
The play is based on the book MindHunter: Inside the FBI&# 39; s Elite Serial Crime Unit, written by former FBI agents John Douglas and Mark Olshaker in 1996. After retirement, Douglas studied criminal psychology in depth, and the characterization in American dramas Hannibal and Criminal Minds also referred to many cases in the book

  该剧根据1996年前FBI探员约翰·道格拉斯(JohnDouglas)和马克·欧夏克(Mark Olshaker)的著作《心理神探:美国联邦调查局系列犯罪破案揭秘》(MindHunter: Ins

  A documentary film about the Brazilian town of Toritama, the self-proclaimed capital of jeans. The workers of the city’s self-managed small businesses only get one real break from their self-exploiting lives in the textile business: the annual Carnival

  A documentary film about the Brazilian town of Toritama, the self-proclaimed capital of jeans. The

The film goes deep into the Syrian war zone to film the life of local residents, and directly attacks the daily life under the war rubble, recording a young woman in Syria's struggle with love, war and motherhood in five years


  Dave talks about not actually growing up in the projects, the hate he received from the transgender community, and from fake news

  Dave talks about not actually growing up in the projects, the hate he received from the transgende

On September 18, 1961, Dag Hammarskj ö ld, then the Secretary General of the United Nations, was killed in a strange air crash. In view of his disregard for European forces' support for Congo's independence, his death was not considered accidental. Today, more than half a century later, Mads Br ü gger, a Danish journalist and film producer, together with G ö ran Bj ö rkdahl, a Swedish private detective partner, tried to clarify the myriad details of this old cold case, but found more mysteries, which seemed to have unimaginable big news behind it...
Under its iconic agitprop style, Brugge, who made the documentary, became his own recording object at the same time. He challenged the essence of the truth by"acting" as a truth seeker - sometimes it was the absurdity and irony that gave us the courage to face the evil

  1961年9月18日,时任联合国秘书长达格·哈马舍尔德 (Dag Hammarskjöld) 遭遇离奇空难身亡,鉴于其不顾欧洲势力支持刚果独立的立场,他的死被认为并非意外所致。半个多世纪后的今天,

In order to avoid the current air strikes on hospitals and chemical weapons attacks that have killed many victims, some Syrian medical personnel were forced to establish hidden underground hospitals to save the lives of patients and avoid the loss of medical personnel and equipment. Several chemical weapons attacks took place in Alghouta, Damascus, where staff set up an underground shelter called"Cave". Dr. Amani and her colleague Dr. Alaa, nurse Samaher and 18 other women were elected as the managing directors of the hospital, which has 80 employees. They face death every day as they try to save the lives of people in their towns and isolate and strengthen hospitals to prevent further attacks


Leila accidentally discovered the"red pill" hidden in her favorite virtual reality game Azana - a top secret paradise. After her mother died, Leila fell into a deep sense of loneliness. Fortunately, she has created a digital identity"Shadow Disease" for herself, which can temporarily forget her troubles in the game world. Every time she logged into the virtual reality game Azana, she felt that she was really alive. In this amazing virtual place, Leila meets the mysterious game character Mania. She has everything Leila does not have: hedonism, capriciousness and insatiability. When Leila discovered the secret paradise"Red Pill", Adrian, the leader of the"Red Pill", said that she could not come uninvited, and then drove her digital character"Shadow Disease" out of the game. The next day, Mania - or Mania's real life identity Tess - unexpectedly appeared at Leila's place of work, and entered Leila's real life. Leila's world was forever changed. Leila soon realized that the so-called virtual paradise was not a mysterious shelter, nor a beautiful place that Adrian claimed. But she would like to know what happened to Tess/Mania

  Leila偶然发现了隐藏在她最喜爱的虚拟现实游戏Azana中的「红色药丸」—— 一个绝密的天堂。母亲去世后,Leila陷入了深深的孤独感。所幸她为自己创造了一个数字身份「影疾」,可以在游戏世界中暂
In the < p > model, Katsumi Hisamatsu, the actress, played the role of starring noshi Shinji, a dramatist on the theme of"sending a girl to a girl who tries to grasp happiness". On March 6th, Fuji TV will broadcast at 11:30 to 40 minutes every Tuesday for four consecutive weeks

At 3 × 01 In"Wild Horses", Christine becomes the president and CEO of the family performance group - although she has never seen a performance in her life. The new family business has given Chip a full-time job, but he can't transfer calls at all, let alone recruit the much-needed clowns in the group. Although his twin brother Dale is the only one in the family who knows about the family business, no one is willing to listen to Dale patiently... even the horses in the regiment don't listen to him! Anyway, Chip finally learned how to transfer calls@ Love to laugh

  在3×01《Wild Horses》中,Christine成为家族表演团的总裁兼首席执行官——尽管她这辈子从未亲眼看过一场表演。新的家族生意给了Chip一份全职工作,但他根本不会转接电话,更不用说

This film won the Best Documentary Award and Panorama Unit Documentary Audience Award at the 67th Berlin Film Festival in 2017. By advertising in newspapers, the director searched for former Palestinian prisoners who had been imprisoned in the Maskubia interrogation center in Jerusalem, including craftsmen, architects or film practitioners. He rebuilt the interrogation room and prison according to the memories of the latter, and through discussing with these men the details of the interrogation scenes and prison facilities at that time, he made a role play shooting of his prison experience, and reproduced the inhuman humiliation and cruel treatment of these former Palestinian prisoners during their imprisonment in the form of drama


Original name: Five Came Back: They Showed the War to the World Synopsis: Five Came Back: Hollywood and the Second World War is adapted from Mark Harris's work of the same name, which is the latest milestone of Netflix's original documentary series. From the perspective of five contemporary famous directors, this film recalls five legendary film masters who committed themselves to the war during World War II, went to the forefront of the war, recorded the face of the war with cameras, changed the world's view of World War II, and promoted changes in film creation - John Ford, William Wyler, John Huston, Frank Capra, and George Stevens. This film is executed and produced by Steven Spielberg. Francis Ford Coppola, Guillermo Del Toro, Paul Greengrass and Lawrence Kasdan speak in person. Meryl Streep speaks in person, combining fascinating themes, relaxed and dignified techniques, And the everlasting reflection, leading the audience to a history lesson that can not be missed, and witnessing how these five directors changed the world through films in the retrospect of war history and character history, and the analysis of the complex relationship between film and reality

  原名:Five Came Back: They Showed the War to the World 剧情简介: 《五人归来:好莱坞与第二次世界大战》改编自马克·哈里斯(Mark Harris)

After [Fool's Act], Mucong, his wife and husband, once again cooperated with the director Shi Chuanqing to play the WOWOW new drama Innocent Days directed by the latter. The play is adapted from the best-selling novel of the same name written by Zao Zai and Zhen. It revolves around the story of a dead female prisoner. Mucong, his wife and husband, will play a key role in the play. Zao Zai and Zhen had also been the screenwriter of the film [Our Family] starring Mucong, his wife and husband. The new play will be broadcasted on March 18 next year

  继[愚行录]后,妻夫木聪再度与导演石川庆合作,出演后者执导的WOWOW新剧《Innocent Days》。该剧改编自早见和真撰写的同名畅销小说,围绕一名女死囚犯的故事展开,妻夫木聪将在剧中饰演一个

The Dawn Wall, a documentary, made its first announcement, telling the story of two men's experience of conquering the"world's most difficult cliff to climb" Dawn Wall with their bare hands. It was inspiring [not simple]. In January 2015, Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson began to climb. They lived on the steep vertical cliff for several weeks, which attracted the enthusiastic attention of The global media. For Caldwell, this is not only a climb, but also an opportunity to prove his strength: at the age of 22, Caldwell was taken hostage by Kyrgyz rebels, and soon after he lost his forefinger in an accident. It took nearly 20 days for them to successfully climb Mount Elkapitan in Yosemite National Park, California, setting a world record for climbing the Dawn Wall with their bare hands. The Dawn Wall was first conquered in 1958. At present, there are more than 100 climbing routes, but no one has ever climbed the top with bare hands. Obama also congratulated them on their success, saying that"anything is possible"< Br/>Directed by Josh Lowell&Peter Mortimer, the film will premiere at the South by Southwest Film Festival on March 11

  纪录片《黎明墙》(The Dawn Wall)首曝预告,讲述两名男子徒手征服“世界最难攀登绝壁”黎明墙的经历,热血沸腾鼓舞人心[并不简单] 2015年1月,Tommy Caldwell和Kevin

Director of Strong Island: Yance Ford was shortlisted for the 2017 Sundance Film Festival documentary list

  《强岛》(Strong Island) 导演:扬斯·福特(Yance Ford) 入围2017年圣丹斯电影节纪录片单

The relationship between Zhang Yang (Zheng Kai) and Li Er (Mimi) finally ends in a breakup. After that, Li Er, who has calmed down a little, comes to Tianzhong and becomes a teacher there. Li Er's informal and careless style attracts the attention of the boy Duan Bowen (Chen Zheyuan), who sows the seeds of ignorance in his heart. By chance, Yuchizi finds that her best friend Scarlett (Yu Zhihui) and Duan Bowen seem to have an ambiguous relationship. In anger and despair, Yu Chizi, who was deeply betrayed, decided to revenge on Scarlett and let her taste the pain

