
The story begins with a three story Tang building. Galen (Eason Chan), a widower who lives on the top floor, meets a family of three who have moved downstairs. Terry (Eric Kwok) and his wife Melena (Cai Siyun) are affectionate on the surface, but there is a secret behind them. Galen's involvement changed the relationship between the three. Under the same moonlight, some people hugged and divorced others. Some people thought that the story was over. In fact, everything was just beginning

  故事由一幢三层唐楼开始,住在顶楼的鳏夫Galen(陈奕迅饰),结识了新搬来住在楼下的一家三口。Terry(Eric Kwok饰)与太太Melena(蔡思韵饰演)表面恩爱,背后却藏着暗涌。Galen

Nonkul plays the blind fortune teller who lives in Chinatown. Punpun, who does not believe in fortune telling, met Nonkul through a friend's introduction. From the initial resistance to doubt, suspicion to misunderstanding, they have feelings for each other, which may be the fate between them


Manfred Bernardo (Francois Arnold), a travel psychic, is tired of wandering all the time, so he accepts the proposal of his dead grandmother and comes to Midnight Town, a small town in Texas to settle down. His business here is very good, to his satisfaction, but he soon found that there were various"people" in his town. He has to face unprecedented evil in the town, so he has to investigate the truth with his neighbors who belong to the"supernatural" category

  旅行的灵媒曼弗雷德·贝尔纳多(弗朗柯斯·阿诺德 饰)已经厌倦一直流浪,于是接受他已去世的祖母提议,来到德州的小镇—午夜镇定居。他在此处的生意很好,令他很满意,不过他很快发现,原来自己镇中原来有着各

  2040 is an innovative feature documentary that looks to the future, but is vitally important NOW. Award-winning director Damon Gameau embarks on journey to explore what the future would look like by the year 2040 if we simply embraced the best solutions already available to us to improve our planet and shifted them into the mainstream. Structured as a visual letter to his 4-year-old daughter, Damon blends traditional documentary footage with dramatized sequences and high-end visual effects to create a vision board for his daughter and the planet

  2040 is an innovative feature documentary that looks to the future, but is vitally important NOW.

Kali (Poppy Montgomery) has an extraordinary memory. Her brain is like a scanner, recording everything she sees and hears. However, Carly, who has such strong ability, has forgotten the details of her sister's murder, and this case has become a pending case. Carly and Mike (Michael Gaston), Roy (Kevin Rankin, Kevin Rankin) and Nina (Daya Vaidya) are also in the homicide group. In a complicated murder case stained with blood, can Carly find out the real culprits one by one with her own ability? And how will her unfinished relationship with Al continue

  卡莉(派琵·蒙格玛丽 Poppy Montgomery 饰)拥有超越常人的记忆力,她的大脑就好像一台扫描仪,将所见所闻尽数记下。可是,拥有如此强大能力的卡莉偏偏忘记了曾经姐姐被谋杀一案的细节,而这

Kali (Poppy Montgomery) has an extraordinary memory. Her brain is like a scanner, recording everything she sees and hears. However, Carly, with such strong ability, forgot the details of her sister's murder, and this case has become a pending case. Gradually emerging from sadness, Carly returns to the murder team of the police force and forms a partner with her ex boyfriend Al (Dylan Walsh) in order to solve the case of her sister's murder one day. Carly and Mike (Michael Gaston), Roy (Kevin Rankin, Kevin Rankin) and Nina (Daya Vaidya) are also in the homicide group. In a complicated murder case stained with blood, can Carly find out the real culprits one by one with her own ability? And how will the unfinished relationship between her and Al continue

  卡莉(派琵·蒙格玛丽 Poppy Montgomery 饰)拥有超越常人的记忆力,她的大脑就好像一台扫描仪,将所见所闻尽数记下。可是,拥有如此强大能力的卡莉偏偏忘记了曾经姐姐被谋杀一案的细节,而这

This play is called the female version of The Mentalist. The heroine assists the detective hero in solving the case as a consultant, and the heroine has the extraordinary ability (but not the super ability) to"remember everything"
Hypermnesia is an extremely rare medical anomaly, and patients can remember anything. According to statistics, only six people in the United States suffer from this symptom, and the heroine Carrie Wells (played by Poppy Montgomery) is one of them. To others, Carrie is like a riddle. She once worked as a detective and was famous in the industry for her extraordinary ability - hypermnesia. She can remember the details of any place, any person, any conversation. You can also use one word to describe it: Never forget. This was both a gift and a curse for her - every laugh and heartbreak in her life was imprinted in her mind and became an eternal memory< Br/>This does not mean that she has a strong memory, but that she cannot forget. Except for one thing: the murder of her sister years ago. She could not recall any details related to the case. Carrie tries to put the past behind her, but the reunion with her former boyfriend and partner, New York City Police Department homicide detective Al Burns (played by Dylan Walsh), has changed everything. Al asks Carrie to help him solve a strange murder case. Carrie can't bear to refuse. Al's teammates include: Detective Mike Costello, the right-hand man (played by Michael Gaston); Roe Saunders, a newly joined junior detective (played by Kevin Rankin); The fashionable and alert female detective Nina Inara (played by Daya Vaidya)< Br/>Returning to the police station and surrounded by familiar things, Carrie felt as if she had never left. Despite the lingering shadow between her and Al, Carrie made a decision to join the homicide investigation team of the New York City Police Department again as a consultant. Most importantly, she may be able to completely solve the truth of her sister's murder. She doesn't need to be on the front line like before, she just needs to play her specialty: memory< Br/>But this is not an easy job< Br/>According to the author J Adapted from Robert Lennon's short story The Rememberer< Br/>Transferred from Tianya Xiaozhu

  这部剧集被称作女性版的《超感警探》(The Mentalist),女主人公以顾问的身份协助当警探的男主人公破案,并且女主人公拥有「过目不忘」的超常能力(但不是超能力)  超忆症(hyperthym

