only brought him loneliness


The film is about a 13-year-old boy who disappeared for a week. He was triggered by his father's death and longed to live in harmony with death in the natural environment, but his mother and teacher could not understand his behavior. The film was launched in the autumn of 2017, and the second shooting started in April 2018, and was finalized in June


Lucas Hutchison, Sterling K Brown, Kevin Harrison Jr. ("The Earth World","A Visit in the Night") and Taylor Russell ("Suddenly Seven Days","Lost in Space") joined A24 to create a new musical theme film"Waves", which was edited and directed by Terry Edward Schaltz ("A Visit in the Night","Clesha"), Shooting in Florida next month
tells the story of two young couples growing up and falling in love in the emotional minefield. It is described as"a dramatic song and dance film with a new perspective, a dynamic and touching ode to contemporary youth life". The film almost keeps pace with the music, combining some iconic contemporary songs with the original soundtrack of Oscar winner Trent Reznor&Atticus Ross (Social Network, Dragon Tattoo Girl)


A group of teenage boys patrol the streets of Naples with pistols and AK-47s to carry out the orders of their mob leaders


Ah Juan (Cai Jiayin) is supposed to be a happy 30-year-old young woman, but her 105 kg weight always makes her the object of discussion and ridicule around. In a gloomy life, only warm food can give Ah Juan a little comfort, but this is obviously a vicious cycle. On her birthday, her mother gave Ah Juan a set of weight loss courses as a gift, Although Ah Juan was reluctant to face setbacks in her life, she also knew that she had to embark on the journey of losing weight. In the process, Ajuan met a courier named Wu Haoren and learned about his tragic past hidden under the cheerful appearance; In the process of accidental collision, he broke the women's dress secret of the model boy in the eyes of others. One after another, Ah Juan began to understand that everyone has his own abyss

  阿娟(蔡嘉茵 饰)本该是一个快乐的30岁女青年,可是她105公斤的体重总让她成为周遭人议论和嘲笑的对象,灰暗的生活中,只有温暖的食物才能带给阿娟一丝丝的安慰,但这显然是一种恶性循环  在生日这一天

Otis, 12, is a rising TV star in Hollywood. When his career began to flourish, his father, who had once acted as a circus clown, returned to him and became his guardian. Outside the set, Otis stayed with his father in a motel on the edge of the city and endured the abuse of his arrogant and domineering father. Baby Boy follows two timelines, showing the controversial relationship between a father and his son and their attempts to repair their mental disorders over the past decade; El's amazing cooperation once again depicts a painful but enlightening self portrait of growth. Shia LaBeouf's script goes deep into Otis's spiritual world and unearths the scars and unpleasant truth left by the abuse; Alma has contributed exciting and personal style of directing skills, and has never forgotten the warm and moving core of the film. Two outstanding young actors - Noah Jupe and Lucas Hedges - played Otis of different ages respectively. Their performances filled with tension created a powerful and simple role. His feelings were driven by the desire for anger and forgiveness. These two feelings seemed contradictory, but they really coexisted


At his first show in LA for 10 years, Chappelle charges straight into the fire with bits on Bill Cosby, O.J. Simpson, and his own brushes with diversity
J Simpson and his past disturbances directly pushed the scene to a climax

  At his first show in LA for 10 years, Chappelle charges straight into the fire with bits on Bill C

Boy Charlie is a rising star on the football field. When he plays, everything seems to be under his control. At present, there is a top club that wants to sign with him very much. For him, the future seems so beautiful, and success seems to be in front of him. However, what is little known is that Charlie always feels that a girl's soul lives in his heart. He not only wants to achieve his father's long cherished dream, but also wants to face himself and become a man named Charlie. Seeing that the secret can no longer be concealed, Charlie's decision may tear his family relationship apart, or drag his perfect world into doubt, prejudice and confusion

  男孩查理是足球场上一颗冉冉升起的新星,当他踢球时,一切仿佛都在他的掌控之中。目前有一家顶尖的俱乐部非常想和他签约,对他来说未来似乎是那么美好,而成功也仿佛就在眼前。 然而鲜为人知的是,查理一直觉得