  张漾(郑凯 饰)和李珥(米咪 饰)之间的感情最终还是以分手告终,之后,稍稍平复了心绪的李珥来到了天中,成为了那里的一名老师。李珥不拘小节大大咧咧的作风吸引了男生段柏文(陈哲远 饰)的注意,在他的内

The play is adapted from the novel of the same name by the popular reasoning novelist JIAO Jiamiao. Fujiwara also plays Shen Lai, a 32 year old wage earner who graduated from a well-known university and lives an ordinary life. Hueda Huilixiang plays Mizuko, the lover of Deep Lai. They meet in a coffee shop and fall in love; Shen Lai Killed People" The letter of accusation started, and slowly revealed the death of Hirazawa, a close friend of Hirose University 10 years ago; Accident; And" Event; The truth behind it is a suspense drama with the theme of friendship and atonement< Br/>The title"リ バ ー ス" contains the meanings of reverse and rebirth

  该剧根据人气推理小说家凑佳苗的同名小说改编。藤原龙也饰演一名从知名大学毕业,过着普通人生的32岁工薪族·深濑。户田惠梨香饰演深濑的恋人·美穂子,两人在一间咖啡专卖店相遇相恋  故事从美穂子某天收到

The play is adapted from Steve King's best-selling book of the same name. The famous producer David E. Kelley serves as the director of the show, and Jack Bender participates in the production and directs the first episode
. The story describes a crazy killer who taunts a retired detective with a series of terrible letters and emails, forcing the detective to investigate privately. He vowed to bring the murderous killer to justice in order to prevent him from committing crimes again. Brendan Gleeson plays the hero, Detective Bill Hodges, who is forced to"end" his retirement after an old enemy reappears. Harry Treadaway plays Brady Hartsfield, a deranged ice cream truck driver, and an IT staff of the network patrol police. In fact, he is a notorious"Mercedes killer"< Br/>The original book was published in June 2014, which directly entered the New York Times bestseller list and won the best novel award of Poe. Stephen King plans to write a trilogy, of which"Mr. Mercedes" is only the first book. The second book, Finders Keepers, was published in June last year, and the third book, End of Watch, was published on June 7 this year

  该剧根据史蒂夫-金的同名畅销书改编,著名制片人David E. Kelley担任剧集总监,Jack Bender参与制片并执导首集  故事描述一个疯狂的杀手用一系列可怕的信件和电子邮件来嘲弄一个退

Wang Zhicong (Huang Rihua), who used to work in CID, is upright, bold and careful, and has repeatedly solved strange cases; However, it has its bad side, that is, it is impulsive and arbitrary, and has repeatedly ignored the instructions of superiors and the advice of peers. Once, Zhou Jiaxiang (Li Chengchang), a friend and colleague of Zhicong, colludes with the bandits to plan an armed robbery in order to pay off the high interest debts of his gambling girlfriend. Zhicong is personally arrested and brought to justice. Is it true that the enemies don't get together? After Zhicong was transferred to Oji, he was paired up with Yongtai. Zhicong, who is arbitrary and independent, and Yongtai, who is conservative and acts according to the rules, were angry and complained about each other at the beginning. But after getting along with each other, they both appreciated each other's perseverance and justice, and became the best partners to put out crimes in O Records

  原来任职CID的王志淙(黄日华 饰)为人正直、胆大心细、屡破奇案;但也有其不好的一面,就是容易冲动、独断独行,多次在行动置上级指示和同伴劝告于不顾。一次,与志淙情同手足的好友兼同事周家祥(李成昌

Wang Zhicong (Huang Rihua), who used to work in CID, is upright, bold and careful, and has repeatedly solved strange cases; However, it has its bad side, that is, it is impulsive and arbitrary, and has repeatedly ignored the instructions of superiors and the advice of peers. Once, Zhou Jiaxiang (Li Chengchang), a friend and colleague of Zhicong, colludes with the bandits to plan an armed robbery in order to pay off the high interest debts of his gambling girlfriend. Zhicong is personally arrested and brought to justice. Is it true that the enemies don't get together? After Zhicong was transferred to Oji, he was paired up with Yongtai. Zhicong, who is arbitrary and independent, and Yongtai, who is conservative and acts according to the rules, were angry and complained about each other at the beginning. But after getting along with each other, they both appreciated each other's perseverance and justice, and became the best partners to put out crimes in O Records

  原来任职CID的王志淙(黄日华 饰)为人正直、胆大心细、屡破奇案;但也有其不好的一面,就是容易冲动、独断独行,多次在行动置上级指示和同伴劝告于不顾。一次,与志淙情同手足的好友兼同事周家祥(李成昌

Oji Inspector Wang Zhicong (Huang Rihua) and his boss Chen Gui (Cai Guoquan) form a partnership to fight against crime and promote justice. However, when Wang Zhicong returns from a business trip, he finds that Chen Gui has left his job, and the person who takes over Chen Gui as his partner is Liang Jiawei (Luo Jialiang), a senior inspector of the International Criminal Police, who has a lot of old grudges on weekdays. In addition, they also like the beautiful tour guide Miss Fang Xiaofang (Li Zi). The relationship between them is even worse, It seems that a war without gunpowder is about to start
At this juncture, Wang Zhicong's old partner Lin Yongtai (Chen Jinhong) returns unexpectedly, but at this time, he is also in trouble and cannot extricate himself from the emotional vortex. Criminals do not have holidays. In a prosperous metropolis, criminal actions are taking place all the time. Can Oji, who is divided by people, work together again

  O记督查王志淙(黄日华 饰)和上司陈桂(蔡国权 饰)结为搭档,共同打击罪恶,弘扬正义。然而,当王志淙出差归来之时,却发现陈桂已经离职,而接任陈桂成为自己搭档的,竟然是平日里就同自宿怨良多的国际刑警

Oji Inspector Wang Zhicong (Huang Rihua) and his boss Chen Gui (Cai Guoquan) form a partnership to fight against crime and promote justice. However, when Wang Zhicong returns from a business trip, he finds that Chen Gui has left his job, and the person who takes over Chen Gui as his partner is Liang Jiawei (Luo Jialiang), a senior inspector of the International Criminal Police, who has a lot of old grudges on weekdays. In addition, they also like the beautiful tour guide Miss Fang Xiaofang (Li Zi). The relationship between them is even worse, It seems that a war without gunpowder is about to start
At this juncture, Wang Zhicong's old partner Lin Yongtai (Chen Jinhong) returns unexpectedly, but at this time, he is also in trouble and cannot extricate himself from the emotional vortex. Criminals do not have holidays. In a prosperous metropolis, criminal actions are taking place all the time. Can Oji, who is divided by people, work together again

  O记督查王志淙(黄日华 饰)和上司陈桂(蔡国权 饰)结为搭档,共同打击罪恶,弘扬正义。然而,当王志淙出差归来之时,却发现陈桂已经离职,而接任陈桂成为自己搭档的,竟然是平日里就同自宿怨良多的国际刑警

After Fang Jinxin (Liu Songren), a popular stockbroker, was killed by his friend Ding Xie (Zheng Shaoqiu), who had been friends for decades, the four children left behind were taken care of by Luo Huiling (Lan Jieying), a stepfather. Fang Zhanbo (Liu Qingyun), the eldest son, was taught by his former friend Ye Tian (Luo Lelin) when his career was confused and decided to inherit his father's career. It was learned that when Ding Xie, who was imprisoned in Taiwan prison, had escaped to Hong Kong, Fang Zhanbo vowed to avenge his father and eventually ordered him to go back to prison, but he also offended his sons, Ding Xiaoxie (Shao Zhongheng), Ding Yixie (Tao Dayu) and others, who had a huge underworld background, so that all the family members except him died at the hands of this gang, Fang Zhanbo, with the help of everyone, especially Ruan Mei (Zhou Huimin), her confidante, Long Jiwen (Guo Aiming), and her friend Chen Taotao (Lin Baoyi), wanted to use the stock to defeat Ding Xie completely


After Fang Jinxin (Liu Songren), a popular stockbroker, was killed by his friend Ding Xie (Zheng Shaoqiu), who had been friends for decades, the four children left behind were taken care of by Luo Huiling (Lan Jieying), a stepfather. Fang Zhanbo (Liu Qingyun), the eldest son, was taught by his former friend Ye Tian (Luo Lelin) when his career was confused and decided to inherit his father's career. It was learned that when Ding Xie, who was imprisoned in Taiwan prison, had escaped to Hong Kong, Fang Zhanbo vowed to avenge his father and eventually ordered him to go back to prison, but he also offended his sons, Ding Xiaoxie (Shao Zhongheng), Ding Yixie (Tao Dayu) and others, who had a huge underworld background, so that all the family members except him died at the hands of this gang, Fang Zhanbo, with the help of everyone, especially Ruan Mei (Zhou Huimin), her confidante, Long Jiwen (Guo Aiming), and her friend Chen Taotao (Lin Baoyi), wanted to use the stock to defeat Ding Xie completely