In order to support his family, George (Jeremy Sisto) works hard outside all day, but he forgets that his family also needs his care and care. Finally, one day, George's wife can no longer bear the lonely and lonely life. She leaves her young daughter Teresa (Jane Levy) and runs away from home. In this way, George has become a single father. From being at a loss at the beginning to being at ease now, George has become more and more successful in his father's path. Today, Teresa seems to be a graceful girl, but George feels that it is far from the day when he completely lets go. In an accident, George accidentally discovered Teresa's"secret". In shock, George decided to take his daughter to move away from New York, a complex city, to a quiet village, where people are more kind and less attractive. However, is this really the case

  为了养家糊口,乔治(杰瑞米·西斯托 Jeremy Sisto 饰)整日在外辛苦打拼,却忘记了家庭亦需要他的呵护和关怀。终于,某一日,乔治的妻子再也无法忍受充满了孤独和寂寞的生活,她丢下了年幼的女儿

Remember the dramatic ending of the first season of the suburban story? Tessa met her grandmother, giving her a chance to explore her family and her absent mother, and also providing an excuse for her to escape from Kaswin. On the other hand, Lisa, who has always doubted her life experience, found that she was indeed the biological daughter of Sheila and Fred, and his brother Ryan was the adopted
. These dramatic turns are enough to make us look forward to seeing the chemical reaction between Tessa and her mother in the second season, and whether the Xia family will face changes as a result. Don't forget, whether George and Dallas will make progress as expected in the second season if they have a seemingly unknown affair there

  还记得郊区故事第一季给我们带来的戏剧性结局吗?特萨遇到了她的外祖母 ,给了她探寻她的家族和她那擅离职守的母亲的机会,同时也为她逃离卡斯 温提供了借口。另一头在夏依家,一直怀疑自己身世的丽萨发现她确

  Chronicles West Baltimore family living in poverty on the front lines of America's drug war

  Chronicles West Baltimore family living in poverty on the front lines of America's drug war

AMC directly booked 10 episodes of Dietland, a new drama based on Sarai Walker's novel and written by Marti Noxon. (It has participated in AMC's new"script into play" development model, which allows screenwriters to take a look at the script with them. If they are satisfied, they can directly book it.) The show is scheduled to be broadcast for 18 years.
The Kingdom of Diet will describe the beauty industry and expose how the society will become obsessed with losing weight in a bold, original and interesting way. Joy Nash plays Plum Kettle, who has been obese in the past and is now going to have a gastric banding operation; The world she lives in is being overturned by two groups of feminists, and caught between the old school and the new trend. Plum has to find its place in this veritable"gender war"

  AMC直接预订根据Sarai Walker小说改篇﹑由Marti Noxon执笔的10集新剧《节食王国 Dietland》。(它参与了AMC新的「剧本成剧」开发模式,该模式让编剧带剧本来过目,如果

Sean King (John Tenney) and Michelle Maxwell (Rebecca Romijn) jointly founded a private detective agency, but they are not ordinary private detectives - they used to be well-trained Secret Service agents, and every move of suspects could not escape their eyes, while the traditional law enforcement agencies always take a slower step than them. However, there is no denying that... there is a strong chemical reaction between them. In addition to her beauty and agility, Michelle Maxwell has a good interpersonal network among senior officials in Washington, which brings her great convenience in handling cases. The Secret Service forced her to"retire" without her consent. She was very unconvinced and vowed to prove her ability. Ryan Hurst plays Edgar Roy, a serial murder suspect who is in prison. He has severe autism but is extremely intelligent. He is a typical"autistic scholar". He can have an insight into the key techniques in any case, and can interpret them through mathematical methods. King and Maxwell need him to help them solve the case, and a special partnership has been formed between them

  Sean King(John Tenney)和Michelle Maxwell(Rebecca Romijn)共同创办了一家私人侦探社,但他们并非一般的私人侦探——他们曾经是训练有素的特勤处(Se

Mike, a college dropout (Patrick J. Adams), breaks into a job fair full of high caliber students after a drug trafficking failure. It turns out that Harvey, the most famous lawyer in Manhattan (Gabriel Macht), is recruiting a paralegal. Among Harvard's top students, Harvey has a crush on Mike, who is smart, alert and has a good memory. Although he found that Mike was not only a Harvard Law School student, but also had a bad habit of smoking marijuana, he decided to hire Mike as an assistant without telling his boss. As a result, Harvey and Mike formed a"golden combination" and became an ever winning partner in the law firm

  大学辍学生迈克(帕特里克·J·亚当斯 Patrick J. Adams 饰),在一次贩毒失败后闯进了一个高材生云集的招聘会,原来这是曼哈顿最著名的律师哈维(盖布瑞·马赫特 Gabriel Mach

Harvey, a famous lawyer in Manhattan, wants to hire an outstanding new deputy lawyer. Among the top students in the Harvard Law School, the only one who attracts his attention is Mike Ross, who is not a lawyer after being expelled by the university. Although his legal experience is not as good as others', he loves this field and has a mind like a child prodigy. As long as he reads the book and understands it, he can remember it. In this way, his legal knowledge reserve is no less than that of the students of Harvard Law School. In addition, the cunning and cleverness of his little liar also made him very different. As a result, these two people who do not play cards according to common sense become"suit partners"

  曼哈顿的著名律师Harvey要招聘一名出众的新人律师副手,在满座哈佛法学院的高材生中,唯一引起他注意的却是Mike Ross——被大学赶了出来还不是律师的人。虽然他在法律方面的履历不如他人,但他却

USA announced the renewal of 16 episodes of the third season of Suits. Considering the excellent ratings of the second season of the show (6.5 million viewers in the last episode of the summer), the decision of USA was expected to return on March 6, 2014

  USA宣布续订《Suits》第三季16集。考虑到该剧第二季出色的收视率表现(夏季最后一集650万观众),USA的决定在意料之中  11集2014年3月6日回歸。

# Renewal/Cancellation of Express Delivery # Renewal of USA's # Gold Lawyer # With stable ratings in the fourth quarter, there will still be 16 episodes in the fourth quarter and they will return in 2014


