  铁幕重重,阴谋互  追寻真凶,往返于谎言假象的壁垒中  大局在胸的精神教父,为何巨细在控而又束手旁观  一座光明的城市为何暮霭重重,一群健康的脸庞为何疑云浓浓。一个狂奔理想的刑警薛冰(王学兵饰)、
  公元907年,江湖上群雄争霸,上官云、欧阳飞鹰、皇甫忠与司马逸结拜为兄弟,后因内部争权夺利发生火并,欧阳飞鹰勾结神月教主弑主篡位。八岁的上官燕幸免于难逃了出来,被武林奇侠古木天(左百学 饰)相救,

With the funny and interesting memories of the summer vacation trip, the students started their junior life. Feng Cuicui, the head teacher, directly gave them a move. Because they are photography majors, they began to practice and work in their senior years, which means that their junior years are the last year in school, and many people are still very confused about their future. After the class meeting, everyone had their own ideas, although they didn't talk, which was destined to be an unusual junior. Later, class cadre re-election, campus recruitment, student union president election, reporter's homework on camera, one minute video contest and other laughing points continued, each with surprising results. Feng Cuicui specially adjusted the class to take two weeks to shoot internship works for the class. Everyone had an unexpected opportunity in Bu Village and got a different feeling. After that, everyone took part in the last campus winter rescue meeting and ended campus life with laughter. The class teacher's painstaking efforts were not in vain. The students began to try to combine their hobbies and majors and move in their own directions

  纪录片《五年规划》,通过记录、展现普通中国人对自己和对国家未来充满信心的故事,表达全面建成小康社会,实现国家现代化,实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的全民期待。该片以 “规划意识”,解读当前治国理政的新
  电视剧《东方战场》展现了1931年至1945年中国军民 与各国人民热血抗战的故事。相较于 其他战争剧,本剧以全新视角解读东 方战场怎样影响西方战场的命运,同 时,该剧还囊括了二战期间东方战场 的重
  “好家伙”是革命队伍中一群藉藉无名的战士对自己的戏称,因为他们也戏称敌人为“坏家伙”。这群朴实的战士信仰坚定、意志顽强,具有很好的战斗素质。好家伙们是革命队伍中最为普通又最为坚强的战士  皖南事变

It is said that there is a mysterious pawnshop hidden in the marketplace, which is invisible to the ordinary people. Only those who have insatiable desires can enter the pawnshop. If they wish to make their dreams come true, they can overturn the pawnshop against the wind. However, if they redeem or destroy the pawnshop, they need to pay interest and costs to varying degrees. A little carelessness may endanger their lives. On the construction site halfway up the mountain, Lu Xiaofan's twin flowers changed and became bloodshot. The young man who had pawned for his beloved was in a panic, fearing that his wife would be in danger again. His wife Wu Tsung and his mother watched the sugary water shop and were unable to cope with the heavy debts. The pawnshop was called by chance. The pawnshop was out of control, but they did not know that the future was full of unknown crises and uncertainties

  在公司基层工作了十年的老实人胡强(李佳航 饰)忽然获得“升职”机会,被调去一个叫做“破事部”的小部门当经理。他的下属各个奇葩,刺头程序员欧阳莫菲(成果 饰)、鸡血销售唐海星(张一铎 饰)、八卦秘书
  鲁如花(祝绪丹 饰)是海城大学里人尽皆知的著名“推销员”,嗜金如命的她不会放过任何一个将东西卖给别人的机会,更不会让任何一点利益从自己的指缝中溜走。一次偶然中,鲁如花邂逅了名为文初(赖艺 饰)的富
  “国有国史,地有方志,家有家谱”,国史、方志、家谱,这些典籍资料共同记录了中华民族的奋斗史  《中国影像方志》将以局部折射整体,以地方表达中国,从中华文明演进和历史发展进程的角度,深刻解读中华文化
  周念中(霍建华 饰)与聂凯(胡宇崴 饰)是从小一起玩大的兄弟,虽无血缘关系,但感情胜过亲手足,随着女孩莫家琦(孙俪 饰)的出现,俩人之间的关系变得微妙起来。家琦父亲临终前,留给妻子和女儿各一条绿宝
  狗子原本是一名非常优秀的女足运动员,但命运却在TA身上开了无数次的玩笑。在患罕见病的11年间,TA病危6次,瘫痪11次,失聪4次。但TA却用一种逗趣的生活态度野蛮生长着  同志,残障,爱情,亲情,
  《本草中华》将以神奇的中华本草为切入点,带领观众走进神秘而充满生命力的中药世界,感知早已融入中国人生活、生存和生息的中医药文化  影片将以轻松趣味的基调呈现富有传奇色彩的中华本草,讲述与人们生活息