  南宋端平元年,一场突如其来的洪水,竟使一个足以让南宋王朝顿然崩溃的惊天秘闻浮出了水面,就像一个蓄祸时久的恶瘤的急性发作,牵动着偏安朝庭的每一根神经都为之震颤  事发源头是在河流交错的灾区湖州…… 

The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom tells that the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was the largest peasant revolution in modern Chinese history. The war led by Hong Xiuquan expanded its power to 18 provinces in 14 years, with an area of more than 1.5 million square kilometers. This unprecedented war caused tens of millions of casualties. On July 19, 1864, the capital of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Tianjing (Nanjing), which had been encircled by the Qing army for several months, was captured. With the fire of the Qing army, the Tianwang Mansion, which was more than ten kilometers in circumference, became ashes. The once mighty regime of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was also destroyed in an instant. This peasant regime, which had swept half of the rivers and mountains in the south of the Yangtze River like a storm, withdrew from the stage of history. For more than a century, the history of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom has been very controversial. It seems that it is far and near from us, and has always been shadowy. Sun Yat sen, the father of the country, once regarded Hong Xiuquan as the second, while Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai shek praised the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. However, more and more scholars have pointed out that some historical facts seem to indicate that this is probably a misreading. Which is which? Is it revolution or cult? Everyone has his own interpretation. The truth of history is still far away from us

  《太平天国》讲述了太平天国是中国近代史上一次规模最大的农民革命,由洪秀全领导的这场战争,14年间将势力发展至18个省,活动地域达150多万平方公里。这场规模空前的战争造成死伤者达数千万人。 186

A Chun (Lin Jiadong) is a famous"wild child" in the village. His mother is crazy and his father is missing. Gu Shilong (Qin Pei), the head of Jiupu Xiang, took Ah Chun in for his misfortune. In order to repay Gu Shilong for saving his life, Ah Chun was conscientious and diligent in the wine shop, but he was bullied and criticized because of his disgraceful life experience
Gu Shilong was an out and out shrewd businessman, and the relationship between him and his brother Gu Shixiong was very tense. They fought openly and secretly, regardless of their level, Sister Gu Yao (Deng Cuiwen) has seen through the vicissitudes of life in the workshop since childhood, and is extremely tired of all this. An unexpected wind ripples over the wine shop. Gu Shilong has tasted the taste of betrayal. Only A Chun and the kind Li Shunfeng (She Shiman) are waiting for him. So Gu Shilong makes an amazing decision, that is, to hand over the coveted position of head of the wine shop to Shunfeng

  阿纯(林家栋 饰)是村里有名的“野孩子”,母亲疯疯癫癫,父亲不知所踪。大酒坊“九铺香”的当家古世龙(秦沛 饰)可怜阿纯坎坷的遭遇,收留了他,为了报答古世龙的救命之恩,阿纯在酒坊之中尽心尽责,勤勤恳

A Chun (Lin Jiadong) is a famous"wild child" in the village. His mother is crazy and his father is missing. Gu Shilong (Qin Pei), the head of Jiupu Xiang, took Ah Chun in for his misfortune. In order to repay Gu Shilong for saving his life, Ah Chun was conscientious and diligent in the wine shop, but he was bullied and criticized because of his disgraceful life experience
Gu Shilong was an out and out shrewd businessman, and the relationship between him and his brother Gu Shixiong was very tense. They fought openly and secretly, regardless of their level, Sister Gu Yao (Deng Cuiwen) has seen through the vicissitudes of life in the workshop since childhood, and is extremely tired of all this. An unexpected wind ripples over the wine shop. Gu Shilong has tasted the taste of betrayal. Only A Chun and the kind Li Shunfeng (She Shiman) are waiting for him. So Gu Shilong makes an amazing decision, that is, to hand over the coveted position of head of the wine shop to Shunfeng

  阿纯(林家栋 饰)是村里有名的“野孩子”,母亲疯疯癫癫,父亲不知所踪。大酒坊“九铺香”的当家古世龙(秦沛 饰)可怜阿纯坎坷的遭遇,收留了他,为了报答古世龙的救命之恩,阿纯在酒坊之中尽心尽责,勤勤恳

Zhang Wenwei (Luo Jialiang), a seemingly promising college student, was actually born in a poor family. His mother brought him up by being a procuress. Zhang Wenwei is not only ungrateful to his mother, but also tries to erase the existence of this history. Zhang Wenwei has a desire to transcend ordinary people for money and status. He is determined to achieve his goal of transcending class through marriage. However, Zhang Wenwei didn't know until this time that Jiang Li was born out of concubines and could not inherit her father's property. Zhang Wenwei, who had broken his dream of becoming rich, killed Jiang Li and transferred his strategy to Jiang Ying, Jiang Li's sister (Guo Aiming)

  张文伟(罗嘉良 饰)看似前途无量的大学生,实际上出生在贫困的家庭之中,母亲靠着做老鸨才将他拉扯大,但张文伟不但对母亲毫无感激之心,还竭力的想要抹去这段历史的存在。张文伟对金钱和地位有着超越常人的渴

Zhang Wenwei (Luo Jialiang), a seemingly promising college student, was actually born in a poor family. His mother brought him up by being a procuress. Zhang Wenwei is not only ungrateful to his mother, but also tries to erase the existence of this history. Zhang Wenwei has a desire to transcend ordinary people for money and status. He is determined to achieve his goal of transcending class through marriage. However, Zhang Wenwei didn't know until this time that Jiang Li was born out of concubines and could not inherit her father's property. Zhang Wenwei, who had broken his dream of becoming rich, killed Jiang Li and transferred his strategy to Jiang Ying, Jiang Li's sister (Guo Aiming)

  张文伟(罗嘉良 饰)看似前途无量的大学生,实际上出生在贫困的家庭之中,母亲靠着做老鸨才将他拉扯大,但张文伟不但对母亲毫无感激之心,还竭力的想要抹去这段历史的存在。张文伟对金钱和地位有着超越常人的渴

Shanghai in the early Republic of China. Wesley (Luo Jialiang) returns from studying abroad, but he doesn't want to run the pawnshop business of his family. Instead, he opens a private detective agency to facilitate his own investigation of strange news. He believed that there were ghosts and gods in the world, and that there were aliens outside the earth. Until he meets Bai Su (Meng Jiahui), a rational person, who is just opposite to Wesley in character. He analyzes everything from a scientific perspective and stresses the truth of evidence. On the lonely journey to find the truth, Wesley has continued his spirit of adventure to find the truth of all kinds of strange things, and finally found that his true love is Besu


Shanghai in the early Republic of China. Wesley (Luo Jialiang) returns from studying abroad, but he doesn't want to run the pawnshop business of his family. Instead, he opens a private detective agency to facilitate his own investigation of strange news. He believed that there were ghosts and gods in the world, and that there were aliens outside the earth. Until he meets Bai Su (Meng Jiahui), a rational person, who is just opposite to Wesley in character. He analyzes everything from a scientific perspective and stresses the truth of evidence. On the lonely journey to find the truth, Wesley has continued his spirit of adventure to find the truth of all kinds of strange things, and finally found that his true love is Besu


Ye Lin, a senior high school student in Qingzi Academy, although claiming to be a lone wolf, is still inevitably bullied by three female classmates, Ren Xiaoqin, the old enemy"Little Overlord" since childhood, Shusha, the tough and beautiful monitor, and Emile, a member of the transferred women's idol group. At the same time, in the campus life full of friendship, Ye Lin led all the students to start a happy, tortuous and progressive story in order to fulfill his brother's last wish to establish the campus lion dance club

  青姿学园高中生叶麟,虽自称孤狼,却仍难免遭受三个女同学—自幼的宿敌“小霸王”任小芹、 严厉美貌的班长舒莎、 转学过来的女子偶像团体成员艾蜜儿的“欺负”的日常。与此同时,充满了友情的校园生活中,叶麟

Liu Min (Xue Kaiqi) is an optimistic and cheerful girl. Her mother Li Zai Ai (Yu An An) and her uncle Li Zai Sheng (Xu Shaoxiong) set up a stall in the temple street to run a song gallery. The three of them live with Sister Tai Zhu Ling, just like a family, Shaojie feels that Tracy has lost himself for fame and wealth, so he left and moved to Temple Street, just upstairs from Liu Min. The two families met quickly, and Liu Min, who was outgoing and generous, deeply influenced Shaojie. Tracy used Liu Min to want Shaojie to return to her side. In fact, Shaojie already knew the truth. Since then, the two have completely separated< Br/>At this time, Liu Haoyun (Fang Zhongxin), Liu Min's biological father, returns. In those years, he married Xu Peifen (Chen Xiaoyi), a well matched man, and abandoned Li Zai ai, who was pregnant. Liu Min once lived with her father and stepmother. However, at the age of 5, Liu Min unfortunately suffered from bone cancer. But for the baby in her womb, Peifen returned Liu Min to Li Zaai< Br/>Just 20 years later, the appearance of Liu Haoyun's family caused turbulence in people's lives. It was not easy to resolve all kinds of contradictions and differences. Liu Min and Shaojie fell in love at this time. It seemed that life was very comfortable. Just when Shaojie wanted to propose to Liu Min, Liu Min had a relapse