USA TV Station Renews Season 5 of Suits! There will be 16 episodes in the fifth season, which will return in the summer of 2015


Suits has been renewed for the sixth season. This season will have 16 episodes. The fifth season of the show has just returned. Chris McCumber, president of USA, said that he was very satisfied with the quality and popularity of the drama"Lawyer in Gold"

  《金装律师》(Suits)获第6季续订,这一季将有16集,该剧第5季才刚刚回归。USA总裁Chris McCumber称,对《金装律师》的剧集质量和人气都十分满意

USA announced the renewal of the seventh season of the top rated TV drama Suits, which will reach the milestone of the 100th episode

  USA宣布续订该台最高收视剧《金装律师 Suits》第七季,这令到该剧将会到达第100集的里程碑
<< > >"good morning call"
  高須賀由枝原作によるドラマ「グッドモーニング・コール」の続編となる「グッドモーニング・コール our campus days」の配信が決定した

Xiao Xiuqiong (Xue Jiayan) is the chief manager of a time-honored bean product factory. Relying on her long working experience in the factory, she often seeks benefits for her relatives Tu Weilong (Lin Jiahua) by taking advantage of her power. This makes the crown prince Dou Zhang (Zhang Yingkang) very dissatisfied. Together with his friend Wang Guangming (Li Nuoyi), they decide to rectify the evil practices in the factory, which intensifies the conflict between Xiao Xiuqiong and Dou Zhang, The two people who cherish each other have sincere feelings. However, what Wang did not expect was that Situ Lan's mother was Xiao Xiuqiong, who was at odds with her

  肖秀琼(薛家燕 饰)是老字号豆品厂的大总管,仗着在厂里工作的时间长资历深,她常常以权谋私给自己的亲戚图威龙(林嘉华 饰)谋福利,这让厂里的太子爷窦彰(张颖康 饰)感到十分不满。联手好友王照明(黎诺

The play tells the entrepreneurial story of Adidas and Puma. In 1922, Adi Dassler and Rudy Dassler persuaded their father to transform the family shoe repair factory: from making felt slippers and shoes repair to trying to make sports shoes. The two brothers did their best to make the factory develop better. At the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936, Olympic champion Jesse Owens won the gold medal four times in the shoes made by the Dassler brothers, which made them one step closer to success. However, the conflict was also brewing. Rudy's wife and Adi's wife often argued because of their husband's conflict. When World War II broke out in 1939, their factory was also put to a great test. At the request of the Nazi Party, they began to manufacture weapons. The contradiction between Rudy and Adi is getting deeper and deeper


This drama, developed by Les Bohem, tells the story of an employee in a street divination shop run by a criminal syndicate in Los Angeles who suddenly lost his mind and found that he could see unreal things, thus wanting to challenge life

  该部由Les Bohem开发的剧,讲述的是洛杉矶某犯罪财团经营的一家街头占卜店里的一名员工突然鬼迷心窍,发现自己能看到虚幻的事物,从而想要挑战人生的故事

Yuanzi Wen's completely original drama"Tokyo Vampire Hotel" will be broadcast on Amazon on June 16, starring Xia Fan, Mashima, Fu Shouma, Anda Youshi and Shenle Banhui. It tells the battle between human beings and vampires who attempt to destroy the earth


"The Best Strike" is a youth love series broadcast by Korean KBS TV station in Jintu File since June 2, 2017. It is directed by Liu Haozhen and Che Tae hyun, written by Li Yingzhe, and starred by Yin Shiyun, Li Shirong, Kim Minzai, Che Tae hyun, etc.
The play mainly tells the story of modern young people growing up after suffering< Br/>In the play, Che Taixian plays the role of Li Guangzai, who used to be a popular agent of Aidu and is now the president of an unknown economic company. He is the central character in the play< Br/>Yin Shiyun will play the role of a member of the singing and dancing group J2. He has a strong popularity and is also constantly rumored< Br/>Li Shiying plays the role of hostess, and is ready to play a role in the civil service exam with a hot temper< Br/>Jin Minzai will play the role of a volunteer student who dreams of becoming a singer in this play, pretending to be a civil servant, but in fact, he is still secretly trying to realize his dream of becoming a singer< Br/>In the play, Yin Sunhe plays the role of a youth demon, a popular singer Hong Baoxi, and a woman whom Che Taixian secretly loves

  《最佳一击》是韩国KBS电视台于2017年6月2日起在金土档播出的青春爱情连续剧,由刘浩镇、车太铉执导,李英哲编剧,尹施允、李世荣、金旻载、车太铉等主演  该剧主要讲述了现代年轻人经历苦恼后得到成

Today, China's social outlook has changed dramatically. These changes have taken place around you and me, and have also attracted global attention. The new season of Super Project will take you to China, the core of the world's second largest economy. It will reveal the huge system project promoting the operation of this country, and take you to discover the secrets behind a series of major events. Tell you about the great efforts and challenges that the country is facing in order to achieve this.
In the new series, the Super Project team will pay more attention to the unknown super projects behind the basic needs of clothing, food, housing and transportation from the perspective of people's livelihood. The Super Project will also, as always, present you with vivid stories in detail, and will also take you to look forward to the future, looking for ways of doing things that can make your life better and more harmonious


She found the hemp clothes at the contradiction of the case 27 years ago. After the TV station rejected her plan, her boss Hasegawa led the way and got to know the powerful journalists. The two joined hands to break through the fog and trace the truth 27 years ago


"At the foot of the mountain, summer is in full swing and spring is at the top. At the foot of the mountain, autumn is full of ice. You can't see enough red, orange, yellow and green. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the most difficult to distinguish." This is a true portrayal of the climate in Shennongjia. The CCTV new film reporter filmed in Shennongjia from 2015 to 2017, focusing on the natural forest land of Shennongjia, and recording the natural scenery of Shennongjia mountains, forests and waters in different seasons in the order of Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. The film also regards human beings as a unique creature in the natural world, records the limited activities of human beings in Shennongjia, and shows the efforts of human beings from opening up to protecting nature, as well as the story of people sharing weal and woe with the environment and living in harmony