Tan Huhong (Yu Na) is said to have suffered from house leakage and continuous rain. She lost her job. Now she is driven out by the landlord. She is bored and meets the surgeon Li Bolin (Yin Xiaotian) in the street. The two meet because of misunderstanding."Cheers" model company recruitment, Li Bolin and Tan Huhong went to the interview together. The boss Zeng Weizhi (Yu Yi) was surprised when he saw the information about Hu Hong. The male and female model instructors are Wang Jun (Huang Xiaoming) and Hemei (Jiang Hua) respectively. They are fighting each other in the company. In private, Wang Jun is very concerned about Jiemei. He raises medical expenses for Jiemei's children and sells company information, which leads to"cheers" getting worse. Under the arrangement of Xu Tianli (Wang Haizhen), the first model of the"Sunshine" model company, Tan Huhong is brought back to the"Sunshine" company, which was once dismissed. In order to defeat each other, the two companies did not hesitate to use bad practices. Tan Huhong, who knew the truth, decided to find another way

  谈狐鸿(于娜 饰)可谓屋漏又遭连阴雨,工作丢了,如今又被房东赶出门,百无聊赖的她在街头偶遇外科医生李柏林(印小天 饰),两人因误会相识。“喝彩”模特公司招聘,李柏林与谈狐鸿同去面试,老板曾伟志(于

The story takes place in Yinshan City in the 1950s. A series of homicides in the reservoir attracted the attention of the local police. The scout Shen Ou (Chen Shuyao) rushed to the scene to investigate, and the leisurely fishing Jia Simou (Li Qiang) aroused her suspicion. At the same time, the Public Security Bureau intercepted the secret telegram sent by the Taiwan secret service organ to secret agent 101, and it was known that the"Canna" plan had been implemented. It turned out that the Kuomintang spies used the opportunity of closing the lake to drop the piranha fry, which has now multiplied in large numbers. It is now in the rainy season. If the sluice is opened to release water, the piranha will surely go down the river, affecting all the surrounding waters, with unimaginable consequences. The enemy's plot was clearly revealed, and our various departments quickly took action, mainly the public security department, to launch a soul stirring struggle against overseas capitalists and secret agents. A newly established red regime was undergoing a severe test

  故事发生在1950年代的银山市。水库发生的一系列杀人案引起当地警方高度重视,侦察员沈鸥(陈数 饰)赶赴现场调查,悠闲钓鱼的贾思谋(李强 饰)引起她的怀疑。与此同时,公安局截获台湾特务机关发给潜伏特

This play describes several college students with different professional backgrounds who meet due to the recruitment of a new science research group, which leads to a series of hot and hilarious campus comedy stories. The inventions in the middle are full of whimsical ideas, which triggered the big explosion of IQ and big battle of EQ in the community. The plot is simple but the theme is profound, full of creative ideas and opportunities. Create a series of stories derived from"network technology", and unfold the hidden mystery stories around the wonderful rules. In combination with the development of contemporary science and technology, the"near future" lifestyle exploration is displayed

  本剧描写了几个不同专业背景的大学生,因由一个非正常科学研究社团纳新而相遇,并由此引发一系列麻辣爆笑的校园喜剧故事。居中一个个充满奇思妙想的发明,引发了社团的智商大爆炸与情商大作战  剧情构置倾向校