  刘敏(薛凯琪 饰)是个乐观开朗的女孩子,母亲李再爱(余安安 饰)、舅舅李再生(许绍雄 饰)在庙街摆摊经营歌廊,他们三人与台柱玲姐住在一起,犹如一家人  另一方面,怀才不遇的作曲家张少杰(陈坤 饰)

Through 13 cases, this drama tells the story of a group of just lawyers in Hong Kong who fought in court and experienced various personal emotional tests outside the court. One day, A Chao colluded with others to take revenge on Ah Quan and killed him on the street. Police Zhou Wenbin (Luo Yingjun) happened to be there and immediately arrested A Chao. The prosecutor Ding Rou (Chen Xiuwen) hands the case over to the new subordinate Zaichun (Ouyang Zhenhua). Zaichun has always secretly admired his boss, but Ding Rou has already been attached to him, and is even more indifferent to him; On the other hand, Song Yun (Su Xingxuan), a royal barrister who has just helped a murder suspect get rid of his crime with his outstanding experience and skills, accepts A Chao's case and becomes his defense lawyer. In order to train his daughter Chengzhou (Liu Meijuan), Songyun asks her to take full charge of the case of A Da Da, and he gives her advice. With the guidance of his mother and the help of his elder brother, Cheng Yu (Tao Dayu), Cheng Zhou collects evidence everywhere. A war of words is about to begin

  本剧通过十三个案例,讲述了香港一班正义的律师在法庭内唇枪舌战,在庭外经历个人的种种感情考验的经历。一日,阿超伙同别人向阿权寻仇,当街斩杀阿权,警察周文彬(骆应钧 饰)恰巧在场,马上拘捕了阿超。检察

Through 13 cases, this drama tells the story of a group of just lawyers in Hong Kong who fought in court and experienced various personal emotional tests outside the court. One day, A Chao colluded with others to take revenge on Ah Quan and killed him on the street. Police Zhou Wenbin (Luo Yingjun) happened to be there and immediately arrested A Chao. The prosecutor Ding Rou (Chen Xiuwen) hands the case over to the new subordinate Zaichun (Ouyang Zhenhua). Zaichun has always secretly admired his boss, but Ding Rou has already been attached to him, and is even more indifferent to him; On the other hand, Song Yun (Su Xingxuan), a royal barrister who has just helped a murder suspect get rid of his crime with his outstanding experience and skills, accepts A Chao's case and becomes his defense lawyer. In order to train his daughter Chengzhou (Liu Meijuan), Songyun asks her to take full charge of the case of A Da Da, and he gives her advice. With the guidance of his mother and the help of his elder brother, Cheng Yu (Tao Dayu), Cheng Zhou collects evidence everywhere. A war of words is about to begin

  本剧通过十三个案例,讲述了香港一班正义的律师在法庭内唇枪舌战,在庭外经历个人的种种感情考验的经历。一日,阿超伙同别人向阿权寻仇,当街斩杀阿权,警察周文彬(骆应钧 饰)恰巧在场,马上拘捕了阿超。检察

In the courtroom, everyone is fighting for truth and justice; Outside the courtroom, people faced various emotional tests, resulting in tangled relationships.
The new 15 episode unit drama, No.1 Imperial Court II, inherited the essence of the previous episode, and brought out 15 shocking criminal crimes and civil proceedings through the relationship between different characters. No matter inside or outside the courtroom, it was also fascinating. The outcome is still unknown until the moment of sentencing. Ding Rou (Chen Xiuwen), a senior prosecutor, and Yu Zaichun (Ouyang Zhenhua), a barrister, have gradually stabilized their relationship. However, Rou's old love Li Guozhu (Deng Zifeng) returns to Hong Kong after divorce and re intervenes. Their relationship is in crisis. The new prosecutor, Tang Yuwen (Wang Jingwen), was able to handle affairs and was very appreciated; Prosecutor Zhang Jiaxian (Hong Chaofeng) looks at the wind and pursues Wen. However, Weiwen declined, and Wenwen felt good about Zhizhi's lawyer Zhou Zhihui (Su Yongkang). Hui broke up with his old girlfriend and was afraid of women. Later, when he finally summoned up the courage to develop feelings with Wen, he encountered a"bad relationship", which made Hui troubled again. The relationship between detective Zhou Wenbin (Luo Yingjun) and counsel Jiang Chengzhou (Liu Meijuan) has changed from strong to weak. Although the two are far apart in thought and life, and deaf counsel Zhou Shaocong (Jiang Zhiguang) tries to catch up with Zhou, the inferiority stricken Bin proposes to break up. Lin Xueyi (Lin Yiqi), Bin's boss, is honest. At first, he didn't bite Bin's tongue. Later, because of the sparks in his work, he cared for each other... The cynical master Jiang Chengyu (Tao Dayu) fell in love with the public relations of the nightclub Tang Zhihu (Liang Wanjing). Yu's mother Jiang Li Songyun (Su Xingxuan) strongly opposed it, but Yu went after it. Finally, Yu found that Shan was a homosexual, so he was killed

  法庭内,各人舌剑唇枪,为真理,为公正而进行抗辩;法庭外,各人面对种种感情考验,衍生段段纠缠不清的关系  全新一辑的十五集单元剧-壹号皇庭II,承接上一辑的精粹,透过不同人物的感倩关系,带出十五宗震

In the courtroom, everyone is fighting for truth and justice; Outside the courtroom, people faced various emotional tests, resulting in tangled relationships.
The new 15 episode unit drama, No.1 Imperial Court II, inherited the essence of the previous episode, and brought out 15 shocking criminal crimes and civil proceedings through the relationship between different characters. No matter inside or outside the courtroom, it was also fascinating. The outcome is still unknown until the moment of sentencing. Ding Rou (Chen Xiuwen), a senior prosecutor, and Yu Zaichun (Ouyang Zhenhua), a barrister, have gradually stabilized their relationship. However, Rou's old love Li Guozhu (Deng Zifeng) returns to Hong Kong after divorce and re intervenes. Their relationship is in crisis. The new prosecutor, Tang Yuwen (Wang Jingwen), was able to handle affairs and was very appreciated; Prosecutor Zhang Jiaxian (Hong Chaofeng) looks at the wind and pursues Wen. However, Weiwen declined, and Wenwen felt good about Zhizhi's lawyer Zhou Zhihui (Su Yongkang). Hui broke up with his old girlfriend and was afraid of women. Later, when he finally summoned up the courage to develop feelings with Wen, he encountered a"bad relationship", which made Hui troubled again. The relationship between detective Zhou Wenbin (Luo Yingjun) and counsel Jiang Chengzhou (Liu Meijuan) has changed from strong to weak. Although the two are far apart in thought and life, and deaf counsel Zhou Shaocong (Jiang Zhiguang) tries to catch up with Zhou, the inferiority stricken Bin proposes to break up. Lin Xueyi (Lin Yiqi), Bin's boss, is honest. At first, he didn't bite Bin's tongue. Later, because of the sparks in his work, he cared for each other... The cynical master Jiang Chengyu (Tao Dayu) fell in love with the public relations of the nightclub Tang Zhihu (Liang Wanjing). Yu's mother Jiang Li Songyun (Su Xingxuan) strongly opposed it, but Yu went after it. Finally, Yu found that Shan was a homosexual, so he was killed

  法庭内,各人舌剑唇枪,为真理,为公正而进行抗辩;法庭外,各人面对种种感情考验,衍生段段纠缠不清的关系  全新一辑的十五集单元剧-壹号皇庭II,承接上一辑的精粹,透过不同人物的感倩关系,带出十五宗震

In the courtroom, everyone is fighting for truth and justice; Outside the courtroom, people faced various emotional tests, resulting in a series of entangled relationships
a new series of"No.1 Imperial Court", which once again brought a series of shocking cases with the conflict between law and human nature; It also describes the various emotional contradictions in the legal world with in-depth brush strokes< Br/>Is sexual assault as simple as rape? A female victim of rape was the defendant's wife. Why did a case of martyrdom and suicide turn into a rape case? Love killing doesn't just happen between men and women. One couple is accused of murder, but they are both male< Br/>The greatness of maternal love was originally a song and cry, why did it become the motive force of crime? There are also family tragedies, police brutality, medical accidents that have killed people, and cases that have been closed for more than a decade have suddenly turned over...
While facing complex trials, people in the legal profession are also trapped in various emotional entanglements. Yu (Tao Dayu) meets the sister of an old lover, who is still devoted to her love even though she knows her secret identity. Later, she nearly ends her life. Zhou (Liu Meijuan) and Cong (Jiang Zhiguang) split up on the emotional road. Spring (Ouyang Zhenhua) and Rou (Chen Xiuwen) face a major test on the eve of their marriage. Hui (Su Yongkang) embarks on a new love journey after breaking up with his girlfriend. The final trial of the court, each person's feelings summed up, string into a compelling story