The eight episode FBI crime investigation drama"Pursuit: Bomber Man hunt: Unabomber" (formerly known as Manifesto) of Discovery Channel is scheduled to premiere on August 1, US time. The premiere episode is a two-hour episode. Kevin Spacey and Dana Brunetti serve as the executive producers of the play, and Andrew Sodroski, who wrote the pilot episode of the play, is also responsible for the production of the play. The play is changed according to the reality. Ted Kaczynski, a college bomber, is a university mathematics professor with a high IQ of 167. He has caused 3 deaths and 23 injuries by bomb crimes.
This play mainly tells how the FBI captured those infamous"excellent" criminals. The first season will focus on Jim", an FBI agent; Fitz" Fitzgerald (Sam Worthington), a professional linguist who is not used to collecting information in the old way. He used his unconventional methods to bring the"college bomber/stealth bomber/Unabomber" who had been hiding for nearly 20 years to justice. The key is that he found that the real identity of the"college bomber" may be hidden in him; Declaration" And this" Declaration" It is also one of Kaczynski's many conspiracies. Paul Bettany plays Ted Kaczynski, known as the"college bomber", while John Berchtold will play Ted Kaczynski in his youth

  Discovery频道的8集FBI罪案调查剧《追缉:炸弹客 Manhunt: Unabomber》(原名《宣言 Manifesto》)确定在美国时间8月1日首播,首播集为两小时集。《追缉:炸弹客》

The Miracle of Mindfulness filmed a community of family members who meditated. They devoted their whole lives to following the internationally famous teacher and Zen Master Yihang to master the art of mindfulness. The shooting took more than three years, spanning France and the United States. This kind and thought-provoking film enters a world far away from our daily life, and reveals how monks transform their own and others' worries by deeply exploring the nature of existence, the origin of their worries and their true selves


This play tells a fantastic story about identical twin brothers Han Xiuhao and Han Jianghao living completely different lives. It is a funny and tearful fantasy play that worries about how to protect others' lives


  & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. After the 2008 financial tsunami, the United States saw the introduction of Chinese capital as a good way to save the market. Through anti takeover of American companies, Chinese enterprises poured into Uncle Sam's financial market like a torrent. Some people applauded and others saw hidden worries. In the twinkling of an eye, nearly ten years later, Jirovstan visited Wall Street all over the world. There were big alligators, opportunists, and"well-informed people" in the industry who were destined to regret appearing in the film. Between advance and retreat, almost a horror film was made - there were secret transactions and extortions that could not be imagined by the neighbors everywhere. If there is a lesson in this"story", it is almost impossible to give up in the face of difficulties. The next time you fail, you will only be more ruthless and despicable


Xinyi (Ming Shibin), who was originally an unknown reporter, became famous because of an unexpected report. However, the success of her career brought about a burst of feelings. Her boyfriend left her alone. Shun Ai (Li Tailan) is a stewardess who lives in a big poor family. Because of family reasons, many men chose to leave even though they fell in love with her. Only one person is different, but he and Shun Ai are just trying to make profits for himself by taking advantage of Shun Ai's position. In the end, Shun Ai finds her boyfriend's infidelity and beats him in anger, but she loses her job. In busy Seoul, how should Shunyi, Shunai and Zhang Shengli, three 30-year-old women, face the choices on the road of life

  欣宜(明世彬 饰)本是默默无闻的小记者,却因为一篇意外的报道一炮而红,然而事业上的成功带来的却是感情的破灭,男友劈腿离开了她。顺爱(李泰兰 饰)是一名空姐,生活在一个贫穷的大家庭之中。因为家庭的原

Wanpichit (played by Son), Ajaree (played by Green) and Kwan are three happy people. Their lives are changed by someone's intrusion. The first change is Fah (Pim). She comes from the baby sitter's office and is based on the needs of the couple. Through the expression of the detailed intention and the selection of the nanny, she was finally determined to be the nanny to take care of the beloved daughter of the couple. The first change is the feeling of peace of mind. When Fah is found to be the most ideal person to take care of Kwan, the couple's worries about children are reduced until they feel very good. When Kwan seems to be happy with the new nanny


Fang Youwei (Lin Jiadong) runs a tea garden in his family for generations, and he also takes it as his business. In Fang Youwei's heart, he always misses his first love, Su Manqiao (Yang Wanyi). At the same time, he is also fascinated by the mountain girl Pan Meiya (Zhang Keyi) who is with him. For a moment, Fang Youwei doesn't know how to choose between old love and new love.
Zhong Hanniu (Mai Changqing) is Fang Youwei's sworn friend. Fang Youwei knows that he has always liked Pan Meiya, so he keeps his feelings for her deep in his heart, Turn around and help Zhong Hanniu pursue Meiya. Zhong Hanniu foolishly thought that he had won Meiya's favor and was ready to marry Meiya. Unexpectedly, the arrogant and unruly Meiya became the runaway bride on the wedding day, and boldly confessed his feelings for Fang Youwei, which led to Fang Youwei and Zhong Hanniu's brothers opposing each other. Just when Fang Youwei and younger sister Yali finally got together through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, the appearance of Su Manqiao made their feelings reappear

  方有为(林家栋 饰)家中世代经营茶园,自己亦以此为业。在方有为的心中,一直思念着初恋情人苏曼乔(杨婉仪 饰),与此同时,伴在身旁的山地姑娘盘妹雅(张可颐 饰)亦让他心动不已,旧爱新欢,一时间方有为