During the Anti Japanese War, Shanghai. Because of its special historical factors, the concession area has become an island surrounded by the Japanese army. Various anti Japanese forces have sprung up under the leadership of the underground party of the Communist Party of China. It is in this special period that five Kuomintang female agents with unique skills quietly arrived. Takeuchi, the head of the special high school, set off a bloodbath of killing resistance forces. At that time, countless people with lofty ideals fell under the guns and butcher's knives of the aggressors. Wherever there was oppression, there was resistance. On this day, Takeuchi once again led people to capture resistance forces, but fell into the trap set by the avengers. On the opposite commanding point, Chen Chunxue's sniper rifle had already aimed at the executioner whose hands were stained with Chinese blood. The killing of Takeuchi irritated the nerves of the Japanese senior officers. They called in the spy master Zhitian to seize the opportunity to fight back


It tells the story of Wu Xie, Wang Pangzi, Xiao Ge, Xie Yuchen and others who cooperated with the relevant state departments to track down the ancient relics peddler gang led by Jude Kao, and finally found out Jude Kao's plot to covet the national treasure for many years in the Yunding Heavenly Palace of Changbai Mountain, and successfully stopped the illegal criminals from robbing tombs


The protagonist Wu Xie (Hou Minghao), a descendant of the Wu family of the Old Nine Clans, escapes from the tomb of the Warring States Period"Seven Star King Lu Palace" with heavy mechanisms after a narrow escape. When he returns home, he finds that his third uncle Wu Sansheng (Yao Lu) is missing, which also involves an archaeological team mystery more than a decade ago. Wu Xie received a mysterious letter from Ah Ning. In order to find his third uncle, he went to Xisha to find clues about the burial of a shipwreck in the Ming Dynasty. He met Wang Pangzi (Zhang Boyu) from the Seven Star King Lu Palace, and also found the mysterious ancient snake eyebrow bronze fish, and Zhang Qiling (Cheng Yi) who lost his memory. However, there seems to be another reason for the younger brother to come to the Xisha tomb. In the process of sneaking into the mysterious boat tomb of the Ming Dynasty, he was attacked by sea monkeys, forbidden women and other monsters, and finally broke through the mechanisms of Qimen Dunjia and returned to the land. However, the clues of the snake eyebrow copper fish and the hexagonal copper bell led them to the Qinling Mountains to explore the secret of the huge bronze tree

  主人公吴邪(侯明昊 饰)身为老九门吴家后人,从机关重重的战国墓“七星鲁王宫”九死一生逃出生天后,回到家中发现三叔吴三省(姚橹 饰)失踪,还牵扯出十几年前的一桩考古队谜案。吴邪接到神秘的阿宁来信,为

It tells the story of Cao Yanbing (Wang Dongcheng), the soul master of Luocha Street after Wei Wu, who swore to keep the Holy Land stable. The accidental intrusion of Xia Ling (An Yuexi), the spirit bearer, has triggered a storm in the Holy Land. The mysterious evil force that has been secretly coveting has launched a surprise attack, causing the destruction of the boundary between the world and the Holy Land. In order to protect their homes, partners and moral integrity in their hearts, Cao Yanbing and his happy enemy Xia Ling set foot on the journey to town souls

  讲述了魏武之后曹焱兵(汪东城 饰)身为罗刹街镇魂将,誓守灵域一方安定。寄灵人夏铃(安悦溪 饰)的意外乱入,引动灵域风云激变。一直暗中觊觎的神秘邪恶势力发动突袭,导致人世与灵域的结界被毁。为了守护家

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the ancient land of China was full of joy, but there was still a cold undercurrent surging behind the joy. In Yuzhou, Sichuan Province, Bai Jingzhai, the bandit leader who once dominated the country for a time, was brought to justice by the people's government, while the rumors that the old house he once lived in was haunted became more and more fierce. Long Fei, eleven young people from Beijing, worked as a clerk in the local archives in Yuzhou, and the dormitory of the archives was the old house where he confessed and worshipped. Because everyone was afraid of ghosts, Long Fei had to live in the dormitory alone, but he encountered many strange and mysterious events in succession. Soon, a homicide occurred in the archives, and the criminal police captain, Xiao Ke, entered the archives for investigation. In this process, Shaw and Long Fei not only sensed their differences, but also accidentally learned the secrets of a secret service organization called"Plum Blossom Party"...
This film is adapted from Zhang Baorui's novel"Plum Blossom Party"