  法庭内,各人舌剑唇枪,为真理,为公正而进行抗辩;法庭外,各人面对种种感情考验,衍生段段纠缠不清的关系  全新一辑「壹号皇庭」,再度以法律和人性的冲突,带出一连串震撼人心的案件;并以深入的笔触描写法

In the courtroom, everyone is fighting for truth and justice; Outside the courtroom, people faced various emotional tests, resulting in a series of entangled relationships
a new series of"No.1 Imperial Court", which once again brought a series of shocking cases with the conflict between law and human nature; It also describes the various emotional contradictions in the legal world with in-depth brush strokes< Br/>Is sexual assault as simple as rape? A female victim of rape was the defendant's wife. Why did a case of martyrdom and suicide turn into a rape case? Love killing doesn't just happen between men and women. One couple is accused of murder, but they are both male< Br/>The greatness of maternal love was originally a song and cry, why did it become the motive force of crime? There are also family tragedies, police brutality, medical accidents that have killed people, and cases that have been closed for more than a decade have suddenly turned over...
While facing complex trials, people in the legal profession are also trapped in various emotional entanglements. Yu (Tao Dayu) meets the sister of an old lover, who is still devoted to her love even though she knows her secret identity. Later, she nearly ends her life. Zhou (Liu Meijuan) and Cong (Jiang Zhiguang) split up on the emotional road. Spring (Ouyang Zhenhua) and Rou (Chen Xiuwen) face a major test on the eve of their marriage. Hui (Su Yongkang) embarks on a new love journey after breaking up with his girlfriend. The final trial of the court, each person's feelings summed up, string into a compelling story

  法庭内,各人舌剑唇枪,为真理,为公正而进行抗辩;法庭外,各人面对种种感情考验,衍生段段纠缠不清的关系  全新一辑「壹号皇庭」,再度以法律和人性的冲突,带出一连串震撼人心的案件;并以深入的笔触描写法

In the courtroom, everyone is fighting for truth and justice; Outside the courtroom, people faced various emotional tests, which led to the entangled relationship between them.
The fourth episode of No.1 Imperial Court was launched for the first time in the form of a 20 episode long play, with richer plots and more attractive plots< Br! The fourth part of the No.1 Imperial Court describes that the protagonists are facing serious legal challenges, and they must uphold the consistent spirit of law to try complex cases< Br/>In addition, the relationship between each person has also changed a lot. Ding Rou and Yu ended up as a couple in Spring (Ouyang Zhenhua), but Spring met Yin Zhijie (Deng Cuiwen), a forensic officer, and Rou and Chun faced a break. When the relationship between Jiang Chengyu (Tao Dayu) and Tang Zhiqi (Liang Wanjing) stabilizes, Qi meets her former lover Luo Weilin (Li Longji) again, and Yu has a delicate relationship with Cheng Ruohui (Xuanxuan), a new acquaintance< Br/>Everyone in the court is strict in law and administration, and has a sharp tongue; The feelings of everyone outside the court are facing various tests. The fourth episode of No.1 Imperial Court is more compact and attractive, which is memorable

  法庭内,各人舌剑唇枪,为真理,为公正而进行抗辩;法庭外,各人面对种种感情考验,衍生段段纠缠不清的关系  壹号皇庭第四辑,首次以二十集长剧形式推出,剧情更丰富,情节更具吸引力。  今回剧中律政界人物

In the courtroom, everyone is fighting for truth and justice; Outside the courtroom, people faced various emotional tests, which led to the entangled relationship between them.
The fourth episode of No.1 Imperial Court was launched for the first time in the form of a 20 episode long play, with richer plots and more attractive plots< Br! The fourth part of the No.1 Imperial Court describes that the protagonists are facing serious legal challenges, and they must uphold the consistent spirit of law to try complex cases< Br/>In addition, the relationship between each person has also changed a lot. Ding Rou and Yu ended up as a couple in Spring (Ouyang Zhenhua), but Spring met Yin Zhijie (Deng Cuiwen), a forensic officer, and Rou and Chun faced a break. When the relationship between Jiang Chengyu (Tao Dayu) and Tang Zhiqi (Liang Wanjing) stabilizes, Qi meets her former lover Luo Weilin (Li Longji) again, and Yu has a delicate relationship with Cheng Ruohui (Xuanxuan), a new acquaintance< Br/>Everyone in the court is strict in law and administration, and has a sharp tongue; The feelings of everyone outside the court are facing various tests. The fourth episode of No.1 Imperial Court is more compact and attractive, which is memorable

  法庭内,各人舌剑唇枪,为真理,为公正而进行抗辩;法庭外,各人面对种种感情考验,衍生段段纠缠不清的关系  壹号皇庭第四辑,首次以二十集长剧形式推出,剧情更丰富,情节更具吸引力。  今回剧中律政界人物

No. 1 Imperial Court V, inheriting the development of the previous episode and continuing various complicated urban romances< Br/>Jiang Chengyu (Tao Dayu) and Cheng Ruohui (Xuan Xuan), after several twists and turns, are in a stalemate due to the involvement of a third party when their relationship is stable< Br/>Zhou Zhihui (Su Yongkang) leaves quietly, and his heart knot is hard to understand, until he meets Rui (Chen Xiaoyun). On the eve of marriage, Rui is raped by the AIDS satyr, and his relationship with Hui is broken< Br/>Qiu Yongkang (played by Tan Yaowen) and Cheng Ruoxi (played by Chen Zhijing) seem to be in harmony, but Xi feels embarrassed because she maintains her health in all aspects of her work, so they set up their own doors and show their strength. Kang defends a intimidation case, and her relationship with Xi gradually reveals crisis

  壹号皇庭V,承上集发展,再续种种错综复杂的都市恋情…  余在春(欧阳震华饰)婚姻失败后,先遇上独立坚强的夔或蕌(盖鸣晖饰),不久,春因调查一好友客死异乡的原因,又遇上欢场女子李彤(蔡少芬饰),遂展

No. 1 Imperial Court V, inheriting the development of the previous episode and continuing various complicated urban romances< Br/>Jiang Chengyu (Tao Dayu) and Cheng Ruohui (Xuan Xuan), after several twists and turns, are in a stalemate due to the involvement of a third party when their relationship is stable< Br/>Zhou Zhihui (Su Yongkang) leaves quietly, and his heart knot is hard to understand, until he meets Rui (Chen Xiaoyun). On the eve of marriage, Rui is raped by the AIDS satyr, and his relationship with Hui is broken< Br/>Qiu Yongkang (played by Tan Yaowen) and Cheng Ruoxi (played by Chen Zhijing) seem to be in harmony, but Xi feels embarrassed because she maintains her health in all aspects of her work, so they set up their own doors and show their strength. Kang defends a intimidation case, and her relationship with Xi gradually reveals crisis

  壹号皇庭V,承上集发展,再续种种错综复杂的都市恋情…  余在春(欧阳震华饰)婚姻失败后,先遇上独立坚强的夔或蕌(盖鸣晖饰),不久,春因调查一好友客死异乡的原因,又遇上欢场女子李彤(蔡少芬饰),遂展

It all started with a science fiction novel. In his science fiction, the novelist Yang Kuang (Liu Zhaoming) describes a way to transform a new human being, that is, to extract human brain cells and transform them, so that they can even control the minds of the reformed people. All these seemingly absurd ideas were taken in by a rich businessman who was plotting to control the world. He funded the establishment of a laboratory, recruited a group of subordinates, and captured Yang Kuang to do experiments. Later, Yang Kuang escaped and was taken to the hospital. Yuan Zhenxia (Li Ming), a doctor, has excellent martial arts and is just. He finds that Yang Kuang is very silent, his eyes are dull, and he often washes his hands with water. Yang Kuang's abnormal performance attracts the attention of Yuanzhen Xia. He and the nurse Caiyun (Zhu Yin) are determined to find out the secret behind Yang Kuang

  一切都由一本科幻小说引起。小说家杨匡(刘兆铭 饰)的科幻小说里描述了一种改造新人类的方法,那就是抽取人类的脑细胞,加以改造,以此甚至能控制被改造者的思想。这一切看似荒诞的想法,竟被一个阴谋控制全世

It all started with a science fiction novel. In his science fiction, the novelist Yang Kuang (Liu Zhaoming) describes a way to transform a new human being, that is, to extract human brain cells and transform them, so that they can even control the minds of the reformed people. All these seemingly absurd ideas were taken in by a rich businessman who was plotting to control the world. He funded the establishment of a laboratory, recruited a group of subordinates, and captured Yang Kuang to do experiments. Later, Yang Kuang escaped and was taken to the hospital. Yuan Zhenxia (Li Ming), a doctor, has excellent martial arts and is just. He finds that Yang Kuang is very silent, his eyes are dull, and he often washes his hands with water. Yang Kuang's abnormal performance attracts the attention of Yuanzhen Xia. He and the nurse Caiyun (Zhu Yin) are determined to find out the secret behind Yang Kuang