Fang Youwei (Lin Jiadong) runs a tea garden in his family for generations, and he also takes it as his business. In Fang Youwei's heart, he always misses his first love, Su Manqiao (Yang Wanyi). At the same time, he is also fascinated by the mountain girl Pan Meiya (Zhang Keyi) who is with him. For a moment, Fang Youwei doesn't know how to choose between old love and new love.
Zhong Hanniu (Mai Changqing) is Fang Youwei's sworn friend. Fang Youwei knows that he has always liked Pan Meiya, so he keeps his feelings for her deep in his heart, Turn around and help Zhong Hanniu pursue Meiya. Zhong Hanniu foolishly thought that he had won Meiya's favor and was ready to marry Meiya. Unexpectedly, the arrogant and unruly Meiya became the runaway bride on the wedding day, and boldly confessed his feelings for Fang Youwei, which led to Fang Youwei and Zhong Hanniu's brothers opposing each other. Just when Fang Youwei and younger sister Yali finally got together through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, the appearance of Su Manqiao made their feelings reappear

  方有为(林家栋 饰)家中世代经营茶园,自己亦以此为业。在方有为的心中,一直思念着初恋情人苏曼乔(杨婉仪 饰),与此同时,伴在身旁的山地姑娘盘妹雅(张可颐 饰)亦让他心动不已,旧爱新欢,一时间方有为

Song Ci (He Bing), who won the imperial examination in Beijing, is going to go to the border town with his friend Meng Liangchen (Wu Jun) after returning home and getting married. Unexpectedly, Song Ci's father, Song Gong, did not return home until the wedding day. When the two newlyweds were paying homage to the court, a carriage carried back their father's body. Song Gong was engaged in the trial and suppression of criminal sentences all his life, and never made a mistake. However, he failed because of a miscarriage of human life. This was a way of atoning for his death. He also left a suicide note to forbid the descendants of the Song Clan from entering the prison. Under the advice of his mother, Song Ci left for the border town to find out the case for his best friend and return his innocence. As a result, Song Ci was exceptionally promoted to be the leader of the sixth grade of the Dali Temple, and later appointed to be promoted to prison by other provinces. Song Ci successively found out and solved one outstanding case after another, such as the"unjust case in Taiping County", the"Li Mansion's linked case", the"Maozhuwu's unprovoked case", the"Chengnan Well's corpse case", the"left fan's fault case", the"Liang Yusheng's murder case", and the"Li Yugu's disappearance case"

  宋慈(何冰 饰)参加京试中了进士,预备返家完婚后随同科好友孟良臣(吴军 饰)赴边城。岂知,直至完婚那日,宋慈父亲宋巩依旧未归家。两位新人正拜堂之际,一辆马车却载回了父亲的遗体,宋巩一生从事刑狱审戡

The Mad Cloud in the Coffee Room originates from the original French office comedy Cam é ra Caf é. The story takes place in a dysfunctional office, where a micro camera is hidden somewhere in the coffee shop by unknown people. Since then, various characters and gossip topics have been really captured by it. Cam é ra Caf é has achieved great success since it was broadcast in France, and has rapidly appeared in many countries. Now, it has finally arrived in China, bringing a relaxing moment to your office life

  《咖啡间疯云》源自法国原创的办公室轻喜剧《Caméra Café》。故事发生在一个功能紊乱的办公室,一台微型摄像机不知道被谁隐藏在咖啡间的某处,自此形形色色的人物和八卦话题被它真实的捕捉到。《Ca

In June 1938, the war in Wuhan broke out, and the situation of the War of Resistance was critical. Xie Gengyang, the special agent for military statistics, decided to"steal" Meng Qingfan, a long-term secret Chinese spy, out of the prison and shoot him to kill by the river. He dumped his body in the river and floated down the river to the Japanese position
Meng Qingfan carried a false intelligence forged by Xie Gengyang, which made the Japanese believe that the Soviets would send troops to Northeast China, and the attack on Wuhan was forced to slow down. Due to the hasty preparation, Xie Gengyang's plan went wrong, and Sato, the Japanese agent, firmly believed that this was a Chinese plot. He personally went to Wuhan to verify the authenticity of the information. Meng Qingfan, who narrowly escaped death, learned from the Japanese that the plan would cause harm to the Communist Party. He risked his life to escape from the Japanese camp and returned to Wuhan to stop him. The"Lie Plan" was submitted to the KMT and CPC leaders< Br/>For the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in Wuhan, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party decided to work together to complete the"Lie Plan". In order to make up for the flaws in the plan, Ma Xiaofen, a female announcer of the Eighth Route Army, was arranged to pretend to be husband and wife with Meng Qingfan, who were tested by the Japanese< Br/>The intelligence elites of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China, together with the most elite Japanese agents, fought in Wuhan around this lie plan

  1938年6月,武汉会战爆发,抗战局势危急。军统特工谢庚杨自作主张,将长期秘密关押的中共特工孟庆凡“盗出”监狱并射杀江边,抛尸江中,顺水飘到日军阵地  孟庆凡身上携带着一份谢庚杨伪造的假情报,使日

The mountains are wild and the stars are rare. A house with dim yellow lanterns has been quietly performing many strange stories under the cold and quiet green lights since far away. The benevolent beautiful fox girl Xin Shiniang, the smiling Ying Ning who makes people forget their worries, the scholar Sun Zichu who cut off six fingers to get the beauty A Bao, the fisherman who made friends with the ferocious Lu Judge because of unintentional invitation and changed his heart to Zhu Erdan, the eight kings of divinity who know how to repay their kindness and spend money, the lazy man who steals other people's ducks and is covered with duck feathers, and the fisherman who likes to make friends with the water devil because of his unwitting invitation. Legends have been staged one after another, with ghosts and spirits, fox spirits and spirits. It is unclear whether people are strange or not. This film is based on Pu Songling's classical Chinese novel Strange Stories from a Lonely Studio, and is shot from 47 stories in the book