Zheng Tianji, who was born in the countryside but worked hard to make progress, was a young and promising surgeon in Xinchang Hospital and was recognized and appreciated by the whole hospital. Wu Jiangchuan, who is also a surgeon, was born into a medical family, and is recognized by the hospital as a man of heaven. Two people with different experiences have an enviable feeling. Wu Jiangchuan's wife is the famous dancer Liu Bai, and Zheng Tianji's girlfriend Ye Shanshan's family background is also very prominent. Unfortunately, she suffers from serious heart disease. The failure of the operation gave Zheng Tianji, the doctor in charge, a heavy blow. He fell into panic again and again, and even lost his courage to pick up the scalpel. However, he gradually changed. At the same time, Liu Bai, who was injured in rehearsal and had Bai Xiaomei's cornea transplanted, encountered one strange event after another after the transplant operation was completed, and finally suffered from paranoia, and his behavior became more and more strange. Wu Jiangchuan, who was bound to be the vice president of the hospital, was depressed by Liu Bai. And does Zheng Tianji, who doesn't care about the position of vice president, really want to be subordinate to others? Or do you have another plan in mind< Br/>Finally, can Liu Bai, who has lost himself, reveal the truth behind the operation? What kind of life will Wu Jiangchuan face? What should Zheng Tianji, who is famous for his kindness and enthusiasm, do to keep his heart secret? How should Ye Shanshan choose when facing the changes of her lover? An accident revealed a mysterious past. A pair of transplanted corneas led to many thrillers. A wrong decision changed the fate of four people. In this small hospital, the heroes are being involved in a whirlpool one by one


In order to get rid of the canary like home life and prove her business strength to her ex husband Wan Yen, Zhao Xin, with the help of friends, contracted the internal staff restaurant of Baidu, named"Zhongli" and"Zhongli" Western Restaurant, taking the meaning of"Zhongli seeks him thousands of Baidu". Once opened,"Zhongli" has become the base for Baidu IT men and women to eat and hold meetings. Here, one after another is full of creativity Passionate and imaginative projects and products have grown from birth to maturity. With the growing strength of Baidu, Wan Wan, Zhang Tiezhu, You Jiani and Qiao Yang, members of the"Zhongli" Western Restaurant, have found their own work fun and life coordinates, love, friendship and colleague feelings in this small Western Restaurant. As a negligible part of"Big Baidu", it reflects the persistence, courage and joy of Baidu and Baidu people in the process of growth and expansion


The students in Class E of Senior Two have distinctive personalities and are unruly. What kind of head teacher should be changed to lead them on the right path? Wang Gebi (Bai Ke), a rich and young man with a luxury house, a sports car and a bunch of girls who want to give birth to him, turns into Ah Lie, the head teacher of Shude Middle School. He gets a small salary from then on. He has a tangle with Su Yi (Zheng Hehuizi), a novice female teacher. He is also responsible for listening to the girlish concerns of Wu Wei (Kong Lianshun), an older male roommate. What is he really for? An unruly teacher should share his youth with a group of students


Today, China's social outlook has changed dramatically. These changes have taken place around you and me, and have also attracted global attention. The new season of Super Project will take you to China, the core of the world's second largest economy. It will reveal the huge system project promoting the operation of this country, and take you to discover the secrets behind a series of major events. Tell you about the great efforts and challenges that the country is facing in order to achieve this.
In the new series, the Super Project team will pay more attention to the unknown super projects behind the basic needs of clothing, food, housing and transportation from the perspective of people's livelihood. The Super Project will also, as always, present you with vivid stories in detail, and will also take you to look forward to the future, looking for ways of doing things that can make your life better and more harmonious


"At the foot of the mountain, summer is in full swing and spring is at the top. At the foot of the mountain, autumn is full of ice. You can't see enough red, orange, yellow and green. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the most difficult to distinguish." This is a true portrayal of the climate in Shennongjia. The CCTV new film reporter filmed in Shennongjia from 2015 to 2017, focusing on the natural forest land of Shennongjia, and recording the natural scenery of Shennongjia mountains, forests and waters in different seasons in the order of Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. The film also regards human beings as a unique creature in the natural world, records the limited activities of human beings in Shennongjia, and shows the efforts of human beings from opening up to protecting nature, as well as the story of people sharing weal and woe with the environment and living in harmony