  一切都由一本科幻小说引起。小说家杨匡(刘兆铭 饰)的科幻小说里描述了一种改造新人类的方法,那就是抽取人类的脑细胞,加以改造,以此甚至能控制被改造者的思想。这一切看似荒诞的想法,竟被一个阴谋控制全世

The Chinese hero, who is equipped with unparalleled martial arts, was trapped by the Tiansha Lonely Star and was far away from his relatives and friends. He broke into the Firebird Island alone. In order to solve the grievances between the Chinese and the Red families, he fought with the Firebird guarding the periphery on the way. After many difficulties and dangers, he finally reached the Firebird Island. On the island, the hero used his superb medical skills to relieve the hardship of the residents. He was praised by the islanders, saw the small castle master red flame, and met the northern and southern elders, purple clothes and others. Heroes, seeing the leisure life on the island, will stay to live and help the island residents. The castle master Red Lian Eagle King pretended to be dead and practiced martial arts. On the first day of his magic skills, he came back to expose the sins of the Chinese family. The hero was arrested and convicted. The residents of the island begged for mercy. The Eagle King and the hero competed fairly. Finally, the hero prevailed with virtue and martial arts, and was willing to stay to revive the Red Family. Finally, the Eagle King cleared his grievances. Hua Jianxiong, the hero's son, is talented and flexible. He refuses to learn medicine from the slaves who raised him when he was young. He hates to travel around and make trouble. One day, he met Yu Buwei, a member of the shadowless sect, and was involved in a triangular relationship with Qiong Tian and Situ Mo. Mo Wen is the son of Situ Wuliang of the Qi Clan. He wants his son to practice martial arts diligently in order to become famous. Mo Wen was forced to break up with Qiong Tian and just met Jian Xiong. He didn't want to be with Qiong Tian. The misunderstanding deepened and he fought fiercely. Finally, Wuliang got out of the encirclement and threatened to wash the Wuying Sect with blood three days later. Not to be injured, Jianxiong sends him up the mountain. The slave notices that he is chasing after Jianxiong for fear of causing trouble. He meets Wuliang and others on the way. He was an immeasurable benefactor in those days. It is said that he and the living slaves were held in the hands of an immeasurable god. Now we meet again after a long separation. We are all at the Wuying Gate with great hospitality. At the end of the war, Wuliang father and son bloodwashed Wuying Gate. Only to escape, Jianxiong was willing to take ten hands of Mowen to save his life. How did he know that after seven hands, he was injured. The living slave was forced to take over, and the last hand died on the spot. Jianxiong was very sad. He took away the living slave, but he could not escape from Mowen's palm all the time. After the birth and death of the slave, Jianxiong was depressed. Wuliang, in order to make up for the mistake of breaking the contract, decided to pass on his merits to Jianxiong. Jianxiong also started a new life. One day, I learned that I was going to the Red Family in the relics of Shisheng Slave, so I gathered my heart and went there resolutely. On the way, I happened to run into the snow, and my feelings developed. Unfortunately, I was scattered and lost in the face of danger. After arriving at the island, they met Siao again. They were misunderstood by Red Flame and others. They suspected that they were spies. Finally, they learned that they were the sons of heroes, and the misunderstanding disappeared. The hero met his father and son again, explained his separation, and was willing to stay to help the Red Family. Therefore, the relationship between hero, purple clothes and red flame and Jianxiong, Ta Xue and Siao was also developed. Of course, there was light and dark, surprise and joy. Finally, Jianxiong married Ta Xue, and the Hell Gate asked Jianxiong to fulfill his former leader's wish to take over the leadership. Jian Xiong is still thinking about it. How could he know that Mowen was suspicious? He attacked the Taxue family at night. Many uncles died miserably, and Taxue was also captured. Jian Xiong and Mowen vowed to break their arms and lift their boundless gratitude. Meanwhile, Siao and Ziyi in the castle also disappeared mysteriously. The hero father and son suspected that the hell gate was responsible for them, so they left for the hell gate. On the way, he found that purple clothes were poisoned. The hero and purple clothes searched for medicine to detoxify them. On the way, Jianxiong went on the road first, and the three evil spirits of the blood family joined him. Jianxiong learned about the current split, and his anger was getting stronger and stronger, so he decided to change, change his bad habits, and practice magic moves diligently. In order to save Ziyi, the hero did not hesitate to take risks. Ziyi was very moved. Finally, he was cured with medicine and returned to Hell Gate, the leader of the Senate


The Chinese hero, who is equipped with unparalleled martial arts, was trapped by the Tiansha Lonely Star and was far away from his relatives and friends. He broke into the Firebird Island alone. In order to solve the grievances between the Chinese and the Red families, he fought with the Firebird guarding the periphery on the way. After many difficulties and dangers, he finally reached the Firebird Island. On the island, the hero used his superb medical skills to relieve the hardship of the residents. He was praised by the islanders, saw the small castle master red flame, and met the northern and southern elders, purple clothes and others. Heroes, seeing the leisure life on the island, will stay to live and help the island residents. The castle master Red Lian Eagle King pretended to be dead and practiced martial arts. On the first day of his magic skills, he came back to expose the sins of the Chinese family. The hero was arrested and convicted. The residents of the island begged for mercy. The Eagle King and the hero competed fairly. Finally, the hero prevailed with virtue and martial arts, and was willing to stay to revive the Red Family. Finally, the Eagle King cleared his grievances. Hua Jianxiong, the hero's son, is talented and flexible. He refuses to learn medicine from the slaves who raised him when he was young. He hates to travel around and make trouble. One day, he met Yu Buwei, a member of the shadowless sect, and was involved in a triangular relationship with Qiong Tian and Situ Mo. Mo Wen is the son of Situ Wuliang of the Qi Clan. He wants his son to practice martial arts diligently in order to become famous. Mo Wen was forced to break up with Qiong Tian and just met Jian Xiong. He didn't want to be with Qiong Tian. The misunderstanding deepened and he fought fiercely. Finally, Wuliang got out of the encirclement and threatened to wash the Wuying Sect with blood three days later. Not to be injured, Jianxiong sends him up the mountain. The slave notices that he is chasing after Jianxiong for fear of causing trouble. He meets Wuliang and others on the way. He was an immeasurable benefactor in those days. It is said that he and the living slaves were held in the hands of an immeasurable god. Now we meet again after a long separation. We are all at the Wuying Gate with great hospitality. At the end of the war, Wuliang father and son bloodwashed Wuying Gate. Only to escape, Jianxiong was willing to take ten hands of Mowen to save his life. How did he know that after seven hands, he was injured. The living slave was forced to take over, and the last hand died on the spot. Jianxiong was very sad. He took away the living slave, but he could not escape from Mowen's palm all the time. After the birth and death of the slave, Jianxiong was depressed. Wuliang, in order to make up for the mistake of breaking the contract, decided to pass on his merits to Jianxiong. Jianxiong also started a new life. One day, I learned that I was going to the Red Family in the relics of Shisheng Slave, so I gathered my heart and went there resolutely. On the way, I happened to run into the snow, and my feelings developed. Unfortunately, I was scattered and lost in the face of danger. After arriving at the island, they met Siao again. They were misunderstood by Red Flame and others. They suspected that they were spies. Finally, they learned that they were the sons of heroes, and the misunderstanding disappeared. The hero met his father and son again, explained his separation, and was willing to stay to help the Red Family. Therefore, the relationship between hero, purple clothes and red flame and Jianxiong, Ta Xue and Siao was also developed. Of course, there was light and dark, surprise and joy. Finally, Jianxiong married Ta Xue, and the Hell Gate asked Jianxiong to fulfill his former leader's wish to take over the leadership. Jian Xiong is still thinking about it. How could he know that Mowen was suspicious? He attacked the Taxue family at night. Many uncles died miserably, and Taxue was also captured. Jian Xiong and Mowen vowed to break their arms and lift their boundless gratitude. Meanwhile, Siao and Ziyi in the castle also disappeared mysteriously. The hero father and son suspected that the hell gate was responsible for them, so they left for the hell gate. On the way, he found that purple clothes were poisoned. The hero and purple clothes searched for medicine to detoxify them. On the way, Jianxiong went on the road first, and the three evil spirits of the blood family joined him. Jianxiong learned about the current split, and his anger was getting stronger and stronger, so he decided to change, change his bad habits, and practice magic moves diligently. In order to save Ziyi, the hero did not hesitate to take risks. Ziyi was very moved. Finally, he was cured with medicine and returned to Hell Gate, the leader of the Senate


Orange County is located in the south of California, the United States. It is a rich and lazy harbor town, and also a sunny tourist resort.
Ryan (Benjamin McKenzie, Ben McKenzie), a troubled youth, grew up in a slum. One day, when his brother taught him to steal a car, he was caught by the police. Sandy Cohen, a public defender, became his guardian. Sandy, who is responsible for supervising Ryan's life, let him live in his home on Newport Beach. Sandy's wife, Kyston, did not welcome Ryan's arrival. She is worried that Ryan will have a bad influence on her young son Seth (Adam Brody), and only agrees to let Ryan live for a week. On the first night of getting along with the Cohen family, Ryan meets Marissa (Mischa Barton), the girl next to the Cohen family, and falls in love with her at first sight< Br/>In this way, Ryan rushed into this strange rich world, but was excluded from his heart by his peers

