  Griffin Dunne’s years-in-the-making documentary portrait of his aunt Joan Didion moves with the sp
  The turbulent life of soul and blues singer, the late Joe Cocker. A former gas fitter from Sheffie
祇园的女人们 ~京都花街物语~

Huang Yinggu (Xue Jiayan) is optimistic by nature and self-sufficient with her daughter Sun Minhua (Wang Lin) and her family. Ying is very friendly with her neighbor Wang Zhixiang (Xu Shaoxiong), and her son Wang Jian (Wu Qihua) treats Ying as a reborn mother. At present, corruption is prevalent in Hong Kong. The British who work at stalls are in debt, and they occasionally pay for the dead and sit in prison for several days. Once, without knowing where to go, Ying answered that she should replace the dead ghost. As a result, she was sentenced to death as a murderer. The British executioner cut the braid and ordered Xiang, a prison guard, to give it to Hua as a souvenir. After Ying died, the ghost was attached to her braid, but she couldn't come out because the braid was left in the evidence room with the public portrait. She had been trapped for more than ten years...
In a flash, Jian had grown up and became a policeman. The honest Jian was only responsible for guarding the evidence room because he didn't want to embezzle. Jian found Ying's braid in the evidence room, and they finally knew each other. Ye Jiasheng (Zhang Zhaohui), who drove the accident to Ying in those years, was promoted to be a detective, and the image of Guan Gong was relocated, so that Ying's enemies were freed again. Ying misses Hua, and Jian actively helps her find Hua's whereabouts; The sword also gets Ying's help to solve strange cases. Maybe it's fate. Ying finds Hua, but she finds Hua as the victim


Huang Yinggu (Xue Jiayan) is optimistic by nature and self-sufficient with her daughter Sun Minhua (Wang Lin) and her family. Ying is very friendly with her neighbor Wang Zhixiang (Xu Shaoxiong), and her son Wang Jian (Wu Qihua) treats Ying as a reborn mother. At present, corruption is prevalent in Hong Kong. The British who work at stalls are in debt, and they occasionally pay for the dead and sit in prison for several days. Once, without knowing where to go, Ying answered that she should replace the dead ghost. As a result, she was sentenced to death as a murderer. The British executioner cut the braid and ordered Xiang, a prison guard, to give it to Hua as a souvenir. After Ying died, the ghost was attached to her braid, but she couldn't come out because the braid was left in the evidence room with the public portrait. She had been trapped for more than ten years...
In a flash, Jian had grown up and became a policeman. The honest Jian was only responsible for guarding the evidence room because he didn't want to embezzle. Jian found Ying's braid in the evidence room, and they finally knew each other. Ye Jiasheng (Zhang Zhaohui), who drove the accident to Ying in those years, was promoted to be a detective, and the image of Guan Gong was relocated, so that Ying's enemies were freed again. Ying misses Hua, and Jian actively helps her find Hua's whereabouts; The sword also gets Ying's help to solve strange cases. Maybe it's fate. Ying finds Hua, but she finds Hua as the victim


This play is adapted from the novel of the same name by Douglas Adams. Elijah Wood plays Todd, and Samuel Barnett plays Dirk. In the second season, Dirk is performing a new task of"looking for boys". At the same time, the play also tells a variety of things, including the magical continent of Blackwing, Bergsberg and Wendimoor

  该剧改编自道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams)的同名小说,伊利亚·伍德(Elijah Wood)饰演托德(Todd),塞缪尔·巴奈特(Samuel Barnett)饰演德克(Dirk) 

James (Alex Lawther, Alex Lauser) appears to be an ugly 17-year-old boy. In fact, at a young age, he calls himself a pervert and takes pride in it. He not only harms his body without fear, but also enjoys killing small animals. At school, James meets a girl named Eliza (Jessica Barden), who is depressed and cynical, and with rebellious nature, attracts James's attention. James decided to make her the first person he killed. On a certain date, James decided to carry out his killing plan, but he saw Eliza arguing with her stepfather in the midst of a collision. Eliza hated the town and her life. She invited James to escape with her to find her biological father