Song Ci (He Bing), who won the imperial examination in Beijing, is going to go to the border town with his friend Meng Liangchen (Wu Jun) after returning home and getting married. Unexpectedly, Song Ci's father, Song Gong, did not return home until the wedding day. When the two newlyweds were paying homage to the court, a carriage carried back their father's body. Song Gong was engaged in the trial and suppression of criminal sentences all his life, and never made a mistake. However, he failed because of a miscarriage of human life. This was a way of atoning for his death. He also left a suicide note to forbid the descendants of the Song Clan from entering the prison. Under the advice of his mother, Song Ci left for the border town to find out the case for his best friend and return his innocence. As a result, Song Ci was exceptionally promoted to be the leader of the sixth grade of the Dali Temple, and later appointed to be promoted to prison by other provinces. Song Ci successively found out and solved one outstanding case after another, such as the"unjust case in Taiping County", the"Li Mansion's linked case", the"Maozhuwu's unprovoked case", the"Chengnan Well's corpse case", the"left fan's fault case", the"Liang Yusheng's murder case", and the"Li Yugu's disappearance case"

  宋慈(何冰 饰)参加京试中了进士,预备返家完婚后随同科好友孟良臣(吴军 饰)赴边城。岂知,直至完婚那日,宋慈父亲宋巩依旧未归家。两位新人正拜堂之际,一辆马车却载回了父亲的遗体,宋巩一生从事刑狱审戡

In June 1938, the war in Wuhan broke out, and the situation of the War of Resistance was critical. Xie Gengyang, the special agent for military statistics, decided to"steal" Meng Qingfan, a long-term secret Chinese spy, out of the prison and shoot him to kill by the river. He dumped his body in the river and floated down the river to the Japanese position
Meng Qingfan carried a false intelligence forged by Xie Gengyang, which made the Japanese believe that the Soviets would send troops to Northeast China, and the attack on Wuhan was forced to slow down. Due to the hasty preparation, Xie Gengyang's plan went wrong, and Sato, the Japanese agent, firmly believed that this was a Chinese plot. He personally went to Wuhan to verify the authenticity of the information. Meng Qingfan, who narrowly escaped death, learned from the Japanese that the plan would cause harm to the Communist Party. He risked his life to escape from the Japanese camp and returned to Wuhan to stop him. The"Lie Plan" was submitted to the KMT and CPC leaders< Br/>For the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in Wuhan, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party decided to work together to complete the"Lie Plan". In order to make up for the flaws in the plan, Ma Xiaofen, a female announcer of the Eighth Route Army, was arranged to pretend to be husband and wife with Meng Qingfan, who were tested by the Japanese< Br/>The intelligence elites of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China, together with the most elite Japanese agents, fought in Wuhan around this lie plan

  1938年6月,武汉会战爆发,抗战局势危急。军统特工谢庚杨自作主张,将长期秘密关押的中共特工孟庆凡“盗出”监狱并射杀江边,抛尸江中,顺水飘到日军阵地  孟庆凡身上携带着一份谢庚杨伪造的假情报,使日

The mountains are wild and the stars are rare. A house with dim yellow lanterns has been quietly performing many strange stories under the cold and quiet green lights since far away. The benevolent beautiful fox girl Xin Shiniang, the smiling Ying Ning who makes people forget their worries, the scholar Sun Zichu who cut off six fingers to get the beauty A Bao, the fisherman who made friends with the ferocious Lu Judge because of unintentional invitation and changed his heart to Zhu Erdan, the eight kings of divinity who know how to repay their kindness and spend money, the lazy man who steals other people's ducks and is covered with duck feathers, and the fisherman who likes to make friends with the water devil because of his unwitting invitation. Legends have been staged one after another, with ghosts and spirits, fox spirits and spirits. It is unclear whether people are strange or not. This film is based on Pu Songling's classical Chinese novel Strange Stories from a Lonely Studio, and is shot from 47 stories in the book