In the middle of the Qianlong Dynasty, the famous general A Gui led his army to quell the Ge'er Rebellion, and was caught in heavy rain for months in Gansu. He Shen (Chen Rui), a green book office under Ah Gui's tent, returns to Beijing to see the emperor for help. At this time, Gansu Governor Wang Danwang (Xiu Zongdi) reported the drought, which caused Qianlong (Jiao Shuo) to be suspicious, so he sent He Shen to investigate. He Shen, with his agility and ability, succeeded in overthrowing Danwang, a corrupt official, which was appreciated by Qianlong. From then on, He Shen rose to prominence and eventually became an indispensable official of the imperial court. Qianlong's great achievements and extravagance were shown; There are countless corrupt officials who bully the emperor and the villagers, causing the national treasury to be in deficit. He Shen, under the attack of various forces, moves around, and works hard to manage this huge and weak empire for the emperor

  乾隆王朝中期,名将阿桂率军平定准葛尔之乱,在甘肃遭到连月大雨,大军受困,寸步难行。阿桂帐下绿营书办和珅(陈锐 饰)回京面见皇上求助。适值此时,甘肃巡抚王亶望(修宗迪 饰)上报旱情,引起乾隆(焦晃

Fan Qin (Pan Lingling) once had a tragic experience of being ruthlessly abandoned by her ex boyfriend. As a result, her love life was full of clouds. Her heart was still in the dark. She met her second boyfriend, who was unexpectedly a married man. Fan Qin unknowingly became a"third party", but she could not leave him. Just as the two were getting ready for marriage, the wife of the second boyfriend unfortunately suffered from cancer. The end of this relationship can be imagined. Fan Qin became lonely again. After many twists and turns, Fan Qin and Geng Zhi finally came together and joined hands on the red carpet to get married. However, this is just the beginning of the story

  范勤(潘玲玲 饰)曾经有过被前男友无情抛弃的悲惨经历,感情生活因此阴云密布,心中阴影还未散,她又遇见了第二任男友,谁知道此人竟是有妇之夫,范勤在不知不觉间做了一回“第三者”,可她却无法离开他。就当

A group of desperate people in urgent need of money received a mysterious invitation to join a game. In order to win a prize of 45.6 billion won, 456 participants from different backgrounds were locked in secret places to play games. Each round of the game is a traditional game played by Koreans when they were young, such as one two three wooden people. However, the consequence of failure in passing the barrier is death. Who will win and what is the purpose of this game

  一群走投无路并急需金钱的人收到神秘邀请,邀请他们共同加入一场游戏。为了赢取 456 亿韩元的奖金,背景各异的 456 名参赛者被关在秘密场所进行游戏。每一轮游戏都是韩国人小时候会玩的传统游戏,如一

"Naked Director" has a luxurious cast, challenging the truth without taboos
In the 1980s, the economic foam was at its peak, and the whole of Japan was full of infinite expectations for the possibility of the future. Long before office women and college students waved feather fans in the disco of Tokyo's Juliana&# 39; S TOKYO, an entrepreneur decided to make adult films at the beginning of the adult film industry to challenge the old Japanese sexual cultural norms. This person was the director of"cultural taboo communication pioneer", Tsultru Murakami< Br/>Murakami completely changed the concept of Japanese porn and became a well-known star with legendary AV actress Heimuxiang

  《全裸导演》拥有豪华的演员阵容,挑战真实无禁忌  20 世纪 80 年代,经济泡沫正值高峰期,整个日本都对未来的可能性充满无限期待。早在办公室女职员和女大学生在东京朱莉安娜(“JULIANA

At the beginning of Heisei era in Japan in 1989, Murakami (Yamada Xiaozhi) dominated the adult video world and launched a large number of series of theme videos. However, none of these videos can compete with the legendary film I Love S&M, which he co produced with Heimuxiang (Morita Wangzhi). Heimuxiang wanted to cooperate with Murakami again, but because they were getting farther and farther away, this wish was finally not realized. During this period, the village west wants to develop in the field of satellite broadcasting. In order to realize the grand dream of"letting pornography fall from the sky like rain", the village west raised more funds. In this regard, Kawata Yaner (Yushan Tieer) very questioned the decision of Murakami. However, Murakami was noncommittal about the opinions of his close allies and set up his own diamond image of a new company. He started promoting new actresses in the Diamond Image, including Naimu Zhenli (Hengsong Youli). At the same time, his former partner Harai Min (Mashima) has become a member of the underworld under Gu Gu (Komura Hayabusa), and has complex feelings for Murakami

  1989 年日本平成时代伊始,村西(山田孝之饰)叱咤成人视频世界,推出了大量系列主题视频。但是,这些视频都无法与他和黑木香(森田望智饰)合作的传奇佳片《我爱 S&M》相媲美。黑木香欲与村西
战火时代 :希特勒青年团

  Doctrinal press-gang and seduction tool, political instrument of the Nazi Party, paramilitary vector in the preparations for war, the Hitler Youth becomes an instrument to deliberately sacrifice an entire youth

  Doctrinal press-gang and seduction tool, political instrument of the Nazi Party, paramilitary vect

It tells about Luo Xi's experience in high school, which led her to become a"steamed stuffed bun girl" when she just entered the university. Li Xin accidentally found that Luo Xi was the"heroine" who saved her life in those years. In order to help Luo Xi find her original self, a series of"embarrassing things" happened between them. But there is a secret hidden among the four of them: friendship, love and kinship. How should they choose


"Just Love" tells the warm love story of a group of people who still persist in forbearance in the face of the stormy waves, although they seem insignificant, they are even more great


At the same time, Yoshihiko Shinano, a five split man who has been dating five girlfriends, will be caught on the"bus" two weeks later because of his huge debts, and will be taken to a mysterious place to pay debts in a horrible and unknown way, and will never return. In the past two weeks, the creditor sent a tough girl with a height and weight of 180 to monitor Xingye. Xingye got the consent of the creditor and said goodbye to five girlfriends one by one before getting on the bus. In order to make the other party give up completely, Xingye deceives the other party and decides to marry Jingmei herself. So, five times of"let's break up" brought about a different ending in life