  詹姆斯(埃里克斯·劳瑟 Alex Lawther 饰)表面看来是一个其貌不扬的17岁男孩,实际上,年纪轻轻的他自诩为变态,并且以此为荣,他不仅毫无恐惧的伤害自己的身体,还以残杀小动物为乐。在学校里

In 1506 AD, the Yanshan Emperor (Li Dongjian) was tyrannical and unruly. His ministers launched a coup, and established the younger brother of the Yanshan Emperor: Jincheng Dajun (Yan Yuzhen) as the king, who became the Emperor Zhongzong of Korea. Zhongzong and Princess Shen Caijing (Piao Minying) are deeply in love with each other, but because his father is a trusted general of Yanshan Lord, Caijing was deposed under the pressure of officials after only seven days as a princess. The two people who fell in love but could not stay together and were forced to separate spent their whole lives thinking about each other, leaving the most unforgettable love tragedy in Korean history

  公元1506年,燕山君(李东健 饰)暴虐无道,群臣发动政变,拥立燕山君之弟:晋城大君(延宇振 饰)为王,即位为朝鲜中宗。中宗与王妃慎彩景(朴敏英 饰)鹣鲽情深,却因其父为燕山君的心腹大将,让彩景仅

  Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond The Lobby sees Giles Coren and Monica Galetti roll up their sleeves to work alongside staff in some of the most extraordinary hotels across the globe
  With wonder, curiosity and humour, they learn tricks of the trade and discover what it takes to offer once-in-a-lifetime experiences in awe-inspiring locations.

  Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond The Lobby sees Giles Coren and Monica Galetti roll up their sleeves to

Whispers is a suspenseful love drama set in the largest law firm in South Korea, which tells about the hero and heroine who expose their behavior against money and power ethics


Youth Age 2 tells the story after Youth Age."Yin Zhenming" successfully applied for a job. Zheng Yien, who suffered from dating violence, suspended from school for one year. Song Zhiyuan, who is more urgent than looking for a job and falling in love, still remains single. Liu Encai, who successfully fell in love for the first time, fell into the pain of lovelorn. Jiang Yina's spare room is occupied by her new roommate, Zhao En


In the first year of the Tang Dynasty, the world was prosperous. However, a prediction about"seven generations of resentful couples" made people panic all day long. It is said that the Devil's Way will win the world by the power of seven generations of enemies. From then on, the world will become an endless hell. Yan Chixia (Yuan Hua), the authentic master of Xuanxin, has fought with the Six Demons (Luo Jialiang), who were killed by Yan Chixia and left a son for seven nights (Nie Yuan). Twenty years later, a scholar named Ning Caichen (Chen Xiaodong) comes to Nanguo Town, which is revered by evil spirits. Before entering the town, Ning Caichen met many strange things one after another. First, he is scared to death by the fox demon Nie Xiaoqian (Xu Xiyuan), who pretends to be a ghost, and then he meets a mysterious girl Ma Hongye (Xuan Xuan), who is very confusing. After entering the town, he was even pestered by Zhuge Liuyun (Wu Jing), who called himself Yan Chixia's chief disciple. At the chance meeting, under the arrangement of the nether world, a sad and beautiful show of ghosts and sorrows was staged
The ancient costume fantasy TV drama"The Ghost of a Beautiful Girl" directed by Chen Shisan, a famous ghost writer of ATV, was adapted from the story"Nie Xiaoqian" of China's classic Liaozhai. This multi region co production series, with the participation of stars from three places on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, reintroduces a true love story that will last forever


In the middle of the Qianlong Dynasty, the famous general A Gui led his army to quell the Ge'er Rebellion, and was caught in heavy rain for months in Gansu. He Shen (Chen Rui), a green book office under Ah Gui's tent, returns to Beijing to see the emperor for help. At this time, Gansu Governor Wang Danwang (Xiu Zongdi) reported the drought, which caused Qianlong (Jiao Shuo) to be suspicious, so he sent He Shen to investigate. He Shen, with his agility and ability, succeeded in overthrowing Danwang, a corrupt official, which was appreciated by Qianlong. From then on, He Shen rose to prominence and eventually became an indispensable official of the imperial court. Qianlong's great achievements and extravagance were shown; There are countless corrupt officials who bully the emperor and the villagers, causing the national treasury to be in deficit. He Shen, under the attack of various forces, moves around, and works hard to manage this huge and weak empire for the emperor