In the middle of the Qianlong Dynasty, the famous general A Gui led his army to quell the Ge'er Rebellion, and was caught in heavy rain for months in Gansu. He Shen (Chen Rui), a green book office under Ah Gui's tent, returns to Beijing to see the emperor for help. At this time, Gansu Governor Wang Danwang (Xiu Zongdi) reported the drought, which caused Qianlong (Jiao Shuo) to be suspicious, so he sent He Shen to investigate. He Shen, with his agility and ability, succeeded in overthrowing Danwang, a corrupt official, which was appreciated by Qianlong. From then on, He Shen rose to prominence and eventually became an indispensable official of the imperial court. Qianlong's great achievements and extravagance were shown; There are countless corrupt officials who bully the emperor and the villagers, causing the national treasury to be in deficit. He Shen, under the attack of various forces, moves around, and works hard to manage this huge and weak empire for the emperor

  乾隆王朝中期,名将阿桂率军平定准葛尔之乱,在甘肃遭到连月大雨,大军受困,寸步难行。阿桂帐下绿营书办和珅(陈锐 饰)回京面见皇上求助。适值此时,甘肃巡抚王亶望(修宗迪 饰)上报旱情,引起乾隆(焦晃

It tells about Luo Xi's experience in high school, which led her to become a"steamed stuffed bun girl" when she just entered the university. Li Xin accidentally found that Luo Xi was the"heroine" who saved her life in those years. In order to help Luo Xi find her original self, a series of"embarrassing things" happened between them. But there is a secret hidden among the four of them: friendship, love and kinship. How should they choose


The relationship between Zhang Yang (Zheng Kai) and Li Er (Mimi) finally ends in a breakup. After that, Li Er, who has calmed down a little, comes to Tianzhong and becomes a teacher there. Li Er's informal and careless style attracts the attention of the boy Duan Bowen (Chen Zheyuan), who sows the seeds of ignorance in his heart. By chance, Yuchizi finds that her best friend Scarlett (Yu Zhihui) and Duan Bowen seem to have an ambiguous relationship. In anger and despair, Yu Chizi, who was deeply betrayed, decided to revenge on Scarlett and let her taste the pain

  张漾(郑凯 饰)和李珥(米咪 饰)之间的感情最终还是以分手告终,之后,稍稍平复了心绪的李珥来到了天中,成为了那里的一名老师。李珥不拘小节大大咧咧的作风吸引了男生段柏文(陈哲远 饰)的注意,在他的内

The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom tells that the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was the largest peasant revolution in modern Chinese history. The war led by Hong Xiuquan expanded its power to 18 provinces in 14 years, with an area of more than 1.5 million square kilometers. This unprecedented war caused tens of millions of casualties. On July 19, 1864, the capital of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Tianjing (Nanjing), which had been encircled by the Qing army for several months, was captured. With the fire of the Qing army, the Tianwang Mansion, which was more than ten kilometers in circumference, became ashes. The once mighty regime of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was also destroyed in an instant. This peasant regime, which had swept half of the rivers and mountains in the south of the Yangtze River like a storm, withdrew from the stage of history. For more than a century, the history of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom has been very controversial. It seems that it is far and near from us, and has always been shadowy. Sun Yat sen, the father of the country, once regarded Hong Xiuquan as the second, while Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai shek praised the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. However, more and more scholars have pointed out that some historical facts seem to indicate that this is probably a misreading. Which is which? Is it revolution or cult? Everyone has his own interpretation. The truth of history is still far away from us

  《太平天国》讲述了太平天国是中国近代史上一次规模最大的农民革命,由洪秀全领导的这场战争,14年间将势力发展至18个省,活动地域达150多万平方公里。这场规模空前的战争造成死伤者达数千万人。 186

Ye Lin, a senior high school student in Qingzi Academy, although claiming to be a lone wolf, is still inevitably bullied by three female classmates, Ren Xiaoqin, the old enemy"Little Overlord" since childhood, Shusha, the tough and beautiful monitor, and Emile, a member of the transferred women's idol group. At the same time, in the campus life full of friendship, Ye Lin led all the students to start a happy, tortuous and progressive story in order to fulfill his brother's last wish to establish the campus lion dance club

  青姿学园高中生叶麟,虽自称孤狼,却仍难免遭受三个女同学—自幼的宿敌“小霸王”任小芹、 严厉美貌的班长舒莎、 转学过来的女子偶像团体成员艾蜜儿的“欺负”的日常。与此同时,充满了友情的校园生活中,叶麟