  橘子郡位于美国加利福尼亚州南部,是一个富裕慵懒的港湾城镇,也是一个阳光灿烂的旅游胜地  问题少年瑞恩(本杰明·麦肯锡 Ben McKenzie 饰)在贫民区长大,一日在哥哥教他偷车的时候,被警察抓

It has been three months since Ryan and Theresa, who is pregnant, left. Seth sailed all the way to Portland, north of OC, and lived with Luke and his father. At the end of the summer vacation, school will start in one month. Kirsten is very angry because Sandy failed to persuade his son to return to Newport. Can Ryan and Seth return to Newport, and can their relationship with their lovers Marissa and Summer be eased


Orange County is located in the south of California, the United States. It is a rich and lazy harbor town, and also a sunny tourist resort.
Ryan (Benjamin McKinsey, Ben mingtian6.com, McKenzie), a troubled youth, grew up in a slum. One day, when his brother taught him to steal a car, he was caught by the police. Sandy Cohen, a public defender, became his guardian. Sandy, who is responsible for supervising Ryan's life, let him live in his home on Newport Beach. Sandy's wife, Kyston, did not welcome Ryan's arrival. She is worried that Ryan will have a bad influence on her young son Seth (Adam Brody), and only agrees to let Ryan live for a week. On the first night of getting along with the Cohen family, Ryan meets Marissa (Mischa Barton), the girl next to the Cohen family, and falls in love with her at first sight< Br/>In this way, Ryan rushed into this strange rich world, but was excluded from his heart by his peers

  橘子郡位于美国加利福尼亚州南部,是一个富裕慵懒的港湾城镇,也是一个阳光灿烂的旅游胜地  问题少年瑞恩(本杰明·麦肯锡 Ben mingtian6.com McKenzie 饰)在贫民区长大,一日在

  Everyone struggles to adjust to life without Marissa. Dealing with her death in the only way he knows how, Ryan has moved out of the Cohen house. When Ryan misses a special dinner, Seth finds him in the wrong part of town and calls Summer for help. Meanwhile, Julie Cooper will do anything to avoid dealing with the loss of Marissa. Kaitlin earns a new pair of boots from Dr Roberts in true Cooper fashion. And Taylor Townsend hides out in the diner and tries to convince her friends that she is in Paris. This DVD release contains all 16 episodes of the Fourth and final series of the OC
  Episode Guide
  The Avengers
  The Gringos
  The Cold Turkey
  The Metamorphosis
  The Sleeping Beauty
  The Summer Bummer
  The Chrismukk-huh?
  The Earth Girls Are Easy
  The My Two Dads
  The French Connection
  The Dream Lover
  The Groundhog Day
  The Case of the Franks
  The Shake Up
  The Night Moves
  The End's Not Near, It's Here

  Everyone struggles to adjust to life without Marissa. Dealing with her death in the only way he kn

This season will talk about the contents of the original novel 5-9, which will also be"more complex and ambitious than the first season". At the end of last season, the three sisters and brothers were deposited in Prufrock Preparatory School by Poe, a banker, waiting for the right guardian. They would meet Carmelita Spats, a wonderful classmate. The villain Earl Olaf, played by Neil Patrick Harris, will come to the school disguised as G ü nther, a European auctioneer

  这季将讲到原作小说第5-9本的内容,也将“比第一季更复杂、野心更大”。紧接上季结尾,三姐弟被银行家Poe寄存在普鲁弗洛克预备学校,等待合适监护人,他们会遇见奇葩的同学Carmelita Spats

The story takes place in a beautiful resort town. Olivia (Sharon Stone) is a famous children's writer and has many fans. One day, at a lively party, he met a man named Joey (Garrett Hedlund, Garnett Hedlund). The charming and elegant Joey soon attracted Olivia's attention. They got together. Olivia provided a studio for Joey, a painter, to facilitate his creation
What Olivia did not expect was that Joey had a girlfriend, This woman becomes the maker of the conflict between Olivia and Joey. Later, Olivia meets Eric (Frederick Weller) who is elegant and graceful. On the New Year's Eve, Olivia disappeared, which is inextricably linked to Joey

  故事发生在一座风景秀丽的度假小镇内,奥利维亚(莎朗·斯通 Sharon Stone 饰)是一位著名的儿童作家,拥有众多粉丝。一天,在一场热闹的派对上,他遇见了名为乔伊(加内特·赫德兰 Garret

The story tells that the manager of the furniture repair shop (Hideki Nishima) lives with seven cats left by his dead wife. Because he can't do what he wants, he and the childhood sweetheart veterinarian (Yoshise Mieko) find new owners for the cats

  故事讲述了家具修理店的店长(西岛秀俊 饰)与亡妻留下的7隻猫生活在一起,因为力不从心,而与青梅竹马的兽医(吉濑美智子 饰)一起为猫咪们寻找新主人

  Mr. The second season of Mercedes has been scheduled to be broadcast on August 22, 2018. At the end of last season, the evil Brady Harstfield tried to detonate a bomb in a small town event. Detective Hodges, Jerome and Holly arrived in time and were overpowered. Brady himself was hit hard on the head and became a vegetable.
The second season began one year after the event. In this year, retired detective Hodges continued to play his role and opened a detective office called Finders Keepers with Jerome and Holly. Although he has personally sent the villain to the hospital, Hodges is still unable to get rid of his"obsession" with Brady Hartsfield. He heard from the staff of the hospital that the nurses and staff of the hospital who took care of Brady, the vegetable, had strange accidents one after another, and even suicide. Hodges suspected that all this was related to Brady who was unconscious and dementia

  Mr. Mercedes第二季已确定2018年8月22日播出。在上一季的结尾,邪恶的Brady Harstfield试图在小镇活动中引爆炸弹,被及时赶到的Hodges警探,Jerome以及Holl

With unique personality and ideas, it's hard to understand. With a grinning face, he is dark and crazy. The man Jingze Fanren (Zecun Yishu), who has a huge amount of knowledge, keen insight and strong fighting skills, looks like a mystery. In fact, he is a former elite police officer, especially good at sneaking into and searching. Due to a case, he was moved to the Information Section of the General Affairs Department as the head of the room. On the surface, the information course looks like a gathering place for problematic people, but secretly there is a secret plan
This plan is to collect the personal information of all Japanese nationals, national surveillance cameras, e-mail and telephone communication data into big data, and then cooperate with the criminal data of the past 15 years to analyze with artificial intelligence and statistics to find highly dangerous people who are likely to commit homicide. In order to make the"non criminal system" practical, the information course will use the information of these dangerous persons to send out for sneak search to find out when, where and why the target will kill whom, so as to prevent the occurrence of the case. So the ostensible information course is actually a new criminal investigation system called"not guilty"< Br/>At the same time, Mr. Igazawa is also responsible for managing a group of highly personalized subordinates. These include Shinichi Yamauchi (Yokoyama Yu), who has been looking for his former partner Sakuragi Quan (Shanghuo Lottery) and fighting with Igawa, Yoshita Katsuke (Honda Yi), a female police officer who fights with S, Taro Nanyan, a hacker master who is angry (born at the time), and Tamura (Hirata Man), who is omnipotent but inconspicuous. Their direct leader, Dongtang Dingchun (Ito Junshi), wanted to introduce the crime prediction system to the elite of Japan's police station, and created a"no offense"< Br/>As for Sakuragi Quan, the original protagonist of the series, she was a new policewoman in the last two episodes. After seven years, she became an active search officer in the front line. However, once she disappeared during a special mission, the police office hid the"inappropriate truth" related to her disappearance in order to avoid public panic. However, the emergence of the"no offense" system may be related to her disappearance. What is the hidden truth? What is the relationship between the new hero, Fan Ren Jingzawa, and Sakuragi Spring


Shi Bowen, a rich man, injected capital into the brilliant college founded by Du Hu (Hu Feng) and Jiang Bi, and arranged for Shi Dehua, an uneducated son, to enroll in the school. Bowen also employs female PR Zhang Jinqiang to supervise Dehua and assist the School of Management. Jin Qiang hopes that Du Mingzhi, who is full of enthusiasm for teaching, will take over as the president. However, Du Mingheng, Meizhi's younger brother, wants to get to know Bowen by leading the college, so as to become famous and profitable. Even though Meiji and later became the headmaster, Mingheng still played a game in secret... The tutor Cheng Shu fulfilled the teacher's dream of entering Brilliant College, and together with the teacher's father Cheng Lang Qiaocheng, who was going to take the education diploma, together with Dehua and other students from different backgrounds, he made a series of jokes in this post-secondary college And"Hello, old watch hea!" But the story is based on the Hong Kong education system and has nothing to do with the previous work. Led by Guo Jin'an and Cai Shaofen, Zhang Jicong guest starred and supervised Huang Weisheng

  富豪史博文向杜琥(胡枫 饰)、江碧夫妇创办的灿烂学院注资,安排不学无术的儿子史德华入读增值。博文还聘用女公关张进强监督德华,并协助管理学院。进强希望由充满教学热诚的杜明治接任校长,但明治的弟弟杜明