  乾隆王朝中期,名将阿桂率军平定准葛尔之乱,在甘肃遭到连月大雨,大军受困,寸步难行。阿桂帐下绿营书办和珅(陈锐 饰)回京面见皇上求助。适值此时,甘肃巡抚王亶望(修宗迪 饰)上报旱情,引起乾隆(焦晃

Fan Qin (Pan Lingling) once had a tragic experience of being ruthlessly abandoned by her ex boyfriend. As a result, her love life was full of clouds. Her heart was still in the dark. She met her second boyfriend, who was unexpectedly a married man. Fan Qin unknowingly became a"third party", but she could not leave him. Just as the two were getting ready for marriage, the wife of the second boyfriend unfortunately suffered from cancer. The end of this relationship can be imagined. Fan Qin became lonely again. After many twists and turns, Fan Qin and Geng Zhi finally came together and joined hands on the red carpet to get married. However, this is just the beginning of the story

  范勤(潘玲玲 饰)曾经有过被前男友无情抛弃的悲惨经历,感情生活因此阴云密布,心中阴影还未散,她又遇见了第二任男友,谁知道此人竟是有妇之夫,范勤在不知不觉间做了一回“第三者”,可她却无法离开他。就当

"Naked Director" has a luxurious cast, challenging the truth without taboos
In the 1980s, the economic foam was at its peak, and the whole of Japan was full of infinite expectations for the possibility of the future. Long before office women and college students waved feather fans in the disco of Tokyo's Juliana&# 39; S TOKYO, an entrepreneur decided to make adult films at the beginning of the adult film industry to challenge the old Japanese sexual cultural norms. This person was the director of"cultural taboo communication pioneer", Tsultru Murakami< Br/>Murakami completely changed the concept of Japanese porn and became a well-known star with legendary AV actress Heimuxiang

  《全裸导演》拥有豪华的演员阵容,挑战真实无禁忌  20 世纪 80 年代,经济泡沫正值高峰期,整个日本都对未来的可能性充满无限期待。早在办公室女职员和女大学生在东京朱莉安娜(“JULIANA

At the beginning of Heisei era in Japan in 1989, Murakami (Yamada Xiaozhi) dominated the adult video world and launched a large number of series of theme videos. However, none of these videos can compete with the legendary film I Love S&M, which he co produced with Heimuxiang (Morita Wangzhi). Heimuxiang wanted to cooperate with Murakami again, but because they were getting farther and farther away, this wish was finally not realized. During this period, the village west wants to develop in the field of satellite broadcasting. In order to realize the grand dream of"letting pornography fall from the sky like rain", the village west raised more funds. In this regard, Kawata Yaner (Yushan Tieer) very questioned the decision of Murakami. However, Murakami was noncommittal about the opinions of his close allies and set up his own diamond image of a new company. He started promoting new actresses in the Diamond Image, including Naimu Zhenli (Hengsong Youli). At the same time, his former partner Harai Min (Mashima) has become a member of the underworld under Gu Gu (Komura Hayabusa), and has complex feelings for Murakami

  1989 年日本平成时代伊始,村西(山田孝之饰)叱咤成人视频世界,推出了大量系列主题视频。但是,这些视频都无法与他和黑木香(森田望智饰)合作的传奇佳片《我爱 S&M》相媲美。黑木香欲与村西

Five young people. An old Volga. Eight million rubles for parents. A wicked and crazy thief. The Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the ghost town of Pripyat are the end of their pursuit of thieves. In this chase, various mysterious events appear one by one. Phantom, disaster, crossing, magic claw, the forbidden area is full of ghosts. Can the 1986 Chernobyl disaster be stopped? Their world is falling apart now? All the answers are in the fog


Five young people. An old Volga. Eight million rubles for parents. A wicked and crazy thief. The Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the ghost town of Pripyat are the end of their pursuit of thieves. In this chase, various mysterious events appear one by one. Phantom, disaster, crossing, magic claw, the forbidden area is full of ghosts. Can the 1986 Chernobyl disaster be stopped? Their world is falling apart now? All the answers are in the fog