Late at night, a fire broke out in the cloister pavilion. A man was buried in the fire. Jiang Yuanxing (Deng Jiajia) was severely burned and disfigured; Sunshine and handsome Cheng Cheng (Zhang Xincheng) appears in Jiang Yuanxing's life, and their fate seems to have been changed by the fire

  深夜回廊亭突然大火,一名男子葬身火海,姜远星(邓家佳 饰)严重烧伤毁容;阳光帅气的程成(张新成 饰)出现在姜远星的生命中,两人的命运似乎也被这场大火改变…  该剧改编自东野圭吾推理小说《回廊亭杀人

Kwai short


The TV drama"The Oath" is directed by Mao Weining. The main plot tells that during the Anti Japanese War, Yan Shaobai, a mathematical genius who bears family feuds and hates the Japanese aggressors, met officer Xiao Siyu and gangster Lei Hu by chance, and formed a different brother. In a battle, Xiao Siyu's head entered the shrapnel, which affected his ability as an expert in the"war game", so he found Yan Shaobai as his successor. Yan Shaobai used his mathematical talent and Xiao Siyu's help to become a war chess master. After a series of reviews by Ono, he finally joined the Japanese army and cooperated with the expert Kato Bowen to complete the weapon system development of the"Black Dragon" plan. He also successfully identified the Japanese insidious battle plan and disrupted the careful deployment of the Japanese army. During this period, Yan Shaobai and Han Yixuan exchanged feelings, but they failed to get together due to misunderstanding. Xiao Siyu also died due to years of injuries, illnesses and accumulated labor. Lei Hu, the third brother, had more and more cooperation with the Japanese, and the road became more and more biased. Finally, he returned to the right path under the advice of his two brothers, and died when rescuing Han Yixuan. Yan Shaobai and Han Yixuan resolve the misunderstanding and become lifelong partners


The play tells about a city in the north that
graduated from Sutian University in 2016, and she faced her first choice in life: whether to choose her favorite career or follow her mother's arrangement? When Su Diandian decided to go to UNIQUE magazine, at first, Su Zijuan strongly opposed it. Later, when she learned that Su Diandian's biological father was in UNIQUE magazine, she even lied that she was terminally ill to do her best to realize her daughter's wish. In the face of Su Zijuan's Tuo Gu, Qi Darui, Su Zijuan's first lover and the husband of Lin Sen, editor in chief of UNIQUE magazine, accepted the task at great moral risk, which also caused a grudge more than 20 years ago< Br/>Through her experience in UNIQUE magazine and with the help of everything like this, Su Dian changed from a rookie in the workplace to a charming woman. The process of her growth is the"Queen's Progressive Time". At the same time, after Su Zijuan died of terminal illness, Su Diandian met everything like her father and daughter

  该剧讲述了2016年,北方某城市  苏点点大学毕业,和单身母亲相依为命的她面临着人生的第一次抉择:到底是选择自己喜欢的职业,还是听从母亲的安排?当苏点点决定要去《UNIQUE》杂志社时,一开始苏紫

The play tells about a city in the north that
graduated from Sutian University in 2016, and she faced her first choice in life: whether to choose her favorite career or follow her mother's arrangement? When Su Diandian decided to go to UNIQUE magazine, at first, Su Zijuan strongly opposed it. Later, when she learned that Su Diandian's biological father was in UNIQUE magazine, she even lied that she was terminally ill to do her best to realize her daughter's wish. In the face of Su Zijuan's Tuo Gu, Qi Darui, Su Zijuan's first lover and the husband of Lin Sen, editor in chief of UNIQUE magazine, accepted the task at great moral risk, which also caused a grudge more than 20 years ago< Br/>Through her experience in UNIQUE magazine and with the help of everything like this, Su Dian changed from a rookie in the workplace to a charming woman. The process of her growth is the"Queen's Progressive Time". At the same time, after Su Zijuan died of terminal illness, Su Diandian met everything like her father and daughter

  该剧讲述了2016年,北方某城市  苏点点大学毕业,和单身母亲相依为命的她面临着人生的第一次抉择:到底是选择自己喜欢的职业,还是听从母亲的安排?当苏点点决定要去《UNIQUE》杂志社时,一开始苏紫