It tells that seven years after the world became a frozen wasteland, the surviving human beings lived on a giant train that ran forever. The train had 1001 carriages and was divided into different grades. The rich elite occupy the front, while the poor live in the rear. People who have been oppressed all their lives decide to stand up and fight.
At the end of the first season, Leiden (Diggs) became the leader of the train, but he found that Wilford was still alive and drove on another train. Melanie risked her life to stop Wilford from invading the Snow Train. A new power struggle was about to emerge


A snowflake floats across the frozen earth and the train, and the freedom just obtained becomes chaotic again, because Wilford, the creator of the"Snow Train" played by Sean Bin, has returned to fight against Layton


Late at night, a fire broke out in the cloister pavilion. A man was buried in the fire. Jiang Yuanxing (Deng Jiajia) was severely burned and disfigured; Sunshine and handsome Cheng Cheng (Zhang Xincheng) appears in Jiang Yuanxing's life, and their fate seems to have been changed by the fire

  深夜回廊亭突然大火,一名男子葬身火海,姜远星(邓家佳 饰)严重烧伤毁容;阳光帅气的程成(张新成 饰)出现在姜远星的生命中,两人的命运似乎也被这场大火改变…  该剧改编自东野圭吾推理小说《回廊亭杀人

This new Netflix original comedy, Master of Inaction, was written, directed and acted by the comedian Az Ansari, who was famous for his role in Parks and Recreation. It is basically based on Az Ansari's own life experience. The Master of Inaction tells about the work and life of Dev, an actor in his thirties in New York. He can't even decide what to eat for his next meal, let alone how to choose his future life. While the story of Dev is funny, it also reflects the hero's ambition. His life is like making a film, which is not only very broad but also full of strong personal flavor. The film will show the plight of the elderly, immigration experience, and how to find the most delicious pasta for dinner. This film is jointly produced by Surrey and Alan Young, the screenwriter of Park and Recreation, and supervised by Az Ansari, Alan Young, Michael Shure, Dave Becky and David Miner

  这部 Netflix 原创喜剧新片《无为大师》由因出演《公园与游憩》而声名大噪的喜剧演员阿兹·安萨里自编、自导、自演,基本上是根据阿兹·安萨里自己的生活经历改编。《无为大师》讲述了纽约一个年界三十

Paramount Network (currently called Spike TV, which will be renamed soon) announced to shoot six episodes of the real event drama Waco, about the confrontation between David Koresh and the FBI and ATF in 1993, which is scheduled to be broadcast in 18 years. The Waco Massacre was written by John Eric Dowdle and Drew Dowdle, and directed by John Eric Dowdle; David Koresh established the Davidian sect. He ruled Carmel Manor in a military way and said to the believers that he would deal with the coming of the end, so he bought all kinds of guns and weapons. In 1993, the ATF raided the manor, killing believers. Then David Koresh confronted the FBI. On April 19, the manor caught fire. Taylor Kitsch played David Koresh and Michael Shannon played FBI Special Agent and Judge Gary Noesne. John Leguizamo plays ATF agent Robert Rodriguez, who is sent to Carmel Manor in David Koresh to collect evidence so that the federal case against the sect of David can be established, but he has established relations with the people inside< Br/>Melissa Benoist of Supergirl will play Rachel Koresh, and Julia Garner, David Koresh's legal wife, will play Rachel's sister Michelle Jones. She also has a child with David Koresh< Br/>Andrea Riseborough plays Judy, the wife of Steve Schneider (Paul Sparks), who reluctantly sacrifices his marriage to show his loyalty to David Koresh. Steve Schneider is one of David Koresh's closest believers and supporters. But when his wife said she was pregnant with the seed of the religious leader, Steve strongly resisted< Br/>Rory Culkin plays David Thibodeau, a young musician who joined David Koresh's band. At first, he only reluctantly joined the cult, but finally, agnostics (who believed that people could not know and confirm the existence of God) became sincere believers of the cult; Shea Whitham plays the FBI tactical commander, who is known in the bureau as his"bravado"< Br/>Camryn Manheim plays Balenda Thibodeau, David Thibodeau's mother, Eric Lange plays Ron Engelman, the host of the amazing talk show of the local radio station, Annika Marks plays Kathy Schroder, David Koresh's loyal supporter, Stephen Culp plays Jeff Jamar, the FBI agent, the commander in the siege of Waco, and Sarah Minnich plays Sharon Wheeler, the spokesman of ATF< Br/>Different roles of FBI, ATF and sects will be used to explore the details behind the real event; The source of this play is A Place Called Waco written by David Thibodeau, a survivor, and Stalling For Time: My Life As An FBI Hostage Negotiator written by Gary Noesner, an FBI special agent

  Paramount Network(目前叫Spike TV,即将改名)宣布拍摄6集真实事件剧《韦科惨案 Waco》,讲述David Koresh在1993年与FBI及ATF对峙的事件,预定18年播

Kwai short


ABC Announces Renewal of Season 5 of Fairy Tale Town


The Taste of Sour and Sweet (English: Family Time), the tenth original concept play of TVBS Happy TV Station in 2017. He Yihang, Ke Shuqin, June, Zhang Shuhao, Huang Yuan, Lin Yuxi and Fang Zhiyou lead the cast.
This is a story about home. Through the Spring Festival (winter), the Qingming Festival (spring), the Dragon Boat Festival (summer), and the Mid Autumn Festival (autumn), the four seasons of reunion, the changes in personnel and emotions in this year, bring out the small things of this family< Br/>Every family has a dinner table about reunion. Each dish on the table tastes like time, sweet and light, and often sour. In the complex taste of confusion, daily necessities, disputes and reconciliation, separation and reunion, laughter or tears will all be simplified into two words, life

  《酸甜之味》(英语:Family Time),2017年TVBS欢乐台第十部原创概念剧。由贺一航、柯淑勤、六月、张书豪、黄远、林予晞、方志友领衔主演  这是一个关于“家”的故事。 透过春节(冬)、

The TV drama"The Oath" is directed by Mao Weining. The main plot tells that during the Anti Japanese War, Yan Shaobai, a mathematical genius who bears family feuds and hates the Japanese aggressors, met officer Xiao Siyu and gangster Lei Hu by chance, and formed a different brother. In a battle, Xiao Siyu's head entered the shrapnel, which affected his ability as an expert in the"war game", so he found Yan Shaobai as his successor. Yan Shaobai used his mathematical talent and Xiao Siyu's help to become a war chess master. After a series of reviews by Ono, he finally joined the Japanese army and cooperated with the expert Kato Bowen to complete the weapon system development of the"Black Dragon" plan. He also successfully identified the Japanese insidious battle plan and disrupted the careful deployment of the Japanese army. During this period, Yan Shaobai and Han Yixuan exchanged feelings, but they failed to get together due to misunderstanding. Xiao Siyu also died due to years of injuries, illnesses and accumulated labor. Lei Hu, the third brother, had more and more cooperation with the Japanese, and the road became more and more biased. Finally, he returned to the right path under the advice of his two brothers, and died when rescuing Han Yixuan. Yan Shaobai and Han Yixuan resolve the misunderstanding and become lifelong partners


The play is a search action film about the fate and love of people who fight alone to change the established future. In the play, the powerful squad's top criminal police and the female criminal police who can sketch the future within three days together hunt down the rare killer
Rain plays the role of Jiang Dongxiu, the top criminal police of the central police station. It is also a famous figure among police cadres who solve cases with excellent intuition and execution, and break the rules with fearless investigation methods. One day, the lover who made the engagement died suspiciously and was involved in the case in order to find the truth< Br/>Li Dongjian plays Sergeant Jin Daozhen of the headquarters of special departments in the play. Both natural physical strength and systematic training are special forces from the bottom of their bones. However, the wife who was pregnant was killed and plotted revenge. In this process, Jiang Dongxiu was opposed to Jiang Dongxiu< Br/>Li Xianbin plays a female criminal policeman who can sketch the future within three days< Br/>In the play, Zheng Jinyong plays Zhang Taijun, who is always calm and calm

  该剧是讲述为了改变既定未来而孤军奋战的人们的命运和爱情的搜查动作片,剧中,强力班王牌刑警和能素描出三日内的未来的女刑警一起追捕少见的杀人魔  Rain在剧中饰演中部警察局的王牌刑警姜东秀。是以出色

Five young people. An old Volga. Eight million rubles for parents. A wicked and crazy thief. The Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the ghost town of Pripyat are the end of their pursuit of thieves. In this chase, various mysterious events appear one by one. Phantom, disaster, crossing, magic claw, the forbidden area is full of ghosts. Can the 1986 Chernobyl disaster be stopped? Their world is falling apart now? All the answers are in the fog


  This true documentary series investigates cases where people convicted of murder claim their confessions were coerced, involuntary to false

  This true documentary series investigates cases where people convicted of murder claim their confe

In the commemorative film of the 50th anniversary of the Sgt album, we can see many old faces in it. I saw that after the album was re released, it even topped the sales list. I really felt the great charm of the super band