Devni (Emmanuelle Seigner) has just published her debut work. Unexpectedly, it became popular overnight, and the interview signing followed. After the joy of becoming famous gradually cooled down, Devni began to prepare for the next work. What made her feel suffocated was that inspiration seemed to have abandoned her. Before the blank document, she was unable to type the first word. Francis (Vincent Perez) is a program host, and the indissoluble relationship between them has also become another source of pressure for Devni
At the most painful moment of Devni, a mysterious woman named Ellie (Eva Green) appeared in her life. Aili claims to be a shadow biographer. Because of an accident at home, she hopes to live in Devni's home. The appearance of Aili has become the lifeline of Devni, and this wonderful woman has become the strong backing of Devni not only in her career, but also in her life

  德芙妮(艾玛纽尔·塞尼耶 Emmanuelle Seigner 饰)刚刚出版了她的处女作,没想到一夜爆红,采访签售接踵而至。在成名的喜悦渐渐冷却之后,德芙妮开始筹备起下一部作品来,可让她感到窒息的

The story is adapted from Rebecca Skloot's documentary literature. The title character Henrietta Lacks was a black woman suffering from cancer in the 1950s. In 1951, medical researchers illegally obtained cancer cells from her, but the results led to a shocking medical breakthrough - not only changing the fate of many people, but also the entire medical community. It is said that the cells of Henrietta Lacks were used to create the first"immortal" human stem cell, which survived one week after implantation. The plot deeply exposes the arrogance, arrogance, race, poverty and other problems in the medical field, and deeply analyzes how"the most unlikely person to be a friend" establishes"the deepest friendship". Rose Byrne plays Rebecca Skloot, a young female journalist who is investigating the story of Henrietta Lacks and her"immortal" cells. She has established a close friendship with Henrietta's daughter, Deborah, who is charismatic but complex< Br/>After more than ten years of research, Rebecca finally wrote the famous"The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks". This book immediately appeared on the New York Times bestseller list after its publication, and stayed on the list for a full four years, with far-reaching influence. (cr Tianya Xiaozhu)

  故事根据Rebecca Skloot的纪实文学改编。标题人物Henrietta Lacks是上世纪五十年代一位身患癌症的黑人女性,1951年医学研究者非法从她身上获取了癌细胞,结果却引出了令人震惊

The story takes place during the Second World War, when France was occupied by German forces and Nazism was rampant in the area. Morris (Batyste Fleurial, JB) and Joe (Dorian Le Clech, Dorian Le Clech) are Jewish brothers who live in France. Their father supports children by running a barbershop. Although they live a hard life, they are very close to each other, The tolerance of the society towards Jews is also declining rapidly. The brothers were ostracized by their classmates at school because of their blood lineage. Seeing that the momentum was not right, his father decided to let Morris and Joe escape to the free zone first, and then he followed. The family met in Nice. In this way, the two children embarked on the journey of escape

  故事发生在第二次世界大战期间,法国被德军占领,纳粹主义在当地横行。莫里斯(巴蒂斯特·弗勒里埃尔 Batyste Fleurial 饰)和乔(多里安·勒·克利奇 Dorian Le Clech 饰)

Maria Theresia von Paradis, a blind pianist, regained part of her vision because of special treatment by a doctor. But when she got her sight, God took away her sensitivity to music. The sound of a good piano, which was originally superb, became mediocre because she could see the keyboard. The story is adapted from real people and stories

  讲述一位失明钢琴家Maria Theresia von Paradis,因为得到某位医师的特别治疗而重获部分视力。但当她得到视力后,上天却夺去她对音乐的敏感度,本来弹得一手出神入化的好钢琴,却因为

  A shy small-town Ohio girl who loves movies but dislikes reality, discovers the delightfully bizarre films of Federico Fellini, and sets off on a strange, beautiful journey across Italy to find him

  A shy small-town Ohio girl who loves movies but dislikes reality, discovers the delightfully bizar