Han Shizhu (Liu Yaren) is a writer who was once famous, but after the initial glory, he fell into the low ebb of his career. What's more, Han Shizhu also had a variety of strange events around him that he couldn't understand. These events had countless connections with his career in Waterloo. After careful investigation, a shadow writer named Liu Zhenwu (Gao Gengyo) surfaced. What's more shocking is that Liu Zhenwu was a ghost. It turns out that everything starts with the antique typewriter owned by Han Shizhu. This typewriter with a mysterious past also involves Tian Xue (Lin Xiujing), a fan of Han Shizhu, in an unprecedented destiny that has spanned a century

  韩世主(刘亚仁 饰)是一名曾经红极一时的作家,可是,在最初的辉煌过后,他陷入了事业的低谷之中。不仅如此,韩世主的身边还发生了种种令他百思不得其解的奇怪事件,这些事件和他的事业滑铁卢有着千丝万缕的关

In 1974, 12-year-old Jan Broberg was kidnapped in a small community in Idaho. Five weeks later, Jane was sent home. She assured her parents and the court that"nothing happened". It freed paedophiles and paved the way for Jane's second kidnapping and years of sexual, emotional and psychological abuse

  1974年,12岁的Jan Broberg在爱达荷州的一个小社区被绑架。5个星期后,简被送回了家,她向父母和法院保证“什么也没发生”。使恋童癖者获得自由,并为简的第二次绑架和多年的性虐待、情感虐待

The House of Magnolia Noodles is a humorous comedy about the father son war between Da Cai, a father who has devoted himself to making cold faces for 70 years, and Feng Ji, a 40 year old son who wants to get rid of the cold faces and go to Seoul for development


James (Will Estes) was born in a police family, and his father Frank (Tom Selleck) is the current director of the New York City Police Department. As the youngest child in his family, James is undoubtedly the hope and pride of the whole family. After graduating from Harvard Law School, he would have been a successful lawyer. He resolutely decided to follow his father's wishes, wear a police uniform, and become a member of the law enforcement community. James' undercover identity is so secret and important that Frank, even as the director, has no idea about it. Facing this choice that may change his life, where should James go? How will his relationship with his family and his girlfriend Sidney (Dylan Moore) change as a result

  詹姆(威尔·埃斯蒂斯 Will Estes 饰)出生于警察世家,他的父亲弗兰克(汤姆·塞立克 Tom Selleck 饰)是现任纽约市警察局局长。身为家中最小的孩子,詹姆无疑是全家人的希望和骄傲,

The Second Season of the Police Family, directed by Michael Cuesta, is the second season of the American TV series The Police Family, which began broadcasting on CBS in September 2011

  《警察世家第二季》是美国电视连续剧《警察世家》的第二季,由Michael Cuesta执导,2011年9月开始在CBS播出

The Reagon family is a famous family of policemen in New York City. They have been working in the law enforcement department for generations, and some of them have given their lives. Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) is the current director of the New York City Police Department and the"leader" of the Reagan family. When his father Henry (Len Cariou) was the director general, he had caused a lot of trouble because of the"improper handling" in politics - it was just that the old police officer was very stubborn and had no regrets for anything he had done. Now, while managing a huge police force, Frank has to constantly make up for the"big problem" left by his father in the past

  Reagon家族是纽约市有名的警察世家,一家几代人都在执法部门工作,有的还献出了生命。Frank Reagon(Tom Selleck)是纽约市警察局现任局长,也是Reagon家族的「掌门人」。他

Gaby (Emily Osment) is a senior food blogger. She was once taken by the rich Josh (Jonathan Sadowski) and became his personal chef. As a cook, Gaby is obviously very unique. On the one hand, her carefree personality often causes some trouble without danger. On the other hand, Gaby's love and dedication to food always make her serve delicious food with great appetite, Also try to get the approval of Elliot (Rex Lee), Josh's assistant. Gaby knows that Elliot, who has a very strange personality, is not a small character that can be dismissed casually

  盖比(艾米丽·奥斯蒙特 Emily Osment 饰)是一位资深美食博客作家,她被富豪乔什(乔纳森·萨多斯基 Jonathan Sadowski 饰)一眼相中,成为了他的私人厨师。作为一名厨师,盖

The new comedy"Young&Hungry", which was broadcast this summer, has achieved steady ratings. Can Gabi and Josh further spark in the second season? The half season has ended, and the remaining 11 episodes will return on August 12

  在这个夏天播出的全新喜剧《Young & Hungry》取得稳健收视,Gabi和Josh能否在第二季进一步擦出火花?已半季终,余下11集将在8月12日回归

abc family announced the renewal of the third season of Young&Hungry

  abc family宣布续订《Young & Hungry》第三季

Josh (Jonathan Sadowski) is a young and rich high-tech entrepreneur in San Francisco. When he met Gabi (Emily Osment), a young fashion and aggressive food blogger, he immediately decided to hire her as his personal chef. Two worlds that could not have crossed began to collide with each other. Gabi is not a very elegant and perfect cook. She is straightforward, even stupid, and her style is amazing. However, her cooking skills are really excellent, as if she had already known what others wanted to eat. She is full of expectations for her new job, but she must prove her ability - to be precise, she must win the trust of Mr. Elliott (Rex Lee), Josh's assistant and public relations man. Elliott is very excitable and is often regarded as a"metrosexual". He tends to look for a famous cook rather than a callow girl, which makes Gabi a little unhappy. Josh is going to have a romantic dinner with his girlfriend, so he tells Gabi to make good preparations. There was a big problem with the meal, and Gabi fell into a very embarrassing situation. With the help of his close friends Sofia (Aimee Carrera) and Josh's butler (Kym Whitley), Gabi turned this embarrassing situation into a job opportunity... even a chance to win love! by:m.yakubd.c

  Josh(Jonathan Sadowski)是一位年轻富有的旧金山高科技企业家,他遇到年轻时尚、争强好斗的饮食博客作家Gabi(Emily Osment)后立即决定聘用她担任自己的私人厨师,两个

Hungry Youth Fifth

  饥饿的青春 第五

SAS is a special combat force in the UK. Each member of SAS is one in a million and invested millions to build it. They are powerful and resourceful, and under the leadership of calm and experienced Hanno, they shoulder a special mission that the ordinary military and police cannot reach. The challenges facing SAS are unpredictable


In the storm, an unknown ship was drifting on the sea. A fierce gunfight in the cockpit kicked off the second season of the anti-terrorism special mission. This season continues the previous style with a tight rhythm. Henno Garvey led the team to continue to take on various difficult and dangerous tasks to prevent suicide bomb attacks, assassinations, counter attacks on cults, and hostage taking, which was extremely dangerous. In the gap between tasks, a crisis within the team is gradually forming. How will they cope with many internal and external challenges? Fans who like action adventure can't miss it. Please step into the exciting anti-terrorism world with PLX
British TV star Ross Kemp (played Eastenders, Extras) plays the soul and tough guy Henno Garvey in the play. Play throughout the four seasons. Chris Ryan, a former member of the British Royal Secret Service who participated in Bravo Two Zero, the special operation of the Persian Gulf War in 1991, joined the play as a technical director. He also played Johnny Bell, the commander of the Blue Team in the first episode. His participation makes the play more realistic

  狂风暴雨中,一艘不明船只在海上飘摇。驾驶舱内的一场激烈枪战拉开了反恐特勤团第二季的序幕。这季延续之前的风格,节奏紧凑。Henno Garvey带领队伍继续接手各种棘手、危险的任务,阻止自杀式炸弹袭

SAS is a special combat force in the UK. Each member of SAS is one in a million and invested millions to build it. They are powerful and resourceful, and under the leadership of calm and experienced Hanno, they shoulder a special mission that the ordinary military and police cannot reach. The challenges facing SAS are unpredictable


Sir Jacoby, the star of"The Best Wife", unintentionally disclosed the news of the second season of the play at the BAFTA ceremony yesterday. The funny thing is that his tone of interview actually continues the style of the characters in the play:"He (McClain) has gone to film, and now he is not free - let God curse him! We will not do this again until next May." After the broadcast on ITV,"My Wife" was highly praised and had just completed the shooting of this year's Christmas episode ahead of schedule


The protagonist who failed in the college examination turned to a nursing school. She was not good at interpersonal communication and did not want to be a nurse at all. She wondered when she would retake the college entrance examination. However, the various personnel she met during her internship made her find a new self and gradually set her goal as a nurse

音乐剧部 ~秘密的歌园~
The stage of drama is a small musical part in the corner of one of the girls' high school girls, the name of the Mubu club. It plays in many movie works such as"being a minor but not an idol" to play the chief manager of the main role, and it is popular popularity as an actress and a model. And, it is Otomo Hanakai, Akemi Akasaka and Akira Takatsuki who perform the staff who solidify the circumference. Each character plays a strong character. P >
  女子高生たちのリアルな会話や青春ど真ん中の生き様を、注目の若手女優たちが熱演します  ドラマの舞台は、とあるお嬢さま系女子高校の片隅にある弱小ミュージカル部、通称ミュー部の部室。  主役の部長を演

The FX new comedy Atlanta had already renewed its second season. However, because of the relationship between the starring Donald Glover and the Han Solo foreign film Star Wars (playing the leading role Lando Callissian), the show announced on TCA that there would be no second season in 17 years, and it would be delayed to 18 years

  FX新喜剧《亚特兰大》早早就续订了第二季,不过因为主演Donald Glover要参演《星球大战》Han Solo外传电影(饰演要角Lando Calrissian)的关系,该剧在TCA上宣布17

The new NBC drama"Virtual Fantasy Reverie" is in the charge of Mickey Fisher, the chief creator of"Legend of Extrat". This drama tells about a former detective Mara (Sarah Shahi, the star of"Suspect Tracing Person of Interest") who specializes in"human behavior" is introduced to an advanced virtual reality program. In this virtual reality, there are dangerous and unexpected consequences. Rude and taken to"Reverie" to save others, Mara is now a professor of interpersonal dynamics at a pheasant university. She used to be a celebrity hostage negotiator, and now suffers from traumatic sequelae because she witnessed her brother-in-law killing her sister and niece, Customers only need a simple neural transmitter to use. Working with Charlie Ventana, a security consultant, and several investors, she was very proud of her system. However, when some of the first users did not return to reality and went into a coma, Alexis had to conduct damage control. Sendhil Ramamurthy plays Paul Hammond, the chief dreamer of virtual systems, or you can call him a dream expert. He is responsible for designing the factory settings and training mode of Reverie< Br/>Dennis Haysbert plays Charlie Ventana, the former chief police officer. When Mara was in the law enforcement department, Charlie was her boss; Now he works in Reverie and recruits Mara to solve the problem of virtual reality program. Kathryn Morris plays Monica Shaw, an official of the US Department of Defense, who has a vested interest in the Reverie virtual reality system; When she knew that there was a problem in virtual reality that did not return to reality, Monica and Charlie, the security director, worked together to carry out the damage control and rescue plan, otherwise the US Department of Defense would withdraw

  NBC新剧《虚拟幻梦 Reverie》由《传世 Extant》主创Mickey Fisher负责,该剧讲述一个专攻「人类行为」的前警探Mara(《疑犯追踪 Person of Interest》主
The stage of drama is a small musical part in the corner of one of the girls' high school girls, the name of the Mubu club. It plays in many movie works such as"being a minor but not an idol" to play the chief manager of the main role, and it is popular popularity as an actress and a model. And, it is Otomo Hanakai, Akemi Akasaka and Akira Takatsuki who perform the staff who solidify the circumference. Each character plays a strong character. P >
  女子高生たちのリアルな会話や青春ど真ん中の生き様を、注目の若手女優たちが熱演します  ドラマの舞台は、とあるお嬢さま系女子高校の片隅にある弱小ミュージカル部、通称ミュー部の部室。  主役の部長を演